
13 Reviews
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Emesis Blue (2023)
Best horror movie I've seen in years
26 February 2023
Plenty of mystery and intriguing ideas. It's subtle horror with few jumpscares because the focus is on the story and being eerie instead of bombastic. There's plenty of influence from other movies like "The shining" "Interstellar" and even "Pulp Fiction" but the references never overtake the story. And what's really impressive is that the entire movie seems to be made in SFM, an old animation tool with a steep learning curve and this movie goes above and beyond the limitations of the tool. It's safe to say that it's one of the best horror movies I've seen in years which is crazy because it's not even an official movie, it's just something made by passionate people and posted onto YouTube.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Surprise! It's actually good
16 January 2022
I've been hurt before by revivals of previous franchises, but this one was actually really good. The twists and reveals weren't obvious, there was a aura of self awareness in some parts that kept it from just being a nostalgia bait, it's brutal and unapologetic, and even makes fun of other companies screwing up their revivals and basically just screams to every other writer "hey THIS is how you breathe life back into a franchise" it's exactly what I think most people wanted. No preaching, no disrespect, little jumpscares, no bs. If you're a fan of the original this movie is an absolute treat to watch.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
It wasn't that bad
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My biggest issue with the ending to the original Dexter was the fact that it felt as if they forced an unhappy ending when they had a perfectly happy one staring them in the face, and while there was a happier ending possible with this last episode, the sad ending wasn't pulled out of no where. Dexter was on the verge of getting caught, for virtually this entire mini series, while Dexter himself didn't really do much to rectify this oversight. So it caught up to him and he paid the price for it. However this ending is still definitely flawed. Angel Batista was brought into this episode and never seen again, the fact that Harrison had to leave the town really doesn't make much sense, and Logan's death felt kinda forced. But overall I feel like it was loads better than the previous ending.
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Candyman (2021)
Worst movie I've seen all year
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on the movie but I really expected more from Jordan. Get out was a great movie in many ways. Us had its flaws and was disliked by many but I still enjoyed the movie greatly. Candyman however I didn't enjoy at all. Listen people there is a time and place to discuss political beliefs. That time and place is not In the re imagining of a popular horror movie. I have no issues with politics in movies, I have a problem when they take sides in politics in movies. Even when they are taking the side of things I believe in, it has me rolling my eyes in the theater which was the unfortunate case in this movie. Even without the propaganda, the writing is a total mess. The concept was nice, watching a man get driven into more and more of a mentally unstable state while studying the subject of the Candyman and not so subtly hinting at the fact that he is transforming into the candyman. However the entire plot of the movie hinges on a story the comic relief character told in the first 10 minutes of the movie, the main character becoming the Candyman was hinted at so unsubtly they might as well said it happens in the advertisements, all the victims the audience doesn't like to begin with so there's no intensity, and in the last 10 minutes of the movie they pull a main villain out of their ass. This movie is beyond disappointing and it's such a shame because I know Jordan Is capable of writing more than competent movies. But In this case he just chose not to.
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See (2019–2022)
Surprisingly good
19 March 2021
I was extremely skeptical starting this show. It just seemed like another show trying to cash off of game of thrones' screw up. After watching it though my fears were put to rest. Action scenes are choreographed better than game of thrones, the story isn't a masterpiece but it's entertaining to watch there are no Mary Sues in this show. All characters have interesting flaws that make them interesting to watch. It's by no means a masterpiece but I can confidently say it is underrated
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Fargo: Welcome to the Alternate Economy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
A strong start
1 October 2020
After the third season I was a bit skeptical. However this first episode has me hyped all over again. I noticed a large amount of bad reviews for this first episode and I believe it's because of the change. As the seasons go on they have been getting more and more complex and a lot of people seem to have an issue with how it's different from what it used to be. But change is needed especially in a series like this. I say give it a chance and let's see where it goes.
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See (2019–2022)
Better than I expected
30 September 2020
I went into this show with expectations incredibly low. It seems like every company is making streaming services with original TV shows in order to try and compete. Unfortunately this has resulted in laziness because they focus on quantity instead of quality. So going into See I expected it to be a cash grab but in reality I can see that there was legitimate effort put into this show. Its interesting seeing how people may function and adapt if everyone went blind. The story is okay but what really caught my eye was how the combat was choreographed. The combat is incredibly fun to watch even more so than game of thrones in most instances. This show isn't incredible or game changing but I do think it's worth giving a try
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The Counselor (2013)
Should have been a book
20 June 2020
This is just one of those movies that you can't help but think "what if it was a book" there is no urgency or thrill to anything that happens in this movie. The cards are laid down in the first twenty minutes of the movie so you know how it's going to end yet the movie continues to go on for another hour and a half. That's why I feel like this should have been a book. If we could just get a better view inside of the main characters head like what could be done in a book, we as the viewer would be able to develop a stronger connection to him and empathize with him. But instead it's just two hours of people delaying their inevitable deaths with vague dialogue and no real way of escape. It just feels like a wasted opportunity and wasted time
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Fargo (2014–2024)
An incredible show that varies In quality
28 April 2020
Each season tells a different story with a loose connection. Season one was incredible and even on par with a show like "breaking bad" the second season was really good too other than a couple of strange turns of events. Season 3 is also good but is without a doubt the weakest season (so far). Lots of plot holes and very sluggish pacing with a vague and unclear ending. It trades out the intense jaw dropping moments from the first two seasons for a much slower paced story of two brothers. Nothing really happens until the last few episodes of season 3. However the first two seasons Are so well done with a perfect balance of lovable and hatable characters with such well written stories that I can easily recommend this show to anyone and I'm excited to see what the fourth season will bring to the table
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So much potential no payoff
3 April 2020
This movie starts out great and Through the entire duration of the movie I was waiting to see how great the ending would be. To say the least I was let down. It started off so promising but the ending left me disappointed. The acting and dialogue In the movie is great as well but in terms of story there is nothing worth watching. The entire time the movie can't tell what kind of genre it is. Is it a drama? Is it a comedy? Is it an action? I don't know and I can't say the writers do either. They tried to have it every way but in the end it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The acting, the beginning, the dialogue is all fantastic but the overall story is just a deal breaker on every level
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Bad reviews are North Koreans
1 March 2019
Movie is great comedy is hilarious action is good. What is there not to like?
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Tombstone (1993)
One of the best westerns
7 November 2018
I've always had a thirst for western movies. This one definitely satisfies that thirst. It tells a true story of the town tombstone with four people who should not have been messed with. I don't really know what to say about it (without spoiling) so I'll just leave it at the fact that this is my favorite western movie
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Great and intense
7 November 2018
The basic principle to the story of this movie is pretty simple and not exactly original but it's done very well. Throughout the movie I was on the edge of my seat. It's one of the most intense movies that I can remember. It's also a fresh reminder that you will not always get the ending you want. The only reason I can see someone disliking this movie is because of its ending. If you want a intense movie this is highly recommended
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