
3 Reviews
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Get Backers (2002–2003)
Sometimes It Can Be a Bit Yaoi'ish
27 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am a huge fan of anime but I despise anime's that builds it's reputation on jiggly breast which is why I didn't give this one a chance when I first caught the trailer for it.. It was not until it was dubbed in English and aired on Anime Network did I decide to give it a chance. I can not tell you how upset I am at myself for not catching this series earlier. It has such a unique and fantastic story line that it sets apart from many other anime series out there. Although there are parts where the breast are just popping out everywhere this series does not thrive on that particular aspect.

The show lingers on trying to find out exactly who is controlling the limitless fortress which is an unfinished colossal building and city which contains many citizens who are not so prosperous. That also includes the four kings. A group of powerful people who controlled the limitless fortress before the leader Ginji Amano left the group. Since then the place has been controlled by (apparently) money hungry blood thirsty weirdos who never show their faces and send henchmen to do their dirty work.. They also try to find out if whether or not the ex leader of the four kings Ginji Amano can control his unearthly electrical powers which sometimes consumes him to a point where he does not even know who he is anymore.

The only problem with this series I would say is that at the very last episode (WARNING HERE COMES A BIG SPOILER) they never even showed who the hell was behind the door to the top of the limitless fortress!!! I mean they rescued Makubex when he was kidnapped, that fire woman healed Sakura after she nearly killed her and then when they get to the door where the end of the people who are controlling the limitless fortress are, (which is what the entire series was bent on) THEY DON'T EVEN SHOW US, AND THE SERIES ENDS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I love cliffhangers as much as the next person but damnit sometimes people can just go to far..

All in all each episode is filled with much excitement to keep you wanting more (especially the last) so this is a must see series.. I loved it lots and I give it a 7 out of 10.. If the last episode would have ended better I'd give it a 10 but noooooooo..
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Narok (2005)
It's About Hell It Must Be Good...... Think Twice People!
27 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge fan of Thailand horror films and watching the trailer for this I decided to pick it up. I don't want to say it was a mistake but I will say it was not worth my money. The problem with this movie was the story. It drove on and on with the same concept and got pretty tedious after the first 30 minutes. The plot pretty much goes like this.. A couple of kids and some old man are driving in the night their car gets hit, the people go to hell, they're tortured and beaten, one of them becomes an asshole and they decide it's times to get out of hell. If I had known this before going to pick up the DVD I would have never gotten it because it does not sound so different from many horror films using extreme gore to appeal to audiences.

One thing I found really awkward was the fact that most the male demons were dark skinned. Now if you're not from Thailand you probably don't know that in Thailand right now people of a lighter skin completion are taken more seriously then people of dark skin. They're also thought to be more attractive which is why the actors are typically always light skinned. Now to me I found this to be discriminatory. I'm not saying they purposely did that but I would have preferred it if there were some light skinned demons in the movie.. Other then those very sexy female demons who obviously were only there to add some steam it..

The visuals were great! I absolutely loved the scenery and the effects. I enjoyed the fact that Hell does not look to far apart from earth. Kind makes you a little more creeped out, well maybe just me. No complaints for me on this matter..

Now like I said, I am not going to say this movie was a mistake to pick up because even though it was not great it was actually enjoyable to watch for the first 30 minutes but I will say that if you are indecisive about putting that last 5 bucks on gas or on renting this movie then turn that money into an ozone killer because it really is not worth it.

5 out of 10 from me.
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Petite Princess Yucie (2002–2003)
To cute for my taste, but not bad
29 September 2006
First off I rarely watch anime that has to do with big eyed, happy go lucky cute girls but for this one I made an exception. Yucie is a 17 year old girl stuck in the body of her 10 year old self. She is granted the chance to eventually get a wish from the Eternal Tiara that is if she can beat out her competition in the process. Her only wish is to grow into the body she was intended to have. Through this time she goes through many trials and tribulations in which she swallows way more then she can chew and finds out maybe the Tiara is not as great as she had thought.

Let me say that when I read about this I did not think that it was that much of an original idea for a show and I instantly thought it would be a complete waste of my time… As the show progressed I started to enjoy is more and more, yes it had it sweet points where I just could not bare to watch anymore but I stood in there… I have to say that out off all the cute animes I have ever seen (which is not much) this has got to be the only one that I actually enjoyed.

It will make you laugh it will make you cry it is a cutesy-pootsy anime series worth watching.
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