
50 Reviews
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1999-A (2022)
Nostalgia trip to the years of arcade games
7 August 2024
1999 is the year before the internet and the computers. Before the digital age took over the analog era. Yet, the arcade games are digital - one of the first digital things a kid of that age comes across. I was plesently surprised of the production quality. Events, decors, music bands, games, the street jargon - everything is exactly how I remember it. The story is also pretty close to what usually happened to a kid, captivated by the arcade games. This short film could easily stretch to a full length film if wanted. Acting is very natural and relaxed and together with the cool soundtrack by Uikeda band, it is a must see for any 90s arcade game kid!
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The Fall Guy (2024)
I just watched the longest trailer
24 May 2024
Have you seen how they make trailers - they pick the most action-packed moments and stuff. Then a joke follows. Then again - an explosion. The problem is there is no empty moment throughout the whole movie. Just the new pattern I've been noticing in the last few years - action, joke-action-joke. As if the script was written by an Ai, while checking the dopamine release in your brain after every joke-action sequence. The plot is so thin you can read through it. The dialogues are messy and so excess, that my head hurts from all the meaningless talking and hyper ventilating. If we strip the move to it's core, it's a regular love/murder story, written by someone on drugs, with ADHD, sugarcoated with 80s music. The good stuff - the stunts. And the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emily blunt. Unfortunately it was badly hurt with the insensible, unemotional script, which covered every human emotion with some classical pop song, instead of actors actually having to show that emotion.

I feel sorry for the modern cinema. No wander Ai is going to overtake it.
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Vi (2022)
Nice story, perfect visuals and sound and...
4 July 2023
That's it. Nice story, told in a entertaining way, excelent visual style, camera angles, colors. Clear, audible speech and good sound effects. And then it just ends. As if the writer got tired and decided that is long enough for a viewer to get the picture and quit. I can easily say that the props and the atmosphere are the leading character here. The old tube monitors, the analog / mechanical sounds, the clothes from the 80s and so on, were so nice to see and feel (again) that the story went a bit further away. Final credits were also done in the typical 8-bit graphics which I really enjoyed. If the makers can bring this quality to the big screen, I'll will surely watch anything they make.
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Uncle Claus (2021)
Decent story, but..
29 December 2022
Story is nice, but there were too many flaws for more than 6 out of 10. Acting was mediocre (with some exceptions). Uncle Claus was barely present in the film. Music was terribly loud compared to actor's voices. Camera work was ok, but unimpressive. Editing was too rough. There were too many minor roles and all the action was scattered across the entire film. As if the Director was trying to create a role for every Bulgarian actor there is. This resulted in many weak side stories which were drawing away viewer's attention from the main one. There are around 20 secondary roles. Writers tried to create background for all of them by spending screen time for all. A regular viewer cannot even remember 20 character names for a 2 hour movie, let alone to try following the constant switching between them.

The film started slow and this resulted in a quite rushed ending, because all the side stories had to be concluded. And somewhere around them they stick the main story, which felt more of a side story. There were many unnecessary scenes which brought zero value. Instead of a movie, It would look much better if it was a theater play or a TV series.

The director tried to include too much of everything, but it only takes 2-3 "things" for a movie to be good.
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in 2022
15 December 2022
Watching this film in 2022 I can say it must have been quite an innovation 50 years ago. It has nice visuals, very ordinary, even realistic shootings (in today's age of SFX pumped films this is a plus). However there are many many strange decisions, poor editing, lack of motivation for many of the characters actions. It starts good but then all these illogical events and decisions slowly ruin it.

I now understand it was a low-budget film, but the things I mention are not affecting cost at any point.

The things I liked is the old school colors, the laid back tempo and the main character acting. And on top I can add that I listened the main theme for hours after this!
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Phi 1.618 (2022)
Visually superb
29 November 2022
If you want to see a heavily surrealistic, beautifully shot, Terry Guilliamish movie with incredibly well selected scenery, props and characters, see this one. What I did not like was the majority of sound was on the left channel only. Story was a bit too far fetched and there were some inconsistencies of the world Ushev was trying to convince us in. Main strength is the symbolism, starting from beginning and ending in the last frame. Since there is no more communist regime in Bulgaria, the story could be more clear and not have to be hidden as in Kin-Dza-Dza. In my eyes Phi 1618 is quite similar to Brazil and... Star Wars, mashed up togehter!
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It would be *only* fun, if it wasn't real.
14 November 2022
Yeah, unfortunately that is the true Eastern Europe. The more you go towards the East, the worse it gets and vice versa. Now the movie: very fresh, very contemporary, very real. Dimo Aleksiev did more than anyone expected from him. I can only imagine where he did his inspiration. I loved the script, I loved the camera work, I loved the acting of main character (top notch!). What I did not like was that the madness and pace were steady throughout the whole movie. There was no culmination and around the middle you already have idea what the MC is capable of and can be hardly surprised. This made me a bit bored of getting a lot from the same the whole time. Nevertheless, It was a fun and gruesome and the director made sure to rub in your face several times the fact that if you want to succeed in this part of the world, you have to be at least similar to Dimo Aleksiev's character.
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Nope (2022)
A huge amount of.. something
30 October 2022
Briliant cinematography, excelent sound and music, extremely original story and... Zero acting, zero dialogues and tons of "wait for it.." moments. Well, in my book that is not good enough for a masterpiece. I can remember the original story and nice cinematography. Nothing more. Dialogues were senseless rubbish, main characters had zero motivation. Protagonist was totally unemotional and he just dragged along after whatever somebody else says. If there were better actors this could have been an Oscar worth movie! The horses had a more remembering roles god damn it! So the best I can afford to give to it is 7.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Fear + tension is not enough
30 September 2022
It hits agoraphobia hard, followed by fear of heights, fear of birds. Unfortunately, it does it with the classic: characters do a huge amount of obvious, stupid things in a row. This makes the movie unconvincing and often breaks the reality it tries to create. On top of that there are quite often character image/mood swings, where character is totally devastated by something and in a few seconds she acts as if it didn't happen. This kills the immersion even more. But that's not all! Then we add the mistakes and bugs caused by the illogical character decisions, which then writers try to hide with newer, even more illogical ones. What I liked are the breathtaking views and the tension. And I wish there would be more of them.
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Great idea and cinematography!
29 August 2022
I was intrigued to find out if it was really possible to reach anyone in the world through not more than six connections. Well, this movie is about that - old, proven, humane way of connecting with people. I was mesmerized by the good camera work and how it was telling the story. I found confusing the non-linear way of story telling, the amount if characters which are interesting, but confuse me on how are they connected to all this. After a lot of brain work I was able to assemble most of the pieces together. Luckily, the camera work and the huge amount of pure emotion captured, compensated a lot of that confusion.
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Nice try
7 August 2022
Decent script (Yes, very similar to The Green Mile, Showshank Redemption, etc.), poor directing, some hit and miss camera work (excelent ending shot btw). Terrible sound (as if I was watching a pirate copy, recorded in a movie teather). The worst part are the dialogues. Terribly unconvincingly written, as if translated from English to Bulgarian. The only words which sounded natural from actors mouth are the curse words.

On the other hand, all this was shot in 21 days with almost no budget. They even forgot to mention it is based on a real story (!). I hope they read this and next time make much more real film and stop stealing lines and cliches from Hollywood. They even stole the FBI/ US Police constant fight for dominance in US movies and mirrored it in 1978 Bulgarian film. And I didn't even try to count the plot holes. I hope the next one is better!
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SLOW! (Boring) writers crossing..
15 July 2022
All actors did very good, especially Wasikowska. The story is pretty regular, but told in a intersting way. However, the long scenes which bring zero value for the viewer, the long takes featuring Opel made it a pretty boring film. There is a constant piling up of expectations, but eventually nothing happens. Tim Roth's character it totally undeveloped. Only a few hints here and there. I can easily cut off 30-40 minutes of driving a ca, walking back and forth, riding a bike and nobody would even notice it. In it's current form it is a sleep fest. I gave it 3 stars for Wasikowska and the nice landscape. Camera work is good, but nothing intriguing.
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Elvis (2022)
More of a music video than film
1 July 2022
Dynamic cuts, rushing through events, back and forth cuts, flashbacks, comic book frames.. it looks more like the whole thing is a single music video. While I can live with that, the two terrible R&B songs from nowadays broke the movie for me. You are in the previous century and you suddenly hear modern hip-hop or R&B music about asses and stuff, which has nothing to do with the visuals on the screen. As if someone payed the producers for advertisement.

Since this is not Captain Marvel, but a real historic figure, it felt as a terrible spit in the face of Elvis.

Other than that the camera work was excellent, screenplay missed Elvis' fat period and for the first time Tom Hanks made me hate him!

Without the bad covers and the hip-hop I would have given it a 9.
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hard to predict, post apocaltptic sci-fi
14 June 2022
It's well written, it's well shot, played and with good music. What else do you want? Ghost Busters? Spiderman 14? What is sci-fi to you defines if you will like this movie or not. The story is original, unpredictable, minimalistic. It is shows you all the details very slowly and gradually, so it does not spoil it before the last minute. Definatelly worth the watch if you're a real sci-fi or cinema fan.
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Zad kadar (2010)
Nice attempt
6 May 2022
Mediocre, cold acting, annoying music. The usual (for Bulgarian cinema) citing of dialogue lines with zero emotion, masked as stuttering. The scenario was filled with plot holes so big, that you can be sure the outcome for the family would be the same, even if they remain in the same country. I can close my eyes for the blue jeans everyone had. Now the good part: excelent camera work! Simple, yet fine shots. Careful picking of angles and colors. Too static and distant for my taste, but still very good.
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History repeating
6 May 2022
This documentary shows how Bulgarian people perceived the end of WW2 through by old historic records. In a well structured way it shows details which were long forgotten or masked by the followed communist regime. I wish more Bulgarians could see it so they can avoid repeating the same mistake. Excellent work by the archivist who gathered all the document data and historic video. This documentary also contains a lot of old, black and white footage from that period (1944).
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Danzel is great, script is not
24 March 2022
Danzel does a great role of playing nerdy, weird, socially awkward, but at the same time - very wanting to help the society, person. However, as if someone stopped writing the script in the middle and gave it to some kid to finish it in a hurry. I mean - the kid did great.. for a kid.

The is no background info on many of the motivation on Roman's decisions. Which breaks his character. He decides to do something which is totally opposite of what the film convinced us he would do.. for an hour. No explanation why, how, etc. Too bad for the wasted actor performances both from Farrel and Washington. BTW, the woman's role in this film is a total mystery. No idea what she was doing there.
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New kills old, just to look better.
17 March 2022
It is sad to see that todays's cinema makers are so limited (both from outside and the inside), that the only way they can create a new good movie is by killing, demoting and humiliating it's previous heroes. Instead it promotes political, gender (and probably others) correctness. Story, action and director vision are now less important.
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A big joke (but not a funny one)
14 February 2022
Hey, let's mix some history characters, WW1 events, some drama here and there, then add monotonous dialogs with zero meaning to the movie, some funny English jokes and a little bit of messages, like: War is bad, everybody but the UK are cool (okay, and alittle bit less cool is USA). All others are either evil, stupid, coward or short. We have a black guy and a woman, better than the men in the movie, so all is by the rules. Yay, and we even have enough hogwash for part 2! Finally, we finish with a rap song credits.
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Damsel (I) (2018)
7 February 2022
There is literar nothing in this film. No story, no dialogue, no characters. It's, however, full of empty words and senseless scenes. The only good thing was the beautiful scenery. Shooting locations were marvelous.
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Excelent DoP work
18 January 2022
I gave 5 stars to this movie only because of the camera man. There are impressive outdoor shots which kept the film going. Other than that - disastrous director and editor work. Everything is so chaotic. Many characters with senseless dialogues which bring no value to the film, except explaining who they are. The different stories were shown in a so mixed up manner, that it was hard to grasp who does what and why. It would be a much more watchable movie and an enjoyable experience if they were shown one after the other, combining them all at the end. I have to mention the notoriously bad dialogue sound of most Bulgarian movies. Interestingly, the problem is present only when Bulgarian actors speak. Another mess which added to the total mix is the use of Bulgarian subtitles (60% of the film), English language, French, Russian and Bulgarian languages. I understand that they tried to be historically correct, but there are better ways to do it.
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The Portal (2021– )
Yes for Nostalgy, no for mediocre acting
10 January 2022
Except for the huge nostalgia hit I took by this series, it could not move me much. Dialogues are unnecessarily long and sometimes dull. Sitting in the same room for 10 minutes, after witnessing time travel, with no emotion is bad acting and quite boring for the viewer. Velislav Pavlov's acting improves a bit in the second episode, but not by much. Slow, emotionless, "slick", talking lazy, with boredom in his voice. When I mentioned voice, I have to also mention the infamous bad sound of the Bulgarian cinema. Most younger actors were just spitting out their lines without acting. Voice sound was pretty quiet and hard to hear. Luckily it improved in episode 2. The beginning credits are too long, but this maybe intentional. There are several seconds in almost each shot which can be cut without harming the story. It would speed up the otherwise slow pace. Now the good part - excellent nostalgia trip throughout the 1979 communist Bulgaria: cars, props, communist slogans, clothes, toys, places.. A lot of small details to remind/picture the social and political situation at the time. Excellent use of the 2019 protests and the blend of old video footage and today's video shots. I hope next episodes to become better.
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Camera man's wet dream
4 January 2022
An ordinary heist story, told by the most weird way. There is a lot of senseless crap in this movie. If you can manage to dump it from your mind and you prefer visual story telling instead of a talking heads movie, this one is for you! Visuals are stunning, camera work is on a godly level, acting is also good. What I did not like is the tons of senseless moments which do not bring any added value, nor they are visually appealing, neither they tell some of the story. Some of the character's decisions also seemed a bit senseless too. It's basically a drug infused spaghetti western with an excellent camera work.
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Tunnelen (2019)
Terrible script and directing
22 December 2021
Exelent story with terrible writing and directing. It had everything a disaster movie needed, but they ruined it. The main problem is the total lack of logic. Various people, services, firemen, rescuers, helicopters do nothing. Suddenly everybody forgets that cars can also be used to move, not only stay in them. Fans blow without any effect, firemen suddenly forget they can use vehicles to enter a tunnel, traffic control does not control anything, just logging phone conversations. Almost nobody uses cloth to cover his mouth and nose, people give advises to others, but then they do exactly the opposite of what they advised others. Random actions of professionals without any contact between them. A disaster movie by any means.
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The female Indiana Jones
20 December 2021
This is a standard template driven type of movie.

1. Innocent "little" creatures 2. Bad, bad man who wants to make money 3. Brave action team to save them

You can apply this to any scenario and with little adjustment it will work.

Leading character was a lipstick driven (Bryce Dallas Howard), which was backed up for everything she could not handle by a macho type Chris Prat. But he could be easily replaced by anyone. The most annoying of the cast was the butch "scientist" Daniella Pineda and the squealing like a girl, data scientist Justice Smith. They are thrown in whirlwind of dinosaurs, lava and good intentions by the filmmakers, while being filmed in the process. Then everything was stitched together by the great gods of CGI (which is the only thing they did good). Everything else is a cliche after cliche, template after template. As if it was made by a 12 year-old AD HD kid. No character development, not much sense in character actions. They tried to use the famous Spielberg wide open eyes close-up, but they did it not for the need of it, but to have something in common with first Jurassic Park movie. And it looks cheesy.
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