
22 Reviews
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Open Graves (2009)
Not bad at all, actually quite enjoyable
5 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie deserves a fair chance, it's got a good story (even if it is slightly ripped off from other movies) and a good talented cast. The only thing that lets it down is the bad CGI, but the CGI only makes up about five minutes of the movie, so that't not a problem, and also the bad make-up and the obvious low-budget feel the movie has in some places.

Easiest way to describe this movie is Jumanji meets Final Destination. A comment I made whilst watching the movie was, change a few scenes and you could have final destination 5, as some scenes do feel very similar, but it's not too much of a flaw, as this movie takes well known ideas and makes them its own.

The story goes that this group of teenagers find an old mysterious board game. Its a game where everyone could win and everyone could lose, but whoever wins gets a wish. They play it and as they play, the majority of them have to pick up a card which has an obscure little poem on it. Turns out this poem gives clues about their upcoming deaths. And that's pretty much it.

There's not really much to the movie, just a lot of gory, gruesome deaths, which are quite imaginative. It's not a movie to be watched and analysed or to be watched and to be scared by. Just an easy horror movie to watch when there's nothing else on, and to be entertained and enjoy the rather predictable but well written story and several very good actors.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
It's Official: Pixar can do no wrong
3 August 2010
All Pixar movies have a way of being an instant classic and being entertaining for kids and adults alike, because of their many emotional layers. Toy Story 3 is no exception.

When I heard they were making a third, I had my doubts. Toy Story 1 and 2 were great movies, with humour and heart and a great story, surely, I thought, they can't do it again? I was very wrong. Toy Story 3 is just as great as the first two, maybe in some ways better. All our favourite characters are back for an amazingly funny, action packed animated ride.

The story is as follows: Andy is leaving for college, but can't seem to be able to let go of a select few of his toys, ones that have meant the most to him. However, all of the toys ends up being mistakenly donated to a daycare centre, therein lies the problem and they have to figure out a way to get back to Andy and back to where they belong.

The story is brilliant, with another dilemma around every corner, and lots of new characters. With high humour and high emotion at times, its a movie for all ages.

Sit back and enjoy this one, you will not be disappointed, there is not a possible way to flaw this movie, definitely a classic movie trilogy that is going to go down in history. It's not every day a trilogy is formed when each movie is flawless and special in its own way. An enjoyable movie for all the family, no disappointment to be found.
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Saw VI (2009)
I'm afraid it just doesn't feel like Saw anymore...
26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of the Saw franchise and have not failed to see each film over and over again. I couldn't wait to see the sixth film, and when I finally did, I felt like I had wasted those days of getting hyped about it.

I had high hopes for this film, seeing as the first four were amazing, and that the crew had said that they had learnt from their mistakes from the fifth film.

I'll give it that it was better than the fifth, the acting was better, the action was better, a better twist at the end. But whilst I was watching I couldn't help but feel like I was watching a fractured movie, a movie that had parts missing, or sometimes even watching a different movie entirely.

I didn't feel like I was watching Saw. The presence of Jigsaw looming over the film I feel is gone. Even though they brought Tobin Bell back for a lot of flashbacks, I didn't feel like the writers have connected with Jigsaw, or understand who he was. Similarly with Amanda, Jill etc. The presence of those characters is no longer the same. They seemed to have changed the characters just to fit the story that they want to tell.

The twists at the end, not the major ones, but the ones that linked back to previous movies didn't work for me, simply because it's obvious that when Saw 3 and 4 was written, the writing of Saw 6 hadn't been planned. For example *spoilers* we find out what was in Amanda's envelope, but it is clear in Saw 3 from her reaction that it was never planned to be what Hoffman supposedly wrote in Saw 6. This is the case for the other links too in my opinion.

Also, seeing as the film was said to be the best in the franchise, that Jigsaw's game was finally going to be understood, that all questions would be answered, I have to say that to me none of this was met. I am none the wiser about Jigsaw's overall plan than I was when I was watching the fifth. None of my questions from the previous films were answered unfortunately, and things I were hoping for, such as maybe getting a glimpse of the infamous bathroom, were nowhere in sight.

But no, it didn't feel like Saw, the atmosphere that was created with the first three movies has well and truly gone. Even when Hello Zepp started up, it felt like it shouldn't be there, and that's what usually gets My heart racing during a Saw movie.

All this said, I wouldn't have missed it, I'm glad I saw it just so I know the next part of the story, but the only problem was it felt like I was being told a different story than I was with the other films. Overall, I have not fallen out of love with the Saw franchise, I'll still watch the seventh, I'll still watch my DVDs, I'll even buy the DVD of the sixth, but something was missing from this movie and it's definitely near the bottom of the scale of my favourite Saw movies.
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The 3D is awesome!
29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie on the day it came out, like the majority of other Final Destination fans. I have seen the other three so many times and was so excited to be able to see a Final Destination movie in the cinema, especially since it was in 3D and I had never seen a 3D movie before.

As with the third, the story dives straight into the setting where the accident happens, not messing around with any story before it, which depends on how you like movies whether you prefer that or not.

I suppose the accident starts too quickly for me, the movie being on for about five to ten minutes until suddenly everything crashes, explodes and there's lots of blood flying everywhere.

Then everything after that happens exactly how every other Final Destination movie happens: The 'freak out', the saved lives, the memorial, the research into flight 180... and then it's pretty much the same Final Destination we all know and love.

Things I liked: The amazing opening credits! The 3D was unbelievable, it makes you flinch and makes you squirm. The deaths are pretty good, quite inventive. Some awesome twists. Some nice links to the previous movies.

Things I didn't like much: Flight 180 wasn't discussed at all (I know it's the fourth movie and we all know about it, but the characters don't even say the words 'flight 180'). The deaths had build ups, yet the movie had dove in so quickly that you couldn't care less if they died or not, because you didn't who they were. A sequel of any kind shouldn't revisit old deaths and repeat them.

The fourth was a terrific film, but I'm thinking the only reason i liked it was because of the 3D. It's hard to tell whether I would pick up on more things that weren't done well if I'd seen it in 2D first. Either way, for any Final Destination fan this isn't to be missed, and go and see it in 3D, it's amazing. The little touches that have been dropped in to keep the devoted Final Destination fans amused do their job well, and it's a 3D Final Destination movie, who could want more?
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Saw V (2008)
Oh dear... they're beginning to go downhill
22 August 2009
I'm a huge fan of the Saw franchise, and so couldn't wait to watch the fifth instalment. The first time I watched it, I thought it was good, it kept you on the edge of your seat, it made you gasp and recoil... but that was about it.

The second time I watched it I realised how it doesn't compare to the others, not by a long shot. Yeah sure, it's gory, it's a lot of people screaming, just like the others, but the others had depth, the others had unbelievable clever story lines that made you want to watch it again and again. Saw 5 however was flat. It seemed like it was trying go in depth but couldn't and with a storyline so complicated that after the sixth time of watching I still have no idea what's happening. It's not even that the storyline is complicated, it's just that it's hard to follow, which is not what you want with a Saw movie.

I felt that the acting was bad by one or two people, those people being in the fatal five trap, but I would say, the only reason I keep watching this one as much as I have the others is simply because the best performance from the low key characters is from Greg Bryk (Mallick in the fatal five trap). He plays his character so well, that you can see the anxiety, the emotion and the fear on his face even when he's not saying anything. His twitching and uncomfortable posture are really good too.

It's a shame this one didn't follow terrificly on from the awesome franchise (where was the twist at the end?). Some blamed it on the different writers, yet, even though Leigh Whannell's writing on the first three will never be beaten, the fourth was still pretty good, so I'm not to sure what happened in this one.

Either way, I'm hoping the sixth will make up for it, I'm hoping they learn from their mistakes (such as not using a tag line that has nothing to do with the movie) and make another gripping movie which I was hoping for from this one.
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The Class (2006–2007)
This show is comedy gold
2 August 2009
I fell in love with this show after the first episode I ever watched. It was aired a year after it was cancelled over here in the UK, and I'll admit, I remember seeing it advertised on E4 and thinking that it looked really stupid, and that was an incredibly bad judgement on my part and also a big fault from E4, as they had chosen to make it look more like it was slapstick comedy than the witty, sarcastic comedy it actually is.

Once I decided to watch an episode, I was hooked, and I still am, a year later, because the show never gets old. I, along with many other fans of The Class, took an instant disliking to CBS once this was cancelled after only 19 episodes, but I'm gonna make the most of those 19 episodes, get every laugh out of them I can, because lets face it, it's better that it was made and lasted one series than our screens having not being blessed with it at all.

As the series goes on, the laughs get more, and never have I watched a comedy that has an actual laugh out loud joke in every single episode. Of course there are some sad story lines too, and even those can bring a tear to your eye, it is that good. The cast is beyond perfect (some of my favourites being Sean Maguire, Jason Ritter and Lizzy Caplan). Comedy timing is genius and the one liners and the simple sarcasm are just so funny, the series could have knocked Friends off of its perch if it had been given a fair chance.

Overall, please watch The Class, even though it's gone and, as much as it pains me to admit, probably isn't coming back, I promise you you will laugh harder than you've ever laughed before, and the show never fails to bring a smile to my face.
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X-Men (2000)
Fantastically entertaining
3 July 2009
I'm too young to have ever read, or even had a glimpse at, any marvel comic, so I watched this movie having no clue about the X-men or their story. I only had other super hero movies to compare to, such as Spider-man and Fantastic Four.

X-men, in my opinion, doesn't compare to the other marvel films out there. Its a film on its own, not your average comic book adaption. It has more action than you could wish for, a brilliant cast of actors, and seems to have everything and more.

Other super-hero movies out there have a very 'power rangers' feel to them I feel, which make them too young and they hold back from the hardcore action we want to see, but X-men doesn't shy away from the violence, the occasional swearing, and the pure emotion and sense of actual danger and mystery that other super hero movies miss out on.

There is a real sense of threat throughout, which makes it so much more enticing and entertaining.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, from start to finish, each character was given their own part to play, their own meaning and given pretty much an equal amount of screen time, which I know the sequels ever so slightly lacked.

For the first in the trilogy, an excellent movie that I can easily watch again and again and not tire of. Its quick, full of action and funny one liners, really good acting... there't not one fault.

It's a movie to see and enjoy.
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Bachelor Party Vegas (2006 Video)
It's not bad, it's just not great...
16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of people have made terrible reviews on this movie, but I think people have just watched the movie with their expectations low and have just watched it to criticise it and to pick out all the bad bits, but the things they missed were the good bits.

This movie is entertainment through and through, its quick paced, its got good actors and its got a good story. The only thing that let it down was the script, (which luckily enough was pepped up by the actors) and the other thing that let it down also was the over use of half naked women. I'm not saying there shouldn't have been any, I understood there was going to be quite a lot, it being a bachelor party and all, but you know it's gone too far when you begin to feel uncomfortable watching it by yourself. There seemed to be a hot girl round every corner and they kept popping up in the most bizarre places... but that's my only criticism

It's a fun movie, which takes you on an entertaining adventure with these five guys, all of whom have very good characters. Some jokes made by them did just pass by me, but I did smile and laugh at some others, which I think is a huge accomplishment for a movie, because I know there are some big Hollywood comedies out there, which people don't laugh at, yet they're big movies.

Also, the reason some of the jokes aren't so funny is not because they're bad jokes, it's because they just glaze over you. But when watching this movie look out for the character Eli, played by the talented actor Aaron Himelstein, he's the one that makes you laugh and the majority of the funny jokes come from him and his awesome nervous character.

I liked the ending, simply because as the movie was getting closer to the end they gave you enough clues to guess what was going to happen, so therefore it was less disappointing than it could have been. The ending was also well explained, rather than it being a simple, unexplained twist, it actually had a nice story behind it and it made you smile.

This is a movie that I would have probably enjoyed a lot more if I hadn't of read all of the terrible reviews, simple because no movie can be enjoyed when you know the bad bits that people have found. I'd say the only down fall was the over use of sex and gross out humour, which I don't particularly mind in a movie, but in this movie it just lasted a bit too long. Over all, I was entertained, I enjoyed it, which in the end, is all you want from a movie.

So ignore the bad reviews, and try and forget about them when you watch this movie, because it really isn't that bad, it makes you laugh and smile and has a good story and good actors, which is all I wanted from it.
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Saw (2004)
Unique and creative - one of the best
10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a long time to sit down and watch this movie, or any of its sequels, because of its reputation of gore. But one day, I braved it and sat down, and I can't imagine not having seen this movie. It gave me an appreciation for horror movies. What an absolutely fantastic movie - the story is gripping and thrilling with, in my honest opinion, the best ending to a movie in movie history. It has some amazingly tense scenes and isn't just a gore fest which is what I love about it. James Wan and Leigh Whannell weren't looking to create mindless blood shed, but created a plot with twists and turns that had you guessing right up until the end. This movie is quirky and brilliantly directed, edited, written and acted. I 100% loved it and because of this movie it has inspired me to watch more horror movies and, having researched behind the scenes stuff, has taught me a lot about film making. This is horror/slasher at its best and it was definitely worth the hype. Horror fan or not, I think people need to see this movie, it's a real gem in the industry of film.
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Joan of Arcadia (2003–2005)
What an amazing show...
10 April 2009
Sadly I didn't know about this show when it was being made, but discovered it a couple of years later. I just happened to sit down and watch an episode and instantly I was hooked.

The characters are so lovable and entertaining that you feel every emotion they feel and very rarely does a TV show have so many strong characters and that each and everyone you fall in love with.

This is a breath taking show about God, but what I love is that it is about a girl talking to God, yet the show is not about religion and is not without the horrible reality of what the world is like. It's to give you guidance and teach you valuable lessons about life and, honestly, every episode holds a valuable lesson. It's amazing how good this show can make you feel, I love it to pieces.

Instantly, even before I'd seen every episode, I was mad that it had been cancelled after two seasons. They really do cancel all the great shows out there, and this one in particular deserved to last for many more years.

The acting is wonderful. It introduced me to actors who I had never seen in anything else but I instantly became a fan of them and wanted to see some of their other stuff, because they were so great.

There is not one fault about this show, not one. Story's are amazing, acting is brilliant, music is wonderful... This is a show everyone needs to take the time to find and watch it. If its ever repeated on TV, then switch it on, you will not regret it.
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Instantly in my top ten favourite movies... actually make that top 5
9 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went in search for this movie because I wanted something new and exciting to watch and that's exactly what I got. This movie is a fantastic slasher which gives you confidence that this genre still works. For me, slasher movies were becoming a bit too samey, but then I saw this one and it let me know that there are still great directors, writers and actors out there which will create an amazing indie movie like this. This movie definitely steps away from the average slasher, giving the audience more excitement and more thrill as they watch and actually wonder what's going to happen next and who the killer is. No other slasher movie have I seen where it's a who-done-it and not obvious people doing the killing. This film was beautifully edited, with an interesting use of freeze-frames, transitions, slow motion etc, which gives it such an eery, fresh feel and atmosphere, and makes it so interesting whilst you're watching. The acting is brilliant, and in fact it's a movie with not so much written lines, but what almost seems improvised, which makes it so much more realistic. The way that the teenagers are presented, and the way the film is structured allows you to see who they really are, even if they don't say much, and because we are given such an insight into who they are, we feel so much more sympathetic when the deaths begin to happen. I will say that Amber Heard stood out because of her facial expressions, she has an amazing talent of creating a mood and atmosphere just with her eyes, and not saying a word, making herself go from vulnerable to in control in a second. Michael Welch also, terrific, he managed to create an incredibly interesting, in-depth character, which you're not sure to love or hate. Easily one of the best slashers I've seen in a while. I watched this movie online, then went straight out the next day and bought it. An amazingly written, acted, edited and directed movie which everyone should see.
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My Little Eye (2002)
I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with M
19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now this movie isn't the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it knows how to make your heart pump and how to make you almost want to turn it off because of the suspense. The plot is that five people, three guys and two girls, have entered an internet reality show and have to live in a mansion in the middle of now where together for 6 months. If one of them leaves they all lose, but if they all stay then they each get $1 million at the end. The film starts with quick snippets of each persons audition tape so we can see what type of people they are and then we're straight in near the end of the six months. During the course of the movie we find out about everyones past, any dark secrets their keeping and who we can trust and who we can't.

This movie made me watch it behind a cushion. There were so many parts where it was obvious something was going to happen, but you didn't know what or when. The last twenty minutes or so are very blood hungry. Four deaths happen in the space of twenty minutes, without hardly giving you time to recover. The thing that made this movie good, was how we were watching it from a 'big brother' style point of view, so if there was a death we were seeing it all, nothing was cut out, there were no camera cuts, it was just right there in front of you.

Considering this started out life as an independent project it has a fantastic script and wonderful characters who, after 10 minutes, we feel like we know and have known for years. The cast play them perfectly, each making the character their own.

A great thriller, a must see for horror fans.
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Ginger Snaps (2000)
Out by sixteen or dead in the scene but together forever
19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ginger snaps is one of those films where you can't just watch it once, you have to watch it again. It is a snappy, interesting, funny horror movie, with the most perfect cast the film could have asked for. Let's start with the plot: Ginger (Katherine Isabelle) and Brigitte (Emily Perkins) are sisters who's only friends is each other. They are obsessed with death and have planned to kill themselves by sixteen. They are both growing up and through out the movie are seen to grow apart. One night Ginger is bitten by a mysterious dog in the forest which is later to be revealed is a werewolf. We see Ginger's frightening development from best friend to Brigitte to a monster. With the help of botanist Sam (Kirs Lemche), Brigitte plans to make a cure for Ginger so she can get her sister back.

I loved how dark and mysterious the plot was and actually how much I wanted to have a bond like that with someone. The plot was very well thought out, making the story realistic and human, which is the scariest thing.

The actors were perfect. Katherine Isabelle was great as Ginger. Each line was said with great energy and toward the end you were actually scared of her. Her look as well was perfect for a werewolf, with the fake teeth and contacts. Emily Perkins played Brigitte wonderfully. I think she is a wonderful horror actress. She has great facial expressions and can pull off each line that she says. Kris Lemche did great as Sam. Kris Lemche's character was what gave the movie humour and it was nice to see his character develop into 'cool dude' to Brigitte's only friend. He played the part really realistically, his death scene was so brilliantly acted, by Emily Perkins too, that I almost cried.

Simply put, this film is the ideal horror movie. It's creepy, it's funny, it's dark, it's everything a horror move needs to be.
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In death there are no escapes... Well this film proves that
22 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of the final destination movies and had seen the first and the third and thought I better fill in the gap and watch this one. I enjoyed it a lot. The car pile up that happens at the beginning was amazing to watch, because it was explosion after explosion and crash after crash, it was just non stop. After that it seemed to slow down a bit though, until we got to Evan Lewis' death. His death is definitely the most tense, which is a shame because it would've been a nice ending death, but it was the first. With his death you just never know when he's going to die, because there are so many things he can die from and then he dies in the way you least expect. His death is so tense, every move he made and every little thing he did I was almost screaming at the screen telling him not to. Most deaths as well you never see coming and if you do see them coming you don't think they're going to turn out the way they do. It's great stuff to watch for the first time, because you're looking for the clues and almost talking to the characters. For me the actors could've been cast a bit better. Bringing back Clear Rivers was definitely the best thing they could've done. If she wasn't in it, the acting would've let the film down. Sadly the character worst cast was the main girl, Kimberly. Her reactions to some of the deaths was way to unemotional. A person on deaths list gave a long moving speech to her about her throwing away anything of his that would break his mothers heart after he died, then she witnesses him getting sliced into three or four parts by a wire fence and all she can do is raise her hand to her mouth for about two seconds and not look shocked at all. For me the acting wasn't great coming from her, but the film was still great. Overall a highly enjoyable film, and best of all was how largely it linked back to the first, mentioning all the past characters names and having pictures of them everywhere, I really liked that effect. This film is better than the first, but not as good as the third, but if you love the final destination series, there is nothing not to like about this film.
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23 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think I made the mistake of watching the final destination films backwards. I saw the third first and then watched the first, because I really enjoyed the third. Either way I didn't enjoy the first as much as I enjoyed the third. The first is the same concept, Kid gets on plane, kid gets premonition, kid freaks out, kid gets in a fight which gets them thrown off the plane, idiot guy who thinks its all stupid and so on. Final destination is quite slow paced as well. It has to explain the premonition and the clues and why this is all happening and stuff, which I think even if I hadn't seen the third, I would have understood without all the talking. The deaths were no where near as gruesome as I expected either. They seemed quite simple, but that shouldn't be thought too much about, I mean this was the first film, they were exploring what they could do. Some scenes are very well done though. One scene that stands out for me is a scene when Carter's car is on the tracks and a train is coming right for it. That scene is incredibly tense, and I honestly was almost standing up screaming at the T.V for him to get out of the car. Another thing about this film that is good, is that it's unpredictable. I had no idea when some deaths were going to occur, which made it a lot more creepy. This film played on my mind a lot more than the third, because in this one things happen for no reason, such as water leaking out of the toilet, there was no reason for that to happen, but in the third it's more in stages, such as temperature turned up in room caused the fan to come on which caused the palm tree to fall over which caused the CD rack to fall and so on. I do think that most people would love this film, because even though it is slow the acting is good, it's tense, very unpredictable and a lot scarier than the third. I must say that I love the third film, and was slightly disappointed when I watched th first, but I still love the final destination series. It's definitely worth the watch, especially if you have seen the others, because for one you will understand the others a lot more.
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Comedy genius
15 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film. It is probably the funniest film i've ever seen. I didn't expect to like it, because the only teen movies i've seen are American pie and Road trip, but I really loved this film. It made me laugh so much. Some jokes, i think around about two, i thought pushed it a bit too far with the immature humour, but the rest of the movie definitely makes up for that. Surprisingly this movie has everything; humour, love, fights, someone getting hit by a bus, dancing, singing, it's all in there. They chose brilliant actors, and i like how they chose actors who hadn't done that much, or who i hadn't heard of anyway around the year it was out. I have only decided to watch it now because i like the actor Chris Evans and have seen a lot of his stuff, so i thought i'd add this to the list and i'm glad i did. It's one of the funniest things ever. If you enjoy teen movies this is definitely a must see.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
spidey returns...
6 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I saw the first and really enjoyed, so I watched the second and enjoyed as well, not as much as the first, but it was good. I think it did have everything that that kinda movie needs. Good actors, good story, good special effects. There were only a couple of problems with it. I thought that it didn't flow on from the first very well, because I thought that MJ had figured out that Peter was spider-man at the end of the first, because of their kiss, but then suddenly in the second she has no clue. Also I think Harry was used way to less. He's in important scenes, but his character disappears for the whole middle of the movie. Other than that I really liked this movie, it was very entertaining, but I did enjoy the first and third more.
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Very cool
19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was very weary of this film at first. Gruesome deaths are not at the top of my list for film priorities. Once I had heard some of the stuff that happened in it though, curiosity got the better of me. I have to say I was very surprised. I loved it. I knew the basic plot line. Kids get on roller-coaster, kid gets premonition, kids get off roller-coaster, kids start dying in freak accidents. I really liked how this film was gruesome, sure, but not exactly scary. It's one of those violence films that isn't pointless, but isn't so scary that you can't sleep. The deaths are rather horrible, as you can imagine, but I don't think many people would have a problem with them. I'm terrible for deaths and violence, but I managed this film. I actually watched it twice in one day. I like the concept of this film. Simple, yet it keeps your attention. I like the way it links with the first one and how the pictures give them clues and that's even linked to other pictures in history. I would say that the scariest part about it is the song that is played three times in the movie that tells her that there is something behind her that she has to look at. That song, I have to say, is a bit creepy. The acting is great, by all seven actors. They can all scream extremely well. The deaths are very visual, but it doesn't linger on them for too long. I totally loved this movie. I think if you enjoyed the first two, you'll definitely enjoy this, or even if you haven't seen the first two, if you are in the mood for a bit of violence and having nothing to really think about then watch this.
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Spider-Man (2002)
With great power comes great responsibility
7 December 2007
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I really enjoyed this film the first time I saw it, which I was surprised about since I had never been into super hero films before. It had everything; great story, great actors, great special effects... This film is a lot different to the other two, this one had more of a power rangers feel to it where it's two people in suits punching and kicking each other. I was really entertained the whole way through, especially the love triangle between Peter, MJ and Harry. I loved Willam Daffoe's performance as the green goblin, the scenes where he was kind of talking to himself were excellent. Another part I really enjoyed was the scene at the end of spider man web slinging. It was mesmerising. I could have sat there all day and watched it, it was just spectacular. I recommend this film, because it is much more light hearted than the other two and is very entertaining.
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Sunshine (2007)
If it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we've made it...
1 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoilers up ahead* This film is spectacular. It just takes your breath away. You immediately get sucked into it and forget about everything else around you. I saw this film twice in the space of two days and just loved it. I understood it a lot more the second time, because the first obviously I wasn't really concentrating, I was just waiting to see what happened next.

The cast are so good, they chose the perfect actors and actresses, everything was perfect, the casting couldn't have been better.

The storyline is simple, yet brilliant. I loved the different character personalities, how you get a sense of who each one is from the very first scene. I really like the relationships between them too. Some scenes in this film just stand out for me, because they bring on a strong emotion. *Major spoilers ahead* Scenes such as Cappa's jump from ship to payload was beautiful and the scene when Mace found Trey was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. In most films that is like this one, the characters usually get killed off one by one in their own unique way and this one is no exception. The deaths are so varied and each have their own emotion to them. One of my favourite scenes, and it is hard to pick a favourite, was when Cappa, Mace and Harvey jumped from Icarus one to Icarus 2 and for some reason I loved it when Cappa grabbed hold of Mace and threw him into the airlock, it just seemed a very close friendship when that happened, even though they had fought in the past.

This film has everything; suspense, action, even small bits of scariness and, even though it's a very limited supply but it's there, of humour. I think I found about two lines, both said by Mace, which did make me grin.

Another thing I loved was the unique camera work. There were images of flashing smiling faces and the first time it happens it's a bit like "what the hell was that?" and I love the camera work towards the end with the shakiness and the freeze frames. It adds a bit more chaos to the situations.

I didn't think I would be able to cope with this film, I've never been good with deaths, but it is totally worth the watch. Aftwerwards I just sat in silence, taking it all in.

Highly recommended, absolutely fantastic film.
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Hoist the colours
24 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is incredible. The special effects are amazing and the acting is kept to a brilliant standard. I was a huge fan of the first two films and couldn't wait to see this one. I have to admit, the first time I saw it in the cinema, I did get a lil' bored in the middle. It's an incredibly long film and you really have to pay attention to understand what's going on. The second time I saw it on DVD I focused on it a lot more and pretty much understood it completely. So if you saw it once and didn't like it, watch it again and I can guarantee you will warm to it.

Amazing performances from Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightly. Of course also all the other parts too, it would just take to long to list all the names.

This film is ten times more confusing one of the most confusing lines being "You have to be lost to find a place that can't be found", but once you understand it you realise it's a very well thought out plot. It's also ten times funnier, the main funny bits coming from Jack the monkey.

During the fight scenes and the war scenes, it really feels like you're there. It had spectacular effects and just get sucked in, it's very hard to turn away from the screen.

I highly recommend this film, especially if you saw the first two. I really enjoyed it.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Fantastic four to the rescue!
8 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film has had a lot of bad reviews and has been labelled a let down, but I think if people just watched it for what it is and did not compare it to any other marvel film they would realise it actually is a very good film. This film is just the right film to watch when you're in the mood for a fun, relaxing, family film with good actors and good special effects. Any comic book lovers will love this film but if you're not you will still love it. Everyone know that basic storyline. Four scientists Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm head off to space with Victor Von Doom and get hit by a cosmic storm. Once they are all awake again in Victor's medical facilities they realise they have these unique powers. Reed, being able to stretch, Susan Being able to go invisible, Ben turning into a big, rock creature, and Johnny being able to set himself on fire and fly. They come to terms with their powers and realise they can use them to fight the forces of evil in the form of Dr. Doom, who is wreaking havoc as a metal electric villain. All five actors are exactly what this film needed, they couldn't of had a better cast if they tried. They can all carry off the hilarious lines, the serious lines, the sad lines all perfect. This film has a very kiddy feel to it and you know that there is no chance anything bad could happen to any of them. It's just a totally relaxed film, you can tell they must of had a lot of fun filming it and it's just a lot of fun to watch. I really enjoyed it so please forget about spider-man and x-men, watch fantastic four!
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