
15 Reviews
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I mean, how can you not love it?
3 July 2021
The atmosphere, the fantastic vocal performances, the fantastic visual presentation... I've never been so scared of a Youtube video before... and I'm happy I was scared.
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The BAD of Us
18 February 2021
I mean, it's a nice little story. It's not that dark of a story and there's points in the story that actually feel quite nice. But when there's a much better side of the same story, then what's the point?

News of the World aka The Bad of Us is completely a rip-off of... *drums rollin* The Last of Us, who could've seen that one coming huh? But for real, this story isn't anything more than a rip-off of The Last of Us. I mean, this whole concept of story isn't anything special, but you can tell that the movie was trying to mimic The Last of Us and added a bit of Mandy (1952) just so that they won't get straight called out for plagiarism. And if someone says: "The movie was based on a novel", you know what, you're right kiddo. Except that novel was released in 2016. I'm not against it if you take an concept of rivarly for your movie, but at least try to make it a good movie. Unlike The Last of Us, this one ain't even good, boyo.

Let's start with the acting. Helena Zengel was pretty alright with her role. I don't want to discourage her or anything, but I think she could've done a much better job. I think it might have been more of Paul Greengrass's fault but whatever. Tom Hanks was Tom Hanks and Tom Hanks as Tom Hanks is the same as Steven Seagal as Steven Seagal: uninteresting. Well, to be honest, Steven Seagal is much more interesting than Tom Hanks. I don't hate Tom Hanks, but I haven't seen him acting a character instead of himself since the early 2000s. There could've been a much more better actors for this role, but I think Tom Hanks did his job. When it comes to the other characters, well... Michael Angelo Covino did a pretty good job with his character. The other actors... did not so well with their characters.

Now, the directing. I don't mean to say that Paul Greengrass is an untalented movie director who shouldn't ever try to make anything that involves good acting, good writing and good directing... but I'm saying that. I mean, sure, in Captain Phillips Barkhad Abdi was really good, but I think it's more likely that Barkhad Abdi is just a natural born actor. In Good Time he did a good job, even in Blade Runner 2049 he did a good job, so I believe that's it's more thank to him than Paul Greengrass. Paul Greengrass isn't untalented, I've seen parts of his Bourne movies and they seem actually pretty good movies, but his directing is the same as Steven Spielberg's: money-grubbin'. I don't see that there's any passion or style in the directing, it just feels like Paul Greengrass just wanted that paycheck.

Cinematograpy is good. Only thing that I do like about in all of Paul Greengrass's movies, is how everything is mostly shot handheld. It's obviously a stylistic choice, which I do like, but I think it's more thanks to the cinematographer Barry Ackroyd, who shot The Hurt Locker.

Music is alright. it's just alright. There's not much to say about it, to be honest. It's the most generic Hollywood violin score.

Story, even though I criticized it for ripping off The Last of Us, is not the worst still. Some of the moments and dialogue are pretty well written, but mostly it's the most generic, bland, tasteless, uninteresting, boring story. There's nothing good about that, it makes the movie just more annoying to watch.

Even though I criticized this movie a lot, there's still good things about it. Sadly, there were more good than bad: 4/10.
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24 August 2020
I decided to watch this just because it looked like a bad copy of The Revenant. But no... it was nothing like that. First of all, they managed to pull out a Nuri Bilge Ceylan kinda vibe, which is a nice thing because I love Nuri. But the difference between this and a Nuri Bilge Ceylan movie is that there is a story in Nuri Bilge Ceylan movies. Even Nuri's worst movie has a better story than this! There is no good dialogue, for me there isn't much to like. Second of all, they managed to get the most look-a-like Leonardo DiCaprio I've ever seen. Seriously, it's intentional that the main character looks like Leo DiCaprio in The Revenant. And I gotta say that the performances aren't the greatest... Third of all, cinematography was pretty good for the most part, but there was still some shots that just felt really lazy. Like, they put the camera on ground and just move it a bit when the main character walks off camera.

Overall it's pretty much a bad ripoff of great movies. It tried too hard and I don't have that much respect to it, so yeah.
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And the movie of the decade-award goes to...
1 January 2020
Ah... what an achievement. I though that I'd never make a review about this perfect movie... but f#ck it.

The Academy award winning screenplay is in my opinion probably the second best of the decade, behind Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da for a slight bit. There is just so much thought and effort put in it to make a sensible comical story. There's many quotable lines in it and all of them fit to the characters perfectly. Characters are amazingly written and developed perfectly. For me, the comedy in it wasn't all that funny. I'd criticize this movie for not being funny, if there wasn't one bit that changed everything completely. The comedy, made everything much more sad. Riggan Thompson's struggle and unpopularity was trying to be funny, but for me it made me care more about the character - Riggan Thompson is just like Llewyn Davis. It didn't make me laugh, but I'm sure that it made someone else laugh his/her #rse off.

The acting in this movie is phenomenal and I'm shocked that no-one got an oscar for their performances. Even the more minor roles, like Zach Galifianakis's, were great. Michael Keaton's performance was mind-blowing, Edward Norton was spectacular and Emma Stone was the perfect icing on the marvelous cake. For me this is the best performed movie of the decade. ...And I got to ask the Academy Awards, how Patricia Arquette's performance was better than Emma Stone's?!

The cinematography is fantastic, it's something that many other movies fail at. For a guy like me, who cares even more about the cinematography than anything else... it's just beautiful. The best way to define the cinematography, would be comparing it to "9th Symphony by Beethoven", both are just incredibly beautiful. The way of making it look like a continuous is meta and perfect. Having the shot looking like it's continuous needs everything to be perfectly timed and that's where the directing comes in. Alejandro G. Inarritu makes everything seem so perfectly timed, that anyone else couldn't probably do. That's the reason why Richard Linklater shouldn't have won an Oscar for directing, and I'm happy that he didn't. Cinematography was the best of the decade, beating even Bir Zamanlar Anadolu'da which had also a very beautiful cinematography.

The soundtrack for this film was the third best of the decade for me, with Inside Llewyn Davis and Gustavo Santaolalla beating it. The drum soundtrack was amazing and it accompanied the movie really well. Of course, people's tastes are different, but I seriously recommend you to listen it.

As a whole, this movie is an achievement and technical marvel that everyone should at least check out. For a small budget of $18 million, it's amazingly made. $18 million isn't a small amount of money, when we think that Whiplash took only $3.3 million to make, but to achieve this much with only $18 million, it's just f#cking amazing. I don't think that I can find enough words to tell you how amazing this movie is. There is just so much to talk about it, but this is as much as I can tell you without spoilers. I can't recommend this movie enough so please, do me a favor and watch this movie.

I'm really happy that Academy Awards gave this the Oscars that this movie deserved, but I can't forgive them for not giving any Oscars for acting. This movie got the attention that it deserved and I'm happy that Alejandro made this and Revenant in a row. It's a new decade now and I hope that Alejandro makes a comeback.

Sean Penn: And... the movie of the decade-award goes to...


Sean Penn: Who gave this son of a b#tch his green card? "Birdman".
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Youtube Rewind x
11 December 2019
So, Youtube took the easy round, and how can you blame them. They made the worst ever rewind last year and it's the most disliked video ever. So, they just made a top 10 video about Youtube... that could have been made by anyone. It's lazy but... they at least acknowledge the mistake they had done.
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PewDiePie: YouTube Rewind 2018 but it's actually good (2018)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
This is the rewind that we all wanted!
29 October 2019
So, I wrote a review about Youtube Rewind 2018, but as we all know by now: it was total piece of sh#t. And who would've guessed? Youtube have embarrassed themselves for years and it doesn't seem to end here.

The beautiful selection of Youtubers we had in 2018 Rewind was in some ways good. Most of them were unknown Youtubers that no-one in their lifetime had even heard of. I do think that small Youtubers should be given much more support, but I think that people that try to do quality content should be supported. Now, people have different thoughts about quality content, but for me quality content is funny and really well done. In quality content it isn't a rushed production, instead of that producers use time and effort into making it good. Now, how many QUALITY CONTENT YOUTUBERS THERE WERE? Well, I could say NONE, and probably most of the people would agree with me... well, I have give props for the animators. Cringe was over the top and yeah, it was sh#t.

Now, the Youtube LEGEND PewDiePie, who was left out from the 2018 Rewind, did the best move in Youtube history and made his own rewind: PewDiePie Rewind. He made a rewind, that everyone wanted. He didn't make a cringe-fest, he made a rewind with amazing producers, and that's what makes it so special. PewDiePie is the king of Youtube!
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I think we should read the comments... I hope you would've.
17 October 2019
I honestly don't even care about Youtube Rewinds, but I'm writing this anyway. Youtube has embarrassed themselves for quite awhile, from Youtube heroes to the last Rewind, it has been just a f#cking sh#tshow. Now, let me ask you, what were the most hated things in 2018? Well, the simple answer is: Fortnite, and mukbang, and asmr. Now, where was the memes? Like, 2018 was an important year for memes and there was just a few of them. Like, what the actual f#ck? And the problem isn't even that, because all of the really important Youtubers are left out. Like, without PewDiePie the Youtube wouldn't be what it is right now.

Yeah, this rewind was sh#t and, yeah, Alejandro G. Inarritu to direct Youtube Rewind 2019.
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I now pronounce you man and wife...
10 October 2019
Let's just give this amazing couple a round of applause. After many years, these amazing people got married and it is one of the most beautiful moments in all of world history.
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Anima (I) (2019)
A Masterpiece!
23 August 2019
Anima is one of those weird trips that you have experience to at least once in your life time. I've seen it probably around 9 times and every time it just gets better and better.

Let's start this short film simple. Paul Thomas Anderson directed this masterfully and Thom Yorke's and Nigel Godrich's amazing music. The choreography was amazing and fitted into the music. Stunts and effects were masterfully done. Just wow as a whole. Thom Yorke starts in this short and he is really good at physical acting. I'm not gonna talk about the plot because it's all a big metaphor. It looks amazing and one thing where I'm really strict was amazing, the cinematography. Cinematography was really amazing and so were the visuals.

I'm ready to say that this can be the achievement of the decade, even in front of Birdman. Just watch it, have fun, buy the album from Thom Yorke, just watch the movie, it's only 15 minutes long for god's sake!
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Wow, just wow!
12 July 2019
I saw this video on my Youtube recommendation while I was watching animations, and oh boy... I'm happy that I clicked this video! I thought that this was just one of those basic Youtube animations but this... this one just blew my mind. Animation is pretty basic, it's not the most impressive but how it's used it just feels... genius. Story is pretty great to be fair, it's fun and watching this just makes me smile. Characters are likeable and really enjoyable.

So in conclusion this is the best animated short movie ever... at least in my mind. This one beats even Makoto Shinkai's shorts that I also love but this one... is just the best one. Erica Wester knows what she's doing and I'm happy that a sequel is coming. And here I just wait...
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One of the most fascinating movie experiences!
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Telltale and David Cage have done amazing games using the "two or more options" style. This movie does the same... but as a movie! It's really well acted and has great choices and moments. Story is kinda a let down. It's still a cool story but it doesn't just feel great. I still enjoyed it and I'll recommend this movie probably to people that love Darren Aronofsky movies. I personally love them but there are people that doesn't like "main character goes crazy" style movies. So watch it!
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Moominvalley (2019– )
Well... it's something?
25 March 2019
To be honest, I kinda like this. The story is interesting in my opinion and Little My gets much more screen time than in the Tanoshî Mûmin ikka. Still there's something that's irritating. Like the good moomin adaptations from Japan are anime, this one is 3D-animated. Anime gives the series much more life, because the original moomin were illustrations. Honestly anime makes it much more better, but this is plot wisely good. The good idea would have been this: same plot and anime. They sadly didn't do this and... I don't hate it or love it.
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Undertale (2015 Video Game)
Yui, play Megalovonia
22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du.
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Hektor (2015 Video Game)
Something that makes you actually scared
9 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've played tons of horror games like FNAF, The Evil Within, Resident Evil but they aren't that scary. FNAF scares you with jumpscares, and RE and TEW aren't scary but great games. But this, my friends, this is truly scary. It's like Amnesia: Dark Decent and Outlast, but much more interesting. Interesting story makes this maybe even better than other horror games. How place changes and how the monsters look and move, makes this much more enjoyable and scary than most horror games nowadays. I'll highly recommend you to check out this game. Only negative side is in my opinion length because you can finish it in only 2 hours, but it's still amazing.
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Pingu in the City (2017–2019)
One of the best anime ever.
25 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Best anime, best opening, best dubbing, best writing, best animating, best directing... 10/10!
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