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Not bad but the stylistic choices are confusing
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It feels like there are two directors that made two different movies and then edited them together to get "The Conference"

On one hand you have this fun, campy horror comedy with Shaun of the Dead style snap zooms followed by an immediate cut to a rag tag group of survivors bickering while doing some preparation activity/plan. This vision includes a baby mask wearing killer a la Happy Death Day, a 2 on 1 fight against two old people, and a ridiculous solid gold shovel. This direction feels like a genre staple for horror comedy and is the more fun, arguably more fully realized style of the movie. If they had leaned all the way into this direction and style of filming the movie could have been truly great.

The other directorial style in the movie is a very stylized, hyper realistic, gritty slasher movie with colour graded shots of bodies being dragged into closets, dramatic lens flares in the camera work, a real time hanging scene, a character peeling his own scalp back, and a victim being made into a human smoothie. Because if its brutal, creative kills and violence this lends itself to feel like a grind house horror flick with buckets of blood, under developed characters, and what I assumed would have the genre staple of a "final girl".

Honestly the combination of these two distinctly different sub genres of horror could have been a very cool combination if there was a more seamless blend of the two styles, but unfortunately the end result is something that is a good time but feels so disjointed. They did not lean far enough into the team survival aspect or the final girl that the movie sets up. The character development is very minimal and I think they were trying to set up a twist in regards to who the mystery killer is but it was added in too late with someone who is unknown to the majority of the movie's victims. The final show down between the movie's secondary antagonist and the character that was set up as the "final girl" ends with a creatively gory kill but is too short. The romantic interest (I think, it was not super clear) is killed off in what was supposed to be a grand gesture but because the relationship and the character is so under developed it has virtually no impact.

In summation; this is not a terrible movie, parts of it are funny and parts of it are gritty. I see what the vision was but the style is not refined enough for this to be a stand out horror movie. It is worth the watch but probably not a rewatch.
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Solar Opposites: The Birth-A-Day Present (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
Too meta. A brief moment of what makes this show fun to watch overshadowed by boredom
11 April 2024
When series creator Justin Roiland was replaced and removed from the show the series could have been unaffected if the writers had talked to fans about what storylines they thought were the most interesting; the Pupa/Ayiesha's adventures, and the wall. So far in this season we have gotten a lot of the aliens and fleeting glimpses of the zeniths of the series, which is getting repetitive, the dialogue is getting clunky, and this episode specifically overuses the "meta" trope. I counted 5 meta references and it felt annoying, tired, and frankly boring. They do not beed their old writer, they need to focus on the cream of the crop with this show, and I hope they find it quickly because I do not see the show continuing if the content continues to decline. The magic is there but the fans might not be.
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You will feel every emotion
14 November 2023
From the acting, to the set design, to the sound design, and even the sfx makeup this is a show stopper.

I think that it is worth mentioning that the entire cast is brilliant but I specifically want to point out Tom Holland's incredible performance. Being that he was only 14, and this was his first film, so much of this movie leans on his ability to make you feel the fear, relief, trauma, desperation, and helplessness that Lucas must have felt.

Truly worth the watch if you enjoy movies that are profound and nuanced, as this film has what would be called a "happy ending" on paper, but the humanity and duality of the emotions that come with surviving a disaster like the one the movie is recreating.
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A cool glimpse into the wider world of JW
2 November 2023
This is a cool stylized version of the continental and some of the key players in the John Wick franchise. Nothing will replace Keanu and I feel like the director and the team behind the scenes knew that so I am glad they took it the route of an origin story for the universe and what it becomes.

There are lots of references to the 1920's stylistically but they keep it within the walls of the hotel which works, in my opinion. The characters are interesting and the acting is strong, the only reasons that I rated it an 8 is only because the fights are shot like a John Wick fight but they are far less realistic (people are hurt during sight scenes but they aren't as fatigued or injured as JW) and some of the lesser plot points feel a little lesses faire.

I do not want to spoil anything major, I would say that it is a great watch if you love the universe and want to delve deeper.
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Seriously one of my favourite episodes. A must watch for any fan!
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very minor spoilers:

The premise of "Old Lady House-A Situation Comedy" is so simple and so well executed! The jokes are very tight and the way they went about showcasing two side characters with the gang as a framing device is excellent.

They really showcase the character dynamics between Mac and his mom, Charlie and his mom, and the relationship both moms have with each other. It is very much a "so messed up it is hilarious" which feels very sunny. They really chose to play up the polarizing energy and relationship between Mac and his mom, he thinks she is an angel who loves him very much and he truly cherishes her, while she is over all of it, she wants nothing more than to be left alone to chain smoke until she keels over. She is the only character who never smiles in the episode and it just gets me.

I watch this episode if I have had a really hard day and it lightens the mood every time.
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Still one of my favourites
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: minor spoilers**

This movie came out when I was 11 or 12 and I remember watching it with the girls I babysat. It was their favourite and it was one if mine too. Fast forward about 13 years and it is still one of my all time favourite disney movies. I would put it in my top three with Mulan and Aladdin.

The music is so well suited to the setting and the period of the movie. The soulful big band jazz and the bluesy solo numbers just fit so perfectly.

I love the voodoo that gets brought in, I was then and am now very fascinated by the American voodoo religion and its culture especially as it developed historically.

Also, this is Tiana's story and her love of cooking is beautifully animated, the food looks incredible and you can tell that extreme attention was taken when the food was animated.

Lastly, I love this movie and its titular princess because she is strong, independent, and she works hard to get what she wants. Her dreams were her priority, honouring her family and their heritage by cooking the food that she loved for the people of her city. She is not concerned about what everyone thinks of her, she is not vapid or vain, and she stays humble but recognizes her own talent.
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Fresh Off the Boat (2015–2020)
Worth every second of watch time
24 October 2022
This was a show that my dad and I used to watch when I was a teenager. Every time I watch it I feel like I'm home with my dad. We are not Asian, but my dad is "fresh off the boat" and the general fish out of water through line rang true for him and as the daughter of a proud immigrant I related to Eddie, Emery, and Evan.

Now that that is out of the way, I want to talk about this show.

To start off, I just want to say that everything about this show works, the script, the cast, the on screen chemistry, every single thing is done so well. From the relate-ability that i have to the kids, to the way that they approach serious topics in regards to love, race, culture, micro and macro aggressions, and life in general.

I laugh at least once every episode. This show is so funny, and the cast is so talented. Casting actual children can be so risky, for me a lot of the time child actors will make or break the show/ movie and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the children are just as talented as the adults. I believe every relationship/friendship in this show.

If you are looking for something that will make you smile, cheer you up, keep you thinking, and also keep your attention because of it's unique perspective and fantastic jokes, then PLEASE watch this show.
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This was such a bummer. If you like the first two, skip this.
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just going to start off by saying that this is genuinely my favourite spy movie franchise, I loved everything about the first two, from the believable and at times sweet chemistry between the cast, to the campy violence, to the set design and world building. The main cast of three is so deeply missed in this god awful prequel.

The first thing that sets this apart from the first two, is that they used a real event (world war I) as the backdrop for the movie, where as the first two use fictional events to build a word that you can get lost in. The bastardization of WWI is laughable (and not in a funny way). The use of real political figures fails to capture the magic of "the Kingsmen", and it is a little insulting if you are at all interested in that part of world history. FFS they made Rasputin into a filthy, horny, dark wizard creature who (beyond his name and beard) bares very little resemblance to his real life counterpart.

The second thing that adds to the strange, uncomfortable, and overall upset that I felt while watching this movie is that it does not feel like a kingsmen movie. Other than a few shots of the taylor shop and the mansion, nothing about these characters, the cinematography, the tone, or the fight scenes remind me of the thing that made the first two stand out. A huge part of that is because it is set at a time in the past where the kingsman technology would have been 100 years away, making the first person glasses POV fight scenes harder to justify shooting. They could have done it but they didn't.

Finally, the reason that I can't find it in myself to like this movie is the absolute waste of a talented cast. This could have been so good, and instead it is almost unwatchable. I have never in my life walked out of a movie, ever. If I had paid money to see this in the theatre, I would have walked out. The only reason i gave it 2 stars instead of one is because the acting in this is genuinely good. They really tried to make the script they were given work, and the fact that the incredible talent of the cast does not make this watchable is a true mark of just how big of an absolute dumpster fire this movie turned out to be.
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The Gringo Papi (2022 TV Special)
Lazy racism with a laugh track over it
16 July 2022
Let's start this review off by saying watch literally any other special. If I could rate this lower than a 1 I would. Even though it is brisk in time, being under half an hour, I struggled to sit through it. The fact that his company put a very obvious laugh track over it add to the overall air of the audiences awkward silence. At no point we're they able to use genuine audience reactions because even the die hard fans of Mr. B. S. Himself couldn't find the funny. All he does is recycle bits of old jokes that he bakes his own unoriginal brand of racism and sexism into. Anyone who says that this is genuinely funny is one of the following: 1) being paid to say that 2) has a personal relationship with Brendan End of list This is a triumph in one way; I did not think I would ever see a comedy special worse than Amy Schumer's "the leather special" and somehow he made that look reasonably funny.
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MTV Floribama Shore (2017–2021)
This show is terrible, I can't stop watching it
4 April 2022
All the trash, fights, drunk boning, and spilled drinks you loved about the Jersey Shore but with strangely placed religious overtones, and a smooth southern draw.

I can't stress how much this show is a dumpster fire, I can't stop watching. They are so drunk, all they do is fight and bang, it's a mess. No one watches this type of reality TV because it's good, but if you lean into how stupid and insane it is, it's really fun. My best friends and I watch this in the background and laugh the whole time.
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Evil Dead (2013)
Unrelenting, bleak, and truly terrifying
16 November 2021
Do not go into this expecting any levity or charm that the original had. This movie is awesome, the acting, writing, makeup, and set design are all fantastic at making this the scariest remake I've seen to date. This could be a truly stand alone movie and I would still have high praise for it.

The opening scene sets the tone for the entire movie. If you're looking for something gory, shocking, and absolutely tense for the full run time then watch this movie. Even when there is scenes where nothing is paranormal the tension lingers until the next scene and the pacing of this movie is really good.

It has everything I'm looking for in a horror movie and because of that I think it truly deserves a 10/10.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
Stupid, gory, absurd, and fun
13 September 2021
People are really hard on this movie but I don't think it deserves a lot of the criticism it gets. No one was expecting this to be the next magnum opus of horror, and it isn't, But if you like nudity, gore, celebrity cameos, and watching stupid college kids get ruined by piranhas, you'll have fun with this movie.

Enjoy things for what they are, and this is a stupid B movie style big budget "horror movie"
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Pleasantville (1998)
This has been my favorite movie for 13 years and I don't ever see that changing
19 February 2020
My review is also sort of a love letter to the film. With that being said:

Where to start? First off, this movie is stunning, from the makup to the costumes to the cinematography. A visual treat to savour and get lost in, with a perfect musical score to set the tone.

Secondly, the acting in it is committed and well rounded. It does this without feeling preachy. I especially love Jeff Daniels performance because it feels so genuine.

Third of all, I found this movie so enchanting as a child and it has held it's unique grip on me into my adult years. There has never been anything that feels like a carbon copy of this movie before or since. It radiates the same fairytale, golden age style as "it's a wonderful life" while also feeling relevant to its time like "Cruel intentions," and struck a personal chord with me like "the secret life of Walter Mitty"

It's a truly stunning and lasting commentary on a fairly modern life with the spell cast by old TV shows and movies that have an "everything is perfect" quality.
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American Dad! (2005– )
This show deserves more credit, the superior MacFarlane tv show
30 November 2019
Strangely relatable, absolutely hilarious. It is farcical without the dizzying array of cutaways. Is it perfect? No. Does everything need to be? No. If you're not easily offended and you wanna veg out, it's worth a watch.
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The Simpsons: And Maggie Makes Three (1995)
Season 6, Episode 13
One of three Simpson's episodes that makes me ugly cry
16 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode reminds me so much of my dad, it is a great reminder that at its core Homer and Marge are just trying to do right by eachother and their children. As a kid I remember this being one of my favourite episodes because of the flashback story format. As an adult i see so much of my father in this episode, as a child I didmt understand the sacrifice that my dad made to keep the three of us fed and happy, he worked a job that he hated just like Homer. I sob every time I see the sign at the end of the episode that says "Do it For Her" Every good parent can relate to sacrificing some of their own dreams for their children. I tear up thinling about this episode. A complete masterpiece.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
A funny, witty, and unapologetically itself.
16 June 2019
This is my favourite show. The dynamics remind me of my own family. I love that regardless of the goings on, Bob and Linda are always trying to do right by eachother and their children. The jokes land and H. John Benjamin is a fabtastic straight man and solid pillar for this amazing cast. This show will make you laugh out loud if you love the old alure of the classic seasons of the simpsons, or if you like the humor of American Dad but you wish it had more heart. All in all if you love relatable characters, quotable lines, and amazing comedic timing by the amazing voice cast, please watch this show!
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Tag (I) (2018)
Lighten up and just enjoy it for what it is, a relaxed comedy.
9 May 2019
First off people are complaining that this movie has no substance. Those people are probably looking for something deep, they should watch Juno, The Grand Budapest hotel, or a marvel movie. There are literally thousanda of movies that will fit the bill.

Look, this was enjoyable, the idea of the plot is hilarious. The acting is good, the chemistry between the leads is believable, and I actually laughed out loud a few times.

This movie was a great and underrared option for a funny movie that doesn't require a lot of reflection.
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