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5 October 2008
This film has been crafted almost to perfection, the touch used is delicate and very realistic. It is interesting that such a slow pace should be so engrossing but it is. Thanks I think to the brilliant acting from everyone. Kirstin Scott Thomas stands out for such an understated performance, that when she does towards the end of the film show such deep emotion you are blown away. Her co stars do a great job keeping up with her, specifically Elsa Zylberstein playing her sister,the woman can cry on demand a face full of expression. Frederic Pierrot as the policeman, whose brilliance is only realised at the end of his part of the story. Jean Claude Arnaud as the grandfather, who without saying a word through the whole film is masterful. There could be a danger that this film is seen as a trudge through human emotion but I can assure you it is more than that. You will leave the cinema for filled and uplifted by the whole experience.
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Back on Track
19 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After five films I have come to realise that it is very difficult to translate these books to the screen. Imagination is far more powerful than CGI,and we all have favourite bits that end up being left out, unless we want to sit through a 15 hour movie that is.

After the disappointment of the last movie, I was apprehensive about this one, though hopeful, there was much that could be dropped from the book, which was a touch overlong. I am pleased that we are now back on track.

The film flowed, what was changed worked well and did not feel disjointed, like No 4. It built up to the action well and the cast have developed strongly. The three leads all putting in solid performances. Those that stood out for me were, in no particular order, Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood, an odd character handled in a subtle, gentle way, top marks. Matthew Lewis' Neville Longbottom has come to the fore and the scene where he tells Harry about his parents was moving. The two adults that I enjoyed the most were Imelda Staunton as Delores Unbridge and Helena Bonham Carter's Bellatrix Lestrange, admittedly both parts were showy so were already larger than life, but the danger with any part like that is the temptation to go over the top. Neither actress fell into this trap.

I enjoyed the DA classes, which cleverly developed the story line leading to Harry's first kiss, Ginny's spell strength, Neville as already mentioned above and much more, each scene drew you in as if you were part of the action and you cared. The final action sequence was gripping and just a little confusing, which was what I felt when I read the book, by confusing I mean not the plot but the fact that so much is happening all at once, the group are living on their wits, on the edge of death they are fighting for survival against a much stronger enemy.

So all in all much more enjoyable, better edited, thought out and directed than NO 4, the skill of the young actors is growing and we have two more films to look forward to. With the new book out on Saturday, let's hope Harry lives.
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The Eurovision Song Contest (2007 TV Special)
Still Great
5 June 2007
How can you not love this, every year I sit down with family and friends, some wine and a voting sheet and every year I am surprised, entertained and by the end just a little drunk.

There has been a lot of talk in western Europe about the domination of eastern Europe. There is no denying that the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia do have a numbers advantage, but that does not mean they will always win. To win the Eurovision Song Contest your song has to be popular with many more countries.

Of course there will be national pride and if your country takes it seriously then you will be disappointed that you did not win or make the all important top ten. Usually you will like one song more than the others and you will want it to win, this is the beauty of the competition especially one that encompasses such a diverse demographic as Europe, we all have different opinions, I for one thought our UK entry to be truly awful. So no national pride there then! Before the contest my favourite entry was from France, unfortunately they did not perform very well, which was a shame. On the night there were a number of entries that I liked, Sweden, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Bosnia and Serbia, so quite a mix. Going back to my point that any potential winner has to be popular across the board, the eventual winner Serbia received a top three vote from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Malta, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands, point proved I think. I did see a web site that had taken all of the eastern European votes out, Serbia still won.

So when you start to bemoan the fate of the contest and the perceived way it is going, remember that it is just a bit of fun, yes it's great when your country or your favourite song wins, but there are 500 million people out there voting and we all like different things. Sit back enjoy and don't take it too seriously, you never know next year it might be your turn and think how excited you'll be then.
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10 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a truly remarkable film, there are so many things about it that are good that this could turn into a list but I will resist.

Visually this film has everything you could wish for, with fantasy scenes that are masterfully created, from the journey through the tree and the giant toad, to the fawn and the very sinister and quite frightening, what shall I call it, child eater with eyes in its hands thing. The use of light or lack of it sometimes invokes emotions throughout, I was also taken with the scenes in the rain, not only visually but the sound, it felt oppressive, a great link to what was being felt by the rebels.

Who would not resort to a fantasy world when faced with a sadistic and down right evil step father like the captain. I flinched when he continually stabbed the bottle into the farmers son's face. When that poor stuttering lad was being tortured and after, did you see what had happened to his hand ooh. But sowing your own mouth up, I was watching through my hands. This part was played amazingly well by Sergi Lopez a brilliant actor, we believed in him and welcomed his death at the end.

Having seen only one other del Torro film the devils backbone, also very good, I am amazed at his ability to get such good performances from children. Just remarkable here, Ivana Bagelro should have awards heaped upon her. So moving, at the end when she is dieing, even through we know it is just her fantasy, she believes it and somehow that makes us grateful in her last moments.

The supporting cast were outstanding, especially Maribel Verdu who played Mercedes, she brought to the role real passion, brilliant.

You don't have to know anything about the war to appreciate the film or story. It will go down as one of the best films of all time, an experience that you will be hard pushed to forget.
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The Departed (2006)
Best film this year
23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So you get one of the best directors in the world, a cast of outstanding talent, a brilliant script and you end up with the departed the best film of the year so far.

There is so much that is good about this film, it is exceptionally well told, keeping you hooked from the word go, the music is great the cinematography outstanding. You move from scene to scene in a state of anticipation and excitement, not quite knowing what is going to happen next.

The acting, well the Oscars need to extend the number of nominees in the categories of best actor and supporting actor because all involved in this picture deserve to be up for a gong. It is difficult to pull anyone out from the crowd so I wont because it will just read like a cast list. I do hope that the Acadamy recognises this film, they tend not to go for adult rated movies but this one deserves the lot.

My best bits; Di Caprio's face when Martin Sheen is thrown off the building, outstanding acting. Marky Mark interviewing Di Caprio, Jack throwing cocaine at a babe and telling her not to come up till she's numb and all the shooting. I think I'm gonna have to stop here or I will go on for days.

If you read this and think not another glowing review it can't be that good, well it is, you would be mad to miss this film.
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23 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There are some really good things about this film. It is beautifully shot, the costumes are outstanding and the music used one the whole works well.

I was really looking forward to this film, a modern approach to the period drama was intriguing, alas there was so little substance to it that the good things ended up amounting for very little. The most disappointing thing for me was the lack of seeing the whole picture. I can see where the director was coming from, showing us the isolation of the queen and therefore her inability to see what was happening in the country, but we should have seen it, it would have given us more to think about.

The dialogue was poor and too many images of nothing. Nothing really happened, I found myself getting bored. The one point that really made me laugh though, and I'm sure it was not meant to was when Marie was riding in a coach and they started playing the song "fools rush in", it was so out of place as to be really funny.

It is such a shame there is some real talent involved in the picture and it lets them all down.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Not that good
17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this film, after all, the trailers have been out for ages and it looked and sounded cool, alas it was not to be.

There wasn't much of a story to speak of, apart from Jamie Foxx the acting was only OK. He did a good job with a script that should have been re written 50 times. It just didn't feel stylish enough, yes I know the fast cars and boats were there but it was just a bit boring.I also couldn't understand the lead actress sometimes, though that could have been because I was loosing the will to live. It was over long and in fact they could have cut about half an hour off the run time.

So that's the moans out of the way, there were some good bits and it's always good to end on those, the soundtrack was good and I liked the shooting bits, though that does make me sound like a little bloodthirsty, I'm not, it's just that they had good pace and were well executed, excuse the pun! The whole film was dark lighting wise and it wasn't until we got out of the cinema in daylight that you realised it. So all in all OK to rent on DVD but don't waste your money at cinema
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it's cold out there
13 August 2006
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This is a charming and beautifully shot documentary. You cannot help be captured by the remarkable Emperor penguins and their fight for life.

The natural backdrop of the antarctic is breathtaking and the harshness of the winter heightens your admiration for these creatures. The commentary though I found distracting and a bit cute, having been brought up with "wildlife on one" and the master David Attenborough the script here was not as informative as it could have been. That said, I watched this on DVD and the making of which had a significant amount of the film's footage in it was much better, being narrated by the the men that made it. It is when you watch this account of the journey from both the penguins and filmmakers position that you realise how awful the conditions are. In one scene we are shown the true carnage one of the storms causes, with the ground strewn with the dead bodies of the chicks, a very moving moment.

So all in all this is well worth buying on DVD, so one can sit and wonder at the world in which we live in.
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A bit of chemistry going on
27 July 2006
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This film is not as bad as you might think. That said it is a run of the mill rom-com which is lifted by the performances of the two leads.

So Bullock plays an attorney who stands up for the little people and saving buildings. She goes to work for Grant who plays the face of a multi million dollar company that like to knock buildings down. So we have a bit of a conflict there, but that won't get in the way of a romantic storyline oh no. Needless to say after some messing around we get a happy ending.

I did enjoy the film because Bullock and Grant work very well together in fact they are great. Now I love Sandra anyway so it's no surprise I liked her but Hugh gives one of his best performances ever with a character that is shallow and not floppy like most of his outings.It has some funny moments which actually made me laugh out loud. The DVD, in the Uk at least has an alternate ending as an extra and that was good too.

So it's not bad, if you like the leads you will like this film.
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14 July 2006
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So a re-make of superman, I knew I would enjoy it, a good summer blockbuster I thought, and I was right it is. Interestingly though I think it has more about it than that. The special effects are very special, as superman brings the plane down to land on the baseball field and the crowd started cheering I felt myself welling up. It was at that point that I realised this film has heart.

I liked the way it captured a 1950's feel with the set of the Planet, but still maintained a modern edge. The plot worked well and for a movie that lasted two and a half hours, it fair ripped along. There is lots of comedy in it with great references to the classic superman story. Now I guessed that the kid was superman's there was a moment when I thought oh I've got it wrong but no it's superkid and I can see a spin off on the horizon, with any luck.

The acting was very good, the two actors I would single out were Brandon Routh a top superman, he captured a depth that we have not had before, good comic timing as well. But really this film belongs to Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther, just a brilliant performance.

So this is a must see film, with I think something for everyone.
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Jack is back
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I always think a sequel is going to be a disappointment especially if you loved the first film, Shrek for example, so it was with some trepidation that I went along to see this film. I need not have worried, the story was as good as the first if not better, some real laugh out loud moments. The special effects were also very good, as was the make up, Bill Nighy actually looked like himself, which is quite something. Like Nighy's character Davy Jones the crew of the flying Dutchman are all turning into sea creatures, very very well done.

Acting wise, Tom Hollander is suitably nasty, the aforementioned Nighy is superb. Mackenzie Crook and Lee Arenberg reprise their double act and are on top form. Keira Knightley is fine, as is Jack Davenport. Once again though this film belongs to Johnny Depp, he is just fantastic I loved the way he ran away from the cannibals. The acting is tongue in cheek and it works because of that. So all in all a worthy follow up. It doesn't quite have the impact of the first film because you know how Jonny Depp is going to be as Jack Sparrow, but that is not a complaint because he's so funny.
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Walk the Line (2005)
29 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In a way this film reminded me of "Ray", not an original comparison I know and though there are similarities between the two mens lives, professions etc, it's not that. I think the directors handled the films in the same way, and for all the troubles Johnny Cash went through in the film it felt sanitised to me, just a bit too glossy for my liking. That said I did enjoy it, having never read a book about Cash, I learnt a few things.

I liked Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of this man, I thought he brought a depth to the performance that did the man justice. Reese Witherspoon was also convincing as June Carter, though having seen the film after the Oscars I was expecting a bit more from her performance. I suppose it just proves that it was a weak year for female leads.

The support cast do a great job and the music is top notch, as you would expect. If you like Cash's music then this is worth a watch, Here again Phoenix did a good job, just enough like the real voice to not niggle in your brain throughout the film. It may be glossy and a bit Hollywood but it's OK.
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United 93 (2006)
We should remember
21 June 2006
I fully understand that for many this film has been made too soon after the horrific events of September 11th. I have to admit I was one of them, on seeing the trailer at the cinema I was shocked to think that a motion picture was even being contemplated let alone made and released.

As time went on I started to read and hear things about it that got me thinking this was not one of your typical Hollywood films, big stars, etc and that intrigued me. So today I went to see it, with some trepidation.

The actors get across that these are just every day people like you and me, faced with an extraordinary situation. Ben Sliney, playing himself stands out. What a major undertaking for each and every one of those actors who took on a role of one of the passengers, the responsibility to that persons family and friends must have been overwhelming at times, so to each of them well done.

There is a tension that runs throughout this film. The attention to everyday detail is almost too painful to watch as are the phone calls to loved ones, yet again though there is no Hollywood schmaltz, just honest pure feelings handled in a sensitive way.

Paul Greengrass has made a film that, without all the trappings of Hollywood that makes us sit up and think. He makes us care about people he tells us little about. He makes us will the passengers to bash the brains out of the hijackers, even though we do not believe in violence. He makes us feel. Most important of all though is the fact that he makes us remember. The people on that plane did not set out to be heros, they acted out of a human need to survive but in doing so they became heros, saving numerous lives.

I know it might be too soon, but these people died standing up for their right to live, and I for one think we should never forget that, and if this film goes some way to making us remember then it has done a good job.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
not as shallow as you might think
10 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those films I can watch over and over, not too taxing on the brain, it has a gentle humour, is well acted and charming, yes charming is a good work. It has heart. I realise the premise is far fetched, actually way beyond reality but it does sort of work.

There are some touching moments, Hal's return visit to the hospital, and him getting back with Rosemary at the end always brings a tear to my eye, soppy I know but what the hell.

I also think there is more being said about society and marginalised groups than in a lot of films, and I find it interesting that this a comedy should even try to say that, and it works because it is a comedy. Jack Black is great as are the support cast. So if you can suspend your disbelief for a while then you may enjoy this film.
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10 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The story of a family, in a back water town, where we get to see each of them struggling with life. Johnny Depp, him again, gives yet another excellent performance as Gilbert, frustrated with his lot, wishing he could get away from his family, responsibilities and most of all Endora. He works to support his family, is having a less than fulfilling affair with an older married woman and is always looking out for his brother Arnie, played by Leonardo Di Caprio, but more of him later. Depp manages to capture every emotion perfectly, in an non-showy role he pulls you in and makes you believe.

Ultimately this is a simple story, man struggles then finds love, but it's so much more, the relationships of the family Grape are very well observed, from the mother hugely overweight, causing the structure of the house to crumble to the growing pains of the sisters. Where this story strikes gold is with Arnie, I remember when I first saw this film I had no idea who Di Caprio was, I actually thought they had used a disabled actor to play the part, when watching that year's Oscars and seeing him nominated for the role I was amazed. I have watched many films, and his performance is one of the best I have ever seen. Remarkable in it's accuracy and so moving, when we find him sitting in cold bath water having been told not to move hours earlier, well it breaks your heart, and Gilbert's rage demonstrating his frustration not really at Arnie but at life, just brilliant.

So this is a film that you should see, if only for Di Caprio, but it has much more than that.
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I love this film
5 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It comes to this, where I have to admit that I like Sandra Bullock, she makes me laugh and I don't know who could beat her in romantic comedies, she is made for them, could she be the modern Doris Day? This film has a great plot, get an FBI agent into the miss USA pageant as there is a mad man on the loose trying to kill the ladies. unfortunately the only FBI agent available is a tomboy, with no lady like qualities, that's Sandra, and she does a fab job with it.

Having said how much I like Sandra, this film though belongs to Michael Caine in a great role as a camp mentor to the contestants, he plays this part to perfection and should have been nominated for a supporting Oscar. The other stand out performance comes from Candice Bergen as the ever so slightly mad organiser of the show. Brilliant.

So it's camp, has some great acting and cameo parts and William Shatner singing through the mayhem. It can't get better than that can it. So I maybe odd and I'm sure there are many people out there who will disagree with me, but I don't care I love this film
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It went very well
1 June 2006
Now I am a sucker for "what if" stories, and what better to have Germans occupying an English village during the war.

What we have in this gem of a film is a great story, we see the villagers pull together and overcome the foe in heroic fashion. We are not spared the horrors of war, I think particularly of the scene when the telephone operator having summoned the courage to kill her German captor is killed trying to contact someone for help, you don't see anything but because of that it is all the more powerful. You are on the edge of your seat hoping the eggs with the message on will get through. We see a lady driving in her car, singing to herself, we then cut to the home guard being mown down on the road, their bodies cleared just as the woman drives round the corner. The two scenes together make for a powerful contrast. Bloody good stuff.

The pace continues through the film at such a rate that you do find yourself on the edge of the seat, the acting is great, though some may find the clipped English accent a little annoying, I liked the fact that there are a number of different accents from cockney to Yorkshire all making the "in it together" message more powerful. When the villagers start to fight back we get to see some hero's, none more so than the lady at the manor house who to save the children throws herself onto a grenade, I remember seeing this scene for the first time and being very moved by it, and every time I watch it again it has the same effect.

As a piece of propaganda it must have worked like a dream as a film it is well made and acted, what more could you want. Even more impressive is that it has aged very little.
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it can happen every night
1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Can you believe this was made in 1934 that's 72 years old, surly it must be rubbish, it must have aged and become irrelevant. Well no it has not. It is as fresh, witty, sassy and entertaining today as it was when first released.

This was the first film to win the big five awards at the Oscars and has been followed by only two other films, so that's something special to start with. It manages to pair two fine actors at the peak of their charm and attractiveness. It has a great script and is directed by one of the finest directors Hollywood has known, so how could it fail.

The story fair cracks along, with Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable creating an on screen chemistry, with adult humour and situations. We the audience are treated like intelligent grown ups who are going to get the point even if it's not obvious and therefore find it even funnier.

That the two leads end up together at the end makes the journey all worth while, because I love a happy ending, and this is one of the most satisfying i've seen. The DVD has some extra features here in the UK and I found them interesting as well. So order it today.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
it's OK
1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do you know it wasn't that bad. I was expecting a pile of poo, but I quite enjoyed myself. Now it could be that my expectations were lower because of all the bad reviews I had seen, which had originally put me off going to see this at the cinema. Or It could be that I was in the right frame of mind to enjoy it but whatever the reason it was OK.

The story isn't bad, the acting is alright, Miss Alba is fantastic as is Chris Evans who has the joy of taking the funny man role and playing it well. Michael Chiklis is good as well, the only two people I was disappointed in were Ioan Gruffudd and Julian Mcmahon, both of whom I think lacked something.

All in all it's worth watching for a bit of fun, you know if it's raining and you have been locked in the house because you are in quarantine.
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a must see
1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit that I knew only the basics of this story before watching the film.

I found it a powerful and well crafted film. It managed to capture not only the awful conditions that these two families had to live in but the tensions and fear as well.

I found myself holding my breath with the cast as the burglar moves around downstairs, or when the German Soilders are searching the house. All the time thinking get rid of that bloody cat it will be your downfall, as it proves to be in the end.

The acting wasn't bad, Shelly Winters was good as Mrs Van Daan and Ed Wynn, who I had only seen in Mary Poppins up to this moment was suitably annoying. Millie Perkins as Anne did a good job, though I am sorry to say I found her a little irritating, but she was playing a 13 year old girl and they are a bit. For me though it was Joseph Schildkraut who held the whole thing together, from the moment he comes back to the attic having been the only member of his family to survive, throughout the 25 months in hiding and finally at the end when he talks about their deaths, he is both subtle, moving and very honest in his portrayal of this man. A fine actor.

I have found this very moving and would imagine that it also worked very well in the theatre, where it was first seen.
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not good enough
25 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a shame, I really enjoyed the first two MI films and was looking forward to this one so it was disappointing to find it a bit clunky and with some poor acting.

Now I'm not a huge fan of Tom Cruise, he can pull out some great performances, Jerry Maguire, and then when he goes into action hero mode it gets all wooden, what's going on.

There are some good set pieces the bit on the bridge was done very well indeed, edge of the seat stuff. Philip Seymour Hoffman was, as always, very good.

So what was wrong with it

Poor Simon Pegg just as he gets into his comedy bit he goes off on a tangent and starts telling us about a super toxin, this whole bit was so staged, how on earth are we going to let the audience know we have to save the world, let's just tell them out of context they will never notice. Why was it that the gang had such trouble getting into the Vatican when one of them just walked through the front door with a camera. What about trying to get into the building to get the toxin, lot's of trouble planing the attack, equations etc and jumping from one building to another, to have a bit of a prayer and then Tom jumping from a window what about the bit in between. Then the ending, happy families all hugs and laughing a bit weak.

There are better action movies around to watch on DVD, so spend your money on those.
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The Eurovision Song Contest (2006 TV Special)
another top night
22 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Greece did a fantastic job of hosting this years eurovision song contest, the opening section was breathtaking, so well done, I've not seen it done better.

So what about the songs, well for about half an hour I was getting a little worried the quality was not very high, but never fear along came Germany with a country style song, and it wasn't bad. Then the middle section of the contest arrived and it was obvious that the winner would come from here. Russia produced their best song for a long time, Romania, the pre contest favourite was sung very well, a young man with a powerful voice. This was followed by Bosnia & Herzegovina, ethnic, melodic, and one of the best songs in the whole show and the best Bosnia have ever produced. Lithuania decided to go down the novelty route and came up with a great song. Our entry in the UK was OK Greece had a great song which I was surprised didn't do better. It was then time for the rock monsters of Finland who rocked and then rocked a bit more. The Ukraine came back to form, Ireland had managed to get through the semi and the song was well received. Finally the last song that was going to stand a chance was Sweden, having failed to automatically qualify for the final after last years poor showing they put everything into their entry this year, Carola, eurovision queen, thumping dance beat and flags how could it not do well, camper than something very camp.

The voting changed this year as we had 38 countries taking part it would have taken about a week to get through unless something was done. So points 1 to 7 were added to the scoreboard and the final three marks were read out. It quickly became obvious that this was going to be a three horse race, Russia, Bosnia and Finland. As it was Finland led the competition from the second country to vote and that's how it stayed, heavy metal wins the eurovision song contest, an interesting concept. There will be those die hard cheese fans who want it to be euro pop but I for one think it is healthy to get something different triumphing. Finland have one of the worse records in this contest and are deserving of the win, rock rules. My sister who is a rock chick and hates the contest even though she is forced by me to watch every year, is in seventh heaven and is at last looking forward to next year. As am I.
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King Ralph (1991)
King Ralph
17 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK first off you have to suspend belief big time, after all the whole royal family wiped out having their photo taken, and being replaced by an American lounge singer who is less than sophisticated is a bit far fetched. So I can understand why lots of people don't rate this film, but I think there is more to it.

John Goodman does a great job as Ralph and the supporting cast are just as engaging from an excellent Peter O'Tool and charming Camille Corduri, currently to be seen in Doctor Who. So the acting isn't bad. There are some laughs along the way and the story though predictable is good enough. So what's wrong with it.

It could be that it's just a bit simple, but that's what makes it fun, nothing much to think about just sit back and enjoy. It has a heart and it doesn't try and be anything it isn't so let's not give it too hard a time.
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For the Boys (1991)
For All
17 May 2006
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It's very easy to criticise a film like "for the boys", after all it is sentimental and there is singing, a sure fire vote killer. Despite this I liked it, in fact I more than liked it. Why because it has a heart it may be sentimental sometimes but it works, the singing works, and there isn't that much of it.

The reason this film really works is Bette Midler that age old phrase a tour de force is the only thing that you can say, the woman is fantastic. Sassy, vulnerable, moving. She brings to the part a great depth and an impressive range of emotions, most of which are underplayed, making them all the more powerful for it. Well deserving of her Oscar nomination and a little robbed not being chosen as the winner. James Cann is also very good and the production values are high well written and all in all much better than you might think.

Yes there are some dodgy bits like the old age make up, though the makeup in the sixties was better, the ending is weak and it was a pity to go out with a whimper considering the rest of the film had such balls. These though are not enough to spoil the film.
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Twister (I) (1996)
A mighty wind
17 May 2006
I'm amazed that this film has such a low average score, I thought it was great. Now I know it's not that deep, but what's not to like. The visual effects of all the twisters is breathtaking, having first seen it at the cinema it really worked and every viewing on my rather smaller TV set does not diminish the effect.

The film fair cracks along as we get to chase round the countryside looking for the big bad wind. You get a baddie to dislike, a kindly, yet funky aunt and a collection misfits all played well, after all there are two Oscar winning actors in the cast in Helen Hunt, who I love and Philip Seymour Hoffman who is also very good in this. In fact I think the one thing that set's this apart from other summer blockbusters is the quality of the acting.

I think the fact that it was a summer blockbuster would be enough to put some people off and if this sort of action movie is not to your taste then I can understand some negative comments but as a piece of escapist fun for an hour and a bit then it can't be beaten.
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