
11 Reviews
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Doctor Who: Resolution (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
This was really fun to watch. Also a bit too quick.
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I actually enjoyed. The New design of the Dalek was actually really cool and I loved when it used the missiles. That was really unexpected.

Jodie looked a little too happy against an alien threat like the Daleks but I have to say I really liked The doctor in this story. She was serious but happy at the same time which I find always the best in the Doctor's character.

Seeing Ryan's Dad for the first time was really great to see. The Action scenes where really fun to watch and I laughed a few times just because how over the top they where but they where still thrilling at the same time for me.

Ryan, Graham and Yaz where at best really decent in this episode. Yaz was a little unhelpful and still asking questions and she was rather ok at best but I absolutely loved Ryan and Graham in this episode. They did a really great performance. A few highlights would be Graham's talk about life to Ryan's dad and Ryan's talk to his dad about the way he left him and never came to Grace's funeral.

Seeing Unit again in Doctor Who was so great to see but they made it really disappointing by not having them in operation but instead have the Army appear. I wish I could of seen Kate Lethbridge Stuart again but oh well.

Also one last thing, the episode for me felt a little too fast when telling the story. II found that to be rather a downfall of the episode as a whole. They just went through the story like it was on fast forward. Oh well, I did enjoy it though with the Hour run time it had.

Overall, a really fun and unexpected episode to Jodie's run and I really enjoyed it but it could of been a little more better if they hadn't rushed through with the story but I loved everything else. Acting was pretty top notch on my part and everyone at least did something in the episode.

Well I have loved reviewing Jodie's episodes so far. They have been really fun. Well now I will have to wait until 2020 now for the next series to start. Lets hope that series ends up to the hype surrounding it's long wait time. Oh please be a worthy wait. :)
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Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
A Decent Conclusion. Although slightly Anti-climatic at the same time.
9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This story was ok at best for the finale. Tim Shaw's return as the main villain was always great to see. Tim Shaw was my favourite part of this episode as he had technically became a god after he killed Grace and was teleported away by the Doctor. He was yet again a really good villain as was hearing his great menacing voice although he could of done more killing to be more of a threat like he was in The Woman Who Fell To Earth.

The overlaying story arcs with Graham dealing with Grace's death and being a Grandad to Ryan ended really nicely and seeing them to finally fist bump was a great thing to see because Ryan was refusing to do that the whole series but to see them finally treat each other as a proper family in the end was great.

Yaz was my least favourite part of the episode though. She kept doing the asking questions motif she kept doing over the whole of Series 11 again and I know it was just so she could get her head round the situations she put herself in but honestly it started to get quite irritating when she kept asking questions to the doctor. Oh well at least she was sort of decent in a few episodes.

Seeing the Sniperbots return from The Ghost Monument was kind of unexpected for me and they where quite cool in this story but they never really ended up being threatening for me. They feel like they where just put there just so people could remember that they actually where a foe in the series.

All the side characters where ok at best. Jodie did a pretty good job playing The Doctor this series overall in my opinion. Although I won't fully judge her era so far yet. The dialogue and the script was pretty alright but sometimes it felt a bit clunky and sometimes people in this story kept answering questions too much just like Yaz and It kind of ruined the flow of the story a little for me.

The references to when Jodie mentions she once towed a planet away in which I think she was referencing Stolen Earth/Journey's End when David Tennant was pulling the Earth away with his Tardis while all his friends and companions where in the Tardis console room. If so then I loved that reference it was great.

The ending was a little Anti-Climatic in my opinion. It kind of felt like it was just an end to a normal episode of the show before the finale then an actual ending to a series maybe because it just felt a little rushed but overall all the story arcs ended sort of ok.

The Ux where an interesting part of the episode. They have the ability to shape a planet just using there minds was quite a cool concept but overall it was a good addition to the episode and I liked the actors who portrayed them. Although, one of the Ux reminded me of Radzi from the show Blue Peter for some reason because the way he looked and sounded reminded me of him for some reason.

Overall, It was a pretty great finale in my opinion. Although it felt a little rushed at times.

Now the New Year Special is coming up. I hope it lives up to the wait. Although I still annoyed they aren't doing Christmas Specials anymore. Mainly because apparently Chris Chibnall ran out of ideas which I found to be quite a poor excuse really. Oh well here's to New Years. Reviewing this series was overall pretty fun. :)
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Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Absouloutly strange story but i loved it!
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great episode. The monsters where cool and the part with Graham towards the end was genuinely touching for me. Yaz and Ryan where great too.

The part with the talking frog with Grace's voice at the end was weirdly hilarious and quite a weird plot device but I loved it nonetheless.

The kid was ok and same with the father. The whole idea of the conscience world through the mirror portals was quite cool as well.

The only downside I would say that I wished there was actually a monster in the woods instead of it just being recordings to scare the kid away from going outside. I felt that was a little underwhelming. Oh well.

Overall, great episode. Finale looks strangely intriguing for me.
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Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (2018)
Season 11, Episode 8
Was ok. Not as good as Kerblam! though.
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was ok at best. The Moorax where kind of an interesting villain but I felt they could of done more to be threatening then just being there just to look scary. Although there voices where pretty cool.

The setting was perfect for the era the episode is set in with all the witch trials and so forth. All the forests and stuff looked great and the final place on the hill with the tree looked really cool with the thundery backdrop and rain storms. It was a cool setting for the final climax.

Alan Cumming as King James was my favourite part. He played the character so well and I found his backstory quite interesting. He was quite funny at times as well which added more to his persona of being a king.

Jodie was pretty good in this episode and so was Graham yet again along with Ryan and Yaz. They all where great and everyone helped out in this story yet again which was great to see.

Last note is that I liked the way they called the Sonic Screwdriver a wand. I found that to be quite humorous.

Overall, it was a pretty good episode.

Next weeks story looks pretty interesting so lets hope it's worth the wait.
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Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
This was great. Not as good as last week's though.
18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This story was amazing. Very suspenseful. Ryan had much better dialogue this time round and Yaz was good as well in terms of what she said. Graham was really funny along with The Doctor when she had the Fez. That was a great callback to Matt Smith's era. Also loved the reference to The Unicorn and The Wasp from Tennant's era when the Doctor and Ryan and Yaz are hiding in the mini door in the wall and Jodie says she would tell them a time when she met Agatha Christie. Loved that reference so much. :)

The Kerblam! Robots where really creepy and had really great voices. They are one of my favourite monsters/robots in this series so far. Also they where just hilarious in terms of what they said.

Music was good at the most part but could of been more interesting. That plot twist with Charlie I actually didn't see coming which was great.

The CGI for the conveyor ride the three go one was actually very good. Also Mr.Slade could of done more then be a background character. He was the only one I disliked I guess. He just didn't do much in the story. Judie was actually a very good character in this story as well. She was actually very funny.

Overall, a very excellent episode. Had a great ending and was suspenseful and funny overall. Which I like in a Doctor Episode.

Also when they first arrived on Kondoka, the whole factory looked really cool with that beautiful shot of the skyline with that big moon and the different colours made the setting more realistic as they where technically on a moon and of course it looked great on the outside overall. :)

The Witchfinders looks like it's gonna be a good episode. Another history one. Next weeks looks like a douse. :)
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
This was an amazing story!
11 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This weeks story was far better then last weeks trash heap. The acting was solid and the Demons had really cool designs. There voices fitted them so well as well. Although they could of at least been a little more threatening but they where cool nonetheless The true villain was Prem's brother. He actually felt like a total villain by betraying his own family and by killing Prem as well. He was very well acted and the dialogue he produced was pretty ok to say the least.

Again, Jodie was great In this episode. I felt she had acted better here then she did last week. Graham was again great with his experiences and the chat he has with Yaz was truly a powerful scene to watch and was great. Ryan was ok but I felt he could of done more then just ask questions. Yaz was remarkable in this episode. Her best performance yet. She finally got a story where she felt like she belonged with the group then just standing there asking questions. Great stuff.

The visuals where amazing and the music was great to listen to and fitted the scenes so well.

Overall, top notch episode. One of my favourites of series 11 so far. Up there with Rosa and The Woman Who Fell To Earth.

Lets hope next weeks Kablam! is any good. Eh I hope it does end up being good.
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Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument (2018)
Season 11, Episode 2
Pretty meh. Felt alot like filler to be honest
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was ok. I would say it was not as good as the previous episode we had but at least it was still a little entertaining to watch.

Jodie was great as the Doctor and same with her companions Ryan,Yaz and Graham they where as well.

The monsters where pretty ridiculous the Sniperbots felt underwhelming and the Remnants felt way to rushed to be in the story as they just kind of act as filler for me but they where ok. The voice for it was pretty ridiculous though.

Overall, it was ok. Not as good as last weeks though.
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
Great epsiode and start to Jodie's Doctor run
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was very good and entertaining. The Stenza and the Coil's where cool and unique monsters that where very well executed and where entertaining to watch. Tim Shaw had an epic introduction and a cool and menacing appearance which was wicked.

Jodie was amazing in this episode as the Doctor and was funny and entertaining to watch and she felt so much like David Tennant a little. Ryan,Yaz and Graham and Grace where great companions in this episode as well.

Overall, great introduction to Jodie's doctor.
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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
Excellent Episode
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I would say is my episode is my favourite of series 11 so far. Great acting and pacing, Krasco was pretty cool but probably the worst part of the story in my opinion. He kind of wasn't really needed in there as the humans where basically the villains already because of the racism and stuff.

Rosa Parks was definetly the best part of the story. She was a very well developed character and she was very well acted.

The pop song at the end I would say is a negative as that just kind of ruined the vibe of the scene.

Anywho, great episode and was fantastic to watch. Best episode for me in this series so far. :)
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
A Pretty good Episode (Much better then last weeks.)
4 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was pretty great. The CGI for the Pting was very good. Although it does look too cute for a villain. All the cast where great and where at least taking part in the tense situation they found themselves in. Yaz unfortunately was still not doing much then just ask questions but at least she managed to keep the Pting away from the main core of the ship.

Graham and Ryan where yet again great in this episode. The show writers at least did more development on Ryan's character and who Ryan's dad was and how his Mom passed away. It was a very powerful scene with Yaz asking questions about how his family had gone away from him and was a great development for the series as a whole. Graham and Ryan helping the man's baby come out was shocking to see in a Doctor Who episode. It felt a little unnecessary but at least the situation was dealt with care by the writers and that scene was pretty powerful as well to say the least.

Yet again the Doctor aka Jodie did a great job in this episode and she did well with the performance. She dealt with every situation with careful planning and thought which I found very good.

Luckily there was no cringy music in there this time... thank god....

The sets look good as does the tense realisation that there Tardis has gone already and they have to find away to get it back again which they just did in The Ghost Monument I found a little like they where repeating story lines a little but at least they made it different.

Overall, it was a good episode. Very tense and different. Although they could of mentioned more about the Tsuranga thing the Doctor was struggling to remember about. Oh well it was pretty great. :)
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
An Ok Episode
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was ok. I would definitely not say it was as good as last weeks episode (Rosa) but Graham was a great character in this story. He was most likely the most developed character out of everyone else in the episode. Seeing him have flashbacks of his wife was a powerful scene to watch and truly a high point in the episode for me. The spiders CGI was ok but could look a bit better. Ryan and Yaz as always where good characters in this episode and Ryan was pretty well developed although Yaz could of done more, other then following the doctor. Jodie was pretty great as the Doctor as well.

My least favourite part would be that cringy hip hop music that attracts the spiders at the end. That was truly hard to watch without cringing. Sorry but that's how I feel about that sort of music. It should not be in any other Doctor Who episodes no more. Please. :/

Anyways, this episode was ok overall.
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