15 Reviews
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
This is a great show.
24 July 2021
The first time I started watching the show recs and parks I was blown away by just how emotionally immersed it not only was capable of making me, but keeping me, with being so very clever, and genuinely funny. I was genuinely amazed how heartfelt the writers could make the show without dipping it's toes in the corney or hokey side of the pool. I mention recs and parks because Ted lasso (so far) has accomplished that same feat. Genuinely funny, genuinely warm, offering wonderfully empathetic characters all of which have truly unique charms about them. A show that can make you tear up one minute, while laugh hysterically even during the truly heartfelt moments. It's a breath of great optimistic air in the stagnant world of comedy, this show so far is truly great, and I hope it stays as great as it is, and doesn't become crap like most everything else.
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Mare of Easttown: Sacrament (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Twist for the sake of twisting, the build up was great for this episode which is why I really didn't like it.
31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really was into this series, but the finally was very contrived, and underwhelming, and very predictable, IMO. The actors save the writing which is great in some parts but extremely mediocre, if not flat out bad in others. Closing a series seems to be really difficult for show writers these days, considering how many are very good, even great until it comes to writing a satisfying ending. It really makes you appreciate just how good a show like breaking bad actually was, or the wire, not every show can end legendary I get it, but not most shows need to end so damn underwhelming, either. Cough*game of thrones* overall this series was worth a watch for the great acting performances, just don't think too deep into it afterwards or you'll likely get annoyed.
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This is a series based on "the innocents"
11 October 2020
Anyone here realize that? Last time Flanagan made a show based on the haunting, this time it's a series based on the story of "the innocents" I'd suggest watching that film first, to see what you're in for, it's not boring, it's actually very well done, keeps the integrity of the original.
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9 October 2020
Completely pointless remake of a movie that was and is perfect, as is, and timelessly aging in terms of its psychological impact. I'll never understand why certain projects are green lighted, next time a studio wants to burn money email me, please, I could use some more, if you're just tossing it away anyways.
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Absolutely pointless.
10 June 2020
This is a pointless remake of one of the most hauntingly beautiful and tragic horror movies of all time. See the original, don't even burn 5 minutes of your time on this utter drivel. The original is a masterpiece, you'll thank me.
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Farscape (1999–2003)
Absolutely wonderful.
3 June 2020
This show has eluded me for so long, I finally started watching it, and I'm like a little kid watching fireworks for the first time, this show is so beautifully layered, it's as clever as it is engaging, I'm completely taken with every aspect of this show. The characters are so beautifully unique and proportioned, it's so refreshing to unveil something that's writing is so wonderfully tight, and oozes such charisma, and vulnerability, with companionate humility, balanced with perfect grace whether displaying its playful side, or whilst wielding some tight webbed socio-political juxtapositions, that never dips too far in one direction whilst firmly balancing appropriate comments of realism and truth facing, amidst always delivering a base line that is a great message, this show delivers in all the ways you wish most shows could deliver, and it does so, so very very effortlessly, the best sci fi show ever? I'm only on season one!! I am in love, and I cannot wait to unveil what each episode, as I become more and more brought into the spoiled depths of the farscape. Such imagination, everything about this show is brilliant. If haven't decided if you should watch this show, ask yourself one question; do you enjoy great things? Do it!!
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Better Call Saul: Something Unforgivable (2020)
Season 5, Episode 10
How it's done.
29 April 2020
Penultimate episodes of a shows season try to take all the gusto, or energy from the entire season and wrap it up into a fever pitch, compare them to a rollercoasters slow ascent up the hill. If this is true; this penultimate season of this show was executed with near flawless execution, and the entire band of episodes corralled right up into the end, leaving us slack jawed, wide eyed, and absolutely Fiending for the start of the season filled with the endings of this fairy tales run. Season 5 of bcs, could be a blueprint of how a show should be written, how pace should be dictated, and how a simple spin off, can become so excellent, so fast, it now seems to not only stand just as tall, but can Find it's own identity, which is a mark that is far more rare than just about anything in show making. Bravo, this season was absolutely exceptional, and no doubt has made this show easily the new heaviest hitter on television since its big brother, breaking bad.
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The Lodge (2019)
28 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie cinematography was annoying at times and artsy blah, but it really came off as trying too hard. This movie feels like the creators decided to take things from movies they like and paste them into their own story. This movie is so derivative from both eggars and ari aster, it's annoying. Copy and paste score, dollhouse, the shots, the opening of the movie, the point blank, no emotion impulse suicide, it's all too derivative. Plus, where the movie does find an identity that feels like it could be its own, it's not very well thought through. I enjoyed it, but let's not kid ourselves, it is basically plagiarized drivel.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
The show is confused.
27 February 2020
It doesn't know what it is, the show lacks a solid piece of identity. Times it feels like it's grabbing from a Tarantino pulp format, others goofy sitcom, all the while tackling the most harrowing and diabolical piece of world history. It doesn't work. 5 stars for the actors, as per usual pachinos performance is brilliant for what he has to work with, the man has become what Brando was to one generation prior. This show could have been so compelling if it stopped being fickle and committed to A style that was right for it.
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Such potential
26 February 2020
Had the potential to a legendary indie cult horror film, but fails to deliver and execute in a complete way, aspects and moments of this film are some of the scariest snippets of dread that submerges you in its misery, it's poured on so perfect, but then the bad decisions of direction, bad dialogue, improvisation of terrible low budget effects brings you right out of the mood this movie both creates so well and destroys so well just the same. Such great potential for all around genius, it's ashame these filmmakers didn't just nail this one right in a monumental way, because it'd easily be one of the most terrifying films I ever saw.
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Chernobyl: The Happiness of All Mankind (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Almost too powerful
29 June 2019
This episode was so raw and emotionally powerful, I had to push myself to get through it. This show was done such perfection, it literally became painful to watch, as it drops you into such deep empathetic submersion, making you feel gutted, and also making you feel like more of a voyeur over a viewer. True cinematic masterpiece work. It's almost too good in a way.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
All 3 in season 5 were pretty bad, but this episode was terrible
6 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? Complete garbage. Was this a Disney channel TV movie, because it should never have been a black mirror episode. Cringe acting, cringe jokes, punch lines comparable to the type of humor you'd find in a full house esq television show from the early nineties. I cannot believe Trent reznor gave the ok for Nins music to be used in this show, for this specific episodes reasons. I love reznor he's a genius, but what the hell was he thinking? Is this what happens when writers seemingly run out of unique ideas to envelope their shows in? Certainly seems like when the creativity well dries up for certain writers, they're choosing to trade the quality their once artistic visions and product for mindless cliche, and trite ones, just to peddle the product further. If there's one thing I truly cannot stand it is when an artist is willing to sacrifice the quality of their art, for the demand for quantity of the product. Does anyone believe in leaving a legacy in tact, by ending something before it's torched into the ground, anymore? This, game of thrones, both appalling, imo.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Bad, so bad... so... so........ bad.....,
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Bad, extremely predictable, more poor lazy dialogue writing. The writing handcuffed the entire episode, from the point of Jon surrounded by once again resurrected dead, you know exactly what will happen, because there's only one way for the episode to end that can overcome the effed situation. That kind of writing backs a viewer into a corner where nothing else could be plausible. This was a BAD BAD BAD episode, it was filmed way too dark, you can barely see what's happening half the time, there was nothing GOT about it, it was all low risk, it felt like they wrote it just to get it over with. Considering how bad the writing has become since the start of series seven, and unraveling thereafter, I knew this episode was going to be some kind of let down, I was just hoping I was wrong and we'd see a second wind of the kind of writing and execution that once made this show one of the greatest ever. Unfortunately, what it has become includes nothing from what made it so great. Rip GOT. Series drank the coolade in the first episode of 7, and it took until now to kill itself. So bad, so disappointing... seriously, bad.
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It Follows (2014)
Give me a break.
24 February 2019
Completely overrated; in a world fed with jump scare troupes make some mediocre and get too much praise. This movie isn't original, it's meh. The Babadook was way better, and more original. The days of true horror being a palpable art are seriously dead. And the third act in this movie is as weak as they come.
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Billions: Elmsley Count (2018)
Season 3, Episode 12
These reviews are definitely fake, right?
12 July 2018
I've never seen a show go from so excellent to such a horrific pile of turf nuggets faster, and in a more polarizing way than this show has/did. I mean the first season was so good, the characters were bold, and tightly written, there was a subtlety to the humor that made it tact, and practical/well placed and balanced, and the characters had a genuine feel to them; like how Bobby actually came off as the sociopath he was for a singular season, and the self righteous sociopath Chuck was for that season as well. The show was, for a single season, excellently written and paced, and then.... what the f-?!?!?! Huh??? How am I watching the same show, why and how the writers assasinated all the work the show was and turned these once great characters into terrible, trite, cheesed up characature-esq driveled down versions of themselves. The cringeworthy thing this show became was absolutely mortifying to watch. At one point I thought maybe someone spiked my drink with the strongest lsd or something, because how could any producer even feel a 10th okay about attaching their name to this show, after what it was before what it became, which is total GARBAGE.
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