
9 Reviews
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From (2022– )
Could have been great
22 May 2023
I enjoy the mystery of the series. Which is why I give it 3/10. Let me tell you how I watch this Lost-wannabe. I fast-forward every time some b-crap drama dialog happens, which have to impact on the over all story. If the characters were interesting I would not do it. Sadly they are not. Sounds great? Season 1, 50%. I'm still watching this car crash. Season 2 comes around. They don't even bother with an interesting cliff-hanger anymore. Episodes of filler, one after another, I'm fast forwarding every episode.

The mystery might get you hooked. Believe me it's not worth it. STOP watching now. Don't get trapped like me. Wasting time watching abject low quality television because maybe it might just get good. It won't.
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Mrs. Davis (2023)
One of the best of the year (2023)
21 April 2023
It doesn't make much sense, always keeps you guessing, and always entertain. Haven't laughed as much in a long while. By episode 4 I was stunned, AI god? I'm fully onboard and I can't wait watch more. 10/10

I pity the fool who gave up at ep 1. Sometimes it boarders on "random" absurdist humour. But I have faith they can tie up in a nice bow. Every episode succeeds in entertaining and that what's really important. The humour is very subtle at times and this series is ripe for rewatch. I smell a cult classic. Time will tell. But I know this: I will watch the next episode as soon as it comes out!
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Do you like cute dogs?
2 May 2020
Then this is the movie for you. You might even cry a bit. It's a story about a dog. That's it. 4/10.
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A roller coaster of interesting and bad plot
30 January 2020
A murder mystery that is impossible to figure out because of glaring plot holes, even after rewatching. Confusing editing and unnecessary (uncomfortable) distracting sex scenes. Did this movie take place over 3 days or 3 months? I really can't tell. Tried very hard to be clever and ended up being disappointing. Skip this one.
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Dropped the ball
23 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first movie but this one really took a nose dive. Literal gas chambers and an invite for Goebbels to the wedding. Is this a movie for kids? The genocide clashes pretty hard with the message of peace & acceptance for all. Maybe i would have forgiven those glaring faults if not for the mind-numbing boring war that takes up most of the movie. Angelina Jolie and her character is great and that carried the first movie. But character development takes a backseat here.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Very good, then excruciating
5 October 2019
I watched the first 2 seasons and held this series in very high regard, then i went back to finish the series, i wish i didn't. The intrigue and tension that makes the series work starts taking the backseat. Instead we get high school melodrama for 4 seasons. Turn the "Paige" and stop watching after season 2, you are not missing anything.
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Timeless humor
19 September 2019
Excellent gags that i have yet seen any modern movie live up to. I was laughing out loud many times from start to end. I can't say the same for many other movies in this genre. A must watch.
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If you like courtroom proceedings
18 September 2019
Most of the humor was derived from the ineptitude of the lawyer and the oh so funny ways his sleep was interrupted every night. Not worth the runtime
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The Orville: Identity, Part II (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent setup squandered. I imagined the most unsatisfying, easy way out possible, and that was exactly what happen. The super intelligent race of AI robots was defeated by sheer force and an unmotivated betrayal by Isaac. This episode was an almost unbearable cacophony of pew pew lasers. No diplomacy of any kind. Predictable and disappointing. I was anticipating something more from the excellent earlier episode.
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