4 Reviews
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Not a clue what's just happened.
11 January 2022
So, binging TV like everyone else, came across this series, looked different, a little creative maybe? So I started to watch, I have just finished the last episode and I haven't a clue what happened? Characters who seem important in one or two episodes seem to disappear, there seems to be little or no correlation between people and events, it was just like one of those strange dreams you get when you come down with a cold or flu, you remember seeing stuff but it made no sense.
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Good Posture (2019)
Totally charming film
3 June 2020
I took a bit of a blind punt on this film, it was on my sky films list, and as I am rather partial to the odd 'offbeat' indie film I gave it a go.

This really is such a charming film, coloured with imaginative characters all of which are acted in such natural ways, there's nothing to make your eyes roll or let our a very long sigh, this is a very enjoyable and beautifully worked production.

I am so glad I watched this.
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Wicker Man meets Groundhog Day
9 October 2019
It does feel like you've watched every blade of grass grow ten feet by the time this film ends, the biggest problem is trying to maintain any interest in this patchy and unfathomable story, to which, you just seem to give up on.

I have only just finished watching this on Netflix. Maybe I should have watched Emoji the movie instead? I just can't begin the explain what I watched, it seemed the film was only meant to be 45 minutes and they packed it out with random ideas.

I gave this film the score of one because I was happy it ended.
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Appalling beyond words!
13 January 2018
I was eager to see this film, I am a massive George Remaro fan and totally love anything within the Zombie genre. Sadly it took just one minute to know how poor this film would be. Instantly the acting hits you (or rather the lack of it) Zombies bite into someone and they explode into a cloud of red (you've got red on you).

Each scene just become more disappointing than the last, the dreadful way it's filmed, the very shoddy cheap sets... and again with the acting... I just can't begin to convey how appalling the acting is, this is a straight to Sky's Syfy channel low budget production.

That being said, the acting is still better than the script! This really is a one lose story with no subplots or outside influences that get you thinking, this is a 'mind in neutral' film as you just allow the very basic plot to play out in front of you. It is worth noting that you need to rethink the Zombie rules with this film as they've turned the main, and pretty much only Zombie character into a more free thinking and stalker type (that talks!) and in doing so you forget this is meant to be a Zombie film based on the incredible 1985 masterpiece.

It's a very sad attempt and it seems it was made by people who have never seen a zombie film before. I guess the casting director should also write an open letter of apology for this cheap forgettable travesty.
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