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Tron: Legacy (2010)
A response to Tron: Legacy's greatness, and its negative reviews which miss the point
17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went in with low expectations after reading all the complaints and reviews about the plot being shallow. After leaving the film though, i was thoroughly impressed with Tron: Legacy. What "bad plot", I kept muttering to myself. "What the hell are they talking about?" Maybe this is how it feels to be a fan of Avatar.

That said, I think reviewers are completely missing the point of Tron: Legacy. So many have commented on the absent explanations being the element that ruined the film for them but so many forget that the film's technicalities were too convoluted to begin with to even begin explaining (such as how and why the grid works), so it instead told a fairly simple hero's journey. As James Berardinelli writes in his review (also, off topic, why is he considered a top reviewer on RT?), "They had 28 years, and this is the best they could come up with?" Precisely my point. They had 28 years of technical advances! How do you adapt the original Tron's explanations? You can't. Leave it to the sci-fi novels, and at times, I really felt like Tron: Legacy was an adaption of a much larger, and more complicated novel. Instead of rummaging through made-up plot science, it relished in the atmosphere, imagery, and ambiance, furthering my suspicions that Tron: Legacy was really just a sci-fi novel adaption in disguise, as adaptions of novel usually focus on the atmosphere and recreating rich personalities rather then getting bogged down in a heavy plot. I was reminded of Inception, and how that danced around its explanations in favor of telling a great story.

I am wondering if there's some part of this film that alienates people. That makes people fight back against just sitting back and letting the film entertain you. I saw one alienating plot element, the meandering narrative, but thought it was methodical, and I suppose it could be described as "boring" especially as the ending feels a bit light footed considering all the build up. Not enough "epic" action. Not enough Tron, though really, it became readily apparent that 2/3 way into the film, the plot had switched to "leading up to another sequel mode". Really, the only thing keeping me from enjoying the film, which I found engrossing in how it relished every moment of screen time it had to tantalize the eyeballs of the viewer, was Olivia Wilde. She is this perfect romantic lead and I instantly melt when she appears on screen. I was on the edge of my seat the entire film, hoping she'd make it out to reality with Sam. It was intense in that she is such an enduring actress and she nails her part so brilliantly, that her romantic escape, for me, became the entire driving force of the film.

Let's finish it up with the hivemind complaints about Sam's character (Flynn's son). He's empty and shallow, but that is ENTIRELY THE POINT. His life is lacking, and he uses his father's absence as an easy excuse. I see this all the time in other films and people seem to get it. It's father-son relationships 101. When his father asks about him, and Sam instantly seems disappointed in himself, it's because of his aimlessness. I found this to be incredibly enlightening considering this was a Disney backed film and Disney loves perfect protagonists. By the end of the film, Sam had gone through an arc. We're not suppose to like him at the beginning, we're suppose to sympathize with him.

Last bit: The screenplay for Tron: Legacy reminds me of a very millennial gen-minded process for adaption, and I wouldn't be surprised if style over substance becomes a more standard modern methodology. The only problem is, most people go to see films to be "entertained" and have no precognition of the purpose of a film besides that. It'll be interesting to see what sells, and what doesn't.
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So bad, you can tell they meant it to be.
21 September 2007
There are many things that went through my mind after Resident Evil 3: Extinction ended that made me sad. One was, that even though I knew the trailer looked horrible, maybe the movie might be a bit okay... and I was wrong.

You know, I had thought I had seen it all... and then I saw the 20 minute fight scene involving "uniformed karate action zombies" (I AM NOT LIEING).

The CG looks like it came from the deleted scenes from a batch of Dragon Wars meets Dusk till Dawn meets a Sci-fi channel original TV series CG movie.

So finally, RE3 really is more of a Land of the Dead meets Day of the Dead spin off, and thus when you combine 2 crappy zombie movies.... you get quite possibly, the worst movie ever.... I give this movie a 3 because of those very few OK moments, but also because I realize that the movie was suppost to be that bad because I fell for it and still handed over my 7 dollars to go and see this monstrosity. Please do not go see this movie... you will only be paying for the sequel to this sequel sequel.
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Stealth (2005)
The special effects are the only things worth paying for...
12 May 2007
That being said, this movie lacks anything coherent or relevant. The entire story line feels like the creation of 18 different script writers that each decided to write 10 minutes of the film. Thus, the movie becomes a sort of Top-Gun, Terminator, Behind Enemy Lines, Virus creation that is only saved by the special effects team (could job guys!).... The acting has its moments but seems to constantly fall downhill.

Another mention has to go to the writer's portrayal of the US Navy and Air force. While the chauvinistic attitudes toward women are constantly portrayed (and in negative light) the pilots attitudes and this idea that air plane pilots get to make orders makes me give this film a "wtf?" Air plane pilots ARE tools, like the computer this movie is all about.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
It's worth watching just for the lasts 30 minutes!
21 April 2007
First, I'm a giant Shaun of the Dead fan and I was totally excited about a movie that was basically Shaun (without the Dead). So needless to say, I drove for an hour out of my way to find a theater that was playing this.

I immediately noticed that this movie was everything I hoped that it would be but it still had its drawbacks.

First, the dialog is definitely lacking the catchy factor Shaun had.

Secondly, the movie took a long time coming to the main attraction that the audience slowly started to lose interest.

And then... the final 30 minutes of the movie came along and made up for everything. I'm not kidding when I say the final 30 minutes are worth dieing for. It's that good.
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Watch this movie!!! (PS- EVEN your teenagers)
6 April 2007
I'm not that one mother who is going to say this movie is "an all-around family movie" because A. I'm not a mother (or a female) B. I'm a teenager. So therefore this is a reviewer based on my own experience with the movie.

But this movie is AWESOME. I see almost every movie that the movie theaters play and this is one of the most gut-wrenchingly happy movies that have come out in the past few years and I LOVED IT.

The whole "time-travel plot" plays off the same plot devices that all time-traveling movies use to lure in viewers and in this case, they are used for a kid-friendly comedy that instead becomes a comedy that uses humor surprisingly more like that of Arrested Development, Scrubs, and Invader Zim with slight references to itself and other comedies that will make the adults in the crowd be the only ones laughing and leave your little children CONFUSED because they won't understand ANYTHING.
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I just saw this movie and I am P.Oed
8 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I am critical of this movie because I really had high hopes and instead, this movie sucked.

*possible spoilers* (if you haven't seen the TV series) Where to begin??? Well, let's start at the quality. The movie was barely better than the original TV series and the two fight scenes were very nicely crafted. However the CGI was horrid.

Then there is the plot holes and questions that still remain after the whole movie is all said and done. This movie does not close off as a successful conclusion to a very broad universe known as FMA and only returns to expand the universe more before leaving us with nothing but our imaginations to decipher what would happen in the future.

And then there is the stories biggest fault. Adding WWII and Hitler... WHY ?? The series was perfect... and didn't need Hitler. It didn't even need Germany.

Overall the entire movie was sorely lacing in what a true FMA movie could have been and if I were the directors, I'd scrap CoS and make a new, more "ending", ending.
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
OK... sorta
27 January 2007
First off, I'd like to say this movie isn't what I expected. I expected a gory action flick with little next to no plot and instead... Instead I got a ton of storyline and only a few tid-bits of action.

The commercial, I think is to blame for my misunderstanding.

Still, even with this butt-load of story-line, I still didn't quite like this movie. It was like Crank meets the Departed (I liked both, especially the latter) but still... this movie was just too stupid at some points.

I would have given this movie a 3 or 4 but my friends liked it a lot so I'm giving it a 5 because my lack of admiration could be because of taste.
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It's not bland.... but it's nothing too special.
10 November 2006
I am probably one of the few that I've seen that has generally not thought this movie was as great as a lot of people have said. Then again, I completely got it and I knew it wasn't going to be funny. Maybe it was because I was expecting a "Punch-drunk love" or "Eternal Sunshine" or maybe even a "Being John Malkovich" But it didn't come off as those either.

After seeing the trailer I obviously saw what the story was about and everything but I exited the movie with nothing more than the A-B-C's that I had already picked up in the trailer. This could be a spoiler, but there really is no much more of a twist or story than what the trailer shows you. You know, I went in to "Punch-Drunk Love" and came out with a D-E-F too. With Stranger.... I really felt like nothing new and original had been popped out. And instead I felt like the trailer basically ended up being a 2 minute synopsis of the entire movie's plot save a few minutes here and there. Literally I left the movie with a "Is that all?" Sort of feel.

Will Ferrel and the rest of the cast play their roles perfectly but I had a lot of trouble connecting with any of them. I didn't connect with Ferell and that's what really disappointed me. I didn't feel like I really even cared what happened to him at the end.

I wouldn't consider this a comedy... or romance or even a tragedy. This was simply a story. Nothing big or fancy but nothing unique either. Just another movie in all respects. I'm rather disappointed.
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Getter Robo Armageddon (1998–1999)
Getter Robo.... Plus more
12 August 2006
A great man once said "i have a dream"..... that dream was Getter Robo.

The sequel to end all sequels, Shin Getter Robo is a sort of reunited version of all the Getter Robos (plus more) and then remixed using the talents of somebody other than Go Nagai. The animation, is more modern, yet much more unique and clean than "New Getter Robo" which came out more recently.

If you watched the original Getter Robo as a kid, watch this.

But if you are somebody who didn't (99 percent of you) this is still a good watch. The final 4 episodes of Shin Getter Robo will leave you wasted.

PS- Open Get :)
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Xmen 3.... Awesome action but character development?
26 May 2006
This is a great movie. Not because it's a good movie movie but because of the insane amount of action.

I'm not going to lie, the action makes this film. Unlike the previous two movie, people ACTUALLY get killed and they get killed in extravangant ways. The action was good and it would've been good with the previous director. This movie was VERY creative.

But... The characters. Sure, the X-storyline is VERY confusing but the plot can be summed up. Just don't forget to add character development. There were many scenes where characters started to have issues and then later in the movie after the main crisis, all those character issues, AREN'T RESOLVED. NONE ARE. ESPECIALLY the one with Bobby Drake/Iceman.

The last 10 minutes seemed rushed. Like they ran out of money and just wrapped it up. Thus because of the lack of an ending, the X-men Trilogy MUST now become a multi-movie franchise that I could've done without.

Kudos Mr.New Director. Just don't forget to read the comic books next time and watch a chick flick or two to find out WHAT drama is. Thankyou goodnight and goodluck.
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Slither (2006)
It could've been better.... WAY better
1 April 2006
I read a lot of comments on this before I went to go see Slither. I walked in expecting Shaun Of The Dead but I was a lil disappointed. It was funny for about 25 minutes out of the entire movie. The rest was just random running around shooting stuff and women getting impregnated by alien tentacles(not sexually though... I know, sounds weird but it isn't sex). It took forever for the storyline to actually pick up. I really didn't care about the characters that were focused on in the begginning.

The movie was a lil disturbing but it definitely isn't something your kids should see. The idea was good but I didn't want to see that much slimy blood and guts. Just didn't feel funny. The film could've been REALLY good and it is OK. But don't expect Shaun Of The Dead. It has it's moments.

The gore wasn't gore but more sexual slime than anything. Nobody was raped but I felt like they didn't need to show all of the slugs infecting humans and stuff. Could've just skipped some of the slug shots. There were just a little tooooooo much. The slugs could've been funny but instead were shown a little too much(and I had recently ate Mexican food so not a good combo).

You may love it... you may like it.... you may hate it but it is a movie at the end of the day. It has problems(some of which I could've fixed if they had given me 5 minutes)and I felt like for such a short movie they must have edited out a lot of the funny parts because the groseness was in every scene. That's not bad but I felt like it was going to be a parody and not an actual horror film.
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