
18 Reviews
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God Friended Me: Matthew 621 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 8
Love This Show
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The characters and stories are so great in this show. I really loved the twist of the woman we meet in the elevator being tied into the story later in a very sweet moment between her and her husband. The morals and lessons in this show are so sweet. This show was cancelled to early.
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
Mixed Messages and Horrible Storylines
18 July 2021
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While Austin's storylines seem decent everyone else's suck. You can't relate to any of the characters, and the writing seems like it was written by adults writing about what they think teens do. Also, Ginny's storyline is all about trying to fit in so she smokes pot and other things just to fit in. The sex and pot just seems normal to these children, but this isn't a message Netflix should be sending to teens. Also, what the hell is all that stuff about race? Ginny steals from a store, and then later questions the chick who caught her saying did she only catch me cause I'm black? No, she caught you because you were stealing. The stereotypes in the show are just awful as well. The emo kid who has sex with Ginny is the best example of this. He doesn't want to commit to Ginny, but whenever Ginny goes out with another guy suddenly he gets so pissy. Please don't watch this show. Watch something better like Dead to Me or Schitt's Creek, but don't waste your time on this.
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Cute Little Movie
17 July 2021
This movie definitely isn't going to win any awards or oscars, but it was still a fun little adventure with the Looney Tunes. Lebron's acting is as good as you expcet it to be considering he's an athele, and not an actor. When you go into this movie don't have that high of expectations cause it's not going to reach them, but if you give this movie a chance you might like it. Also, avoid the cringe humor like Porky rapping or Granny, well in general.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Please Just Stop With These Horrible Episodes
12 July 2021
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I'm so sick of these Morty episodes that center around him doing weird stuff like with Planetina or Jessica, but this episode just took the cake. Like I'm starting to think the writers are just giving up. Don't get me wrong, this episode was way better than most Family Guy and Simpsons episodes, but to RM standards this sucked. And don't get me started on that B-plot. The writers started shoving it down our throats with stuff like Men are dumb because they have guns and stuff. I'm sick of Summer's attitude, and wish she would've fell off that building. For the future, let's have more episodes that feature some more recurring characters like Jessica, Mr. Poopybutthole or the math teacher. Heck, I'd even watch a Ms. Pancakes episode, but it's getting tiring getting attatched to characters like Planetina or Mr. Nimbus only for them to disappear at the end of the episode.
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The Simpsons: Manger Things (2021)
Season 32, Episode 16
More Maude Please
29 May 2021
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When Maude died in Season 11 it felt like a cheap gag to just take revenge off Maggie Roswell's pay dispute, and ever since then they've kept joking about how mediocre of a character she was and had her appear as a ghost just to make fun of her. A couple of years ago however they started having her appear more and this episode is her largest character role in an episode EVER. While she is a little crankier, that can be understood knowing that she's 9 months pergnant and about to burst. Hope the Simpsons writers utilize Maude more as everytime she's on screen I get a little smile.
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The Simpsons: Diary Queen (2021)
Season 32, Episode 12
Touching Tribute to Marcia Wallace
29 May 2021
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Despite some of the episode's problems I put that all aside for the montage at the end of the episode showing Ms. Krabappel with Ned and Bart. Had me tearing it up and was a great sendoff after all these years. We miss you Ms. K. (:
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The Flash: Family Matters, Part 2 (2021)
Season 7, Episode 11
Had the Budget of A Home Movie
26 May 2021
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Haven't watched the Flash in years so I decided to turn it on. What I watched was a load of poop. The scene where there fighting the Speed Force was so dumb. Like you could tell it was a green screen. How people still watch this show I'll never know. Also ever heard of too diverse. It's just like there casting just to add more races. The cast is already full enough why do we need like six other characters who aren't even good actors. People who still watch the show, I congralute you as I couldn't even sit through one.
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Penguin and Nygma both lose someone in an amazing Gotham
24 May 2021
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This episode was even better than last episode. While Galavan is still a pretty dumb villain as even I can tell he's a villain that doesn't take away from the amazing acting of Robin lord Taylor and Cory Michael Smith. It was really sad seeing Penguin's Mom die just as Penguin and her hugged. Good thing Penguin got his revenge for that 2 seasons later. Also Riddler's subplot was pretty good too. Even though the plot was really sad with him looking for Kristen's body it still has some pretty funny dark humor like with Nygma finding Kringle's hand in a vending machine full of Lady Fingers. Probably the best scene of the series, expcet for some Jerome scenes is when he finds Kristen's body and becomes the dark side he never wanted to be.
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Okay Scooby-Doo
30 April 2021
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Over the last few years Scooby-Doo has been very experimental. Be Cool Scooby-Doo, Mystery Incoporated, and even the failed one Shaggy and Scooby-Doo Get A Clue still tried something new. However, SDAGW? Plays things safe which can hurt it at times because we know how good this gang can be when there pushed to there full potential. Some episodes are amazing like the Morgan Freeman, but others just fall flat. Pretty much a mixed bag of a Scooby series.
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Gotham: Rise of the Villains: By Fire (2015)
Season 2, Episode 6
A Darker Gotham
30 April 2021
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Wow this show is good. Although Season 1 took more of a Law and Order: SVU approach, this season just went full force DC. I have never seen such a dark show in my life. People are choked, eyeballs come out of eyesockets, and people are burned to death. While I definitely critcize the abuse angle they went for with Firefly you can't lie that it's an interesting backstory. As for Selina, Camren does another beautiful performance. I'm glad Bruce's story was sidelined this episode for more focus on the other two stories as it's very obvious in which direction that story is taking. Now to talk about the best, and saddest part of the episode. Kristen Kringle's death. Wow. Cory Michael Smith and Chelsea Spack have such beautiful chemistry, as you feel for both of them as Nygma reveals he killed Doughtery. It get's very emotional when Nygma has Kringle pinned up against the door, and tries to explain to her he killed Doughtery for her. I feel your tears Nygma. 9/10 just for that amazing Nygma/Kringle plot.
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20 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cute little episode that teaches children the danger of copying and pasting. While the second part isn't as good as the first mostly due to Arthur's whining. Remember if your Arthur's friend you must love everything he does. So many great parts, especically the part where we see Francine as an adult getting caught or Francine's dinner table scene. Definitely recommend!
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5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SO boring, and barely has a plot line. Also, Bruce Timm is making his fanart come true. Terrible! NEVER watch if you're looking for a good movie. There's literally a scene where Harley farts and Nightwing and Batman have to smell it like WTF? By the way that ending was just garbage. Please don't waste your time with this stack of garbage.
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The Simpsons: Uncut Femmes (2021)
Season 32, Episode 17
It's All Sarah Wiggum and Marge on This Week's Episode
29 March 2021
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Okay, Sarah Wiggum was never a major presence. She was mostly a tertiary character that served to make the Wiggum family look stable. Sarah was a combination of Ralph and Clancy's design, with Pamela Hayden doing her best Chief Wiggum impression for the voice. However, this episode decided to drop Hayden from the role, and celebrity cast Mullually, and a bunch of other guest voices to do supporting roles. The episode starts off fine enough with Marge trying to be friends with Sarah after Bernice, Luann, and Majula abandon her. However, after Sarah's true side is revealed the episode drips in quality. It turns out Sarah is an ex-criminal who fell in love with Clancy after trying to rob him. This backstory just feels so artifical, with two of Sarah's sidesicks not even needing to be in the episode. From there, it gets even weirder as Sarah teams up with Marge to get revenge on Lindsey Naegle who betrayed her team years ago. I don't want to say anything more, expcet how are we supposed to care for Sarah Wiggum as she is basically a new character. The episode tries and fails to do Sarah justice, but I'm glad they tried.
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Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (2015–2018)
Stop With the Hate
19 March 2021
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Be Cool Scooby-Doo tried something new, and fans were upset. So the animation looks a little wishy-washy that doesn't mean anything compared to how amazing the writing is. When I look at this show I compare the formula to that of Phineas and Ferb and it's easy to see the writers took some inspiration from that show. Also, the influence this show had on Daphne's character is incredible. Before this, Daphne was always the one member of the gang who didn't really have a role. She started out as danger prone Daphne, and although future Scooby shows strayed away from that they never really added anything more. Take Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated for example. Some of Daphne's biggest plots in the show revolve around Fred. This show's interpration of Daphne has not stayed in this universe as Daphne is started to shine more like this in Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?, Happy Halloween Scooby-DOo and the most recent Sword and the Scoob. Overall, give this show a chance. It deserves at least that, and hey you might end up liking it.
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The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2015)
Underrated Jem
19 March 2021
This show is such an underrated jem. I'm glad they mixed up the Looney Tunes formal. I'm glad more people are watching this show on streaming services like Boomerang or HBO Max. It's like F.R.I.E.N.D.S. meets Looney Tunes and they fit so well together. The show is able to mix the Looney Tune's shennagins into a sitcom-type world. The show also makes new incarnations of old characters that become classic instantly. An example of this is Lola Bunny who goes from a play toy for furries to same wacky pyshotic stalker and I love it. I know this show may not be for everyone, but give it a try. You might just end up enjoying it.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Bob's Burgers is Amazing
19 March 2021
One of the many things I love about Bob's Burgers is it is sort of grounded in reality. Well at least more grounded than the Simpsons is. You don't randomly see Mr. Frond and Teddy randomly talking without a good reason. The show is also very calming and funny. Whenever, I feel I need a break the perfect show to always turn on is Bob's Burgers. I love this show. Even the bad episodes are still enjoyable. If you're not watching this show your missing out on a very funny and underrated gem.
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Scooby-Doo: The Sword and The Scoob: Trash or Treasure?
18 March 2021
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Wow. The movie was actually okay, until the last few minutes where they throw up in the viewers face by saying the entire Medevial world the gang is in is fake. Wow, Velma sucks. The movie also has a problem with it's pacing. Some scenes feel like there going on forever like Daphne swordfighting while other scenes are two short like the plane scene in the beginning. Can we talk about the animation for a second. Why can't WB give these movies a bigger budget,there were some scenes where I couldn't look because it looked very bad like the scene when Morgan La Fly or something carries Shaggy away. I'm getting sick of Velma saying everythin is fake and so is pretty much every other Scooby viewer, but WB doesn't care because they make that MOOLA. If you need something to keep the kids quiet, then definitely get this. All I can say is at least it's better than the snore fests that was Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo, SCOOB, and Scooby-Doo Return to Zombie Island
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The Simpsons: Sorry Not Sorry (2020)
Season 32, Episode 9
Simpsons Struggles to Give Miss Hoover a Good Episode
18 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before this episode Miss Hoover was only a gag character. She would usually only be in a scene or two, but nothing more. This episode however, tries to flesh out Miss Hoover, and I can accept it for trying to do it, but it's the way they try to do it that really makes it medicore. The whole episode centers on Lisa trying to get out of apologizing to Miss Hoover. Why does Lisa have to apoloize to Miss Hoover? Because she called her a h*ck for giving her a bad grade for no reason. Miss Hoover is treated as an atoganist for the first half of the episode taunting Lisa by saying that if she doesn't apologize she won't get into Harvard or something, and then in the second half the writers are all like, but wait, Miss Hoover is actually depressed and lives alone. Why should I care? She treats Lisa like a piece of garbage and now I'm supposed to cry for her? To make matters worse, Lisa buys her an expensive chair, and then asks Miss Hoover to accept her apology, but Miss Hoover wont. All Lisa did was call her a bad name it's not like she killed her cat or something. Also, there's a bunch of dumb gags in this episode like the Harvard joke about men apologizing about everything. Isn't it funny, no it's dumb. I'm gonna give this episode a 5 because I can appreciate them trying to flesh out a character even though all they did was throw up in her face by making her even worse than before. Miss Hoover, you deserve better.
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