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One Special Night (1999 TV Movie)
James and Julie are awesome
2 November 2019
This is a great movie but the family discord subplot was a little much. James Garner has never delivered a bad performance and Julie Andrews was superb in her role as a doctor.
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Utter tripe
24 November 2018
Over acted, under acted, implausible, and nonesense. If you like poor don't chooses coupled with a lot of walking for filler and ridiculous dialogue, this film is for you. From the beginning this was Another Teen Movie starring teens who couldn't decide if they were in a Disney special or a real documentary. A for trying something and playing the percentages. F for the final product.
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Strawberry Summer (2012 TV Movie)
Cute, but predicable- and potentially dangerous
26 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am giving this a 7 because it is sappy sweet and that's the mood I was looking for. However, this movie is full of holes. SPOILER ALERT......

1. It's pretty apparent that aside from his initial mouthiness, the dude is not a bad boy. 2. What is up with 1990 hair cut on the manager? 3. Jason has an allergic reaction to strawberries, during which he says he can't breath. No epi pen was used. Later, when they make the strawberry shortcakes, he pops a strawberry in his mouth. Not to mention when he has the reaction, the later that day (let alone the next day), he looks as though he didn't have any reaction at all (in time for a photo shoot. Isn't this a bit dangerous? 4. Beth has way too much time on her hands. She has a backstory as a failed singer (and later goes on to audition for an acting job-- why?). What is she doing with her time other than the strawberry festival, which seems to be her life (aside from volunteering as a glee club coach). 5. Beth is annoying and took herself too seriously. When she has a worried look, she looks like Kim Cattrall, and when she smiles she looks like Angela Basset playing Tina Turner. 6. Roxanne- she's supposed to be a bitchy, trampy, bitter barfly. Yet is forgiving enough to clap at the big finale when she loses the guy who could take her away from it all. 7. Shelly Long (need I say more) and Cindy Williams (Laverne and Shirley), and Meagan Fay (Roseanne's bitchy neighbor) needed MUCH BIGGER roles. They were awesome! 8. The glee club member with glasses has the acting capacity of a rock. 9. Having said that and being familiar with festival planning, if any festival were really run like this, it would be horrible.

Goofs: 1. Popping the strawberry after we know he has an allergy. 2. When the main chick wipes Jason's face, there are a lot of inconsistency with the placement of the whipped topping from shot to shot. 3. During the allergic reaction the severity of the rash on his face varies.
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Odd Girl Out (2005 TV Movie)
Horribly bad, bad, bad
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I am giving this film a 3 is because it is supposed to raise awareness of mobbing. I had several problems with this film. First, the acting is just bad. Several times I had to guess if Stacy was trying to act fake or not when I know she was supposed to be. Second, the mother of Alexa Vega was just too passive. She doesn't ask enough questions, she leaves her daughter alone when she is obviously distraught- and even though she was supposed to be asleep, I would have stayed with her until we could have talked things out. SPOILER: then the girl tries to kill herself? I mean what were all those medications doing in her bathroom- it wasn't one she shared with her mother! Additionally, if I, as a mother, had gone to school and the school couldn't stop this bullying, because that was what it was, then I would have gone to the school board and the superintendent to get some action. SPOILER: I would have also ripped that email out of my daughter's hand and said Stacy was a liar. Finally, I had such a problem with the fact that what they were doing online is considered a hate crime. As a mother, I know where my kids surf. I would have known all about the website and chats just from the protection I have on my computers for my teenagers. There would have been none of the "who is this?" that the mom typed in and SPOILER: I wouldn't have had any of the "if you don't own up to your screen names you'll be expelled" stuff. For corn's sake, the principal was a black woman- she knows hate and discrimination- you'd think she'd be more empathetic.

IMHO, this was not a realistic portrayal of any kids I know. They should have given Shari Perry more screen time instead of the little "gems of wisdom" she spouted. SPOILER: At the end, when Emily says "Give it up for the girl.", Tony (the loser that they were fighting over) claps and he is part of her group now? Like any daughter of mine would allow that to happen. The ending was super weak with Nikki using the hearts and flowers chat as ammunition.

My daughter is 12 years old and said that the movie was stupid because it was unrealistic- 'nuff said!
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18 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was completely off. It isn't even the Christian propaganda element that others have commented on. Well, maybe it is in part. The film seems to preach "if you are different, you must assimilate and then you will be tolerated." I don't really think that is what needs to be taught. Diversity is wonderous. All the geeks, jocks and preps should be allowed to be who they are and learn how to get along.

The emotional depth of the characters was unrealistic and overblown stereotypical. The geeks were really the worst stereotyping. The teenagers didn't seem to be dealing with any real crisis except the point of the movie. The acting did not even begin to cover the emotion that real teenagers have.

And finally, what is up with the kids working for the cops???? NO WHERE would this be possible. Kids being put in harm's way? It was too laughable.

Luckily I bought this in a $2.99 bin. Perhaps someone will give me $.50 in my garage sale.
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Horribly bad
14 December 2005
Maybe it was the quality of the version I saw, but the dialogue seemed stilted and it wasn't very funny- which was disappointing because Roscoe Karns is so brilliant. Dare doesn't seem to get a break in showcasing any ice skating talent and it seems she is just there to help the plot limp along.

The whole plot seemed muddied and muddled from the beginning. The only saving grace of this movie was that it was great to see Roscoe Karns and Edgar Kennedy. I think this movie could have been made better by putting a stronger emphasis on Dare, giving her something decent to work with and by having used actresses who knew how to play off of the other characters.
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