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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Incoherent mess
5 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was really hoping that this could be a cool special, after all, David Tennant is comming back, it has to be great then, right? Oh how very wrong I was.

There are so many problems with this episode, I don't even know where to start. First off, let's tackle the reason why David's face even came back, I'm sure every fan was wondering that when we saw the regeneration. Well guess what, it's not addressed, and it won't be addressed in the future specials either. All we get is that Donna had some "unresolved" stuff, and she didn't feel like her life was complete. So what, the doctor just "feels" that and that makes him regenerate into the form that Donna knew? It makes no sense.

Another thing that frustrates me is how Donna was completely fine and unaffected when seeing an alien, and the doctor. Nothing happened to her at all. Yet the doctor told them to shield Donna from anything space/alien, which made Wilfred give up on his biggest passion, which was astronomy, lookup up at the stars, and watching, exploring, whether someone is maybe looking back. He gave up all that for Donna, and even had to move out later on, so the secret would be preserved. Yet the doctor just comes walking in there, aliens fighting all around her, him using the sonic screwdriver and just being himself in front of her without anything happening at all.

But okay, let's move on. Near the end of the episode, doctor does end up finally unlocking Donna's memories, to safe a big chunk of London. He does this with some kind of pass phrase consisting of various words, ending with "Binary", this is the word that Donna was stuck on the last time, she just repeated it over and over. Okay, so now that the memories were unlocked, Donna again starts repeting th word "Binary", but this time, her daughter Rose instead says "non-binary", comming to a resolution, where since Donna had a daughter, she only has to carry half of the memories of the Doctor, and she apparently can just handle that, so she won't die. They also mentioned something with how Donna is a female, Doctor is a male and Rose is non-binary, balancing it all out or something.

C'mon. I get that you're trying to make an inclusive show, and that's perfectly fine, I really don't mind the fact that someone is non-binary, but if you want to introduce a non-binary character like that, at least do them the honor of doing it properly, in a regular conversation or wherever it makes sense to continue the plot. This was just a complete nonsense, there was no actual logic to this, I'd be perfectly satisfied with just that Donna can handle it because half of the memories are in Rose now, why is anything extra needed? It just makes it feel pushed onto us just for the sake of it being mentioned.

And don't even get me started on the last part, where Donna and Rose are able to just "let go" of the Doctor's memories in them, and their time lord parts, which apparently could've have ever even crossed Doctor's mind, because he's a man, and man can't let go, only woman can do that. WTF?? I do think we should spread the idea of equality between male and female characters, and saying that no man can even think about just letting go is probably the most sexist thing I've ever seen in Doctor Who. I can't even imagine any dumber argument than that.

Yes. Doctor Who is a sci-fi show, and random things like just "letting go" do happen there. But it's usually at least somewhat explained, in scientific/pseudo-scientific ways. That's why it's a sci-fi show. But this was just plain nonsense.

This episode was a joke. I have never seen an episode (or a special) of Doctor Who done this poorly.
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Great episode, but not for everyone
23 June 2022
This was one of Star Trek's classical side-line episodes, which often cause a lot of split opinions, but I firmly believe that these side stories placed completely outside of the usual "Trek environment" provide the necessary break from otherwise very serious episodes, and they keep things exciting and different.

Story-wise, I'd say that if you do like these kinds of episodes, you will find the plot very enjoyable. The story is interesting with many fun bits and it's a welcome change to see all of the characters in a bit more "goofy" roles. We also finally got some resolution into the long-running plot line with the doctor's daughter. It was truly very unique and interesting, with an absolutely amazing ending.

Acting-wise, I think it did alright. Even though some things certainly could've been better, I think the characters felt enjoyable for a one-off comedic take and the actors did a mostly great job at portraying their roles.

What's a bit surprising to me is how many other reviews here describe the acting in this episode very negatively. I mean, it's certainly different, but that doesn't make it bad, I think for what characters the actors were meant to play, they really did do a fine job, and I do not understand the huge backlash. I think it was mostly caused just by the general controversy of a different episode, but given the environment, I can't complain about the acting at all.

Watching this episode made me very nostalgic of similar classical trek episodes, and mainly reminded me of the Robin Hood episode in The Next Generation, which at the time had similar backlash for simply being different, but at the same time, it was so iconic and memorable, and simply fun to watch.

We just need to keep an open mind, episodes like these were in almost every trek show, and we should all take them lightly, enjoy the differences and foolishness and just have a laugh, not everything should always be so serious.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Not great, not terrible
12 July 2020
There are some nice parts to the show, but I just can't accept how these non-compatible and emotionaly unstable characters got together in 1 ship, if this was just one ship of millions, it'd be more acceptable but this is a single very important spaceship. Also, the scientific explanations are extremely bad, it doesn't make any sense, maybe I'm just used to higher standards than most people, but still, as I see it, this is unacceptable. While I got to the end, it wasn't really worth it, the ending is very dissatisfying and the whole show is shown in a very distopian point of view.
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Star Trek: Picard: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
27 March 2020
If I were to put some kind value on this, I couldn't, this was genuinely the best thing that I have ever seen in my life. It has managed to truly describe what Star Trek should mean, the fundamental ideas behind it. Before this episode, I considered the best episodes of Star Trek to be The Inner Light and The Measure of a Man. But this episode has surpassed them for me. I'm so glad that it was fully understood in here, what is Star Trek and why we love it so much. Just Amazing, Thank you CBS.
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Silicon Valley: Exit Event (2019)
Season 6, Episode 7
It was a great ride
10 December 2019
The ending was amazing. Even though it wasn't exactly what I expected, it was still amazing and just incredible. I'm kind of sad that the show has ended but it had to happen at some point and I'm really glad that they ended it the way they did and stayed true to the ideals his show has had from the very beginning.

  • Thank you HBO
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One of the kind
5 July 2019
This episode is a masterpiece.

It is easily The Best episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, possibly even one of the greatest episodes amongst the whole Star Trek franchise.

Not because it would have some great space battles, time travel or other things like that. I don't believe that those episodes with epic space battles etc. are actually what makes Star Trek so amazing. In fact, this episode has none of that stuff, it is something fundamentally different that makes Star Trek, Star Trek, and I believe that this episode has described what Star Trek truly is about.

If you have not seen this episode, you should really go and watch it, I can promise you, that if you do like Star Trek, you won't regret it.
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The Big Bang Theory: The Stockholm Syndrome (2019)
Season 12, Episode 24
Just Amazing
17 May 2019
TBBT, Thank you for everything, this was a great series that I pretty much grown up with, but sometimes, it is best to stop and this is one of those cases. I am a bit sad, but also very happy, that I will always have a good memories of this show.

-Thank you TBBT Cast & CBS.
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Merlin (2008–2012)
One of the kind
23 March 2019
I have just finished watching the last episode, I don't want to include spoilers, so, I'm not going to tell you how I feel about it, but I want to say this, Merlin as a show is the BEST fantasy show I have seen. This might be just because of that I've just finished watching it, but that is just the way I see it. The story is so beautifully written and the ending was truly epic, please give this show a try, and I believe you are going to love it. I don't say this about many things and in most of the cases I'm pretty skeptical about the rating, but for me, Merlin is worth the rating 10/10. Though I have to admit that there are some inconsistencies, but it is absolutely ok, after all, you'd find something in every show.

I love how this show transformed from the first 3 series, with a lot of good funny scenes with a bit of action to an amazing show with so much dramatic moments and action. It is great that even though the show has become a lot more serious they still managed to put a lot of funny parts in it. It was amazing to see the story of this show grow from 1st episode to the very last one.

-Thank you, BBC for making a truly epic and awesome show, great work.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Its not that bad
3 January 2019
At first I thought that this was a bad show, but when I watched it again after almost 4 months, it turned out it is not that bad, now I'm on ep 14. And I have to say, I really like it, I don't even know, what it is about it, that I disliked so much, polrobably that it is so different from previous startreks, but now that I started again, I like it a lot, so, for those who had the same opinion about this show as me, try watching it again. It might turn out, that it's actually pretty good.
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Stargate: Atlantis (2004–2009)
Simply said, best thing I've ever watched
9 September 2018
Well, how would I start, this series is for me the BEST of the BEST, really I can not think of any better series than this one, the special effects here are awesome, also the story is great, just try watching 1 ep. and I'm telling you, you won't be able to stop, it is just great, I've just finished season 5 for the 8th time, (no joking I watched this 8 times and I still enjoy watching it). So I would really recommend it, go watch it.
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