
2 Reviews
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Good plot??
17 September 2006
Seriously, I don't understand the other comments.. This movie is not as good as they mention it. The first hour is OK, but after then you only watch how good and smart Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood are. They don't miss anything. The Germans are so stupid. They just hit Richard Burton 1 time in the whole movie. No people this is just a action movie like Terminator and Rambo. But this time you don't have 1 guy who can't die but 3 guys and 2 women. They are riding in a bus and they are shooten with a bunch of bullets. Do they wound? No of course not! They are so good. They even know when German people are going to shoot. Maybe this was a good movie back then, but for know it is a average movie. I think this movie is just a average action movie, but a realistic war movie? I don't think so.
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Cat Stevens: Majikat (2004 TV Special)
Majikat earth Tour 1976
17 April 2006
This is a beautiful DVD about the Majikat tour of 1976. The DVD is about the concert in North America. It's a must see for all Cat Stevens fans. After watching this DVD you just wish you lived in Cat Stevens' generation. This DVD gets a 10 from me. It contains many extras like a interview with Yusuf Islam. Before seeing this DVD I always just listened to Cat Stevens and I saw some pictures of him when he was Cat Stevens. But I never saw him perform. So I just wondered how it would like be to see him perform. And I can tell you it is just beautiful! He is the kind of singer like Bob Marley. Those guys love making music. When they sing they are in a trance. And you can see this on the Majikat DVD.
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