
28 Reviews
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Spiderhead (2022)
Has anyone went over 15 min of this?
24 June 2022
Please tell me . Is thisbjust a money grab plot with sensless imagination... man ... to make money nowadays we bring a good actor an we expect get peoples money now i known why my wife is telling me no more going to the movies . Latest movies are just new clickbaits.
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Amazing acting. Realistic
23 March 2021
This tv show reminded me of deadwood tv show . Some raw acting wich shows who we were who we are as beings. Our greed . Bank greed origins. Low scoring is coming from idealistic people and priviliged people only i guess.. Loved it. Want more of it
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Overrated acting goofy over intriguing plot yooo wake up thanks!!!!
24 February 2021
You will certainly get hooked up until you dont . It certainly started good .intriguing .thrilling. I do not know where people who rated this so good are living? Can you just give your honest opinion. ???How do you like ep 6 onward. It s a mess of unrealistic emotionless unlikely events that will and will not happen plot goes down to toilet because personalities caracters shifts from being natural to become totally scriptural. Actors themselves seem overacting and they came for the check of Amazon after ep 6 if you rate the movie 10 then you gotta b easy to impress and your ability to get swindled in life is at stake this tv show added some actors to my blacklist... we all love the show. But we have new standards. U make us pay to watch we make you feel our natural opinions...sorrt no hate no grudges but dont waste my time thks
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Some real good story
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gave ten because it impossible to rate it 6 overall. Come on guys.?are trumpers trying to screw ratings??? It s been a long time i havent watched a teuely heart moving movie. I so puke at these haters who low rated it!?!?!?
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I Care a Lot (2020)
I cared about watching until indidnt
21 February 2021
Come on.... it could have been a good movie given the plot... but it had to turn from a thriller into a total waste .unrealistic and louuuusy end.. the rating is beacause you should stop messing with people s brains some may say it s a fiction ...but all movies are.... what a waste of talent!!!! U expect good movie from good actors.. not this
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Is it the demise of cinema ?
18 February 2021
Watching this sent me only to one thought.... did we become trapped in an endless videogamer producers ...spare me this crap would u. Sorry Mia. U lost a fan forever cant even comment
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Could have been a 10...but
15 February 2021
Nice plot... very good acting...Too bad the kids dont play like they should by the kids i mean ADAM AND THE MAFIOSO DAUGHTER....THEY RUINED THE SHOW....any other actor would have played it right
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Penguin Bloom (2020)
I missed movies like that
12 February 2021
What s wrong with a heart moving realistic and dramatic movie from time to time. I knew this actress had something different way better than her eternal now waxy botoxy figure look alike....kidman marvel...yaaa all know what i mean after u watch this....
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Please tell me this is not just me who finds it dumb
26 January 2021
Yes it could have been a good movie but you ruined it with a quite dumb and unrealistic scenario especially the moronic end and very impossible situations Phisically and mentally toooooo faked not remotely close to something that may happen movies. All people who liked it in imdb must be the same young actors who played in it i cant explain it otherwise gave a blunt 1 instead of 3 just to try to help people have an honest and not rigged review ...ya all.know what i mean ...sit and watch.... Nah ...what a waste?!?!?
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Servant (2019–2023)
Nnnah... too NoiR ,Dull and low budget nugget
25 January 2021
How would i like a dull unrealistic plot... too pushed acting. Redundant language . Dimly lit theatric performance. Must admiy it started quitr good untlil it wasnt. ll know what i mean few episodes in..... couldnt follow this dull low budget braincell consuming wannabe thriller
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Bloody Hell (2020)
19 January 2021
So loved this sick movie! What made it great is the acting and the parts where they dont ask you to undersfand ...just go with the flow...loved it !
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That thing is a piece of art
18 January 2021
I needed some good and authentic acting with real and tough look toward real true events that happened. Anyone with good sense and heart and anti supremacist plaguing thoughts should love it. Haters should watch WWE and continue denial of racism in USA and all over the world
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Coyote (2021)
Helllll it s suspenseful !?!?
10 January 2021
I loved the actor back on the Shield tv show. And now he s back on a very reallistic creeping heart gripping suspensful adrelanine drama!!!! Man it getts u hooked not wanting to leave before you watch next episode!!!
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So heart telling. Highly Realistic drama
9 January 2021
Acting is intense story is plausible. It s been a very good time watching this !A good movie i didnt expect from netflix. Brace yourself you re going for an emotional ride...
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The Empty Man (2020)
Good acting with pretty much catching plot
27 December 2020
I felt good time of watching....the acting did contributed to keep an eye on this.long movie worth my time. Suspensful and not bad at all
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Can a superhero movie get any dumber than this???
26 December 2020
Cheesy acting this time Gadot. What happened can we get another wonder women pls? I cant forgive good reviews for dragging me into watching this dull and heavy far fetched scenario and acting Superheros in pandemic time do not have to be over feminist and overdo redundant childish jokes. This movie made me hate all superhero movies.nah.... what a waste of plot and.special effects. Spider man of 10 years ago is ten times better an i am not even fan of spiderman
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Girl (I) (2020)
Why did u call Mickey to squeeze his waxy figure again!?!?!
26 November 2020
It could have been such a nice movie.....nice plot what a waste. Some dudes need to stay away from acting.... sorry bella u worked up a good miss with waxy bottox face Mickey. Soooo unrealistic cheap expressions playing tough dudes ohh my ohhh my let people enjoy it...stopped watching yaaaark
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Hex (I) (2018)
Gave 10 instead of 7 only to counter the haters
16 November 2020
Very good movie. Vmcannit umderstant 1 ratings ??? I was going to give it a 7 but gave 10 instead only to counter these haters. Good movie .good plot some bad acting at the end of the movie wont spoil .i didnt feel like it s a crapoy movie it s even a good one so stop hating good work of people hahahha
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25 October 2020
Cant stop laughing sorry. This is artistically morbid Shocking depraving gore but at least it shows how sick is the society nowadays
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Fingers (2019)
It has some moral even though totally morbid
7 October 2020
Artistically good and with all the silly cliche movies i can allow bizarre toddlimg my eyesight... after all it s 2020 i wont even be surprised if a see a cow flying backwards in my livingroom... yup i liked that movie u may like it too... all i have to say....
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Masterpiece !
2 September 2020
Cant understand why this movie is so underrated. Acting is realistic and music succeded bring us to the era. True unpredictable story low raters are the ones who like to watch stranger things and have a ball at it
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Red Lights (2012)
Loved it
2 September 2020
I usually watch these movies the year they r out i dont know how i missed that one... must wacth ..i loved the unpredictable ending. And Weaver was awesome in that movie!!!
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Why please Russel???
1 September 2020
No spoilers here but why Russel you were one of my favorite actors how could you fall into that kind of unrealistic bummy plot that even the dullest budget movie can do better what happened in your life ..ok was so excited to go to the movies with this pandemic thingy to finally watch this ? I m mad more about these reviews that puts an average of six rating????waste of money waste of time . Who will rate this boring out of time unrealistic flop 6 or five or even 1. Put one because there is no zero and please quit acting russel or apologize to other fans .you lost my respect for you as an actor!!! And wait for the others lile me or anyone with logical brain who ll watch this nonsense?!?!?
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Loved it... simple but funny
23 August 2020
I am not exagerating ...found it funny and well cast it s not easy to make some plot like that funny i give credit to whomever realized it. He knew how to make something funny without feeli g the need to go gore/deviated/daring/unethical. Yuppp loved it
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Why did u ruin it so fast!??!?!
7 March 2020
Very good acting...very good captivating debut i should have exited the theater 20 min before the end.....ruined talent so idiotic pathetic unrealistic boring and dull end. Worst end you can imagine// doubts of ultra feminism at the end
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