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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Three hours of nonsense...mass production of....WHAT?
21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy, I would like to divide my comment into:

The Good. The actors perform quite good their roles, although everything is flipping so fast that I didn't have time to be involved with any them. I really liked the science fiction scenes of the city, avenues of light, customizable small apartments, flying vehicles and that stuff.

The Bad. Well, here we go... The stories are FULL of clichés at the extreme that you know what the actors are going to do and tell, quite predictable. Among them the story of Matrix is once again chewed out...the resistance against the system, Morpheus (with a touch of African-Malasian), Nero (with an Asian-Scandinavian outfit) etc etc. Come on guys!, let go that period of your life move on!, no body wants to hear over and over again the same stuff, with time it gets boring, really.

All the stories contain unnecessary portrays of violence, hate, anger and fear. In my opinion they could had spared some to reduce the final running time without affecting the...he...(scramble) ..plot.

It is suppose all stories are somehow connected... well that was a nice try but at the end I gave up, I got the feeling as if I was changing among channels on a TV. And three hours of that BEWARE!

The worst. Now you are telling me that THIS three hours of nonsense cost the incredible amount of 100 000 000 USD!. With the same funding you could support for 10 years an army of highly specialized scientists (in any top-research institution of your choice) to solved REAL health, environmental and energy problems. This movie itself is an example of how resources are wasted in modern times. And on the first place WHO provided the money?.

I am wondering where all that money went, and after reading the comments at IMDb I just got the idea that perhaps, just as a strategy to enhance marketing, a group of people got a little cash stimulus to write GREAT comments to support this charade. Who knows, concerning profit everything is allowed (the movie tells us that!).

Final word. As always time will tell what movies will become cult movies. From the Matrix, after 14 years, still I recall its incredible scenes and plot. As for Cloud Atlas in no time it got erased from my mind FOREVER.
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The Human Sexes (1997– )
Why humans behave as they do?
30 May 2013
The Human Sexes is an impressive series that brings to light many interesting human behaviors through out life. What should be the real Biological behavior of human bonds?. Are we biologically polygamous or monogamous?. Are modern societies pushing into unnatural behavior?. Desmond Morris did a wonderful analysis in more than 800 different cultures all around the world and is so trilling to see how many similarities in rituals are among them, like for example, the rituals from childhood to puberty or from single to married. Why in the industrialized societies is getting so difficult to find a partner and build a family?. How long could the human bonds survive? (in some societies seem that no even death is able to vanish them). Desmond Morris shows the result of his observations and provides also his conclusions. Personally I like his unbiased point of view since at any moment he maintains his neutral position as zoologist. A complete must for people that would like to understand that human sexes are equal but different.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
22 years of delay
30 September 2012
I was waiting long ago to watch this film and here are my impressions. The movie is full with great special effects I find great the atmosphere of the scenes. The technology is also good specially the alien ship and armor. Now the plot....well... since Alien and Blade Runner do not have anything to do with each other, I was expecting something similar with Prometheus. Unfortunately it didn't happen. The plot was very predictable borrowing lots of elements from other movies (including Alien and Blade Runner!). The characters were quite "typical" (the very same ones you find in any other 80s Sci-fi movie). If this movie could had come 22 years ago certainly it could have done a landmark...but this is not the case. Watch it and have your own opinion. In my personal view what makes a big difference between good and immortal artworks is, among other things, a plot that goes like roller coaster and you never know what is going to happen in the next minute. Im not really sure if I will be eager to watch the sequel.
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Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Pointing out the problem and gives solutions
6 July 2012
Among many comments people said about this movie is that it is based on unsupported evidence. I would correct them and say it is based on "unsupported main stream evidence". Main stream people do not read, they take by grant and true everything that comes out from TV. The facts are out there already in printed paper. Very good books about the matter are World Orders, Old and New by Noam Chomsky and The grand chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Many weird things are happening through out History.

But to speak about the problem without providing a solution or even without doing something about it is kind of trivial. This movie proposes a solution. A new kind of system based on natural resources and technology, that actually I like it. However starting tomorrow it would take 200-500 years from now.

I would like to see a change during my lifetime.

At the very end the ones that control the world and decide where it goes are our selves, the common people. The corporations are like religions, without clients they are dead. We control the world by WHICH products we buy and WHERE we buy them. Buying cheap products made somewhere else than the place we live makes the money go away. We have the last word to promote or not sweatshops. We keep the wealth in our neighborhood by buying products in the local shops and even from local producers. The answer is actually very easy.
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On the Edge (2006)
It is a shame!!
26 January 2008
I thought twice about to write this comment, but since I have wasted my time watching that rubbish I decided to get something worth from it. Well lets take it straight ahead, would you like to see some sex scenes?, there are a few and in that case I would recommend to watch any another movie, or if for any reason you got the DVD just watch the beginning and speed it up till almost the end. Would you like to know how is the life in Mexico?, I mean the real life, the one of most of the Mexicans live day after day?, I recommend strongly "La Ley de Herodes" (that's a real master piece). In another hand I really do not know what Teresa Suarez tried to show. If there is an aim or a message I really missed it. It is so funny that in this movie she shows a "nice" and "cool" Mexican people, having a wonderful life, while the reality is that 40% of the people (40 millions) in that country are living under the poverty line. I really wonder if she has actually any kind of knowledge about writing or directing or if she has ever walked through out the streets of Mexico. Moreover, it could be interesting to know how Teresa got the funding for such a movie.
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Hollywood in Mexico?
25 May 2006
Let's start speaking about the actors, the more interesting part, all of them have a really good background and when I saw the characters I was pushed to see this movie.

There are some interesting points that the movie tries to touch, among them the corruption and the unequal social classes in Mexico. I was quite impressed at the beginning with a sort of futuristic idea about virtual entertainment, think that actually I liked.

A scene that particularly I remember was when Enrique Laguardia (Fernando Luján) is kept by his kidnappers, and they showed him the reality of the countryside in Mexico, with no basic services, i.e. electricity. That thing is actually true (40% of Mexicans live below the poverty line) unfortunately the movie does not go deeply on it.

Speaking about hilarious scenes I smiled when the kidnapper fake his voice mimicked a classic Mexican show-maker, that thing actually remind me a staying during my childhood in Mexico. Also is important to say the performance of Maria Isasi (Rita) on some musical parts.

I saw this movie in a Latin American Festival Film in Germany. Unfortunately the movie was shown with other movies, among them the superb Chilean film Machuca and the Peruvian Dias de Santiago.

I said unfortunately because there were movies that touched direct and clearly the reality of Latin-America, pointing out to whom the blame belongs to. People that attended that Festival did it because they wanted to know more about what is happening in that part of the world.

As I said, the starting was quite impress, however, when the plot went on and the "hilarious scenes" came out, on the Theatre instead of laughers were only whispering. After the movie my friends asked me if the humor showed in that film is typical from Mexico and in general they asked me about my opinion about that movie since they were quite disappointed.

I was wondering why that movie was shown in that Festival, since there are so many others Mexican movies worth to be watched on international festivals.

In general, if you are Mexican and for any reason you do not have anything to do, instead to watch that movie read the book "Las venas abiertas de America Latina" (Eduardo H. Galeano). For non-Mexicans, if you want to know about good Mexican films that speak about the reality of Mexico then I recommend strongly "La Ley de Herodes" (Herod's law) that for any strange reason has not been shown in Germany, I do not wonder why.
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