
34 Reviews
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Meet Yourself (2023)
First Chinese drama that I truly loved
17 August 2023
While I have enjoyed watching many Chinese dramas, I always felt there was something lacking in all of them. Maybe it was creativity or chemistry between the leads or poor acting by some of the characters. This one however is so terrific that the small flaws are more than compensated by the wonderful characters, beautiful cinematography and the enchanting story of the grief stricken, burnt out hotel executive who takes a break from life at a charming rural village. The show is chockful of intriguing characters and their back stories. The granny is "THE" granny everyone would love in their life. The male lead is virtuous, handsome and enterprising yet clumsy in love. I have never wanted to travel to China until I watched this show and now would love to travel to the area. It highlights the traditions, craft and food of the Bai people but it is very well integrated into the story so it never feels out of place. I could not recommend this show enough.
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Very entertaining
23 October 2022
I honestly did not have high expectations of this movie, expecting it to be a "teen" romance but I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it's all about a teen romance but it is also about a deep friendship, not only between the two girls but also between all of the main characters. It is a very entertaining film, full of comedic moments but also will invoke those strong pangs of a first love. It is well acted, particularly by the two main teens who fall in love. The subtitling will not distract you from the story nor will you lose the emotion of the movie. Make sure you watch it to the very end. I would highly recommend it to women of all ages.
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Uplifting tear jerker
30 March 2022
In complete agreement with the other user review. I am so happy that I watched this film. It is a captivating but true story about a Japanese doctor who found his calling in Africa. He was only there a short three years but had a tremendous impact on the many ill and injured, many who were children soldiers forced into fighting in Sudan. This is a must watch film.
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Mouse (2021)
Dark and twisted and utterly fascinating.
28 April 2021
Explores the psyches of psychopaths. Each episode has you wondering what is the truth? Can people be genetically pre-disposed to being a psychopath? The acting is superb and through the episodes, you will learn what connects them and leave you guessing as to what is coming next. Just when you think you've got it figured out, you are taken down a very different dark road.
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Vincenzo (2021)
Exciting comedy/action drama
28 April 2021
As long as you put aside your logical and rational mind while watching the episodes, you'll have a good time. There is plenty of action, lots of comedic moments, and twists and turns. SJK once again plays a very cool character who outwardly is a hardened Mafia consigliere but inwardly has a sense of fairness, justice and heart. Like many K-dramas, the evil and greed are apparent in virtually every episode. And unlike most TV K-dramas, there is alot of fighting and shooting but those dark moments are interspersed with light, comedic moments. It is good escapist entertainment.
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Navillera (2021)
Absolutely heartwarming
28 April 2021
Just finished watching the last episode with tears in my eyes but also with the biggest grin. It was a very satisfying ending to a beautifully done story of a man achieving his dream long after an age when most wouldn't even begin trying. The love and respect between the teacher and student is obvious but so is the love of family and friends. A great family show that can be enjoyed by a wide audience.
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Hospital Playlist (2020–2021)
The Drama of Life
1 May 2020
A few of the reviewers seem to be turned off by the fact that there is no "central " storyline but i would argue that there is no central dramatic storyline is the very thing that appeals to me about the show. It is a story about an enduring friendship and the everyday lives of those in a hospital told with humor and compassion. There is beauty and love and tears and laughter and triumphs and failures to be found in all of our daily lives. What is wrong with trying to capture that in a drama? I really enjoy the ensemble acting and the mini-stories in each episode. I hope to be treated with as much compassion as these doctors show if I ever find myself in a hospital needing surgery.
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Prison Playbook (2017–2018)
A Must Watch
30 April 2020
If you had told me five days ago that I would be this enthralled about a series revolving around a Korean professional baseball player on the brink of being signed by an American Major League team being sent to prison for assaulting a sexual predator, I would not have believed it. Yes, I am a Korean drama fan and knew this series was well received in Korea but had dragged my heels on watching it. Who knew that this series would be chockful of so many funny, heartbreaking, happy, sad and truly heart-tugging moments? Each of the main characters has a rich personality and you quickly find yourself emotionally wrapped up in their stories. Each episode is about an 1.5 hours long with 16 episodes so there was plenty of time to flesh out the stories and characters, whether the prisoners or their guards. Of course, we know it is far from what goes on in a real prison but the humanity and character depicted in this show leaves us with hope that we will look beyond the prison jumpsuit or the guard uniform to find the human inside. Watch it, you won't be disappointed!
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Itaewon Class (2020)
Good enough to watch but not in top tier dramas
4 April 2020
If you have time on your hands and at a loss for dramas to watch, this should be under consideration. However, it certainly is not representative of the best dramas that Korea has to offer. I could never get behind the Yi Seo character. I found her annoying and obsessive in her love for Saeyori and while she might have a genius IQ, I found it unrealistic to think she was some business genius fresh out of high school. And her callousness towards her co-workers particularly the one who loved her was unforgivable. But as it is with all Korean dramas, acting was good with a little comedy, action and romance thrown in.
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Incredibly revealing
15 February 2020
I have been watching Arashi over the years, primarily through all of the dramas they have all acted in. And I've also seen the variety shows, their music and knew about their concert tours. But I never really thought about the incredible amount of work they must put in to achieve the success they have had. This series brings that point home. It is absolutely fascinating watching the group dynamics, the kinship they feel after being together for 20 years, the individual personalities but most of all, the dedication they feel for their craft. You might not love their music or dance or acting but you must respect their professionalism and the effort they put in. Only in Asia could you see five teenagers " giving up" their life to become stars and to work at it for 20 years. I wish each and every one of them well in the birth of their "second" life after Arashi.
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Comfort (III) (2016)
Two souls finding each other
7 February 2020
This was a very sweet romance about two individuals meeting by chance. Cameron who is a little lost and self conscious of his medical condition and Jasmine who feels abandoned by her father spend two nights together and first discover friendship and then romance. Through each other, they become stronger and begin to heal. Great dialogue and great food discoveries.
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Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
I'm in love
5 February 2020
Fabulous love story. Yes it has all of the cliches of a K-drama with a woman and man, first disliking each other than falling in love, an evil and dysfunctional. Chaebol family, a jealous girlfriend but it is set in a most uncliched location, North Korea. Lots of action, laughter, intrigue and thrills. Hyun Bin is to die for as the intelligent, handsome, upright North Korean soldier. Son Ye Jin is the whip smart, beautiful chaebol daughter. Watching them come together is a joy to watch.
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Chocolate (I) (2019–2020)
A bit slow moving
5 February 2020
It is a love story that spans decades and at times during the series, it does feel a little like the story is going to take decades to tell too. It's a bit of a wonder that the two find each other given how dumb they act at times. But the acting is decent and the story is decent so overall, it is a good watch. Just not the best example of a well done Korean drama.
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Reply 1988 (2015–2016)
Envious neighborhood
5 February 2020
Beautifully done series with lots of laughter, relatable moments but mostly about family. Not just family of parents and children but families comprised of friends and neighbors. I loved every moment of it including how they don't reveal who Doeng So ends up with until the last episode but I was a bit disappointed that it really didn't reveal what happened with Jung Hwan. Great clean entertainment though.
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Exciting, well written and acted
15 August 2019
I am now watching Episode 13 and it is only getting more thrilling by the moment. I haven't watched the American version yet so i don't have a point of comparison for the storyline or script but have found the Korean one to be exciting and full of twists. The acting is first rate and what a joy to watch, what may be just acting, but intelligent people hard at work. I know governments around the world have very smart people working for them but reading the newspapers would not make me think that. This is a great adult drama to watch!
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Superb acting overcoming not as strong of a story
3 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
All of the actors did a superb job with their roles. While admittedly, there are some holes in the story line, I was thoroughly entertained by the series. And while many Korean dramas really let me down with the endings, I was actually okay with this one. He chose to leave the relationship in order to give everyone time to heal having faith that their love would endure the test of time like it had the times prior. I think Korean dramas more consistently offer great acting and stories than American dramas that go on endlessly. While I sometimes wish that Korean dramas were a bit longer, it is far better that they end than the American ones which go on and on with the main characters jumping into bed with yet another character.
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Abyss (2019)
Story is insane but chemistry is great
25 June 2019
Sure, there is nothing remotely believable in this story but somehow you still go along for the ride cause it is fun. I particularly felt the chemistry between the two leads. Their back and forth bantering and the camaraderie they show with the real Lee Mi Do and Detective Park gives off a good vibe. Good triumphs over evil in the end and love endures. Good escapist fun.
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Memories of the Alhambra (2018–2019)
Loved the series but didn't quite get the end
6 April 2019
It is a well done series with elements of fantasy, comedy, romance, mystery all bundled into one program. Hyun Bin plays the attractive CEO of a gaming company who wants a game created by a young Korean living in Spain who has disappeared. Park Shin Hye plays the sister of that game creator and who runs a hostel in Granada. Once Hyun Bin starts playing the game, there is no getting out and he becomes more and more drawn into the fantasy world. Each episode is exciting-moving between the fantasy world and the real world.
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Will not tax your brain
17 March 2019
Certainly none of the characters will win any acting awards. Neither will the writing or direction. To kill a couple of hours without taxing your brain one iota, it's perfectly fine.
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Encounter (2018–2019)
Park Go Bum's smile will draw you in
9 December 2018
Like many of the recent Korean dramas, the story really starts off in a foreign location, Cuba. The series has wonderfully captured the charm of Havana with its beautiful cinematography and music. Park Go Bum, expert traveler and amateur photographer comes to the aide of a hotel CEO who has lived a life dictated by others up to this point. Despite her reserve, his warmth draws her in and she allows herself one evening to really live. Fade away and they are next in Seoul where she is the CEO and he is a newbie employee. The friendship continues to grow despite her desire to keep him at length. No wonder. Who can resist his smile? You can't help but hope that there is a happy ending despite their differences in social class or wealth or age.
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Beautifully done
9 December 2018
What a ride this series was! The series embodies the best of Korean dramas. Take what is basically a fairy tale, plop in into modern time and proceed to capture us with all of the magic. The cinematography, the music and acting were all top notch. It is not easy to make a fairy tale relatable but it was. You could feel the heartache, the loneliness, the friendship, the anger, the fear and the love. Beautiful production.
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My Secret Terrius (2018– )
Super fun semi rom com
16 November 2018
It is a lighter hearted spy thriller with lots of camaraderie and fun. It is hilarious watching how a network of ahjummas can beat the spies at their game. There's a little romance thrown in but the story is much more about the love in the community and how they all support each other. Son Ji Sub is his always very cool self but absolutely enchanting interacting with the Joon- Joon twins who he babysits as a cover. Highly recommended as an entertaining series.
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These stories can never be forgotten
10 November 2018
What extraordinary stories these are. They should be mandatory viewing of this series in high school history classes. War seems so distant to most of us and so easy not to think about the sacrifices being made by so many. Heroes truly are ordinary men doing extraordinary things.
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Teenage fare
6 November 2018
Solidly a series made for the teenage audience. Lots and lots of fluff without much depth or emotion.
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Be With You (2018)
Sad but a feel good movie at the same time
30 October 2018
This movie brings a lot of emotion. While you are sad that the mom died, you are happy to have her back but sad to know that she will be leaving again. But you feel the love, particularly as you see the boy grow up knowing he was loved by his mother.
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