
3 Reviews
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Kitchen Nightmares: Da Mimmo (2023)
Season 8, Episode 4
Family issues
31 December 2023
The episode looks at a mom who retired and is now running the restaurant with her three sons, one of which is fully committed to the restaurant, and two who would rather do anything else (mostly be social media influencers).

Everything was going fine until one detail. About 3/4 through the episode, we see the emergence of the mom's husband. Now, up to this point, I kind of assumed she was a single mom, because there was absolutely no mention of him until he's mowing down food when Gordon unveils the new menu.

If the family is $500,000 in debt as was mentioned several times in the episode, why would he not be involved at all??? Where was he the whole time? Sure the two sons were being dumb goofballs, but he is just as bad, and there is very little mention of him.
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Letterkenny: Hard Right Jay (2018)
Season 5, Episode 3
Some of you need to grow up
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Look, the show has made fun of everyone at some point. There was a whole bit about grievances based on identity politics on twitter and another bit about how annoying everyone from LA is.

If you're so offended by this episode, maybe look in the mirror and ask yourself why they are able to so easily come up with enough material to rip on you for a whole 21 minutes. I swear some of you are the biggest snowflakes on the planet, you're upset about a fictional TV show making you feel inadequate about your views. As Wayne would say, "pull your finger out of your ass."

As for the actual episode, I thought it was great. Jay Baruchel did a great job in his role as Hard Right Jay, and it was fitting that the Natives were behind the name change and the beat down of the skinheads.
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Great movie except for two things
25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that in general, I thought the movie was very good. As in Identity, the pace was great, the score matched the feeling of the scene, and the acting was great from nearly the whole cast.

That said, I have two major issues. The first, which many others have also mentioned, is the camera work, especially during the action scenes. Since others have said it better than me, I'll leave it at that.

The other major issue is somewhat a fundamental part of the plot that I cannot get past. Bourne is said to be this ultimate assassin, who makes murders look like something else, and who, AS SAID IN THE FILM, "does not make mistakes." So, why does nobody ask the question of why Bourne's fingerprint was at the initial murder scene? Nobody asks why he would leave the fingerprint? Instead, they start a whole manhunt to find him while recognizing that they have no idea what his motive is.

Aside from these two issues, though, the movie is great and is worth watching.
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