
5 Reviews
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Not bad but..
11 March 2023
Does anyone know why Jennifer Love Hewitt who has literally dozens of years of TV experience and was the leading star of many of her own shows is pushed way back in the credits to barely a cameo role on here? Angela Basset is solid in the lead but Peter Krause 's acting is not unlike watching paint dry. The series is in desperate need of some warmth and charm that JLH has proved she can deliver when the writing is solid enough and she has room to move. Besides some bland characters and a serious lack of realism, it's a solid entertaining time passer that with a little more focus could be something really special.
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2/10 goes!
9 March 2019
This is a movie that has been deep in controversy and hype for weeks but when it's all said and done it can be summed up in a word.."meh" It's a slow, confusing mix of 90's nostalgia, cheesy sci-fi and cringy girl power flag waving..oh and a cat that shows more personally and charm then any of the actors including the lead. Sam Jackson is always good and Bree Lawson doesn't come across as bad as much as she does as very very bored..I know the feeling. Remember Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds? this is pretty much the female Marvel version with a worst lead. save your money and catch it at home.
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anything less then 1?
20 February 2017
when a massive steaming cow pie of a movie like this brings in more people then the awesome John Wick 2 (released the same week) you know there is no hope left for the good taste of movie fans everywhere. This is the kind of soft core chick porn that Cinamax would air at 3 AM back in the 90's only with possibly worst acting. save your money (and your brain cells..)and skip this turd
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not bad at all!
21 June 2011
I had heard about this for a long time but never really gave it a second look for some reason thinking that it was just a cheaper knock off in the horror game movie craze(Doom,Resident Evil,Alone in the Dark..etc) well,surprise,surprise I really liked this! The movie actually has some really good talent in it,Tom Jane,Ron Pearlman even John Malkavich in a quick cameo role!) The movie's low budget actually helps it giving a unique ultra gritty almost steampunk look. The mutants themselves are not too bad either. My only real complaint was that there was so much non stop action that there was almost no time given to the characters. personally, i would have loved to have seen a little more of the ass kicking Devon Aoki. This is really worth a look if you love video games or action movies and are just burnt out on bloated crap like Transformers 2.
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beyond ridiculous..!!
7 January 2011
OK...think about this for a minute. imagine superheros that have no superpowers,no weapons or even real martial arts training...nope their special skill is, you guessed it...DANCING !! i'm serious. This is about the most cornball idea i've seen in a long time obviously made to cash in on both the superhero film craze and the unexplainable success of TV's "dancing with the stars" and "america's best dance crew" popularity. Made by the same guy the gave us the classic(haha) "step up" dance movie series i can't imagine this appealing to anyone but hard core dance fans whoever they are. If you ever wondered what the X men would be like if they were led by Paula Abdul check, this out but serious action fans should avoid this like a high school dance residual..
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