
8 Reviews
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Does not deserve American Pie name
14 October 2020
Other than the girl who plays Siffler in this movie there is really nothing good to say about this film. She is one of the hottest girls to ever be in an American Pie film and seems like a decent actress. Unfortunately other than hot outfits you never get to see her or anyone naked in this movie. I believe it os the only film in the franchise not to have any nudity. There is no jokes that stand out in this movie. It jist seemed to put all its hopes on the hotness of one girl and without nudity she couldn't save it.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Horrible show
12 February 2019
I was a big fan of the original show. Sadly this show doesn't even come close to it. There is no chemistry between the lead actors. They try and get way to political. For some shows it works This one it does not. I dislike Trump, but this show seems to go out of its way to attack Trump and conservitive to the point that it feels more political than science fiction. It is unbearable to watch.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Great WW2 flick
7 August 2017
I generally hate Nolans modern films. His take on Batman was horrible. I had thought he could no long make great movies like he use to. Then i seen Dunkirk and he proved he still has a few good movies left in him. A well acted movie and one of the better WW2 movies to come out in a long time.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
CW finally makes a superhero show thats as great as Smallville was
4 November 2014
This show is great. While not as great as Agengts of Shield, it is still one of the best superhero shows on air. I never thought the CW could make a show as good as Smallville was, but this show may prove me wrong. It has a lot of tie-ins with Arrow that helps build the CW's DC universe.If you like comic book shows then this show will give you everything you want. A lot of easter eggs for the die hard comic fans, good special effects for a TV show. Nice pace of action/humor, and it doesn't change things to much from the comic. For fans of Arrow this show is a great spin off that tops the show it was spun from.

It is not to dark and gritty and stays very light hearted so that it is something that young and old viewers can enjoy. Some shows get a little to violent or complex to where little kids that love comic characters cant enjoy, but this show is great fun for the whole family.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
even if you like films that try to be "art" this is boring
24 June 2014
i watch all manner of films from "B" sci-fi to big budget Hollywood and this may have been the worse film ever made. I get that this movie wasn't about plot, characters, or script but instead about being an film version of art. It comes off as a long 1990s perfume commercial. I'm driving, now i'm picking up men, now i'm taking men back to my home so they can sink into the floor naked. I respect that the film tried to be different, but there was nothing original about it. It took the exact same plot as a million other sci-fi films took away the special effects and the acting and left the viewer with a boring piece of garbage.I kept waiting for something even remotely interesting, but it never happened
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Great modern retelling of a classic movie
17 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So if you seen the movie From Dusk Til Dawn, then yes you know most of whats going to happen. The first episode is pretty much just an expanded retelling of the gas station opening from the movie. It adds some new content and modern things such as cell phones. The acting is pretty good and the casting did a good job of recreating the characters. Some people might complain that it is to much like the original movie, but myself I didn't have a problem with it. To me it was like watching a British show like Shameless and then watching the American version. Same thing different actors but still a great story. I enjoy seeing how different actors portray a character. They really do expand on a lot of things that the movie didn't go into. If your a hardcore elitist you might not like it but if you never seen the movie or are open minded about a franchise being rewritten, then this show is top notch.
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Another Earth (2011)
good concept but a bad film.
23 July 2011
This film is just plain bad. Few films that i have seen have actually made me angry that i paid money to see them. I liked the concept of the film of an alternate Earth and the acting was wont see no Oscar nominations coming from this one. I truly wish i could have asked for my money back after watching this. Its time from my life that i will never get back. This film might of worked better if it wasn't a romance. No matter how hard i tried i just couldn't bring myself to care about the characters or the situation they were in. If you want a good chic flick to take a date to, this is not the one. By the end of the movie i didn't care what happened to the characters all i cared about was that it was finally over.
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The Return of the King (1980 TV Movie)
very good animated movie
25 July 2010
This was a great adaptation of the book. The songs and poems translated very well into the cartoon. People often like to put these movies up against the Peter Jackson films made decades later and of course movies made in the late 70s and early 80 with budgets under 4 million dollars wont be as good as live action films with budgets in the 100 million dollar range. That said for the time period it was a very good animated film that was enjoyable for kids and adults. The animation was good even by a lot of todays standards. This movie has also inspired a lot of people to go out and read the LOTR books. If you enjoy the books or even the Newer films you should check this movie out.
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