
34 Reviews
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Don't pay attention to the negative reviews, this film is very good and underrated
23 March 2021
It's not a perfect film, but this is a very good thriller with good acting, direction, plot, and a good script. I'm surprised this movie isn't rated higher on here, people give a lot of stylized thrillers a pass, but give this one a bad rating. If you ask me, that makes no sense. This movie is actually really good, House of Games is underrated, at least by the people who rate the film on here it is. I would give this an 8/10.
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Don't listen to the negative reviews, this movie was actually pretty good
16 February 2021
You shouldn't pay too much attention to the negative reviews because this film was actually kind of funny and probably one of the better comedies to come out in quite a while. Sure, the second half might drag a little bit, however the actor's chemistry and some of the memorable exchanges of dialogue make up for most of this film's flaws. Also, Emma Watson's acting isn't that great, but I feel as some people are taking a movie like this too seriously. It's a raunchy R rated apocalypse comedy with Seth Rogen, Franco, and those guys, what did you expect? The acting and script are overall good, but the pacing could've been better. Overall, it's not as good as 40 Year Old Virgin or Superbad, but it's way better than some of the scathing audience reviews would tell you. It got a positive rating of 83% from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes, I have to say that they were right about this movie and the IMDb audiences were kind of harsh. If you like Seth Rogen and James Franco's brand of humor, you'll get into this movie. It's not an excellent film by any means, but it should be a fun enjoyable time for people that are into something that's different.
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Shut In (I) (2016)
One of the worst movies I've ever seen
8 January 2021
I don't understand some of the positive reviews trying to defend this movie, it was absolutely horrible. The only decent thing in the film was probably Naomi Watts' performance. Otherwise, the story is dull, illogical, insipid, and abysmally written. Anybody who says it's not that bad have really low standards. This movie was awful, incoherent garbage with one of the worst plots I ever witnessed. Nothing in this film works. Please skip it, don't waste your time.
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The Girl on the Train features a great performance from Emily Blunt, but has poor writing and pacing
28 December 2020
Beside Emily Blunt's strong performance, this film was pretty disappointing on the whole. I had someone try to tell me that this was a good movie that deserve better critical reviews than it got, I'm sorry, but this film deserved mixed to negative reviews, it was overly convoluted and disjointed. Gone Girl was much better than this. So yeah, I definitely don't recommend The Girl on the Train. 4/10
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Widows (2018)
How does this film only have a 6.9 rating on IMDb?
19 November 2020
Did you guys watch the same movie as me? This is definitely a great film and one of the best movies in the entire year of 2018. It's an entertaining heist thriller with amazing performances filled with poignant themes and effective storytelling, with the writing was actually really good for the most part. I don't know why people are saying the writing is bad, because if you actually pay attention, the whole film is pretty great. There are times where the audiences are right to vote down a movie that the critics overrated (E.g. Ocean's Eight), but this is one of those cases where the audiences sorely misjudged the quality of an amazing film and the critics got it spot on. Don't listen to the negative reviews, or else you'll miss out on something truly excellent.
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WatchMojo: Top 10 Good Movies with Bad Rotten Tomatoes Scores (2017)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Some good choices, others are questionable
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My thoughts on their choices:

10.) Wet Hot American Summer is okay, but the series is better. 9.) Billy Madison hasn't aged well, it's entertaining to watch as a kid, but it's very annoying to watch and try to revisit it as an adult. 8.) I never understood the love for Top Gun, it's a mediocre film at best. 7.) Saw is okay, but it's far from being the great horror classics audiences describe it as. 6.) The Boondock Saints is a terrible film, I'm baffled as to why it has such a big cult following. I can't recommend this movie to anyone older than 13. 5.) Hook is pretty bad when you look back at the movie as an adult, it's only highly regarded by the generation who watched it as kids and have a blind nostalgic love for it. 4.) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was okay. Requiem of a Dream is much better. 3.) One of the few choices I actually agreed with on this list, Home Alone is a good movie and the critics just couldn't show appreciation for it. I have to side with the audience on this one. 2.) Ace Ventura has aged very poorly. It's hardly a good movie.

Honorable Mentions: Space Jam: Are the general audiences serious? Space jam is awful, the only reason it's remembered so fondly by some who grew up in the 90's is because they watched it as kids. It's essentially a soulless, badly acted, poorly written 90 minute long commercial when you look back at it without nostalgia glasses.

Bad Boys II: This is a godawful film, I'm shocked that people like it. I enjoy watching Martin Lawrence and Will Smith too, but please put them in an actually decent movie.

Die Hard with a Vengeance: How is this film rated lower than the forgettable second and fourth movies? Are the critics serious? The audiences were definitely right on this film and not the critics.

1.) The Life Aquatic is a good movie, I can't believe it got such a bad rap with the critics. It's not Wes Anderson's best film, but it's still pretty well-made and entertaining.
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Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint is a very bad movie
14 October 2020
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This is a terrible action movie, the reviews defending this film and saying "it's not as bad as the critics make it out to be" are wrong. The audiences are way too generous to this miserable, inept excuse of a movie and the critics were spot on. It's badly acted, horribly written, poorly directed, and very generic by the numbers action film that is a poor imitation of actually okay movies like Taken and The Equalizer. I can't believe people give trash films like this a pass because you're supposed to turn your brain off. I like Jennifer Garner and entertaining action films, but this movie is poorly made garbage that is really badly written and annoyingly cliched. The similarly awful Death Wish remake with Bruce Willis came out the same year, do folks actually care if movies are good or not anymore? Well, it matters to people like me who expect films to have decent acting, writing, direction, pacing, or story. For people who actually want to think about what they watch and enjoy good, well-made, unique movies, don't bother with this one. It's really bad. Final Rating: 2/10
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Good movie, but too long
18 September 2020
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The Cincinnati Kid is a good, if flawed and overlong movie. Don't get me wrong, I still like it and enjoyed watching Steve McQueen and also Edward G. Robinson's performances. But if you ask me, it was much longer than it needed to be. The movie is entertaining throughout, but it kind of drags until the final act. The pacing can make the film at certain points, but the acting and great poker scenes make this worth checking out. If you liked this film, then I suggest that you watch the Sting, since it's kind of like this movie, but much better.
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I disagree with the negative reviews, this is a good movie
7 September 2020
I know people liking or disliking a movie is opinion, but I have to completely disagree with the negative reviews. The famous Roger Ebert thought this film wasn't very funny and gave it a thumbs down in his review. It's not as great as Some Like It Hot or Tootsie, but it is still an enjoyable, hilarious family comedy that showcases Robin Williams' talent as a comedic and serious actor. It has good drama and comedy interspersed throughout. It's not my favorite comedy ever, but I still like it, I think it's quite good. Admittedly, I have a bit of nostalgia for this one since I was a kid when I first watched it, but even as an adult, I think the movie still holds up and is touching, heartwarming, and hilarious. I would give this movie a 7.5/10, it's pretty good, but not great.
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The Decline (2020)
Pretty good thriller, but could've been way better
25 August 2020
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This was a good thriller, not exceptional or super unique. But compared to most of Hollywood's bloated, unoriginal blockbusters, it's definitely a nice and refreshing surprise. The Decline is a Canadian action thriller film that's centered around a group of survivalists who become divided after a fatal accident occurs at the training camp, which triggers and intense showdown. The plot is surprisingly unpredictable, subversive, and engaging. The acting and tension was great, it had a slow start, but this film slowly got better after the first twenty minutes, good middle, and a great end. The story, acting, and cinematography were really good, but as some of the other reviews are saying, the characters weren't developed very much and the beginning was kind of slow. It does get much better throughout the rest of the relatively short runtime. I think the current score of 5.9 is too low, I'd give this movie at least 7.5/10. Overall, I thought the Decline was a good, well-done with an interesting premise, but it's not great or revolutionary.
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A very fitting 100th review for Mr. Enter
15 March 2020
I don't understand why this episode was so poorly reviewed on IMDb, all of Mr. Enter's points he made about this detestable film are spot-on accurate. The review of his while, not the best, is still a bijillion times than the abysmal, unfunny, repugnant, and disgusting excuse for a movie, which somehow has a 6.2 on this website. Absolutely maddening! Please do yourself a favor and don't watch this horrible film.
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Why does this awful movie have a 6.6 rating on IMDb?
10 March 2020
This movie is historically inaccurate and poorly acted trash. I can't believe people defend this propaganda filth masquerading as a film. It's so bad, I could barely sit through it. This movie is the worst thing Ben Kingsley has been a part of, including Suspect Zero. Don't waste your time.
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It's better than modern SpongeBob, not as good as the episodes in the pre-movie seasons or the first movie
3 February 2020
I think this movie receives way too much hate, sure it's not as good as the first movie or the pre-movie episodes, but it's still really gunny and highly enjoyable. People should get the nostalgia sticks out. This movie has the same rating as Cars 2, which is actually a trash movie, on IMDb, which is totally absurd and ridiculous. Is it as good as original SpongeBon or the first movie? No, of course not, but it's an improvement over the crappy 6-8th seasons that ran before this movie came out.
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Ignore the negative reviews, this was a good comedy special
24 January 2020
These people are just some haters who can't appreciate Trevor Noah's jokes, don't get me wrong, it's not the best stand-up comedy routine ever , but it's still pretty enjoyable. Come on guys, stop being so critical and get a sense of humor. It's not like he's flippantly joking about the Holocaust or something, jeez.
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One for the greatest animated films of all time
13 December 2019
I just finished watching this masterpiece of a movie and I have to say that's probably the most depressing and sad war film that I've watched. The best film I never want to watch again. It's also one of the best animated films that I ever seen. This will go down as one of the most memorable and moving experiences watching a motion picture in my lifetime. My Rating: 10/10
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Good movie, but let's be honest, it belongs nowhere near the top 250
10 December 2019
This was a good sports movie, I'll admit that I really enjoyed it, but I also sadly have to conclude, after seeing it's extremely high rating on IMDb, that it's a bit overrated. It is a good film with some solid acting performances, but it is not as excellent as other sports or boxing films such as Rocky or Raging Bull. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, but it's honestly a bit too formulaic and cliched to warrant such a high rating. It's a very likable boxing movie, but it is also filled with blatant schmaltz and unabashed sentimentality. I'd say it deserves more like 7.0-7.1 in my opinion than an 8.0.
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Booksmart (2019)
Better than Superbad
9 December 2019
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I really enjoyed Superbad and I get the comparisons, but I honestly thought this movie was better. I will say thought that it's not quite as funny, but it lacked the heart and sincere emotion this movie had. And no, it's not just Superbad with women. It was one of my most anticipated movies of the year and one of the most hyped, did it live up to the massive hype? I would say it absolutely did. I thought it was a great coming-of-age film consisting of amazing performances from the two main girls (one of them is actually Jonah Hill's sister IRL) and the characters were very well-developed, and surprisingly not one-dimensional. This was a very good directorial debut for Olivia Wilde and succeeded in making a fantastic movie, while also putting a new spin on the high school comedy genre. I loved the chemistry between Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever, the two were great together. And Billie Lourd was also very funny. Overall, a hilarious and heartwarming coming of age comedy that I highly recommend. My Final Rating: 8.5/10
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American Pie (1999)
Eh, Superbad is much better
8 December 2019
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Now don't get me wrong, American Pie is not a bad movie, it's pretty decent actually, however I will say that it hasn't aged very well. It is undeniably funny in some parts and it certainly has its special charm, but the acting and characters aren't that great besides maybe the Stiffmeister and the Sherminator. It was an enjoyable, but also forgettable comedy of the 90's and there are obviously much better comedies out there, like The Forty Year Old Virgin, Superbad, Pineapple Express, There's Something About Mary and even Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I had some good laughs, but overall not that memorable, aside from a few iconic scenes and performances. The film isn't even close to being awful, but it's not great either. Nonetheless, it's still a lot better than all of Adam Sandler's recent movies and the Seltzer & Friedburg parody films. My final verdict and rating: The first American Pie is a decent, if unremarkable comedy movie. 6.5/10
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Joker (I) (2019)
It's indeed a very good film, but not a masterpiece like some people think it is.
5 December 2019
Let me just say that I thought Joker was a really good, well made movie. Hell, I might go as far as to call it a great movie. But it's not a 10/10 masterpiece, like the majority of reviewers are saying it is. The Irishman and Avengers Endgame were much better in my opinion. That's not to say it wasn't good because I loved it, the cinematography and music was great. There was also Joaquin Phoenix's amazing performance, which was very mesmerizing and enjoyable to watch when he was on screen. But I think we all know that he is a great actor, he has movies like the Master, You Were Never Really Here, and The Immigrant under his belt. Honestly, I think critics got a bit too offended with the subject matter and the darker tone, how it was handled, but regardless of woke politics, a reviewer's thoughts on a film should be somewhat impartial and unbiased. I will say that the movie starts off a bit slow, however, it is a really rewarding buildup that makes it pay off at the end. The cons of this movie are few and far between, but this movie is definitely not perfect. The first thing are the plot holes, which I mostly brushed off, but it's still an easily perceptible flaw. Secondly, Arthur's character arc and origin story, while I liked the overall way it was executed, I did feel the ending felt a bit unsatisfying. Third, it isn't totally original, as it does unashamedly rip off Scorsese a little bit, as its familiar story borrows elements from the King of Comedy and Taxi Driver, I still thought it was a well-done tribute, and I felt that it ripped him off in a good way. Those are a few minor flaws though, otherwise I'd highly recommend it, I thought it was a very good movie, possibly even one of the best films that came out this year, but it's not better than films like The Dark Knight or Spider-Verse, let's not go THAT far. I still thought it was much more interesting and original than the vastly overrated Black Panther though, and I would love to see it again. I hope this review was helpful and I think if you like comic book movies or the Joker character, you should be able to enjoy the movie at least as much as I did. My Final Rating: 8.5/10
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Braindead (1992)
Overrated horror movie, but I've seen much worse
4 November 2019
I decided to watch this movie on YouTube hearing that it was one of the great gory zombie films, but all I got was occasional comedy and all-out gore. The movie is violent and some of the humor definitely got me to laugh, but the film is so campy, that I couldn't take most of it seriously. I definitely don't think it's a bad film, trust me, I've seen bad horror films, but it's not as good as people are saying either. Overall, very disappointed with this one.
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My personal favorite movie of all time and a perennial Holiday classic
24 September 2019
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It's truly deserving of being called one of the greatest films ever made. I love this movie with my all heart and it's the only film I watch every year, it's too timeless. Jimmy Stewart plays George Bailey, who is a man down on his luck, and this movie can be interpreted as a slightly modified rendition of A Christmas Carol in a way. He talks to a benevolent, jubilant angel named Clarence who prevents him from taking his own life and teaches him the true meaning of life. A glorious story of inspiration and Christmas cheer from start to finish, this excellent film is one of those rare examples of a movie that is worth watching every year. If you don't watch many older movies, you need to see this one, it is an absolute masterpiece.
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Forget about the negative reviews, this is a good movie
30 June 2019
People need to show more respect, this is probably Robert Redford's last movie and a good one at that. Of course, there are some parts that are a little bit dull, but sometimes moviegoers have to take a film for it is rather than for what it isn't. There is good, believable acting as always and a well-told and (mostly) true story. This movie might be boring to some people, but if you are a more patient viewer who is more willing to watch something different and more challenging, then this by George, is the film for you. If you liked the Sting, Butch Cassidy, or any of his other older films, then you'll probably like this one.
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Great documentary
16 April 2019
This is a fantastic documentary on the Smash Bros Melee competitive scene and even though the movie is very, very long, you will find the four hours of your time are going to be worth spending your time. If you are a Smash fan, this is coming from one Smash fan to another, you ABSOLUTELY need to see this wonderful documentary series. It's on YouTube, please go watch it. It is truly that amazing. It taught me a lot of cool things about the competitive Smash Bros scene and I think anybody who reads this review will too. If you're looking at this review right now, please go check this one out when you have the time. It's definitely worth your while. However, it mainly just talks about Melee, so also keep that in mind. I hope this review helped you figure out if you want to watch it or not. I hope I could be of help.
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Listen to the other reviews when they say get the Director's Cut of this movie
4 April 2019
I watched the Director's Cut of this movie, which is why I rate it so high. Truly one of the best medieval movies of all time, just do yourself a favor and watch it. Sure, the movie is very long, but trust me, the movie is very well worth your time. Don't waste your time on the theatrical version, it's missing essential minutes that are include in the DC. So yeah, basically, if there was a movie to get the DC for instead of the regular cut, it's this one.
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Good movie, don't listen to the negative reviewers
4 April 2019
They don't know what they're talking about. I was shocked to find that it had only a 47% on Rotten Tomatoes and reading all the negative reviews on here. This was a good movie, but people consider this to be a very polarizing movie, it's either a love it or hate it movie for most people, but I think this movie deserves a lot more respect than it gets. As far as I'm concerned, this might be Oliver Stone's best film, but then again, I didn't get around to watching JFK or Platoon yet. The film's detractors either say that the movie glorifies violence, that it contradicts it's own message, or that it's visuals are ugly, all of which are erroneous claims. The criticism that the movie is too violent Andy graphic for it's good is not a valid criticism. That's what I'd like to tell these people. I just don't get why A Clockwork Orange was rated so much better than this movie, despite being similar in theme being another social commentary movie that's disturbing and has a anti-violence message. That being said, this movie is very underrated and deserves more attention. Woody Harrelson does such a good job in the leading role, so do Juliet Lewis and Robert Downey Jr. in this movie. Please take my advice if you're reading this and watch this movie. If you do heed my advice, go watch the Director's cut to get the full experience. Just go watch it.
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