
60 Reviews
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Steve-O's Bucket List (2023 TV Special)
See garbage without having to smell it
2 May 2024
This show reflects no talent rather the willingness to do anything shocking to make a dollar. If Painted penises, bowel movements, self mutilation are your thing you have found your place.

I fear that some confused children may find this crap amusing and try to duplicate his "humor" and end up harming themselves.

To brand this a love story is hard to wrap my head around. I see some hangers-on gathering to grab some crumbs as they fall.

I am unable to think of anything else about this movie other than I am glad I watched it on a free site. To pay for it would have been the real crime.

In case I forgot to mention it. I found this without merit as entertainment. Merely a freak show; an accident on the roadside of life's highway.
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Anyone Else Would Have Been Just as Good
20 April 2024
Nothing special going on here. I watched it for free so I got my money's worth. Has I paid $12 so see this in a theatre I would be quite upset. The performance by the cast was adequate but I doubt anyone worked up a sweat for this one. There were no challenges. Anyone but you threw it all at us: A lesbian, mixed-race marriage, some rich folks, a surfer dude, a law school dropout, a cute dog, toys of the rich and helicopter rescues. Missing were Native Americans and some Asians. Movie school lighting effects with the sunshine. Oh the sound annoying.

Replace any of the cast members with nearly anyone else and you would still have the same movie. Their performances were that un-special.
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Extended Family (2023–2024)
We the actors held captive and forced to be in this?
13 January 2024
A cringe worthy show in all aspects. Not a single actor seems comfortable in their part. No believable performances. Nothing fits. NOthing lands. The annoying laugh track reminds you that this is a comedy. The dialogue does not. The only decent performance was by the poor fish Google that actually died twice. John Cryer performance comes across as an attempt to play John Cryer rather that the character in this show. I watched 2 1/2 episodes just because, umm you figure it out.

How does something this bad get by professionals in the entertainment industry? Or am I out of touch with comedy or modern life?
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Mindcage (2022)
Drive-In Theater Woirthy
1 May 2023
I watch anything with the great John Malkovich in it but watching all of this movie turned out to be a chore. The storyline was so bad and worn out i bet Nicholas Cage would have found it beneath himself to be in it. Hey and leave Bosch out of it please! Melissa Rpxburgh's performance was as flat as her (deleted due to political incorrectness). . The highlight of the movie for me was the cop team's cop car: one of Ford's finest, the Crown Victoria in a lovely shade of brown.

You might enjoy this movie if you are a lover of artfully decorated murder victims but that is such a rare kink.

Time better spent cleaning a cat box or a diaper pail.

I don't know cinema. I just know what I like or don't like.
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Nothing special to see here kids.
14 March 2023
The bad guys have something to sell to the other bad guys that will give them money and power at the expense of the entire world. Geeze that was original.

Watching Hugh Grant play Michael Caine got tedious. And Audrey Plaza's was given some terrible punch lines to deliver. And having a cool Mustang used in a chase scene with almost no chase is unforgiveable.

No Academy Award performances here but it is worth a look if you enjoy seeing some of your favorite actors.

Seems like this film stayed in everyone's comfort zone when some stretching was called for.

Wait for it to be available for free.
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Boon (2022)
Not even nudity could have saved this lemon.
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly written by aliens who have had no experience with verbal communication and the script really reflected this. Where did the damn tunnel go? To Graceland? Who the hell was grandpa and what language was he speaking? I( could not understand his mumbles. Who was the tough tall chick sand why didn't she get naked? I could have made a real movie out of the pieces of dog crap they tried to turn into something but noooooo. No one wants to hire an ex con who served 12 years over a misunderstanding. I await Boon II to see if the lizard people make it out of the tunnel.

Seriously, this is crap. Or could it be I just don't "get" art?
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Polonia Fails Again!
2 October 2022
Another Polonia film that fails to make it. Amateurish make up and oh lord the bigfoot costume! The film does have a plot. The best performance by far was the white flatbed truck that moved effortlessly over the fields. Nudity would have helped. Seriously, several large, exposed breasts and maybe some butt shots could turn this into a three star. I will continue going through the Polonia cinema library (On second thought lets call it a movie library for this is not cinema) in search of some sort of explanation on how these movies get financed. Could this be a plot by a foreign enemy to bring down the Western culture? As for the winner in the contest of Bigfoot vs. The Zombies? YOU have to watch it to find out.
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Paper Girls (2022)
Spoiler alert: Amazon has decided to not pick up another season of this wonderful show so don't waste your time.
30 September 2022
I am an old white guy looking for something to watch, Now I have no interest in seeing a kids show because, well because I am a sophisticated. Mature adult. I was hooked within the first 15 minutes a buzzed through the whole year. I gonna be major p*ssed off if this show is not picked up for 2023. Not a kid's story but a life story with just enough time travel weirdness to give a fix to my sci-fi jones. These young ladies hold their own and carry the show. New revelations to me; teenage angst becomes adult angst. Oh the magic of seeing the adult you are going to become, or maybe not. Enjoyable and fast paced. Laughter and some sadness. Congratulations to everyone on this project for making some great entertainment.

After doing a review I searched online and found that Amazon has decided not to do a season 2. I think Amazon should warn Amazon Prime's paying customer of this before we get involved in a show only to never see how it ends. Rude and thoughtless.
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This could be you but for the grace of God.
17 September 2022
A story of how some bad choices and bad judgement can put you in a hole you can't climb out of with resorting to some bad behavior. Does Plaza play the victim or just look for the easy way with the ends justifying the means? A prefect role for Plaza and well played. Great casting. 90 minutes well spent. In all honest I should probably state I have a "thing" for Plaza and was happy to see her in a good roll in a good movie. Not sure what other actress would have done it so well. This sentence adds additional characters to make my review long enough. Well maybe not but lets see if this one will. So close.
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The Lost City (2022)
Free with Amazon Prime and priced about right.
28 August 2022
Not a very demanding roll for Sandra Bullock and she delivers a typical performance. I thank the entire production for not challenging her to do more. Okay, okay, I wasn't expecting Casablanca. I knew this was not going to be art or cinema even. It filled up 90 minutes while I waited for my 30 minute pizza delivery. No chemistry between the co-stars and the best performances by the supporting cast. Brad Pitts small roll is worthy of a watch. Some lovely scenery. Some very lame bad guys who nearly defeated the lame good guys.

Spooky walking along the treacherous cliff such on original suspense builder.

My pizza is here,
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Don't wait to see if it will get better. it doesn't.
7 July 2022
The Stepmother was able to receive one star because I feel guilty about gazing at the deep cleavage-big boobie shots. Yes,I am ashamed but. I tried so hard to find something worth seeing in this film. The acting was terrible with the exception of the roles of the young boy and girl which were just bad. A plot I could not make myself care about and a script that must have been written in haste while the writer waited for Starbucks to have his order ready. I think the highlight of the film was the home décor. A nicely decorated living space. The bowling alley scenes were the other high point. Not bad enough to be good but.just bad enough to be very bad. A live appearance by the late. Tupak could not have saved this.
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Rage (I) (2021)
I tried to care but failed.
16 May 2022
If the scene in which we see Natasha Maymon's exposed were deleted this film would only get two stars from me. I simply couldn't care about any of the characters in this film. A sad story that should have elicited some emotion from me but I was left cold. One of the most irritating soundtracks in movie history. It sounds like it was stolen from a discount crematorium. Seriously, music to burn a loved ones body by.

Once again, I point out that I am not a movie critic and know nothing about the art of cinema but I do know when I have wasted my time.

If you watch "Rage" and enjoy it that's fine with me.
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The film was lacking.
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All these women and where are the topless scenes? What is a man to think? I have to think of some artsy-fartsy filler comments to take up space in my review.
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Road House (1989)
This is so bad.
15 April 2022
I have no idea why people like this movie. It's plot makes no sense. How in the world could this closet size dive bar hope to sell enough drinks to pay for a band, bartendenders, assorted bar employees and a security team? It's only saving grace is Sam Elliot whose part was sad. It takes more than a pretty boy in tight pants to make a film.
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Why did I ever swear off drugs?
8 March 2022
In all honesty I have a major "thing" for Aubrey Plaza and would watch her in nearly anything and I believe I just did. This movie absolutely must have some earthly shattering cosmic message to it that just flew by me in my state of sobriety. Over the top of over the top. Was the acting good? Well how is one really to know? Was the directing good? The script? It's all a mystery to me. Good sound, good lighting, good scenery and great costumes.

Next time I watch it, and there will be a next time, I am going to remember to take my medicine first.
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I Fantasized I Watched A Good Movie.
23 February 2022
Trade-wise I think everyone did a good job. Nice sound with clear dialogue, decent music, nice scenery, etc. All in all a good professional production. The highlight of film for me is defiantly Maggie Q's slender long, shapely legs. Non of the fantasies pulled me in. I simply could not care about any of the character's stories. I would have gone with some nudity for sure. I will admit it is almost worth it to stick through to the end just to see the clever little surprise.
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Hollywood.Con (2021)
a movie in search of a script
15 February 2022
Wtf? How is this movie getting these crazy high ratings? The only redeeming quality of this movie is the music by the Boxmasters. Now I am under pressure to come up with something to say because my review is too short. How many ways can a person say BAD MOVIE. I felt compelled to give two extra stars because of Tom Arnold's nude scene. Just kidding. No nudity but some might have helped. Okay some more filler to make this review of acceptable length. Oh, I forgot to mention no animals were mutilated on film.
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Lot Lizards (2022)
I'd rather help an ex move
14 February 2022
This isn't a total waste. It fails as a recruiting film for working girls, doesn't do much for pimps, but does shed some light on the horrors of being a motel housekeeper. I admit I did not hang until the ending and may have missed a glimmer of art. I took an early out to volunteer to pick up dog squeeze in my neighbors lawn. Thegirls been eating good and are a hefty bunch.

Will there be a sequel? The Return of the Lot Lizards? Lizards ll? I should have worn protection. I feel so dirty.
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The Planters (2019)
Very Unique
13 February 2022
I wish i had taken a course in criticism in college so I could be a critic or a reviewer but instead I am just going to go with my gut. I liked this movie for it's stripped down simplicity. And ease of viewing. Such odd characters but yet I knew them so well. When it was over I felt good.... better than before I watched the movie. Why? Hell I don't know.
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I should have spent 90 minutes cleaning
29 January 2022
I wonder what is wrong with my sense of taste. I read through these reviews and I see 5. S6 even 9 stars for this movie that I felt was a waste of time. It was nicely filmed, good production values, just lacked anything that I cared about. I got nothing out of the movie, No entertainment, no shock, no horror, no lessons learned - just the ticking of my clock.
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Black Bear (I) (2020)
Who did who?
3 January 2022
Let me be open about this. I lust Aubrey Plaza. I have a "thing" for crazy girls.

So I was delighted to see she her staring in another movie. To me. This is her finest performance I have seen to date. Is she really that good or did we watch the suffering and torment she puts herself through to get into a role? Flip flop who eats the bear and who does the bear eat? Find out for yourself.
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Road House (1989)
four stars for eye candy
30 November 2021
We have good looking women and good looking men looking for a bar that can make money off of 20 tables after paying for the liquor, the band, the barttenders, the security guards, the cooler, and lots and lots of tables and chairs. A tiny bit of realism would have been nice.

I hope the stars got paid well.
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Nemesis (I) (2021)
Botox and the mob
21 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now I know how much botox and how many tattoos it takes to five star rating down to two stars.( It got one star back for the giant fake funbags. I have watched some scary movies but the make up on Ms. Sothcott is among the most frightening I have seen. I usually have a thing for cheap looking, trashy women but she is over the top.

Okay enough of my prudish rejection of probably a nice lady. Other than that, the movie was worth what I paid to see it. (Free on Tubi.)I have confessed before, I am no cinema critic, I don't know art. I just know what I like and this was not it.
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Hell Hath No Fury (II) (2021)
Watchable war movie.
11 November 2021
War..combat..explosions..greed...evil.... Nazis.corrupt G I s....a woman without a dress...tunnel rats....skeletons,,,grave robbing...charming French fighters...the underground.... How can you give a movie with all this 1 or 2 stars?

Competent acting, a decent plot with a few surprises, nice music, good cinematography. This is a decent flick.
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Watch this only if you are a horny adolescent boy desperate to see a breast.
8 November 2021
Let me start with the good stuff. Haha just kidding. I gave two stars only because two of the breasts were okay. Acting, pretty bad. Dialogue, oh geezus. If this was a project completed by an eighth grade art class I would say great job kids but I am of the impression this was a serious attempt at movie making. It's not bad enough to be watched for its badness, merely bad. The ending left me as concerned as i was the moments of the film. I obviously am not a cinema critic. I just know what I like. This goes down as a waste of time.
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