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WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 (2005 Video Game)
Overall a great game, but fans of the older Smackdown games or arcade style wrestling games will be turned off at first.
16 April 2006
The Smackdown games have a long history. Starting from the PS1, and releasing quite possibly the best wrestling game since No Mercy(Smackdown 2: Know Your Role.) they've remained very popular over the years, becoming the Madden games for wrestling fans.

Not surprisingly, they've decided to make the Season Mode the biggest attraction, instead of focusing on other game modes. You can either create a wrestler or start with a wrestler from the show. Losing in Season Mode really does nothing, the storyline still goes in the same direction regardless. You have some option, which only rarely changes anything.

The Create-A-Wrestler is scaled down from Smackdown Know Your Role. And some of the create-a-modes are missing from last year.

The graphics are great on everything. Except the fans. They look like they where on the N64/PS1. And the character models are well done. Almost scary. But the greatest new addition, is "Everyone has ABS". No i'm just kidding. But I still don't know why everyone has ABS! There is some incentive to play single player. While playing exhibition mode, you have to do something specific to the challenges required, once you do these, you'll unlock more things like furniture and characters.

Speaking of unlocking characters, you have to plug your PSP into the PS2 to unlock a certain character. Bullshit! And another thing, you do all these challenges and things to unlock something, THEN YOU HAVE TO SPEND MONEY ON IT! Which you have to earn first! Moving on, the gameplay is rather simple. Just hurt the characters in specific areas for awhile, make them submit, or save up your momentum and finish them off. While, the reversal system, if practiced enough, nothing will ever hurt you. It's that simple.

The voice acting is better then last year, they no longer sound like they're reading from a teleprompter in an empty warehouse anymore. While the color commentary is just a joke. Playing the game over long periods of time will have their sayings memorized in your head for eternity.

As for the music, it's probably only reserved for the Death Metal Rap lovers. If you're wrestling backstage, there's no commentary. Which makes it really boring.

As for the online, it's great. WAY, and I can't stress this enough, is WAY better then last years.

All in all, it's a solid wrestling game, but it doesn't hold a candle to No Mercy or Know Your Role.
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Way better then the new Lord of the Rings movies.
11 February 2006
Directed by Ralph Bakshi in 1978, Lord of the Rings is based on the JRR Tolkien book of the same name. It contains both books, which the third movie was scrapped due to lack of funding.

The movie basically follows the book, with a few little snips here and their.

The animation is typical Ralph Bakshi style. It also uses rotoscoping, but unlike Wizards, the rotoscopes actually make contact with the characters.

I prefer this movie too Peter Jacksons movies, because those are way to long drawn out and boring.
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True Crime: New York City (2005 Video Game)
Total garbage.
12 January 2006
True Crime: New York City is a pitiful attempt to cash in on the urban themed games, the game is the sequel to True Crime: Streets of LA, which was a decent attempt to cash in on the popularity of the GTA games.

One of the problems comes from the story, so bare bones and generic I was guessing the plot quarter of the way in.(And mostly right too!) The script is pretty bad, even though they've got Traci Lords and Christopher Walken in this game, they drop F-bombs and the N word every few seconds.

The only glimmer of hope in this game should come from the Graphics, sound, and gameplay... right? Well maybe the sound, but that's it.

The graphics are nothing short of unimpressive and uninspired, sure they mapped New York down to almost every nook and cranny, but it's useless when you've got nothing to do.

The gameplay combines sneaking,fighting,driving, into a mish mash of awfulness I can't even comprehend.

The sound is probably the only thing that saves this game, it has a combination of rap and the New York music scene.(The Ramones, Blondie, etc.)

But, here comes the worst part of the game. The bugs. Not your regular house hold bugs, but "destroy your game permanently" bugs. The x-box version gets the worst of it, including a bug that makes it impossible to finish the game. But that's not the only bug, oh no. Enemeies get hung up in objects and cars disappear. Which makes you have to restart the mission you where on at the time.

Overall, I give this mess 1/10. It's quite possibly the worst game i've ever played, don't even bother. Save yourself $50 or $5 dollars.
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Teen Titans (2003–2006)
Saturday Morning Dreck.
10 January 2006
I grew up with DC comics, Teen Titans, reading every issue I could buy. I was ecstatic they where bringing my favorite comic book to the small screen. But what I didn't know, was that they where going to turn the show into a teeny bopper, sugar charged piece of crap. But you might be saying "But Zen444! Wasn't the comic designed for children?!" Actually, no. The comics dealt with very adult and mature things.(Rape no less.) But this show is so embarrassing to watch.

Starting off not so well, is quite possibly the most annoying intro themes, EVER! The characters in the show, look nothing like the characters in the comic, they look more like prepubescent kids, then teenagers.

The only characters they bastardized to the extreme where Starfire and Beastboy. Beastboy's name was Changeling and he wasn't an idiot. Starfire had exceptionally long hair and she was powered by the sun,also, Starfire is somehow retarded in this show. Yet her freaking sister can speak perfect English!

I do have to bring up, Starfire and Raven have great figures for 11-13 year old girls. Yeah, that's disturbing.

The animation is somewhat Gorillaz and somewhat anime. A combination, no one ever wants to see... ever.

And of course, the pilot episode, has to be the biggest turn off in history.

I have to give the show it's dues for having both Ron Perlman and Malcolm McDowell as Slade and Mad Mod. Respectively.

But for the story, it's somewhat dubious since it never is coherent and just drops a plot right then and there hoping for the show to progress.
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