
5 Reviews
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Give this a chance
22 February 2022
I seen some mixed reviews and I wasn't to sure if I should watch it but hey life is short and i seen it on a lazy weekend and this was actually well made. I heard this is based on real stories but who knows? That's what makes it great and the acting and costume designed was on point also.
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Last Man Down (2021)
It's not bad
22 February 2022
If people expecting a perfect storyline then this isn't it. What it does have is good action, good actors and lots of things blowing up. I seen it when i was bored and i was yelling at the screen in excitement every few minutes. Not your typical Hollywood but super inspired by the old school classic movies.
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Worth it
5 February 2022
There's something about movies like this that always get me. I was glued to the screen right to the very end. Adriana was my favorite character and the way it ended had me on edge. Exciting movie, a really fun thriller. Easily 7 stars.
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A Dark Foe (2020)
8 August 2021
Good story and some of scenes were great although there is some gore depicted. The main character's makeup at the beginning let me down a bit. Seemed to me like they had a good budget so they could have made some improvements in that department. Having said that, the script and acting held its weight so if can you look past that detail like I did, you'll still enjoy it.
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Well Done
5 July 2020
Crazy horror, thriller film! Mixed with lots of gore, intense dialogue and plenty of twists and turns. Miles you are one talented director!
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