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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Tired modern hollywood formula that cheapens good scifi shows to make a buck
26 November 2018
Lost in space is typical of today's hollywood and poor treatment of established scifi shows. They didn't go as dirty as what they did to star trek, but all the same issues are present. Good CGI, check. Weak beta make, check. Stong females, check. Kids smarter than adults, check. Disfunctional crew, check. Depressing and dark, check. Forced diversity, check. Lack of intelligence, check. It's the same tired formula that keeps getting applied to shows that were good in an attempt to make a buck producing something half as good as the orginal. There is a severe lack of intelligent non SJW writers and this is just another example of the mediocrity that gets made these days. The only SJW formulaic thing left out was LBGT, guess they forgot that part or couldn't figure out how to shoehorn that one in. Looks great, the robot looks cool, but I would rather watch shows with cheezy special effects as long as the story is inteligent, engaging, and doesn't involve this terrible SJW remake/reboot formula hollywood keeps trying to indoctrinate us with. Maybe one day they will wizen up and make some more original shows that are inclusive to the average, logical thinking person.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Been a long time since SNL was great
12 November 2018
SNL. Used to be an every Saturday night show to watch as a kid with great genre defining talent with both the superb writers and ad lib capable actors who were almost all worthy of having their own shows after.

Started with the likes of Candy, Chase, Murphy, Belushi and kept on being great with Ferrel, Farley, Carvey, Myers ...but soon after the turn of the century I struggle to think of any names and would need the internet to tell me anyone else who was on there other than maybe remembering one of the non-comedian guests who might have had a show and I MIGHT tune in for those segments.

Writing is now more PC and the party-fueled creativity is gone...it now seems too corporate controlled and they can only think of how to make political jokes of republicans..although some likenesses are good and well done...it just gets old and overdone and the show doesn't have the magic it used to. Times have changed I guess and the show is more about having some guest on to help plug whatever movie show they are on or pushing corporate sponsored political ideology.

They would have to loosen the reigns and run things like they used to to usher in new era but the times may be too PC for a show like this to be as successful and culturaly relevant like it used to be. Used to be a 10, now a 3.
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I got too bored before I could be scared.
9 November 2018
The show does have some creepy moments and suspense, but there is a lack of action and not much seems to happen each episode. I found I fell kept nodding off more than once and I tried to watch the first 3 episodes but thats as far as I could go before I lost interest. The show uses the cliche the kids saw it but mommy and daddy don't believe you and that got tiresome being played over and over. I wish the series would show more about the haunting and reveal more about that..it holds back so much I stopped caring. I guess it is good for something to fall asleep to so there is that.
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A SciFi Story About Power and Family With Great Visuals and Effects
9 November 2018
Jupiter Acending looks great, the effects, the action, the actors, the costumes, the scenes - all are outstanding. At the heart of the story it is about family and making the right choices when presented with great power for the protagonist.

The overall story is decent, but does not get bogged down with geek speak or superheroes which is a trap a lot of scifi movies fall into. Definitely entertaining to watch and has a few funny moments too.

The movie never takes itself too seriously and is watchable for the whole family. Even though there are no superheros in it, there is a pair of cool flying boots that are better than starlord's boots and make people want them as much as Marty McFly's hoverboard. One of the better SciFi movies in recent times and is accessible to those not even into that genre.
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The Gifted (I) (2017–2019)
Good effects, better show than Titans but too overdramatic at times
7 November 2018
I just finished watching the 6th episode and rated it a 7 although maybe 6.5 would be more accurate. The show has some decent action and way better CGI effects overall than it's DC rival Titans but some of the drama and forced angst is just bad. The delivery comes off as a bit cheezy but otherwise the show is OK entertainment.

The Gifted isn't the greatest show out there, but I do like seeing all the different super powers and how they interact or go against each other and the effects are spot on. I only wish they would tone down some of the melodrama that comes off as fake acting more than something gripping and emotionally enthralling.

I am into it enough to see some more, but I hope they create the angst through the story more rather than try and force it in the actor's delivery, makes me not care as much and it ruins the immersion in the show. Also, some of the characters seem so idealistic and pigheaded that they come off as inept and stupid, but hey I guess that is a reflection of today's society with those that are polarized politically and can't see things as a whole so maybe it is just illustrating that point on purpose?
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
OK But Plenty of Room for Improvement
7 November 2018
I am not familiar with most of the heros portrayed in the series as I never got into the comics so I am not sure if they are "authentic" to their original backstories or not. I started off with a clean slate so to speak and have watched the first 4 episodes and find it kind of interesting as there are several mysteries that are unsolved and it is refreshing to see and learn about other heroes other than the overdone batman and superman from DC.

There is some decent action and suspense but there also are some cringey moments that take away from the episodes too. Some of the CGI is OK, but some is downright laughable... the kid that morphs into a tiger comes to mind.. that was done so poorly it should have been left out of the 4th episode. Also it is getting pretty tiresome seeing yet another Mary Sue main character in a series although she isn't totally over the top invincible right off the bat like some other shows.

I probably will watch some more episodes to see what happens, I will just have to remember to not get my expectations too high and look past some of the rough spots in the production of the show.
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Contrived SJW narratives are so many it is cringey
29 October 2018
I'm sure there are a lot of things in this show that people will be offended by if they do not identify as a leftist/progressive. I wasn't offended but the show gets tiresome trying way too hard to go down the SJW checklist and cram so many feminist/minority/non standard sexual social topics in there as well as making the lead yet another mary sue cliche. For all of its progressive preachings, I was surprised the show stoops to cultural appropriation of christians and applies that same structure to a witch run church of satan, it just doesn't work for a logical setup even in a fantasy show. The show would be a whole lot better if it focused more on a convincing plot and coming up with original ideas rather than recycled and plagarised stories. I liked Keirnan Shipka and her aunts as well as a few other characters in this, they did the best with what they were given I suppose. The overreaching social agenda and dumbing down of the story makes this mostly just an echo chamber for NPCs rather than anything cerebral or captivating.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Worth a binge watch if you like science fiction and action shows
19 October 2018
Altered Carbon is set in a dystopian future where people get to back up their lives in a "stack" implanted in their neck along their spine and can be brought back after death in a clone or totally different "sleeve" / body if they are killed, unless the stack that does the backing up is destroyed and then they truly die. If you are one of the few elite and own your own satellite or other way to remotely back up your consciousness and then you can get around even this limitation and at most will lose only the hours you had until your last backup was run.

Set mostly in Bay city which is a blade runner-esque version of San Francisco the lead character is brought back to life from his stack but over 200 years later for reasons unknown to him other than he is being hired by a wealthy elite to figure out how he was killed and what happened in the couple of days he lost which is the last he remembers from his last backup.

The show delves into the morality of the powerful and blurring of lines of the value of life and the loss of the importance of life once you have immortality. It also postulates on the horror of evil inflicted on society by self absorbed elites having dominion over everyone else and being able to exert their will on society unchecked forever without any fear of death knocking them out of that position of power.

The show features plenty of action, both futuristic weapons and a lot of well choreographed martial arts and use of different blades, especially from an elite group of "envoys" who have been highly trained in mind and body to be a type of super soldier who recognize that weapons are tools, the body a shell, and the mind a person's true weapon. Seems like a good lesson for many today that use the term "gun violence" to lay the blame on the weapon and not the person who used it.

There is also a lot of use of virtual reality, for pleasure and for brutal interrogation tactics that involve killing the subject over and over to break their mind...this is needed as many do not fear death anymore if they simply can just be brought back later after death. Also in the show is AI which for the most part is shown to inhabit and run entire buildings which are the AI's "sleeve".

The visuals and sets are done very well and immerse you in this futuristic world. There are many very beautiful actors and they do not shy away from showing full nudity, both male and female. There is plenty of violence and blood too and killing people does not seem to matter as much when usually that doesn't mean they are truly dead, it is more of a cost or inconvenience for the rich or with the poor being stuck with whatever surplus sleeve is left for them, which might even be a much older or different sexed body than what they had previously.

I really was drawn into watching the show and I appreciated the fact that there is no clear heroes or just the same boring good vs evil approach to the characters. The plot jumps back and forth in time here and there to fill in backstory and give you clues to the murder mystery and takes twists you may not have predicted to change things up.

I would recommend this show to anyone who likes science fiction and likes action movies with some sexy actors that look remarkably beautiful with no clothes on. Not a show for kids or anyone who is offended by the human body or gets squeamish watching action scenes involving blood and gore. I binged watched the entire first season of 10 episodes and can't wait for another season.
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More about the drama instead of the epic games they played
17 October 2018
Borg vs McEnroe delves into the phyche of arguably the greatest tennis player of all time who was still the best towards an early retirement VS McEnroe who was an upstart punk with a notorious punk rocker attitude. Some of it is accurate, some is dramatized of course and the film does go into their personas ad nauseum.

There were only short snippets of gameplay until the last match shown which I found frustrating as the games they had on the court really were epic and were defining stories that I think were more interesting than the over generalized characterisations of their personalities.

The acting was good and casting/costumes were good also. The drama was well executed, I just think the film got bogged down in that and didn't properly showcase their performances which are things of legend worth recalling.

I grew up in the 70s, learned on a wooden racket and was a Borg fan before McEnroe came on the scene so I know this time in tennis well. Mens tennis then required more skill with a small sweet spot and more tactics to win with slower ball speeds. I wish the movie showcased this level of skill too. Tennis has suffered from shorter rallies and a serve focused game ever since. It's the equivalent of allowing pro baseball players to use metal and advanced composite bats instead of wooden ones, it just would unbalance the game and did for tennis unfortunately. This story is worth telling and there are probably a lot more people who do not know who Borg was vs McEnroe who is still well known to this day. The one thing about phyches I think they really missed was McEnroe being driven for perfection so much that his frustrations boiled over , they could have shown how McEnroe was driven as much as Borg but just didn't have the maturity to hold it in on court. McEnroe is known for being the bad boy...not sure why the film didn't try to explain his motivations for the bad behavior better vs Borgs robot like public image. Ps. I think ST TNGs The Borg name came from Bjorns robot like but unbeatable image for those who didn't catch that.
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Good visuals, story and soundtrack could be better.
2 October 2018
I enjoyed the movie, it had good visuals and I appreciate long movies so characters and story lines can be more fully explored.

The acting was good by some except Ryan Gosling seemed too wooden and disconnected, he just lacked charisma and relatability. More like a robot than a replicant.

The biggest thing missing was a Vangelis sountrack..it really added a layer of emotional impact to the original that this sequel lacked.

It was a decent movie, just not epic like the original. It's hard to match a story like the original and they tried but just fell a little short.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
SJW treatment ruins another show
1 October 2018
This reboot disrespects the legacy of the original and the SJW treatment makes it almost unwatchable. The lead character is not manly or a model and of course has to be a minority now. Most of the first episode he is shown being weak.. scared of dogs and beaten up. Higgins is a female and gets involved in the action now as a stronger character than magnum.. she takes on two huge guys and somehow can hold her own in close quarters against 2 at once and shrugs off taking a bullet like it is nothing. Yeah right... another show showing men weak and women are strong. Why not just call this show Higgins instead of Magnum? Oh and they desecrate a few ferraris, poor magnum is too stupid to operate a car and not wreck it apparently. This show is a pass for most men, and for most women who wanted to watch a hunk on TV and like strong men , you don't have much to see either here.
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ANW has become mostly boring fluff, very little competition
10 July 2018
I have been a huge Sasuke and ANW fan but the last couple of seasons of ANW have gone way overboard on fluff pieces.

I think it is very disrespectful to the other competitors to have their runs skipped over to make room for all of this uninteresting backstory. Let everyone tell their story on the course, not in a lame bio which runs longer than their actual obstacle course run.

Everyone has a story and issues in life to deal with... the ones who hardly get to be seen are not being treated fairly. Maybe show some of the fluff in a little window while they are running, but these overproduced segments are just terrible TV and are hogging up the whole episode ...just NO...STOP IT!!!!

Between commercials, fluff pieces and fluff after interviews on the sideline, there really is only about 10 minutes of actual competition. If this trend continues, I will be skipping ANW alltogether as the skip button is getting worn out on the remote as it stands now.

Since Casey's run and climbing of the wall, women have been included more and more on the show and I think it is good to have women included, but the courses are getting too nerfed to cater to lesser athletes and this is also taking away from the sport. Additionally, it is disrespectful to women to have a female announcer relegated to the sidelines and only get to ask fluff questions instead of being able to announce the runs as they are happening. I think if you want to be inclusive to women , that needs to be changed as well.

TLDR, cut out the fluff which runs longer than the contestants actual runs and toughen the course up to make it a legitimate competition again.
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Star Trek Continues (2013–2017)
This is the real deal, proves it doesn't take a huge budget to make excellent Star Trek Episodes
8 July 2018
This show is really amazing. It is 100% true to the original series and even though it is made by amateurs and mostly unknown actors, it really feels like these could be missing episodes from the original.

You can also tell this was a labor of love and the acting, story, pacing, dialog, sets, etc... all give you the same atmosphere that you get while watching the original. I saw a few reviews knocking some of the acting, but Shatner and crew were never the best actors either...these guys mimic that same acting so keep that in mind when you are watching this...its such a perfect match in even their mannerisms because they follow the original that closely.

Some of people involved in the recent attempts to reboot ST could learn a lot from watching these episodes..this is how its is done! No butchery here or making something that ignores the rules of the ST universe and then just slapping a ST name on it.

Thanks to everyone involved in the making of this! You made a real work of art that brought me back to the days I would sneak out bed so I could catch the late showing of TOS in the early 70's.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
The STD cure, what the new Trek should have been
8 July 2018
I was writing my 1 star review of STD based on how badly they butchered the ST universe and made it boring at the same time (shame, shame, shame...) and saw The Orville mentioned in other reviews, so I figured I would give it a shot. I was skeptical and I also was not a Family Guy fan and wasn't sure how MacFarlane would do a Sci-Fi show justice. Instead was amazed at how close to ST TNG The Orville is and how much better than STD this production is even in episode #1.

You basically could take everything in this show and just put it in the ST universe and it would fit almost seamlessly. The Orville is a quantum leap beyond anything officially produced since TNG (not counting ST continues). I also like that it has some comedy like TOS and TNG did and everyone doesn't take themselves too seriously...they actually act like real humans and already in episode 1 you start to get some deep character development and some understanding of their motivations.

Don't watch this if you have no sense of humor or only watch shows that portray PC culture and safe places...this ones has some laughs and has some situations that might make you melt like a snowflake... otherwise enjoy the show and forget that other series...this one is the real deal.
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Good premise but executed too slowly and with too many plot holes to keep me fully engaged in this movie
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I started off engaged and interested in this movie, initially there was some good pacing and dissemination of information, but as it went along I lost a lot of interest. Part of the movie involves getting vital information from the survivor but I found I got as frustrated at the crew at how slow the plot progressed past the initial phase and tried to resist skipping forward to find out what information they try to beat out of the survivor.

The costumes immediately reminded me of ST TNG like others have stated in reviews and the dart seams (thanks smoke0, didn't know what to call those) on the women were distracting, gave the appearance of women having fake 'pokies'. The costumes otherwise were very flattering to the actor's figures and Sunny Mabrey has never looked better than in one of these jumpsuits. She probably was the highlight of the movie for me. The movie also did a decent job with special effects and making the surroundings look good.

Plot holes were the unraveling of the movie for me. From the very start you see the spaceship had a rotating outer part but the crew is in the middle but somehow they have gravity. Also, the space station had 2 rotating rings but they do not dock there and the movie takes place in the main body that is not rotating and again they have gravity somehow. I was like OK, whatever and moved on but then more things like that kept pecking away.

I was really put off about how they deal with the survivor and the companion bot. Why would you leave them on the compromised station instead of taking them back to the ship???

The biggest "hole" is allowing the modified bot to just roam around the station...that is just too great of a liability and never would happen , it would have to be deactivated or contained. They were attacked by some small bots from the very beginning, why wouldn't they fear the same or worse from the survivor's modified robot companion? very big hole that destroyed any coherence.

I really wanted to like this movie more and wished there were some more hooks or breadcrumbs or even plot misdirects along the way to keep me engaged but it takes the whole movie to get any information at all about what happened and by then I just wasn't interested. I found I wanted to beat it out of whoever wrote the screenplay as much as the crew wanted to get it out of the survivor.
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Ultimate Beastmaster (2017–2018)
International Spin on Sasuke that is slightly better than ANW
1 July 2018
I have seen ALL of the Sasuke seasons and American Ninja Warrior shows and UB is just as good as all of those. If you have seen Sasuke, this is pretty much a modern version of that without the comic entrants.

It has the same annoying backstories as the others though, but they don't seem quite as long and allows for a little more competition to be shown rather than constant fluff. Some of the recent ANW shows are getting so bad with every one getting a sob story, so ridiculous and makes it a must to record and skip forward on that show, so good choice on UB there.

Each UB season has a worldwide cast of athletes and a pair of announcers from each of the 6 countries represented. The international aspect adds a lot to the show and the foreign announcers all are VERY attractive and bring a lot of energy to the show. I also liked they didn't relegate the female announcers to just the sideline to ask stupid boring questions, they get to announce in the booths for their countries too, just like the men.

The US casting has gone with a male / male team for seasons 2 and I hear again for upcoming season 3 too which is sad as the casting there was relatively lame and just doesn't have the same dynamic...nor are they as pleasing to look at than all their foreign counterparts. Also, Japan was inexplicably left out in season 2 and you didn't get to see the Sasuke champ return ...why???

It might be ANW has a non-compete or something because none of the well known American or Japanese men and women that run obstacle courses show up on UB either...that is a real shame and if that is the case, that indicates ANW treats them like hired actors rather than true contestants, which take some credibility away from that show for me.

All in all UB is a fresh take on the Sasuke formula with better production and gives ANW a run for its money and has a cooler looking course that hasn't been nerfed to cater to women. No participation trophies here as it states, some of the women did really well and earned my respect for competing on a course that is really punishing and requires an aggressive approach to beat.
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