
30 Reviews
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Ashes (IX) (2018)
29 September 2022
First of all, The director of this movie deserves an award.

It's literally the perfect blend of comedy and horror. And then the mockumentary feel was such a good touch.. it starts all cute and innocent in the beginning.. then all of a sudden it's a full on scary as movie. Then it continues to have its funny moments at just the right times to let u take a break from being scared. Actors were awesome. Don't listen to the haters giving it bad reviews. The relationship between then grandmother and mother was hilarious. I would've loved to work on this set because you could tell they had a lotta fun shooting the movie.
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Sooo fun!!! And well done
15 June 2022
Just watch it- if dark and Campy is your thing, do not miss this movie. True horror fans will appreciate all the nods this movie give to other 'Classics'
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Anna 2 (2019)
I knew I recognized this movie-
1 June 2022
I wish I woulda known it was some sort of sequel to Anna. However, I definitely enjoyed it cuz I walked into it knowing it was low budget and probably hilarious. It did not disappoint in the comedic aspect. Then suddenly, shit takes a turn!! I didn't really know where the plot was going, but enjoyed the ride getting lost.
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Such a fun mess
21 October 2021
This was 100% not serious, but it was so fun. The only thing that I was disappointed in was the fact that Debbie Rochon's character had no real lines- but she was amazing per usual. The guy who played Otto was hilarious, and sweet at the same time. I would definitely recommend watching it/ just know what your walking into.
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Lonely Hearts (2019)
Something different
21 October 2021
It was something of a different premise for a film. I loved that there was nudity. I think it was well incorporated into the actual film. Not just an unnecessary scene(s).
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16 September 2021
This is one of the best horror comedy movies I have ever seen. I'm a huge buff of campy horror. This did not disappoint. I laughed, had a few thrilling moments, and even their arch's were good. U actually felt invested with the characters. Do not pass this title up.
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Almost perfect
15 June 2021
I loved this movie. I would say it is one of the best roles I have seen Bill Oberest play. He makes such a good antagonist!! This is one of the few torture porn movies that I can actually enjoy. Although papa Corn was an absolute savage, I loved him at the same time. Don't know what that says about me as a human, but oh well.
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The best paranormal show
14 June 2021
I love how skeptic they are. Please please bring this show back for more seasons. Its so funny, and well done. And I love the chemistry between ryan and Shane. They are so ridiculous- but I love that. I do wish there was more backstory to the hauntings. Maybe each episode needs to a little longer for that to happen.
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Star Light (2020)
Pretty good
15 April 2021
I think the musical score was good, and I feel like the actors all had good chemistry. I've seen many movies where the acting looks forced- this was not the case. The killing was a little slow to start, but then I loved how it got bloody. I almost feel like there needs to be a sequel to continue to elaborate on character backstory. I may e the only one who feels this way- but hey! I enjoyed it.
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Home (IV) (2016)
Kinda weird-but I like that
28 January 2021
I wasn't sure where we were going with this movie- but I honestly didn't mind. My big con to the movie is that I thought heather and Samantha would have a stronger presence in the movie. I understand they wanted to share the screen with an Original Scream Queen, and someone possibly up and coming, but I didn't even really like Carrie's character all that much to care about her. But just getting a chance to see Samantha Mumba and Heather L on screen was enough for me
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Dead End (VII) (2014)
Better than expected
28 January 2021
I feel like this movie paid homage to ur typical slashers but not in an annoying way. Worth a watch
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Sooooo funny!!
24 January 2021
This movie has such a good comedic side to it that it makes it worth watching. There were plenty of cringey moments but honestly I loved that about it as well. The best character in the movie hands down is Betsy. She made the movie awesome
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Not as bad as everyone seems to think
9 December 2020
Maybe I'm just a bad judge of movies- but I enjoyed the movie a lot. It definitely can be watched without prior Amittyville movie knowledge. This movie had a lot of different elements that made it enjoyable to watch- awkwardly funny interactions between characters, sex, jump scares, slight humor, etc. I don't think it was the best movie but I don't feel like it was a complete waste of time- worth a go in my book
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Solid movie!
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie. There was some blood, character development and it made sense. Even though it was obviously a cgi ghost, I like that they actually showed an apparition. Normally ghost hunter movies just catch the orbs. Normally I watch these movies and can't wait for all of the characters to die, but I grew fond of all of them and was happy when not everyone died
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Pumpkins (2018)
12 October 2020
I normally love indie horror films or 'bad' movie's in general, however I feel like the movie ended abruptly . Like I still don't even know what happened in this movie. This was bad
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Scream 4 (2011)
Awesome sequel to an awesome movie
8 October 2020
I love how this sequel brought a more modern twist to the franchise and continues to build on the original story. Must see! Definitely will not bore you if ur a genre buff
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Kept me watching
30 September 2020
This was a great movie! It was funny, spooky, had good effects, I just wish it was a little longer because the ending did leave a bunch of unanswered questions- maybe a sequel should be next?
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We need more seasons
30 September 2020
I need everyone in the world who loves satire to please drop what you r doing and binge watch this. Then join me in begging the producers to make more seasons! Sooooo funny
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I haven't laughed soo hard in so long
30 September 2020
This is probably the funniest parody i have ever seen in my life. All the actors are so good- I would not have been able to keep a straight face while shooting this. Please please please who do I have to beg to get some more seasons of this show!!??
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How did I not see this movie before!?
27 September 2020
I love horror movies, and tbh this is my favorite found footage franchise. I just recently discovered this on Shudder- I called out of work one day to binge watch the entire trilogy. 1 and 2 were awesome. The last one, not so much. Just watch it- u won't be disappointed
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Late Fee (2009)
Surprisingly entertaining
27 September 2020
I wasn't sure what to expect- but I will honestly say this movie pleasantly surprised me. It was a good mix of humor, macabre, and It had a shock factor that I was not expecting. Please keep in mind that i went into it knowing this would be low budget and campy
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The Bad Nun (2018)
A good mix of funny, spooky, thrilling, and camp
25 August 2020
Ok first of all- I agree that most of the characters were too dumb to survive- without giving anything away I will say it was honestly a good movie. It had a lot of elements of different genres which I liked. I laughed quite a few times, because some of the scenes were a little extra- but overall I enjoyed the movie. And there's a sequel!! The sequel is honestly AMAZING so I have no idea how it is not on IMDB yet.
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Had to keep watching
25 August 2020
Honestly wasn't expecting much- but I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I expected too. I especially loved the character of Hailey- I wish it would've had more of a story about her because Elise is an excellent actress: I immediately recognized her from The show Salem.
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Haunted (III) (2017)
Good! But bad!
9 July 2020
I laughed soo many times- which In turn made me love the movie because I walked into it knowing it would be full of good and bad acting moments.
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Great mix of spooky and fun
8 April 2020
Just watch it! Full of spooky moments and had some funny moments too. I went into it thinking it was just a parody- but I was invested until the very end once I started watching
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