
2 Reviews
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A moment locked deep in our hearts
11 January 2019
"Balidaan Param Dharma"

The war cry echoed throughout the theatre reminding us of the brave soldiers at frontline martyred by spineless animals in their sleep unarmed. It reminds us of the fateful day which we have conveniently forgotten in our everyday lives. I would be lying if I were to say I had not forgotten about URI Base camp attack in our everyday lives but I am reassured the very next moment as the movie bares open that feeling of vengeance and hatred of being an individual ,powerless, who cannot do anything.

The movie depicts the events to the build up of URI Base camp attack and the surgical strike conducted by the Indian Army at different launchpad killing about 50 terrorists and coming unharmed with no casualties.

The background score harmonised perfectly with audience's nerves, screenplay was engaging, cinematography was sublime, stunt sequences were stunning and acting by main characters were to the point.

It is definitely the best military movie ever produced in India.
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Love Sonia (2018)
Hits where it is supposed to
15 September 2018
I am no expert on Human Trafficking so I am assuming the incidents are honestly inspired and there is no propaganda, The story revolves around a girl who, in her desperate search for her sister, is forced to prostitution. The events forces the viewers to rethink where our society is heading. Trafficking can be seen through an economic perspective of demand and supply. People find market where there is demand but no supply. The movie looks across different spectrum of people on the demand side. From the poorest of the poor to ultra rich, all seemingly having the similar carnal desires of flesh. This desire manifests itself into a full fledged market of trading innocent lives. I have no opinion on whether prostitution is wrong or right but I find it depressing that people especially woman in this case do not have right to live a life of their own. They always seem to be at mercy of their circumstances. Exploiting the poor and the rich merchandising the poor have become of our society. The movie hits the nerves of this flawed system. The movie is far from perfect but true beauty lies in its imperfections.
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