
30 Reviews
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Much Ado about Nothing
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I will give two stars for this, as it was visually not too bad, and another for a few original ideas. Acting is ok, but the story does nothing to encourage sympathy towards any of the characters.

The real issue is the length - which would have been better, and much more effective, as a 60 minute film. This is much too drawn out and, at times, rather tedious.

At the end, I could only conclude that this was one big joke played on the audience - a film literally about "Nothing", who turns about to be the central character. Whether Nothing is a Demon or otherwise, by the time you reach that stage of the film, you are past caring.

Unfortunately, there is also Nothing to recommend anyone to sit through and watch it either, as it is rather dull.
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Undergods (2020)
Bleak and Tedious
20 March 2024
Every so often I watch a film and, having given it the benefit of the doubt and sat it out until the end, I find myself asking, "why?"

Undergods is one of those films. Pretentious, depressing, and lacking anything remotely resembling an even half-decent storyline. I think back and try and find if there's anything in its favour, but there isn't. Whatever point(s) the Writer and Director thought they were making, lost by this tedious drivel. The filming and scenes are generally bleak in appearance. None of the characters portrayed evoke any interest, let alone sympathy (other than that for cast members who had to perform this rubbish).
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The Amazing Mr Blunden (2021 TV Movie)
Another pointless remake
1 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lacking the charm of the original and pretty much anything else in its favour, this is just another Remake that really should never have been made. Tedious tosh which, at best, could help those suffering from insomnia. Simon Callow mumbles his lines at the beginning, and that pretty much sets the tone for the entire film. Otherwise, the only reason for this ghastly reproduction appears to be as a "box ticking" exercise in an attempt to make it appeal to a modern audience. An epic fail all round with not a single redeeming feature.

I'm puzzled as to why those behind producing Films and TV shows appear to see Mark Gatiss as a proverbial "Messiah" when it comes to horror/supernatural productions. This is just another epic fail in a line of those with his involvement.
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Platform 7 (2023)
Not the best, but far from the worst I've seen
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I binge watched all four episodes this evening - the fact I could stick with it to the conclusion suggests it is certainly watchable, ignoring the rather obvious woke sub-agenda that seems the norm in many dramas now.

The storyline isn't bad, a bit predictable at times, as was the ending, and the acting reasonable. It could have been done in 90 minutes rather than stretched out over four episodes. Annoying irrelevances like the relationship between the manageress and policeman should have been cut. The old man who committed suicide and was revealed to have molested his daughter could have also been cut, as the main storyline was solid enough to stand on its own.

The fun really starts in the last episode as the ghost (Lisa) gets up to all sorts of mischief to enact her revenge on her former boyfriend. Shame that part couldn't have been expanded more as, in an otherwise deadly serious script, it was the only hint of humour.

Always good to see use being made of heritage railways (Keighley & Worth Valley) too - as the additional finances will help them to continue to be enjoyed for many years to come.
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The Last Bus (2021)
13 December 2023
A slow moving storyline which seems to wander away from the main course frequently - perhaps the writer cleverly making it an allegory for the meandering nature of most bus routes? Probably not.

Unfortunately a bit of research beforehand wouldn't have gone amiss (even asked those who have done the actual journey). Instead, the lead character looks at a map with the route filled in, not a timetable in sight, and just a few notes. No idea how he gets from A to B; a bus turns up, he gets on. Where he gets off, nobody knows, and after 30 minutes of this drivel, nobody cares. It doesn't even appear that the film even bothered to use the real life locations at either end. The potential of filming some of the scenery on the journey ignored and instead, a lot of clichéd characters and situations, with a large accompaniment of woke.

Tedious and depressing, and I can only give it two stars: one for the great Timothy Spall who does his best with a dreadful script; and another star for helping out bus preservationists by hiring their vehicles.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Watchable, but not a Classic
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At several points I had a feeling of déjà vu.

The early scene of the lead character attempting to overtake, and almost having a head-on collision, looked to have been inspired from the 1972 classic film Duel with Dennis Weaver and an unseen truck driver (a far better film).

More irritating later was the clichéd scene of her running away from the assailant only to trip over, something that has been done countless times before, and for which I have deducted a star from my rating.

Another irritation after watching this is the scant detail about the characters. All we know of him is he has a wife and child, and hints this is not the first time he has done this. The female character appears to be relocating after her husband committed suicide. What little background detail we get about either is lazily done through phone conversations they have.

It's a watchable, but rather average film, and with a similar plot and scenes that have been done before, and done far better.
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Stalked by a Prince (2022 TV Movie)
1 August 2022
Watched this as the idea initially sounded interesting. The usual American actor playing someone English, with a posh version of a"mockney" accent, initially hilarious, but then as tedious as this far-fetched story which was dragged out for as long as possible. Would have given it one star but for the best line in it, which had me laughing for several minutes: "There's a pub not far from here - they serve a mean Devilled Kidney, I'm told".
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The Larkins (2021–2022)
24 October 2021
Only prize this should be awarded is "The most pointless remake of 2021".

Whereas the original Darling Buds of May was a charming and enjoyable show, this lacklustre effort does nothing except tick a few boxes in the minds of the producers. Sorry, but Bradley Walsh doesn't even come close to the superb Sir David Jason in the leading role.
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Great scenery, but otherwise a lot of "pony"
26 June 2021
A poor script and pretty bad acting (the kids were better than the adults). It's watchable but only for the fantastic scenery only marred in the latter stage by poor lighting. Aside from the ponies themselves, nice selection of what are now classic vehicles.
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Tedious Drivel
3 May 2021
Not much to say about this one - only thing in its favour is filming/photography, which give it some visual appeal. Otherwise and endurance test to sit through.
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Incoherent drivel
11 February 2021
One of the few times when writing a review that I wish it was possible to award a negative star rating!

The script appears to have evolved from a hastily scrawled script on the back of a cereal packet. If anthing can be taken away from watching this, it's the lesson in how not to make a film. Really cannot think of a single redeeming feature for this one.
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A quirky little tale
11 February 2021
Despite negative reviews, I watched this with an open mind and am rather glad I did. Ok, maybe there are no Oscar Winning performances here, but there is still a lot to enjoy. The camera work and lighting are very good - equivalent and, at times, better than you would see in a film with a big budget. There's a few unintended comicical bits with special effects and costumes, but taking all into account, still worth watching.
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Excellent story, well executed
19 December 2020
Not your typical story, and all the better for it, along with a great cast and fantastic scenery. Full marks to all actors, particularly the younger cast members who made this excellent drama even better. All combined, have no hesitation in giving top marks.
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One of the all time great films
22 October 2020
Without doubt, this is the leader of all War films. Supern actors, and superb cinematography. It is, without doubt, essential viewing. It fully deserves top rating.
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Black and Blue: Secrets (1973)
Season 1, Episode 1
A gem of a play
17 October 2020
Only saw this on a recently acquired DVD of the Ripping Yarns series. Unfortunately, BBC policy at the time was to recycle videotapes, and the original of this was one of many casualties. Happily, it was recorded privately so we can enjoy it today, albeit the recording does have a few glitches, it's still enjoyable.

The story, a somewhat cynical tale, but a great early example of what we now term "Black Comedy". Superbly fronted by the great Warren Mitchell along with a host of familiar faces.
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Wake Wood (2009)
Watchable, but mediocre
1 October 2020
Unfortunately the premise of bringng back the deceased has been done repeatedly. Ostensibly it is simply a remake of the classic "Monkey's Paw", just with a lot of silliness added. The acting was fine and, as always, good to see Timothy Spall. It's a film to watch once if there is nothing else on tv, otherwise quite forgettable.
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End of an era
23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My late parents had been ardent fans of this show from the very beginning, when it was centred around 3 characters; Compo (Bill Owen), Clegg (Peter Sallis), Blamire (Michael Bates). I also watched and enjoyed it, and saw how the show developed over the years.

I've always enjoyed the light-hearted escapism the show offered; and for 30 minutes, be transported to another dimension, far removed from the troubles in the Real World.

The great Bill Owen was central to the show, so this episode was uncomfortable viewing for me. I couldn't watch it when it was first broadcast, and only 20 years on, tonight I decided I would, as it was broadcast on the Drama Channel in the UK.

The passing of Bill was incorporated into the script in a rather daft manner, befitting the irreverent nature of the series; seeing Nora Batty in tights prove too much for Compo, leading to his demise.

The performance of Peter Sallis throughout the episode deserves a ten star rating, closely followed by that of Kathy Staff. At times, it was clear to see beyond the script and acting, their genuine sadness at the loss of their friend and colleague.

Sadly, despite their solid and moving performances, the episode was blighted by the need to keep in the audience laughter which, I feel, would have been better left out on this occasion. The music (except at the very end) was similarly inappropriate and should have been more subdued, particularly the harmonica soloist. Likewise, I think it was one episode that would have been better without the Howard and Marina dalliance, and Aunty Wainwright section seemed superfluous. It is with these reasons, I could only, with heavy heart, only award five stars. There was some really beautiful moments, paricularly as the episode closed but, these aside, it could have been handled a lot better.

I will say that, without Compo, the following episodes were never the same. Unfortunately, great writer he is, Roy Clarke simply does not know when to call it a day on a series, as aptly proved by him resurrecting Open All Hours as Still Open All Hours, following the same formula as Last of the Summer Wine.

Really, this episode should have been the Last of Last of the Summer Wine.
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Friday Night Dinner (2011–2020)
Great Fun
20 September 2020
Really funny tv series (a rareity on British tv of late), great actors, witty script. Would have given higher mark, but for the Jim character who does nothing but make me cringe.
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Itsy Bitsy (II) (2019)
Comedy horror?
6 August 2020
Still am undecided if this was intended to be a comedy - but, either way, parts had me laughing out loud. From some very dubious CGI, and a very unconvincing plastic arachnid; and such great lines as "Before time was time"; "Don't worry, Mommy. Mister giraffe will protect us". Can't even imagine arachnaphobes would find this horrifying. The scariest part is atrocious acting.
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Nails (I) (2017)
Kind of fun..
5 June 2020
It's a film you can't take to seriously. No thinking required or asking questions why such a big hospital only has two members of staff and three patients!

Not sure Ross Noble would win any awards for his acting, but an inspired choice as made the film that more comical.

It's worth watching for its unintended comedy value.
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An interesting idea...
31 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The concept isn't bad, and possession of the elderly lady a novel idea. Unfortunately, a lot of the usual found footage clichés (aka, people running about screaming).

At times it turned out unintentionally hilarious, other times, downright silly.

They discover an hitherto hidden attic - which, on exploration, is immaculate. Not a spider or cobweb to be seen, not a speck of dust. Just one of several things that make no sense at all.

Scary, no. Washing a pair of my socks is much more frightening than this.

Not bad, but I thing the found footage idea has now been done to death.
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Get Out Alive (2016 TV Movie)
I've seen a lot worse (despite other reviews)
16 April 2020
Ok, so the plot had more holes than a lump of Swiss cheese; the stereotypical bad guy/mad doctor with a questionable Eastern European accent; comical fight scenes worthy of silent film comedies; a predictable outcome. It was still a fun watch and kept me entertained - although must admit was more captivated by the character of Serena (Linday Maxwell) who made it a lot more watchable.

As stated in my title, I have seen far worse and it's a fun watch if you don't take it too seriously.
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A film that attempts to be upbeat, but leaves the watcher bemused and disappointed
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched this throughout, it left me with numerous questions, and the main one of those being: Why was it ever made?

A drip of a girl irritatingly giggles her way at her own jokes throughout. Numerous storylines (the boy abused by his mother's boyfriend, the relationship with her flat mate, pregnant sister, etc), all brought in for no apparent reason and no conclusion.

The relationship with the taxi driver had potential (and only his performance that saved me rating this one star). Annoyingly, this storyline itself was only partly resolved, so ultimately an anti-climax.

A load of pretentious and boring drivel not worth watching.
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"That's a God awful accent..."
28 March 2020
A line from this film which sums up its major flaw.

The evil twin is not an orginal concept, just the manner in which the plot is executed. In this case, not bad and on the whole, well acted albeit but best not to try and scrutinise the storyline too deeply!

It's epic fail for me was the awful fake "Mockney" accent - for the stereotypical English villain. Unfortunately nobody living in England has ever had such an accent. It's very distracting and really pointless, ultimately ruining what would have been a watchable film.

Probably best viewed with sound muted and subtitles on.
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Oh dear!
22 February 2020
A promising enough idea, and starts out reasonably well. Unfortunately descends into unintended comedy and several laugh out loud moments towards the end. Least said about some of the CGI the better. Usual excorcism *yawn* done too repetitive.

The ghost/demon (past caring to know what) was about as frightening as a limp lettuce. Where many of these supernatural films go wrong is actually having to show the supernatural beings. Far better (and scarier) to be more subtle and leave it to the viewers imagination, something the original version if The Haunting did to great effect.

Found footage is getting too over used a format now, and wobbly camera work does nothing but detract from the story.

Worth watching only for the unintended comedy aspect.
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