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Unorthodox horizons !
31 May 2006
Manju is a boyish car mechanic who plays the macho role indicative of his profession with ease. He returns home after work to the friendly, family-oriented neighborhood where he lives with his young wife, Kusum. Seemingly happily married, Manju maintains a deep secret by concealing from his wife his original female biology.

Manju's secret is discovered when he's taken to a clinic following a car accident. The chauvinistic doctor who treats him becomes obsessed with Manju. He even begins harassing Manju, which sets in motion a chain of events that could threaten his identity. And to further complicate things, Manju's best friend confides his own romantic feelings for him, suggesting they share their love secretly as closeted gay men to escape ruining either of their lives.

A life of guarded secrecy is painfully assaulted, and Manju is forced to confront the sexism, homophobia, and confusion exhibited by those he had previously trusted.

Devaka Jayasuriya . 90. Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda
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Lot of potential !
28 April 2006
This is My Moon has a new air. It deals with complex and controversial subject matter and Handagama has created some potent visual imagery. Unfortunately the director seems preoccupied almost exclusively with these visual forms to the detriment of thoughtful character and plot development. Events depicted are not convincing and the characters make almost no emotional impact. Handagama has assembled a talented cast but their performances are limited by the narrow scope and static nature of the film itself.

Handagama is no doubt looking for new cinematic methods, but superficial impressions and rather self-conscious image making have disrupted the artistic balance between form and content. True, there is no idyllic village life as claimed by Sinhala-Buddhist moralists, but this has to be depicted accurately and in a way that allows real life to make itself felt.

The main male character, the soldier, is not credible. Despite his poor village origins, he is cold and indifferent to the problems confronting his family and friends. Nor is there any indication that he cares about the thousands who have lost their lives on the battlefield or are suffering from the war. At one point he directly addresses the camera: "What is this war for?" "For the sake of it," he says, and then asks, "Why do we kill?" Again he replies, "For the sake of it." These cynical answers do not ring true.

There are numerous sexual liaisons but none of these illuminate the inner lives of those involved. Countless issues are raised but not explored. Take, for example, the Tamil girl's behavior in front of her adversaries. Why does she raise her skirt? Does she want to show her naked figure and survive through the violation of her sexual feelings? Does she hide her face out of fear? No real answers are provided.

One of the secondary characters in the film, a young village woman whose husband has been killed on the front line, could have been an important component in the story. Still in her youth, she needs love and physical intimacy, but is dependent on an army pension to survive. If she remarries she will lose the allowance. Condemned to remain a widow under the law in order to maintain a steady income, her soul is empty. None of this is explored artistically. The terrible conflict in her life is consigned to one scene where she embraces and kisses the deserter in an uncontrollable sexual urge.

Despite these weaknesses, This is My Moon demonstrates that Handagama has positive qualities as an artist. Most contemporary filmmakers ignore critical social developments or show little concern with the human problems created by them. Handagama, by contrast, has a genuine interest in these issues and gives voice to his dissatisfaction with prevailing dramatic techniques by searching for new cinematic forms. One feels that Handagama, whether consciously or unconsciously, recognizes the need for more humane social relations.

Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda Srilanka
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Ganga Addara (1980)
An evergreen film !
22 March 2006
Ganga Addara ( The River's Edge ) was the second film produced by Sumathi Films , And is directed by Sumithra Peiris the wife of the SriLankan Film Maestro Lester James Peiris. Vasanthi Chaturani's Character as Nirmala is memorable . Only two songs in the film of which one is sung by Late Mr. Vijaya Kumaranatunge ( Dr. Sarath Pathirana) . This film based on a novel by Laticia Boteju . The Novel can be regarded as a poor one whereas the scrip of the film by Tissa Abeysekara is overcoming all those shortcomings and make th the film a masterpiece. It's also a family film . The playback music is by Vetaran Music composer Nimal Mendis. Nimal Mendis'Music has a unique caliber . He mostly uses the Sitar and the violin to spring out a melancholic feeling in the audience. ( Duwata Mawaka Misa) . Henry Jayasena and Vijaya Kumaratunga's roles are evergreen.

Devaka Jayasuriya
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Awaragira (1990)
Awaragira ( The Sunset ) - The sunset of SriLankan Cinema......... !
20 March 2006
Colour - 132 Minutes - 35M.M

Though Awaragira was screened in 1995 in SriLanka It's production commenced in 1988. Initially late and slain Vijaya Kumaranatunga was chosen for the role of Wickramasuriya . Later Dilmon Jayaratne acquired the production of Awaragira in 1989. By that time Vijaya Kumanatunga was brutally assassinated . Therefore Wickramasuriya's role was played by Lucky Dias .

Awaragira was a novel by G.B. Senanayake , It is also claimed that it is indeed a very weakened sort of novel. Screenplay was written by Tony Ranasinghe who is also playing a key role as Ranbanda in the film. Karunaratne Banda Sathigala ( Joe Abeywickrama ) is the leading and center role here. He has migrated from the village to the town and become very successful in his business matters. Dingiri Manike ( Iranganie Serasinghe) is his wife . They have three children Dayaweera ( Kamal) is an engineer only daughter Vasantha ( Vasanthi Chaturani) and the youngest son Priyankara ( Ranjan ) doing Management studies.

The film clearly highlights the complexities that are confronted by the modern day families . Sacred temple of the tooth is clearly visible to the garden of Sathigala. The editor has used his scissors liberally without the consent of the director , Thereby he has shortened the film and has damaged the script. As a result Awaragira underwent severe criticisms .

Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda SriLanka.
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Fire & Water (2002)
Jayantha Chandrasiri's advent to SriLankan Cinema!
12 March 2006
Jayantha Chandrasiri entered to Srilankan Cinema by making "AgniDahaya".Jayantha is a Director par excellence. Initially he invaded the stage . MORA ( The Shark) was his first stage play. Then "OththuKaraya"( The Spy) . He showed his versatility by making the tele-drama ( TV Play) Vedahamine ( The lady doctor) in 1990. Then his most memorable "Dandubasnamanaya"( The range of an arrow) . in 1996 . "Dandubasnamanya" was a unique tele-drama which depicted certain concealed aspects in the history . Specially ancient SriLankan fight systems. Then he made "Akala Sandaya "( The time machine) in 1998. Whatever Jayantha does , It is clearly an outcome of a great intellectual exploration. His work indicates a great deal of insight . He explores subjects of which currently concealed , and also Meterialists are unable to look in as laymen . The Film "Agnidahaya"is a clear indication that he studies the history and what is being buried and hidden in modern days. Spells, Vows and other rituals were a effective endeavors for SriLankans in olden days.They always believed in para-psychological results. Super normal powers existed. This Film is based on a village woman known as Kiri Manike ( Yashoda) . Also Jackson Anthony's role as Gurunnanse is incomparable . In this film , Jayantha introduces certain ancient lyrics backed by Khemadasa's remarkable music . Presumambly as he has used in his previous tele-dramas these poems are from ancient "Deva Yaadini" ( Appeals to Gods) . Love , Seduction , Sex and passion towards Power are the key points in the story.

Devaka Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda.
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Piravi (1989)
Raghu's story is common to South Asia !!!!!
23 February 2006
Raghu is never shown in the film , Consequently one who sees the movie feels that Raghu can be his/her son. These type of stories are very common to SriLanka as well. I happened to watch this great film in 1992 but still I remember it mainly on account of the very strong script of the movie. Raghu's father's face expresses one billion messages . An actor like that would be hardly discovered .Raghu is the only hope of the family and is finally born in the mindset of the father . Rain means the tears of the father. These type of films must be demonstrated in all over the world specially in SriLanka. Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda.
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Yagunthaya (1985)
End of an Era !
13 February 2006
Yugaanthaya ( End of an era) is the final segment of the trilogy starts from Gamperaliya ( The change of the village ) is a depiction of the rise of capitalism . Also as the exploitation continues how an alternative is sought. Martin Wickramasinghe who wrote this novel had worked for Lake House the leading News paper publisher then owned by Mr. D.R. Wijewardene , the news paper baron of Ceylon . Wickramasinghe had worked under D.R. Wijewardene . Wijewardene's characteristics were greatly inspired and depicted in Sawiman Kabalana's role ( Gamini Fonseka) in this film as per Martin Wickramasinghe. The film was not very successful in shooting the protest campaigns of the socialist class . Malan Kabalana ( Richard De Soyza) who comes from London gives the leadership to the socialist class which is on the uprise due to severe exploitation . Script is not doing justice to the novel , as done in Lester's Baddegama. Gamini Fonseka's character is the only character that can be uniquely identifiable right within the film.

Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Rd. Nugegoda. S.L.
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A New dimension a New alternative!
7 February 2006
Bambaru Avith ( The Wasps are here ) is the third narrative film of Dharmasena Pathiraja which was made in 1978. This film announces unequivocally his dedication to fashioning a cinema that is socially committed , that does not shy away from the troublesome issues of the time . A sense of freedom and true spirit pervades the movie which has the effect of unsettling and subverting some of the cherished beliefs of society .

in 1980, Pathiraja made Paara Dige ( Along the road) , based on a short story by the hugely gifted but unfortunately under-recognized short story writer Ajit Tilakasena . Here , he sought to open up a cinematic space in which the predicament of the reascended younger generation that migrates from the rural areas to the city in search of a better life . Another memorable film by Dharmasena Pathiraja is Soldadu Unnahe ( Mr. Soldier.) made in 1981. Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda Srilanka.
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Gamperaliya (1963)
Gamperaliya - The change of the village!
7 February 2006
No cinema springs from a social and a cultural vacuum All cinemas bear the imprint of the society , culture and the movement of history that gave rise to them . SriLankan cinema is no exception . "Kadawunu Poronduwa"the first SriLankan film also had shown the rudiments of a film culture . Gamperaliya won the Grand Prix ( Golden peacock) at the international film festival held in India New Delhi. The Jury comprised Lindsay Anderson, Andrew Wajda, Georges Sadoul and Satyajit Ray, commended it for the poetry and sensitivity with which it explores and illuminates personal relationships . This film opened up a new cultural space with immense possibilities . Though vividly realized characters the film deals with the collapse of the feudal social order and the emergence of the middle class.

Kaisaruwatte Mudliar and Matara Hamine are both husband and wife, and they represent the decaying social order . Nanda is their second daughter . Clearly the family has had better days . Piyal is a young and an attractive teacher who is entrusted to conduct English tuition to Nanda. Piyal belongs to an inferior social class . Although Nanda is attracted to Piyal , Marriage is out of question since wide social gap that exist between both families . Instead Nada marries Jinadasa , a man who has the approval of Nanda's Parents. her married life undergoes hardships and problems. As their economic plight declines, Jinadasa ( Gamini Fonseka) resolves to leave home and search for a better livelihood. Then Jinadasa dies in a far rural village as a penniless fellow. After sometime Piyal and Nanda get married . Lester converts this story into a film that carries complete conviction . Martin Wickramasinghe published this novel in 1945 , Prof. Ediriweera Sarachchandra most eminent literary critic of the time praised the novel for authentic depiction of the peasant society . When Lester James Peiris'Gamperaliya was made Srilankan society was experiencing a social revolution that had deep rooted implications for the lives of the generality of the people. The year 1956 marked an important landmark in the developmental trajectory of the Srilankan society . S.W.R.D. Bandaranayake was swept into power in large mandates and that was decided to eliminate the residual elements of the colonial structure and apparatus . He put in place an administration that made Sinhalese the official language of the country and the language of higher education . Mainly western-Based elite that dominated Srilankan society had given way to an indigenous elite that was rooted in traditional culture and heritage . Gamperaliya was the first of a trilogy that sought , in terms of conscious literary art , to chart the rise of the middle class in Srilanka and possible decay and the inexorable influence of urbanization . Lester ,made two films out of the other two as well. Namely, Kaliyugaya ( Age of Kali 1983), and Yugaanthaya( End of an era 1985.) Both films were produced by Vijaya Ramanayake for Tharanga films . Devaka S. Jayasuriya , 90 Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda
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Rekava ! Was a New Chapter In SriLankan Cinema..............
1 February 2006
Even Lester James Peiris did not assume that "Rekava" will open up a whole new era in local film making . Lester after this made three films in sequence i.e "Golu Hadawatha", "Akkara Paha", and "Nidhanaya" for Ceylon Studios ( Then) The Cinema was born in 1875, according to historians , however its real claim to be taken seriously began in and around 1910 - 1915 that the first tentative steps were taken which assisted to make the cinema an independent form of artistic expression.

Now..... The story Rekava is set in rural SriLanka then Ceylon. The film starts with a tilt walker cum musician arriving in the village of Siriyala. He has with him a monkey who performs various antics for the amusement of the public. Two thugs of the village Siriyala try to rob him . Sena, a young boy from the village prevents the robbery . In gratitude , the tilt walker , who is also an accomplished palm reader , volunteers to read the boy's palm and predict the future . He says that Sena will become a famous healer and bring dignity to the village . It also occurs that one day , when Sena and his friend Anula are playing with a Kyte, Anula suddenly loses her eye sight . The village native doctor was unable to restore Anula's sight. Sena touches her eyes and miraculously Anula begins to see . As a result, Sena now gains a reputation in the village Siriyala as the boy with a magical touch . His father who is a felon , with the notorious money lender of the village, seek to exploit the situation for their monetary gains . They organize a healing campaign to impress the villagers . A rich land owner brings his son for treatment, but unfortunately , the boy dies. The villagers are outraged; they assume that it is Sena's fault . To make matters worse , the village of Siriyala undergoes a huge drought . However finally, Peace and tranquility return to the village of Siriyala. Many western based film critics in SriLanka found it to be a moving experience and a significant work of art. In most international film festivals such as Cannes, Edinburgh, Karlovy Vary this film was acclaimed and awarded. Music in this film is backed by the person who created an era in Sinhala Music , Late Mr. Sunil Santha . Lyrics were composed by Late Rev. Fr. Merciline Jayakody . Of which the songs are heard and praised even today and most probably in future generations as well. Sisira and Indrani Senaratne are the main vocalists. The next important land mark in the growth of Sinhalese Cinema is Lester James Peiris'"Gamperaliya"( Change of the village) made in 1965 based on the celebrated novel by the leading novelist of SriLanka Late Mr. Martin Wickramasinghe of Koggala Malalagama. Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda
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Viragaya (1987)
Viragaya ! Splendid
1 February 2006
Viragaya was the last film that was to be directed by Veteran Sinhalese Script writer Tissa Abeysekara . Prior to this in "Mahagedara", "Karumakkaarayo" and "Vathsala Akka " He appeared as a director . He contributed to Ganga Addara ( The River's edge ),Gampereliya, Nidhanaya ( The Treasure) , and Veera Puran Appu ( The Rebellion ) as a Script writer. Viragaya was based on the novel of Martin Wickramasinghe who was a legendary novelist in SriLankan Literature . Tissa always liked the writings of Martin Wickramasinghe and Dr. Gunadasa Amarasekara ( Who wrote Karumakkarayo novel) Sanath Gunathilake did the main role in Viragaya as Aravinda .Aravinda was a virtuous character like a fruition . He was studying to become a doctor , halfway his father dies . He is so generous does not care about the worldly things . He adopts a child named Bathie ( Sabeetha Perera) and he cares for her like a father. Film concludes by showing the funeral of Aravinda, making the viewer also sympathetic towards Aravinda . Tissa Abeysekara is SriLanka's most talented scriptwriter . Film Ganga Addara will testify for that. Music in This film is composed by Sarath Fernando who's music diameter is similar to Nimal Mendis'. Sanath Gunathilake was awarded the best actor for his much dedicated role in this film at the Sarasaviya film festival 1987. Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90 , Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda SriLanka.
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Nidhanaya (1972)
The Best Film in the SriLankan Cinematic History
1 February 2006
Lester's "Nidhanaya " expanded the horizons of the Sri Lankan Cinema. Nidhanaya is a short story written by veteran G.B. Senanyake appearing in the book titled The Revenge. The Veteran Sinhalese script-writer Mr. Tissa Abeysekara must be credited for the unmatched script he has written for this irrespective of the shortcomings of the main source of G.B. Senanayake. "Shadow Shooting "was introduced to Sri Lankan Cinema by Nidhanaya. Gamini Fonseka's immense potential as an actor is depicted in this film. Nidhanaya is among the best 100 films among the world in accordance with an impartial survey done in year 2000. There are certain changes made by Tissa Abeysekara to the original source . In the Novel Villie Abeynaike ( Gamini Fonseka) meets the girl ( Malani Fonseka ) at a Railway Station. Whereas , in the film he meets the girl at the river's edge. Lester Peiris uses some unique symbols in the film such as the noise made by the peacock . Malani Fonseka's role here is regarded as an under play by film critics.Music in this film composed by famous music maestro Premasiri Khemadasa . He uses "Yak Beraya"( Devil drum) in certain stages in the film . Obeysekara mansion in Rajagiriya was used by Lester as Villie Abeynaike's house. It is disclosed that Villie has done an incantation to do away with his elder brother . Finally , Nidhanaya ( The Treasure) which was sought by Villie Abeynaike was the girl that he slaughters . Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda Sri Lanka
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Baddegama (1980)
"Baddegama " A film made out of a weaker script
1 February 2006
Lester's "Baddegama"was based on the novel "Village in the Jungle" outcasts the sorrowful living of the inhabitants of the village Baddegama. Baddegama is a village ( Then , now developed) situated in the southern Province of SriLanka. This Film was supported by Lester's ( The Director ) most favored cinematographer Villie Blake , and one of the most skillful men Lester always willing to recruit . Joe Abeywickrama Plays the leading role here as Silindu. Vijaya Kumaratunga who was the most popular actor then plays a different role as Babun. His appearance as a village-man is not so favorable to the film. The Script of Prof. A.J. Gunawardene is not as good as the novel reader has aspired and assumed prior to watching the film. Sir Arthur C. Clerk does a guest appearance as the magistrate in the film. Joe Abeywickrama does a very attractive and a outstanding role here as Silindu. Finally , the message here is that Sinhalese have done the most damage to the country and their people than that of the imperialists .Isn't it still a reality ?? Devaka S. Jayasuriya 90, Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda, SriLanka .
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