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Another (possibly) flawed masterpiece (sorry tiny spoiler)
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
9.5 out of 10

Firstly the flaw (or what I see as a flaw), in that Stansfield takes time out and goes all the way across the city to a building, goes up several floors to an apartment to then simply say "I'm tired of all this Mickey Mouse bullshirt" and walks out. I t just wouldn't happen like that.

Thats the possible flaw, everything else about the movie is magnificent.

Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman are truly superb. Gary Oldman is insanely brilliant in his over the topness. Natalie Portman wasn't acting, she literally was Matilda. Jean Reno is so scary, yet so loveable. The script was amazing, the cinematography was beautifully and artfully done from start to finish. The ending where the "camera" falls over is truly heartbreaking.

I gave this a 9 1/2 because of the one tiny flaw but don't let that stop you watching a great film. I've watched both version many times and I think the 2 hours 13 minute version wins every time, there's just more of Leon and Matilda, which has to be a good thing.
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Misaeng (2014)
The high (few) and lows (many) of a newbies life in corporate South Korea
1 January 2023
...This review Ignores the first 5 minutes and last 15 minutes of this series... This series is about life as a newbie in the corporate business world in South Korea. How accurate it is, I have no idea but its riveting stuff.

Four newbies (temps.) enter the hostile world of a large trading company and we watch them (3 boys and 1 girl) as they try and progress and become a permanent employee (which takes 2 years). Three of the temps have a good chance of being taken on full time but the fourth has little to no chance as he is only there on a recommendation from the boss's friend.

Each newbie is assigned to a different team and with the girl (Ahn Young-Yi played by Kang So-Ra) getting a very sexist group. The main focus is on newbie Jang Geu-Rae (played by Yim Si-Wan) who has no idea of business life placed into a team led by Oh Sang-Shik (played by Lee Sung-Min) who doesn't really want him there.

After a few episodes we hear why Oh Sang-Shik doesn't really want him there, his last temp may have committed suicide. As time goes by the manager (Oh) goes out of his way to help Jang Geu-Rae become the best employee he can be.

My favourite newbie is Han Seok-Ryul (played by Byun Yo-Han) who is a hands-on, touchy-feelie kind of person whose immediate superior is a nasty, lying, cheating low life person.

This may sound like a series you might want to give a miss but don't, its very very good with all the well written stories coming together nicely. Lee Sung-Min who plays manager Oh is exceptional, when he laughs, you laugh, when he cries, you cry, a flawless performance.

Does anyone know the connection between the dead girl and Jang Geu-Rae ???

...The first 5 minutes and the last 15 minutes are just a happy ending tacked on to make some people happy. It has no real bearing on the show...
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Awesome story that somehow gets lost
10 December 2022
I came to this series straight from "Encounter" with the brilliant Song Hye-Kyo in it. So I gave this series ago because she is in it too (albeit 5 years earlier).

The story of two siblings that get separated at a young age. The male sibling goes to an orphanage where he meets another child with the same name Oh Soo, and they over many years become very close friends. Sadly during a gambling scam escape the male sibling is killed. Some time later the female sibling Song Hye-Kyo playing Oh Young goes in search of her brother Oh Soo only to find his namesake friend who is in desperate need of money to help pay a gambling debt and pretends to be her actual brother in order to get money from her.

I really liked the story and idea that went into it but somehow somewhere it all gets lost or wishy-washy in transition from paper to screen. Sometimes the acting is excellent, sometimes the acting is laughable in its overacting. The music is overly dramatic which grates on the nerves. The fight scenes were choreographed by a total beginner, every punch or knife stab is a yard away. And the injuries sustained in the fights are taken to the nth degree.

From what you've just read it sounds like a series to avoid but no it certainly isn't. When the acting is good it is really, really good, Song Hye-Kyo isn't new to acting at this point and what she's learned at this point can be breathtaking in its sincerity (the teary scenes) or laugh out loud funny (the crying scenes). Jo In-Seong who plays Oh Soo plays the part really well, he goes from a loveable rogue baddie to a loved-up nice guy in seamless moves throughout the series.

The side stories were either a distraction or a vital part of the main story depending on which side-line you are watching. The gangster side stories don't add much (although I did like the main gangster Jo Moo-Chul played by Kim Tae-woo) but the secretary/guardian side story is vital and heart-wrenching in its conclusion.

Then after 15 and 3/4 episodes we get the ridiculous "Happy Ever After" ending. Why oh why do they do this, having a main character die is not good for the viewer but is more true to life than a magical resurrection, where the loved up pair walk off into the sunset holding hands with little colourful birds flying around their heads.

The ending isn't as bad as "Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol" (Which is a YOU MUST WATCH 10 out of 10 series) but its still pretty bad.

Give it a go, pass the time with a hanky or two.
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Encounter (2018–2019)
Light and breazy love story worth a watch
1 December 2022
This is a simple story about two people from very different backgrounds meeting by accident and eventually falling in love. She (Song Hye-Kyo playing Cha Soo-hyun) is a CEO of a large successful hotel. He (Park Bo-gum playing Kim Jin-hyeok) is a carefree amateur photographer with not much money to his name. He applies for a job at a P. R. Dept of a hotel but before he either gets the job or not he makes one last trip and its to Cuba. She goes to Cuba to sound out a new hotel venture but has her handbag which holds her money and phone stolen from her on a trip to a beauty spot. They both meet by accident and the relationship goes from there.

She (Song Hye-Kyo) is perfect in the role, she's a fine actress indeed. He (Park Bo-gum) is very good but suffers from a never ending smile, he just smiles all the time, its a bit un-nerving.

The side stories are really good and help the main story along, I think these side stories should have been bigger as the main story limps along at a slowish pace. Not too slow that it becomes boring but the 16 hours could have been reduced to 14 hours with ease.

The chemistry between the two main actors was very enjoyable to watch as their relationship grew from liking to loving and all stages inbetween.

Give it a go, you've nothing to lose but keep a hanky close for the last two episodes.
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You look like a bandage, but you're a really pretty bandage.
17 November 2022
As K-dramas go this one is pretty darned good. Excellent acting from all involved, excellent storylines, excellent cinematography, and a musical score that didn't get in the way. Usually with K-dramas its the lead two that the focus is on and the other cast members are just one-dimensional characters filling space or setting up the next part of the plot for the leads. This drama gives everyone a good shot at acting and nobody fails, they all have good rounded stories and lives. The lead pair, Lee Min-Ho (who plays the King Lee Gon) and Kim Go-eun (who plays detective lieutenant Jeong Tae Eul) are absolutely perfect in their roles (for me she is in the top 3 of best Korean actresses, loved her in Guardian: The lonely and great God). He is new to me (I think) but his acting chops are not to be faulted.

This story is about time and space-travel and obviously it centres on the Korean part of the worlds. One Korea that we all know, and another Corea that is not divided and has a King of the whole country. The King of Corea is assassinated and his son witnesses the assassination but is severely injured doing so. However the boy is saved from death by a mystery person who leaves an I. D. badge at the scene. The boy becomes King and searches for the I. D. badge owner, which takes decades and involves space travel to the other Korea.

The storylines all weave together nicely throughout the series, although you need your witts about you as the story flits between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Corea without any warning.

Each character has a duplicate in the other K/Corea but don't always have the same name and are different to their counterparts in other ways, either style or demeanor.

A big heads up for Woo Do-Hwan (who plays Kings guard Jo Yeong) and Kim Kyung-Nam (who plays Kang Shin Jae) both their stories really help the drama along to its climax.

This series doesn't get a 10 for two reasons. One: The ending is a bit wishy-washy, it tries to please everybody and ends up doing so in a lovey-dovey way rather than a true to life way. Two: The lead actress' alternate character is built up to be this great thief and mystery woman. In actuality she comes across as neither and is almost pointless.

Don't let these last two points put you off watching it, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish it was 16 episodes longer. Give it a shot.
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A little slow but worth the waiting
6 November 2022
The title of the series made me think this would be similar to "Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol" but thankfully it was different enough to be interesting to watch and keep watching. I gave Do Do... a 9 but should have been a 9.5, I gave this a 9 but maybe an 8.5 would be more fitting.

Park Eun-bin who plays Chae Song Ah is absolutely perfect in the role, everything she did was spot on. All the other actors and actresses had to work their socks off to stay close to her, and they all did an excellent job.

The storylines and there were 4 of them were very well written and moving from one to the other wasn't jarring as some other series storylines can be.

My two issues with this series is:- 1) 16 episodes (16 hours) could have been condensed to 14 episodes or 14 hours. Just a tad too much filler.

2) Min-Jae Kim who plays Park Joon Young is a bit too wooden around his mother (played by Kim Jeong-yeong).

However the ending helps make the two issues mentioned trivial.

A great show worth watching.

Cn anyone shed light on why he (the male lead) swapped hands at the end of episode 16 ?
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Lovely melodrama that touches on serious issues
28 October 2022
The storylines in this drama were very well laid out and executed by a strong cast. Issues such as single parenting, and physical abuse were touched on without being over-dramatized or graphic.

All the actors were terrific and played their roles to perfection. However I think both (older) fathers were wrongly cast in that their respective roles should have been swapped with each other, it would have looked better in my eyes.

The music was excellent even if they only played two tunes for the whole 16 hours. They were really catchy and memorable, a bit like an ear-worm.

However the last episode, or should I say the ending of the last episode was a bit disappointing. So many unanswered questions, like did he ever have a drink or did she ever tell a fib. Did her older sister have any kind of happy ending. Did her younger sister get married to Mr. Shy-guy or just remain good friends. Did her father get the retirement job he so much wanted. All these questions will never be answered, at least not by the team of One Spring Night Watch it and see if you can make the answers up.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Pinhead might star in the Hulu preview but not in the film itself
8 October 2022
First off, the film is really good too watch, an interesting story line and actors that pushed their acting to the limits. The cinematography was awesome, the direction kept you involved all the way through and the costumes and special effects were second to none.

However I thought the Hell Priest wasn't pushed to the forefront enough. Jamie Clayton did the absolute best she could given the screentime she got (not enough). The gore was excellent but not enough of it for the length of the film. The very ending was a little vague, were we watching another Cenobite being born or was it just Sensation being taken to the next level.

In the Hellraiser canon, I would put it 2nd just behind the original and only 2nd because the original was simply that, original.

If you haven't seen any Hellraiser prior to this, your in for a treat.
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Absolutely stunning scenery but...
7 September 2022
Its not all about the visuals, the story has to be as good. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a story, actually that's not quite true. This is the story of Superwoman aka Galadriel and her destruction of everything male. If you're unfortunate to be born male she will take you down, verbally or physically. She doesn't care as long as you are down.

Sauron hasn't got a hope. I've watched episode 2 but this review will do them both together. What is the point of watching any more, her Royal Godliness Galadriel has no weaknesses or flaws, we know she's going to win.

I did however like the Hobbits (oops can't say that word) Harfoots, not much of anything going on but good to look at.

Sadly I can't see me getting any further but you never know.
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Twelve episodes that could have been done in ten
22 July 2022
The lead couple and the second lead couple were excellent in their roles, can't fault them. Everyone else was terrible, and I mean terrible. Overacting to the next level started off as slightly humorous but got very annoying after 3 or 4 episodes.

The storylines were OK but have been done many times before and probably many times better. This is not a show I will watch again.

I don't know if its me or not but the female lead (Kim Se-Jeong playing Shin Ha-Ri) is very beautiful but seems to be an Americanized version of a Korean woman in appearance. Slightly odd in a beautiful way.

I think the whole thing could have been done much quicker and better without the "slapstick" humour.
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Oh My Ghost (2015)
If you're into K-Dramas, give this show a wide berth
16 July 2022
I love K-dramas, especially rom-coms. I had just finished watching "My Love From A Star" and was looking for another rom-com from Korea to while away the hours, when this one popped up on my list. It gets an 8.0 rating on here so I thought I'd give it a go.

I couldn't quite finish one episode. It wasn't a K-Drama, it was a T-Drama as in made in Thailand. The vocals were so annoying, non-stop screechy jibber-jabber. As pretty as the lead female star was and as handsome as the lead male star was, I had to switch it off.

I've given it 6 stars because the story line looked very interesting and the acting that I saw was fine but the Korean language is almost beautiful compared to this.

Not for me, sorry.
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Takes a while to get going but gets there in the end
16 July 2022
I watched this simply because it has an 8.2 rating and the reviews were quite good. However had I just watched it without seeing the ratings or reviews, I would probably have given u on it after 10 episodes (10 hours). The first 10 episodes are just getting you acquainted with the characters. And lets be honest the female lead (Jun Ji-Hyun playing Cheon Song I) is a little annoying, and the male lead (Kim Soo-Hyun playing Do Min-Jun) is dull as dishwater.

Thankfully from episode 11 it really gets going. The cast get their act together and the script writers earn their living. As you can expect from these Korean romantic comedies, keep a box of hankies nearby, you'll be using them. Song-I drops the annoying element to her character and shines brightly from episode 11 onwards. There is a short scene in the last episode where she gives a lovely beautiful smile whilst the tears pour from her eyes, awesome. Min-Jun goes from dull to exciting thanks to the script writers, and to be fair to the actor, he can talk very well whilst blubbering. The other cast help bring the story lines together efficiently without over-stretching themselves. However big shout-out to the two baddies in this series (Yoo In-Na playing Yoo Se-mi and Seong Rok-Sin playing Lee Jae-Kyung) both are devilishly rotten to the core and motivate the lead coupe to greater heights.

At the end of the day you will need patience but if you can get past the first 10 episodes (which aren't bad, just not great) it will be worth it in the long run.
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Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
Its North vs South in a battle for love
3 July 2022
When I started watching this series (4 or 5 episodes in), I thought yeah its good, maybe a 6 rating but as it progressed and we got more involved with the characters and the storylines it just got better and better. Now I've finished watching it, I've given it an 8 rating.

The two leads are very convincing in their love for each other, and the supporting cast really push the story along. The fine detail of the differences between North and South help make the story believable.

This (for me) is an odd rom-com in that a lead character gets killed off before the last episode, I've watched plenty of K-dramas and no lead ever gets bumped off before the end. No spoiler, as I didn't say THE lead character, just A lead character. And the humour is actually funny rather than just smile-worthy.

Based very vaguely off a real life event, which kind of gives it more oomph. Very definitely a must watch, give it a go.
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I'm Not a Robot (2017–2018)
Delightful little rom-com with a few laughs and a few tears
25 June 2022
The story of a man who fell in love with a robot, who wasn't actually a robot. Sounds a bit daft but it isn't. Its a really nice show with a few good twists to keep you guessing. The lead actors are very attractive, she looks stunning with the long wig, and her "friend mode" is heartwarming to say the least.

Keep a few hankies by your side as a few tears will leak out occasionally.

The one thing that bugs me about all these K-dramas, is that every single rom-com has two village idiots/cheerleaders in them. This drama is no exception. Why oh why do they exist?

Ignoring the two idiots, this is a really nice 16 hour rom-com to while away the time. Give it a go, it can't hurt.
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My Golden Life (2017–2018)
Worth it if you have the time
13 June 2022
This drama is about two families, one poor, the other rich and how they become entangled in each others lives. At 52, one hour episodes, its a long haul but you get to know each character better which is always a good thing.

The two lead actors Hye-Sun Shin (who plays the sister Seo Ji-an) and Shi-hoo Park (who plays the brother Choi Do-kyeong) really do play their parts to perfection. But for me its the support cast who really knock it out of the park, especially Eun-Su Seo (who plays the other sister Seo Ji-soo) and Ho-jin Chun (who plays the father Seo Tae-soo), they are so good, they will no doubt get more dramas to work on as leads.

At 52 episodes you can expect a few slight appearance changes to the cast but Lee Tae-Hwan (who plays Ji-soo's boyfriend Seon Woo-hyeok) has ginger hair for 43 episodes then suddenly goes black and nobody wonders why.

The story lines are twisty but always interesting and every episode has a juicy cliff-hanger, so you can't wait for the next episode to start.

For me its the two mothers and the final episode that stop this being a 9. The mothers are just not good actors, they occasionally look at the camera, which is a no-no. And the last episode is rushed, to tie all the loose ends together. They should have split it into two seasons and gave all the characters a proper ending.

Even with those two little flaws, its still a must watch, but keep the hankies close, you will definitely get through a box or two.
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A very well written unusual story that warms the cockles
4 May 2022
Without giving any spoilers out, this is a story about a girl who can see ghosts, an immortal goblin who wants to die, and a Grim Reaper with a good heart but no memory of his past life.

The girl Kim Go-eun (playing Ji Eun Tak) is superb, she steals every scene she is in and never falters from start to finish. She was 25 when she played the part of a 19 year old but she is so believable its scary.

Lee Dong-Wook (who plays the Grim Reaper) is so loveable even though he has no memory (and hence no knowledge) of love.

All the other characters really pull their weight and help bring the story to life. This does include Gong Yoo (who plays Kim Shin / Goblin).

However I believe the Director of the drama got the Goblin character completely wrong. The Goblin comes across as someone who has no idea how to show love, so pats his bride-to-be on the head as a show of affection. This from a "man" who has lived over 900 years and had a family (many generations) that loved him. It just doesn't sit right.

But this is the only flaw in an otherwise great little romantic drama.

"Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol" sets the bar so high for this kind of drama, but this one comes close.
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The perfect rom-com that kills itself
19 April 2022
I've decided to split this review into two parts. Part 1 about episodes 1 - 15. Part 2 about episode 16.

Part 1 Excellent 9.5 out of 10. A real rollercoaster of a ride. Every single actor/actress played their parts to perfection, from the 6 year old boy all the way through to the 80 year old gent. If you like a good tearjerker story with funny elements, sprinkled with lots and lots of happiness this is the drama for you. The lead actress (Go Ara) who plays Goo Ra Ra is such a delight to watch, she plays the part like it was her last ever job. The lead actor (Jae-Wook Lee) who plays Sunwoo Joon (Jun) only has the one expression but its an absolute winner. The supporting cast do their upmost to stay as good as the lead two and do an admirable job.

The story is of an heiress to a very large cosmetics company but unfortunately it hits very bad times and closes its doors. At the same time her father passes away. So her fathers secretary informs her to go into hiding so the creditors don't take everything from her. Unfortunately a flat purchase goes horribly wrong and she ends up penniless.

She goes away to Eunpo and meets by accident (literally) a depressed young man who goes out of his way to help her in every situation. Over the course of the drama they fall in love.

It might sound like every other romantic drama but this is a must watch, you will fall in love with everyone.

Part 2 Terrible 1 out of 10. The 1st 45 minutes would deserve a 7 out of 10 because the actors did a stellar job. But the last 15 minutes drags that 7 out of 10 kicking and screaming down to a 1. It is the worst ending any drama has ever had. This makes the Dallas shower scene actually believable, it's that bad. DO NOT WATCH IT.
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Lighthearted romance for whiling away the hours
13 April 2022
I came across this one just by chance, and normally would have watched the 1st episode and switch off never to see any more. But the female lead Kim Yoo-Jeong (playing Gil Oh Sol) was stunning to look at, what an absolute beauty. So I watched a few more and actually got into the series.

There seems to be an indulgence in light K-dramas to show people eating sloppily, slurping noodles is good drama apparently. I think some of the acting/actor choices was badly thought out. Yoon Kyun-Sang (playing Jang Sun Gyeol) is not exactly good looking and plays an obnoxious character so why would Gil Oh Sol give him the time of day.

I was impressed by Kim Won-Hae (playing Oh Sol's father), he really played the part very well, a very good actor.

As expected Jang Sun Gyeol did evolve to a nice person but it took a while. His therapist Jae-Rim Song (playing Choi Ha In / Choi Daniel) was an odd choice of actor but is good at his job.

The drama crept along at a slowish pace but that didn't hurt it to any great degree, maybe some of the non-talking parts, ie kissing/holding hands etc could have been reduced, and maybe add some more humour (it was lacking in the last 8 episodes).

If you've got an hour or so to laze around, why not put this on and go for it. You've got nothing to lose.
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Good Doctor (2013)
Watched after watching the US version
14 March 2022
Sadly I came to this after watching the US version. Unfortunately I couldn't get beyond episode 1.

Austism is a condition that affects the brain and its ability to interact with the outside world to many different degrees but complete mental retardation isn't part of that. The autistic doctor in this Korean drama has a problem walking, and talking and thinking, and doing anything and everything non medical.

Whether or not it or he gets any better I will never find out. I won't watch any more. Completely non-realistic.
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Investigation Partners (2018–2019)
Medal for overacting goes to...
14 March 2022
Every actor in this series acts over the top. Everything is an absolute drama, even eating pork skin (apparently its a Korean delicacy, pork scratching don't do much for me). But the story lines are addictive as is the main forensic pathologist Dr. Baek Beom. I haven't quite got to season 2 yet but apparently the English speaking head of toxicology is a different person in season 2. The woman in season 1 was ridiculously annoying if stunning to look at.

I will definitely watch season 2 and hopefully the overacting is toned down a little bit. One of the better Korean dramas but not the best.

(edit) I've now watched season 2 and the overacting is toned down a little. The replacement for the English speaking head of toxicology is just as annoying as the original but not as pretty. The storylines were probably better than season 1 so that's a good thing.

Its just a pity that the two lead characters didn't evolve, they remain the same throughout the two seasons. Baek Beom (pathologist) remains grumpy, and Eun Sol (prosecutor) remains completely useless at her job.

A new character in season 2 is Doctor Jang Chul, now this character has a great storyline and the actor (Min-woo No) does an excellent job. Its a pity its basically all over and done in two episodes. He does carry on throughout the series but the storyline reduces somewhat.

All in all a very good K-drama to while away the time.
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Doctor John (2019)
Compelling K-Drama with an interesting twist
10 March 2022
Firstly, the first episode is just an introduction to the characters. The series is not a prison hospital drama, it is not about a psychopath doctor.

Once the series begins in earnest (episode 2 of 16) we get to see all the characters i full flow and they are all good.

Seong Ji (Doctor John) plays his character who feels no pain to perfection as does Se-yeong Lee who plays Kang Shi-young who for some reason becomes his Protégé and maybe even a bit more.

As with all K-Dramas, there are one or two village idiots (two in this case) in supporting roles, thankfully their appearances are minimal and always involve cheerleading.

The music for the series is actually very good and flows with and aids the drama.

I watched all 16 episodes within a week, so I would say it keeps your interest right through till the end. And it does end, There won't be a season two.

I look forward to seeing more of the two leads other K-Dramas such is the quality of their work here.
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Alice (2020)
Hankies by the lorry load
2 March 2022
The actors must have gone through hundreds of cry sticks making this series, tears in every episode without fail.

However that doesn't make it a bad show, I really enjoyed it. Lots of plot twists to keep you guessing. The main actors played their parts to perfection. But its the non-main actors that seem to ham it up. The females are dipsy and the males are dimwits.

The big question that really needs answering though is, why is the time-travel headquarters called ALICE?
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
Deserved a nine but gets a seven because...
26 January 2022
Even though the actors (male and female) are excellent and the story in general is very interesting, the shortness of each episode gets in the way. You sit down to relax and watch it and the end credits roll. An extra 20 minutes for each episode would have helped big time, 30 minutes and that includes all the beginning and end credits just isn't enough. Large gaps in the story are annoying to say the least. Without giving any spoilers away, the man almost destroys a building and business, one minute later its old news, forgotten about, only fleetingly mentioned again.

If you're going to tell a story, tell it, go the whole hog. A weekly synopsis just doesn't cut it.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
So politically correct and woke, its actually frightening.
23 December 2021
The first two seasons of this show were excellent, it was a must watch for our family. Then season 3 came into existence and wow how can a great show become so bad in the space of a few months. The original writers must have been sacked and replaced by a computer algorithm that just spews out this inane woke and politically correct garbage.

I have just watched what I think is the season 4 finale (oh how I wish it was the actual finale finale). Episode 10, if it is the season finale was just so dense and boring and stupid.

If you want to know how pathetic the show has become, in season 4 episode 9, a burns victim is rushed into hospital in obvious pain and some kind of discharge coming from a chest bandage. What's the first thing the burns victim says. Not, help stop the pain, or give me something to knock me out. No, its I'm non-binary, my pronoun is "we".

Every single box that can be ticked is ticked, there's every single race and every single religion and every single sexual orientation in the staff at this hospital. And every single one of them is the most caring, sympathetic and loyal person you could ever wish to meet.

Who writes this drivel ?
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My Name (2021)
Action, romance, intrigue, deception, death all in 8 episodes.
18 December 2021
I watched this in two sittings, first 4 episodes one night, the remaining 4 the next night. The lead character is a scrawny girl so you have to suspend belief a little but she can act like you wouldn't believe. She will win awards for sure, if not in this, then other things she will do. All the actors played their parts really well with the exception being Chang Ryul (Do Gang-jae) who goes overboard.

The fight scenes are well produced and action packed and maybe a bit of gore but nothing too explicit. The drama is played out at a good pace, nothing too slow I watched the first two episodes in Korean with English subtitles but switched to English speaking for the remaining 6 episodes, it just felt smoother that way.

All in all a very good show, could there be a second series, I hope so, and if so, let her fall in love with a keeper.
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