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Life with Derek (2005–2009)
Its Okay
27 July 2006
This show is above average.

The acting is decent, yet still has some room for improvement. The dialog is pretty good, and I like the idea of having the villain win, which makes it realistic, since in real life, your "villians" get what they want. Most of the time. I like Derek, since he's the most realistic character on the show, and the most interesting. I can't stand the other characters, especially Casey. I'm sorry, Casey fans, but I honestly can not stand her. Why do I hate her, you ask? Because she is on the brink of being a Mary Sue (a character with no flaws). And she is such a hypocrite.

She gets outraged and politically correct and rants about how women have no respect and they are seen as toys and boys are so messy and disgusting and she hates her life and Derek is so evil and WHATEVER she can come up with! I understand that a lot of people can't stand that kind of stuff and it is mostly true, but she really needs to shut up! I want to be able to watch the show without having her go on and on at how HORRIBLE her life is, and how WONDERFUL and PERFECT she wants to be! I also want to watch the show without having that annoying "Waaaah Waaaah Waaah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah" background music. Honestly, some shows are better off with music. Or at least have the music at a low volume.

Overall, I recommend this show, but only if you don't mind the annoying background music, constant teen problems, and politically correct feminists. I'll also add that Derek is the reason that I watch this show. But that is the wrong reason to like a show, sometimes.
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Not as good as That's So Raven, but not as bad as Hannah Montana
16 July 2006
This show has some pretty good moments, but once the twins got longer hair, this show started to dry up. The acting from Dylan and Cole is pretty bad and really needs to be improved. Ashley WhatsHerFace really gets on my nerves. The thought of her trying to be the "smart" one is really laughable. Actually, the people that save the show are Moseby, Estaban, Arwin, and London. I don't usually like the ditsy rich characters, but Brenda Song changed my mind. Her acting still has some room for improvement, but at least she's definitely better than Ashley "I'm So Pretty and Cool" Tisdale. Another bad thing about this show is the cheesy dialogue and repetitive plots. Sure, there were good lines, example:

"How do I know when the water is boiling?" "When you stick your hand in the water and say 'Ow'."

That episode (forgot the name) was surprisingly good, but the dubbing of the critic's voice was BAD, which makes it lose points.

Overall, even though its not as good as old Disney Channel shows like "Boy Meets World" or "Smart Guy" this does show some potential compared to other shows, but just not enough. The acting needs to be improved, and the show needs to improve the dialogue or get a better writer. Honestly, what kind of line is "Get in the line, Yay-Me"? Is that supposed to be clever? And when someone tells a joke, there is no need to explain it! It ruins the joke!
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Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (2006–2016)
So awful, I want to cry.
15 July 2006
Another cartoon thats worth ranting about! Some stupid CGI animated Disney cartoon! Disney should leave 3D to the PRO'S. And I mean Pixar! Unlike Eisner, Pixar Studios CARES about the fans and not just the money! You know why these characters are so popular? Because when you see them, you can feel their sass, their anger, their tears, and their joy. And now, their just the lifeless puppets of a greedy company. The one character that has the most "emotion" is Donald Dunk, and he STILL doesn't have that much emotion! Its just another lame-ass interactive kids show like Dora the Emplorer. But Dora IMPROVED. The animation had more life. The characters had more emotion. And emotion is the most important ingredient in any movie, story, comic, and cartoon! And what kinda catchphrase is "MISKA MOOSKA MICKEY MOUSE"?! I swear, one day, Disney will go down, and Eisner will go broke.

-100/10. (I don't care if its not a real score, it deserves it)
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Kronk's New Groove (2005 Video)
Not bad for a Disney Sequel, but its not the same without Kuzco
14 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I got the DVD for Christmas, since I love Kronk. I liked the intro, animation, and dialogue, but I missed Kuzco, Pacha, and Yzma. They get very little dialogue and Kronk is better off being a supporting character. I especially hated the bitch, Ms. Birdwell, he married in the end. She was just a hollow, no good, flat headed, Posh witch. She deserved having a nickname like "Birdy-Poo" cause thats all she's worth! My mom agreed. Kronk deserves better. As for the plot, it wasn't all the funny, but what do you expect from a sequel? The arrival of Papi was HILARIOUS though, and I loved seeing Kuzco again, but then he just disappeared. I also loved the song Yzma sang. Sadly, she disappeared too.

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