
7 Reviews
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Give the Cow a chance!
8 March 2009
That's the kind of titles I couldn't resit, I had to see it. The only thing is that it had no incarnation, even on VHS for years, it was only screened in a few festivals, then sinked into Oblivion for a while. One day looking for it for the thousand time, I saw that "Duck's Breath Mystery Theater" who created it, was selling the DVD threw their website, I had to have it.

All this to say that after all that time, I could have been more than disappointed, but that was not the case here (wich is quiet rare). First of all, you have to know that there's no "Cow from Hell", so to speak in the Movie. "Zadar" is the tittle of the movie that a small crew is filming within the movie, and it is a comedy about the many problems of shooting a low budget film in his native Hometown, with a crew of friends, family and using the nearby villagers as extras.

Once you know that, you can't be disappointed any more, as it is very funny most of the time, the cast is good and you don't feel like wasting your precious life time watching another useless junk.

It may be far for perfect, but considering the money involved, they pulled a very nice flick, that'll appeal to low budget films buffs and the others, because it's full of nice dialogs and you can almost feel the good will and the energy of the people involved to make you spend a nice time. If you have the occasion, give it a try, it's much better than most of the DTV that plagues the shops nowadays, and it surely not deserve to be forgotten.
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Polanski + cannibal comedy= gem
30 October 2008
I felt I had to post this, as the previous comment comes apparently from someone who've seen the movie in french without understanding it, and I admit that it makes a big difference. The film is pretty fast for it's time and you don't have the time to be bored as there are constant jokes, even the posters on the walls in the restaurant stating a fake Chinese vegetarian philosophy are a treat. The actors are all great and delivers their lines with passion and energy. Guy Bedos as Jerome Fenouic makes a nice character that just want to find back Violette, the girl he fell in love with, and that will lead him to meet two opposites gangs that fights for a statue full of drug, and will end up in the middle of a cannibal sect that eat women to celebrate their beauty (and also coz they're tasty). If you like "Fearless vampire killers", you'll like this one as it is from the same writers and use the same dark humor and crazy situations. Unfortunately this film never had the chance to have a VHS or DVD release yet, which is pretty strange considering that Roman Ploanski is a respected director now and that Guy Bedos is the oldest and most famous french stand up comedian still active today. I had the chance to taped it some 15 years ago on a french private channel during a special show. You can find a copy of it on the net now, I even made some English subtitles for it for the non french speakers so they can fully enjoy this great film. As nobody seems to own the rights actually, it's supposed to be in the public domain. May be one day it'll surface again, it even seems to have been omitted from many Polanski's bios. One word again, the charming Sophie Daumier was Guy Bedos partner's at the time, on stage but also in life. They did numerous sketches together even a song, she's also singing a song in the movie about having a twin sister and making a threesome (quiet shocking joke for 64 even with chosen words). I love this one, if you have the chance watch it, you'll not be disappointed.
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nice french horror film
17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are not many french horror films, the most famous one is "Eyes without face" and this one is a welcome addition to the short french list. The plot is simple, a new nurse just arrive to an hospice and the old people there seems to hide a terrible secret. Here comes the spoiler, they are cannibals and eat human flesh in order to live longer (and it seems to work). The good points are the ambiance which is spooky, helped by an eerie music and a strange song that comes back a few times, a bit of gore (pretty rare for a french film of this period) and the actors (over)acting weird from start to finish. I enjoy movies with children and old people killing, they're usually supposed to be nice so if it's well made it makes you quiet uncomfortable. I think it's the case here, even if it's not a great film. And for the french audience, it's fun to see Charlotte de Turckeim naked in an early role and dispatched in a gory way (no spoiler here, it was the cover for many editions, to try to cash in on her relative celebrity). This film would please many horror aficionados if they have a chance to see it. I must admit that "Clash", the next Delpard's effort, is not as good as this one. So if you have the chance, give it a try.
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Joshikyôei hanrangun (2007 Video)
not as great as the title suggest!
13 August 2008
I totally agree with the other reviewers, it's still a fun film to watch if like school girls, T&A, gore and craziness but the script is so disjointed and illogical that it stopped it in it's tracks many times.It's just like if the makers had some few good ideas and they try to make an entire film around them, it's bring us to the old Roger Corman times when they first find a tittle and a poster and then try to make something of it, with most the of the time deceptive results. There are so many school girls horror films from japan than this one is far to be the best one but you can take some guilty pleasure in some scenes anyway, just don't expect too much.
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Smiley Face (2007)
Araki is dead! And that's not funny! sob
26 July 2008
OK, I know that my rating is very hard(it deserve a 3/10), but it's just to lower down the global rating, coz this movie deserve a 3/10. When I watched it, I didn't know it was an Araki film and didn't guess till I watched the poster. I don't care if he decided to do a comedy, but this one is so lame, boring and vulgar that I'm shocked.Some people seems to argue about the fact that this film is pro or anti drug, but that's not the point. It's a just a silly comedy and that would be OK for me if it was not so slow and bad directed. It look like the work(?) of a young filmmaker trying to be shocking (but not too much) to be noticed, but it isn't a film from the heart for sure. Few jokes works but that's not enough to make a 90 min film. So I better enjoy "Trainspotting" or such dumb (but fun) comedy as "Hey dude where's my car" or "Harold & Kumar" which at least provides laughs and don't make you fast forward after half an hour.Last thing, the story is more about a stupid girl than a stoner, if someone know where she can find pot with so much effects and that last so long just tell me where.At least be honest and do a real film about drug and not a retarded teen movie, so long Mr Araki!
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is it a new "T.J HOOKER" episode???
5 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately the only spoiler in this review is that there's nothing to spoil about that movie.Even if B. Mattei had never done any master piece he use to do his job with a bit of humor and craziness that made him a fun Eurotrash director. But for the last 10 years he seemed to have lost it.This film is just empty, nothing at all to wake us up from the deep sleep you sink into after the first 10 min.No sex, no blood(it's suppose to be about snuff?),no actors, no dialogs, just as bad as an 90'T.V film.It's even worse than his last cannibals and zombies epics.So Rest in peace Bruno, you will stay in our minds forever anyway, thanks to such unforgettable gems as:Zombi 3, Robowar,Rats, l'altro inferno,Virus, Cruel jaws and few others.So except if you want to see B Mattei possessed by jess Franco's spirit's new film, pass on this one.But if you don't know this nice artisan's career track down his old films and have fun.
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Blood Debts (1985)
harrison/bronson style
5 February 2006
another silver star production from the Philippines, with Richard Harrison who have no time to act(admitting he can) in this short (less than 80 min)and pitifully "Death Wish" Rip-off,where He must avenge a rape/murder attack on his son and his girlfriend by a bunch of armed thugs.So he put his best red jogging suit(from Lee major bionic time)and kill a lot of people.Simple story with really nothing new in sight.Made by Terry Page and starring also the usual Mike Monty, James Gaines and Ann Milhench. Only Doris Wishman fans could appreciate this one, I'm one of them but it's not funny enough to have great redeeming value.Not worth seeking, but watchable in the good state of mind with few friends if you find it cheap.
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