
11 Reviews
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Shazam! (2019)
Shazam-A breath of fresh air into the DCEU
17 April 2019
Billy Batson, 14, is a rebellious boy with a difficult life. One day he comes across a sorcerer who gives him his powers, so he becomes the superhero Shazam. Dc has not enjoyed critical and public success on the part of his previous films as expected, however the success of Aquaman and now Shazam has finally come to show that it is possible to make good films with these characters, and create a bright future for this DCEU(DC Extended Universe). Shazam affirms himself above all as a lighter film compared to his predecessors, comic, without being taken too seriously (at least for the most part). It's a well directed movie with a good cast, Zachary Levi is great at playing the hero. He has a comic timming that perfectly fits the character. As mentioned earlier, it is a very funny movie and pretty much all of the jokes work. However behind the comedy, there is also a beautiful, touching story about acceptance, family and friendship. As it is a superhero movie there has to be a villain, here we have Dr.Sivana in a good interpretation by Mark Strong, the villain is truly evil, yet there is a reason that I believe to be clear for the reasons that lead him to do whatever he does. There is nothing significantly bad that i can say, however if I had to mention, it would be the CGI, there are certain scenes that could be a little more worked. Another aspect would be a certain darkness, the movie becomes exaggeratedly whenever the villain is on screen, those scenes do not fit tonally with the rest, because it is a relatively light film. Shazam is great, funny, moving, very entertaining. It's exactly the breath of fresh air that DC was needing.

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How to Train your Dragon-The Hidden World:Movie Review
28 February 2019
The How to train your Dragon story comes to an end,with this Third entry in the beloved franchise. How to rain your Dragon is one of the most sucessful franchises in animation this past years.It tells the story of a beautiful frienship between a boy and his dragon. Let´s talk about the animation,is absolutely gorgeous, there is one scene specially in a cave of dragons that is a standout. The story is good, altough i think the second movie had a better script, it had twists and it was unpredictable.This third movie is a bit like the second one.There is a Villain and the group must deffend his island.So the second movie was more well written.In this one the story is still good too and exciting. The action scequences are great, well directed, the movie starts with a great one. The villain of the story was menacing and convincing, even tough it has some generic lines sometimes. The soundtrack is very good too, grandiose, epic sometimes.The sound effects well created and edited.(The sounds of the dragons). And as it is the final movie, the ending is beautiful, hearwarmming, and worthy. How to Train your Dragon the Hidden World is a beautiful and overall fitting end to a beautiful trilogy.

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Bohemian Rhapsody-Movie Review
16 February 2019
Bohemian Rhapsody is the true story of the life of the singer Freddie Mercury and the band Queen. If you want to watch an honest, true depiction of the life of Freddie this movie might not be suitable for you. Bohemian Rhapsody has some true events mixed with some who were invented, let's say "ideal events" of the story made for the movie. It's this formula with drama mixed with humor, to satisfy the audience. However the script it's decent, although all the events depicted might not be true it's a decent storyline. The cast is very good, mainly Rami Mallek. It's a great interpretation by him, he's the soul of the movie actually. The directing is not bad too, and the movie moves well in terms of rhythm. The final sequence of the concert is fantastic, even if you weren't present in live aid you can experience the exceitment, and emotions of the moment. Bohemian Rhapsody has its problems for sure, it could have been better, but it's not a bad movie. I liked it. Maybe you will too.

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Glass (2019)
Glass-A "dramatic" superhero movie
24 January 2019
Glass is the conclusion of the trilogy composed by the movies Unbreakable and Split. In Glass the main characters are confined in an institution for special people, they're threated by Dr Ellie Staple. Glass is an intriguing movie, it does something different in the superhero genre. It's more like a drama than a superhero movie actually. The directing is good, Shyamalan creates very well the tension and the suspense. The script is very simple but it works, it focuses mainly in the characters than the story. The characters are very interesting though, and the script makes them understandable and relatable, they all are very human even if they have "powers" they also have week points. The cast in here is great, mainly James McAvoy who plays 23 different characters. The negative aspects in the movie, were that the character of Casey does not make sense to be in here. There is an effective reason why she is on the movie, but after the events of Split there is no reason. When you watched it you will understand. There is also excessive talks about comicbooks to make the parallel because they're heroes, but it becames too excessive. Glass is a different kind of superhero movie, intriguing, dramatic, unexpected. It's not as good as Unbreakable and Split, but it's a good ending to the trilogy.

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Kong:Skull Island(2017)Movie Review
8 January 2019
In the year of 1973 a group of people travell to Skull Island, with the intuit to explore the misterious place.They find themselves in life-threatnning situations thanks to the creatures inhabiting the place. There have been many different sequels, reboots,etc about King Kong over the years.Now it´s time for Warner Brothers to add a new version to the catalogue. Let´s start with the script, it´s decent, it works, but it´s clear that the goal it´s not to tell a compelling story, the director is more interested in the big action sequences and the entertainnment value involving the creatures, actually those action scenes are impressive, exciting, well directed and the visual effects very well done. The cast is good mainly Samuel L.Jackson and John C.Reilly, Tom Hiddelston and Brie Larson were decent, the rest of the cast is fine.The secondary characters don´t do anything and they´re not particulary necessary for the movie. The visual effects as a said are very good, the creatures look real, Kong looks very expressive. The cinematography also worths a nod, there are magnificent large open exterior plans of the island,the nature,the sunset and others involving saturated orange and blue colors. Kong Skull Island doesn´t have the best of the scripts, or does it have developed characters.However it has good directing, visual effects, action sequences and cinematography.It´s a big monster movie, and is made simply to entertain.

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Spider-Man:Into the Spider-Verse(2018)Movie Review
6 January 2019
Spider-Man Into the Spider Verse by Sony Pictures Animation tells the story of Miles Morales, a teenager who accdientally gets bitten by a radiocative spider and becames "the new" spiderman.Later, he finds out different spider-people from other universes, together they have to save the universe from colapssing. Into the spider-verse is the 7´th movie of the superhero, it might look at first sight that this only another spider-man movie, it actually isn´t. The movie tries to do something different, and it achieves really well.The script is great, well written, the movie is actually unpredictable, very funny and moving. The main character Miles Morales is very relatablle, from the dicullty and uncertainty of being a teen, he´s a great character and easy to root for. The animation is fantastic, sophisticated, colourful, and it contributes to create spectacular action sequences.It has its own distincive style. In terms of rhythm moves fast, it doesn´t drag and is very fun. There weren´t really any negative aspects, just minnor things, there was one character here, that i wish it could have been more explored, and a villain that was just decent. Spider Man Into the Spider-Verse its a creative, exciting, funny, profound and visually stunning movie. The best Spider-Man movie to date, and one of the best super-hero movies this past years.

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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
Bumblebee(2018)-Movie Review
24 December 2018
1987, Charlie Watson, an 18 year old rebel teenager finds a car,Bumblebee which she later finds out it tranforms into a giant robot, Bumblebee is scared, Charlie helps him, and they develop a beautiful friendship. The transformers movies has always been very disliked by the critics since the beggining.Movies filled with massive explosions, huge action sequences, and lacking the most important, good storytelling, directing and character development. Bumblebee is exactly what these movies were lacking. Bumblebee dosen´t have the most original story, however it manages to work really well.It´s simple but good. The cast is good, especially Hailee Steinfeld who plays the main Character Charlie.The center of the movie is the relation between her and Bee, the relation is very well developed mainly because of the great interpatation of Steinfeld, it feels real and honest, as an audience you aboslutely buy. The visual effects are great, the action sequences well directed, and edited. Another element well achieved is the humor, the movie is very funny. There´s a sense of discovery, innocence throught that was very necessary , and that is present in here. The only weaknesses i found , were that some minnor characters were a little cliché, and in the end there´s a big action sequence, in terms of script it could have been better resolved. Bumblebee is very enjoyable.It´s a sweet, funny, action packed blockbuster, it´s definitively different and superior to the last installments. Maybe this could be the start of something new, let´s hope.

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Jumanji(2017)-Movie Review
22 December 2018
Jumanji-Welcome to the Jungle tells the story about four teens who go into detention, they found an old Videogame called "Jumanji" and get stucked in it, there they have to surpass a series of obstacles to get back. This is the new version of the very succesful movie from the 90´s.With that being said is not a remake, just to clarify. Welcome to the Jungle has a twist, the teens get into the bodys of different characters, very different form them.It´s a twist that works, the comedy comes from there and also from the stregths and weaknesses of the characters in the game, which are well developed and inserted making the story go forward and making the movie funny. So, in that way the script is well developed even if it is different obstacles the characters have to pass. The whole cast does a good job giving they´re one mannerisms into the characters in the game. It is also worth talking about the entertainmment level, the movie never forgets to be fun, problably the biggest virtue of all. Regarding the negative aspects of the movie, Bobby Cannavle plays an underappreciated generic villain, and there were moments were the CGI could have been improved. Jumanji-Welcome to the jungle is a well developed movie, it´s fun, funny, thrilling and surprisingly touching by the end.

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Passengers (I) (2016)
Passengers(2016)-Movie review
22 December 2018
Passengers is the story of Starship Avalon, who´s making a 120 year voyage to the Homestead Colony.One of the passengers happens to wake up 90 years early, the movie follows his life, and the life of another passenger during that period. Passengers is a romantic sci-fi feature that has an interesting premisse for a story, however it is weighted down by a poorly written and developed script, the movie never manages to be as interesting as it could be. Visually however the movie is great, the visual effects, the cinematography, and the production design really help to give the movie a reallistic feel. The cast is good, Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt have a chemistry that works, there are good moments to be found with these two. The movie has also some problems with the genre, it is a times a romance, a sci-fi, a comedy, and a thriller too, but it ends up just being a mess. Passengers has an original premisse for a movie, a good cast, and it is beautfiull to look, however it is also poorly written, developed, directed and suffers from an inconsistent tone.Wasted potential unfortunately.

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The Fifth Element(1997)-Movie review
18 December 2018
The Fifth Element tells the story about five central elements, and the quest to find the last one to save the universe. The Fifth Element is pretty much a crazy, funny, exciting and extravagant movie. From a storytelling standpoint the script is not that original, however it is relatively well developed. The creation of the universe is amazing, the style of the creatures, the sets, the clothes. Its beautiful to look at. The directing is also good, Besson has an eye for the big action pieces and to mix these inventive visuals and ideas into the movie. He's a really talented visual director, and you can see that he's having a great time. The cast is also worth mention, Willis is good playing Corben Dallas, but Gary Oldman steals the show playing Zorg. The movie has a big sense of fun, It's very entertainning. In terms of negative aspects, it's problably a little too long and the script like I said before it's not that original. Overall the Fifth Element is a visually stunning movie filled with a decent script, good directing, ideas, and it has above all a huge sense of fun.

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A Star is Born (2018)-Movie Review
14 October 2018
This is the fourth version of the classic movie that tells the story about a big music star, and a woman that he helps to become a superstar. This is the first time actor Bradley Cooper directs, and he is a surprisingly great director.The concert scenes especially, but he also has an eye for the small scenes.Bradley also stars as Jackson Maine and he gives a great performance as this broken rockstar. Lady Gaga who has here his first big movie role plays Ally, and she´s really talented too.The two actors have a credible chemistry who is important to the story, as an audience you believe. In terms of story, the script although it may feel a little predictable, it is, still a great story, and very well told.It´s also worth mention the supporting cast which is all great especially Sam Elliot who plays Jackson older brother. The soundtrack is fantastic, the songs are well written and performed, the main theme "Shallow" is an award nominee and winner for sure. If i had to talk about some negative aspects, the movie is a bit too long, and there is one scene that comes from nowhere, that it could have been improved if it was better prepared. Conclusion:A Star is Born has a profound story, great direction and performances, it´s a movie that is well worth seeing.

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