19 Reviews
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Should have been better.
29 July 2024
The ministry of ungentlemanly warfare should have been an amazing movie. It's got an extremely talented cast and director. Guy Richie has made some of my favourite movies. But this was not the hit I'd hoped for.

It felt too long and very flat in places. It probably could have been 30 minutes shorter. I felt there could have been more tension.

On a positive note, the chemistry between the characters does come across well. The story itself is a good one. And there are some genuinely funny moments. The action scenes were good, but again, could have been better.

I had been waiting for the release of this movie for a long time and the fact it wasn't released globally back in April did not help with my disappointment.
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The Continental (2023– )
8 October 2023
Having watching all the John Wick movies many times, I had high hopes for The Continental and I was not disappointed.

It is well written and beautifully shot. The music is plays a big part in how well this mini series works. There are amazing action scenes and the whole thing is well written and directed.

The Continental brings us the story of how Winston Scott became the head of The Continental Hotel. Interwoven in the main story is the story from his past that catches up to him in a really well written way.

Along with Winston Scott it was good seeing a young Charon who goes on to be the concierge in the John Wick movies.
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The Bear: The Bear (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode and most of the episodes this season have been brilliant.

I have quite enjoyed the various episodes that showcased the individual characters and followed up with their growth. The best of all was Forks, Richie's solo story. His arc and character growth from that episode to the final was amazing to watch. He went from my least favourite to most favourite.

This final episode, The Bear, Richie truly shines. You see how well he works the room and then how he saves dinner service. The beautiful moment when he sends out the chocolate covered banana to uncle Jimmy was a very touching.

Carm stuck in the walk in fridge was both sad and funny.
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Morbius (2022)
Better than expected
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Morbius had such low ratings and bad reviews right from the start. It took me some time before getting around to watching it. But I quite enjoyed it.

It's not brilliant and doesn't have a lot of the same appeal as most other movies based on Marvel comics but it has great story telling and likeable characters.

It probably could have been a little bit longer, taken a little more time with Milo after the transformation.

I thought Jared Leto as Morbius was a great choice. He played the part well.

I did struggle with Matt Smith as Milo, possibly because I've only seen him as Dr Who before this.

Overall it's quite enjoyable.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Just missed the mark
15 October 2022
Bullet Train had the making of a great movie, but just didn't quite get there.

The story had enough moving parts and some interesting characters. All the different story lines come together well. The fight scenes were all fantastic, nicely choreographed.

What lets it down is the over acting and poor dialogue.

Joey King's character was just annoying, over played and painful.

Karen Fukuhara is a brilliant actress but wasn't given anything much to do.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry have some of the best dialogue and are quite funny but still very much over the top.

Brad Pitt is boring in places and great in others.
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
Written during session 2 then edited in season 3
15 August 2022
I didn't expect much from Doom Patrol. I was hooked from the start. The story comes together and grows beautifully. The character story archs are well done. I probably would have rated it 8 but bumped it to 10 for Diane Guerrero's amazing acting. She's fantastic. Unfortunately season 3 takes a nose dive. Michelle Gomez is brilliant but she can't save the terrible story lines for the season.

So my rating is 10 for season 1 and 2 then 6 for season 3.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
I can't rate this highly enough
1 August 2022
Banshee is beautifully shot, well written characters and story lines with great acting. I enjoyed every episode, binging all 4 seasons in just over a week. It starts and finishes strong.
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Would I Lie to You? (I) (2022– )
Very funny
21 April 2022
I was worried that the Australian version wouldn't stack up to the uk version. Chrissie Swan is great as the host, and who doesn't love Frank Woodley. I took some time to warm to Chris Taylor but the he got there.

As in the British version some guests aren't as good as others but overall very funny.
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Sci-fi fun
17 April 2022
The Adam Project is a really enjoyable watch. It has the right combination of action, sci-fi and comedy, and hits right in the feels. There great acting from Walker Scobell who does an absolutely amazing job as young Adam.
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Copshop (2021)
Snooze fest
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has so much potential. The story is that one crook gets himself thrown in lock up to be safe and second one gets thrown in lock up to kill the first one. It could have been so good, the set up is great then it goes down hill fadt. Most of the acting is less than ordinary, Toby Huss being the exception for the most of his screen time. The action scenes are too quick. To top it off the ending is rubbish. I seriously got bored during this movie.
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Angels are back!
23 November 2021
This is the best episode this season so far and I'd say the best episode of recent years. After the mess of the 1st three episodes it was nice to have a good solid episode.
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Great whodoneit
27 September 2021
I'm on season 2. Its got very likable characters. Just detective stories without loads of personal mess.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Great action movie.
13 September 2021
This isn't like most of Guy Richies movies but it is a great action movie. Unlike some other reviewers I found the flashbacks added to the story.

The opening scene had really wooden dialogue. There was a few other clunky bits of dialogue. But overall quite enjoyable.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Quite enjoyable
13 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with others, this movie has the same formula as most assassin movies. The trainer/ family is the true bad guy but the story has heart. I really enjoyed it.

Some really good fight scenes.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the acting could have been better. Sweet Girl started slow, but built up well. Unlike some other reviews the twist is what got me giving 9 stars instead of 6. Loved it.
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Taskmaster (2015– )
So very funny
12 August 2021
If laughing so hard you cry is your thing, then this show is for you.
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McMafia (2018)
Comes together nicely
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I struggled a little bit with some things in episodes 1 and 2. Once the story lines started coming together I was hooked. I like most of the characters. There were a few unexpected moments and some almost unnecessary family drama.

My issue was with how easy it seemed for Alex to go from honest English banker to key Russian mafia player.
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The Five (2016)
Binge worthy
18 July 2021
The Five has less of twists and the story moves along nicely. I did think some of the acting wasn't great and I didn't feel for the parents as much as were expected to.
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S.W.A.T.: Los Huesos (2019)
Season 2, Episode 12
Missing subtitles
11 July 2021
I'm sure the story was great, there was plenty of action. Too much of this episode is in Spanish with no subtitles. So unless you understand Spanish you'll miss a lot of dialogue.
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