
6 Reviews
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The Special (2020)
I guess you don't need uhum around it !!
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before I watched this, I watched a similar movie. I just can't remember the name of it, but it was both horrific. Yet hilariously funny. In this one the guy is trying to get back at his wife's infidelity. In the other two crooks stopping at a crooked Church had the man get the same idea as this with the donation box !!

Then like this once is not enough, but he also has more, and more intense orgasms. Until it's like Godzilla blasting one all over what looks like NYC.

In this one he's getting rid of people to protect his relations with the box he stole, and the person who caught him stealing it. In this one a black F. B. I agent is investigating the murders, and in the other the Fed is investigating them for being organized criminals. The two are so closely related Altho in the other are cameo's by Adam Sandler, Angus Young, a member of Lamb of God and it's a much more thorough cast.

Since I thought there could only be one such movie I watched it completely through, and was definitely creeped out by the ending.

I never thought there would be two such movies out there, it made the ending of this far more disturbing. Even though this ends with the box awaiting it's next victim. The other, which also had a creepy eastern european who had a similar part, didn't have the mystical ending of the one I'd love to see again. I don't plan on watching this one again any time soon. Although as horror films go. This one, and the other I can't seem to locate; are both a type of horror I've never seen before. Get ready for a brain twist in this apparently nor.
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Muse (II) (2017)
Intellectually Scary and Macabre 7
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For any with a knowledge of language, and the classic, master writer's from the best to ever put ink to paper, this is a must watch movie.

For any with a love of witchcraft with no contrived, or repetitive plots, this is also a must watch.

It's not the slasher variety, which witch movie's occasionally are. Not is it the usual gaggle of (I won't use the word I would most like here) of ugly crimes. Standing in a circle, around a fire, swaying to some lame poetry more akin to Dr Seuss. Instead ladies (and I use that word lightly, with 2 exceptions, and only because that's how they are referred as) that are evil incarnate, infiltrating the human world through the word's of the masters. Many of which came to terrible ends in real life, which only adds to the creepiness, and adds an extra layer of credibility to this ultra clever plot !!

I absolutely love this movie. Elliott Cowan (Da Vinci's Demons) and Ana Ularu carry this movie, along with Franka Potente very, very well. Even Christopher Lloyd lends his superb acting abilities to this work of horror, and Cally O'Connell makes you want to vault through the t.v. Screen, and choke the life out of him !!! I've watched this at least 5 time's since it's come out, and can honestly say (like rereading a novel) I'll probably watch it many more time's !! Late at night for the full effect. Although I'm left quite saddened by the ending ๐Ÿ˜”
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Our House (I) (2018)
Creative: Science meets Horror !!
2 October 2020
Thomas Mann actually leading this movie, instead of being the idiot sidekick (see Beautiful Creatures et al), and doesn't do half bad in this decent plot that will leave you impressed by the ending, and tense throughout ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘€
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Lost Voyage (2000 TV Movie)
Sometimes It's Better they stay Gone !!
24 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a ๐ŸŽฅ I watched when much closer to the release date. Then not being the most highest paid actor/tresses of the time, was left forgotten when no longer being aired by the original premium channel. I saw it again on Showtime Beyond, or perhaps IFC but being one that always intrigued me. I remembered the name, should I run into it again. I recently found it available for live streaming on the App and have been watching it, much as reading an old book. Many of the actor's continuing to have decent catalogs of starring films. Although Judd Nelson pretty much set his mark in: The Breakfast Club, and is the co-lead in this ๐ŸŽฅ where he returns to the same ship his Father, and new Stepmother took their ill fated honeymoon. Never to be seen again, until the Corona Queen returns from a 1992-Present Day disappearance !! Thing's become spooky from before their departure to the newly returned ship, as a strange figure appears with cryptic word's for Nelson before he's even found out about the return of the Celeste. Jeff Kober is no stranger to the horror genre, and play's his part with the same creepy aire that made his parts in this specific genre so authentic !! Joined in this by a very young Mark Shepard (Crowley; the Lord of Hell as any Supernatural fan could tell you) has the same British wit that made him indispensable on Supernatural has several one liners, before his fate is sealed in a most horrendous way ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Yet still manages to call his best friend (Kober) to try to warn him off of the damned (apparently for eternity) Cruise Liner !! Full of both real, and individual hallucinations each one is tempted, and is eliminated by the ship, or the creatures that dwell in that netherworld from which the ship returned from, and now headed back to. With the members of people whom made the illegal sojourn out to this damned liner being eliminated, and time running out; it's up to Gunn, Henrickson (Millennium Series, Pumpkinhead Trilogy, and an entire catalog of ๐ŸŽฅ himself) it's up to them to survive until their helicopter returns, and get off of this shop which they Shoul never have set foot on to begin with. Give this a watch late at night, and wanting a good, non slasher horror ๐ŸŽฅ for those whom love the good, old paranormal terror ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘ป
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Ghosts of War (2020)
Sixth Sense meets Saving Pvt Ryan
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While I've read where the critics have ripped the timeline, and other factors, I was thoroughly impressed by this movie !! In fact; I can go so far as to say I've never seen one like it. There was an air of true creepinรฉss I haven't seen in a long time, and with horror being my true passion, and sheer amount of the genre watched speaks volumes !! Kyle Gallners character Tappert is that of (what sounds like) a deeply Louisianaian accent. Although it's what he says about the actions of a soldier up for five straight day's, and what he did at one point, during this time that was his piece de resistance !! The Cats Cradle being the spoiler, and five moves in. While at other parts showing true grisly atrocities e.g. prying the teeth from dead Nazi's, and then tempering it by giving the gold, along with a trench coat, and a collarboard (or whatever you call the place on the neck of a soldier's uniform that show they're unique: like the lightning s's telling you they're Hitler's SS) so that the POW, presumably Jewish lady and son know they were taken from the hated Nazi's. A brilliant, and in my opinion, very touching show of kindness and empathy. From a soldier not long before scavaging the dead ๐Ÿ˜ซ Brendan Thwaites play's the part of a born leader in this movie, and while Gallner was the only one I knew from many other movie's (A Haunting in Connecticut, Just before I Go, Beautiful Creatures, Water for Elephants) many of the other's were familiar (like Thwaites), and know I've seen in other film's. Anyway his character is the only one that is able to piece together what has truly happened, and at the end (*spoiler alert*) why they must return, and face the horrors once again !! You see Billy Zane pop up more than once. Even though the credits say one character. You'll notice a Jerry that looks suspiciously like Zane !! Meanwhile Eugene is the technical savvy character. Be it with the radio, translating multilingual journal's, playing the piano. All the way to preparing fondue for some hungry troops !! Even a place where Thwaites hears what he thinks is Morse code, and is, which Eugene (Skylar) writes down, as the letters are tapped out. Butchie is the muscle, boxer, tough guy, redneck that wants to beat the biggest Nazi they face, or beat his brain's in with a nearby crowbar. Not much of a choice, and is a lose-lose proposition anyway !! He's also the biggest hero of the bunch, which is pointed out by one of the other's at a crucial moment. I'm not giving much away, and certainly not the ghosts they must face, or the how/why there are two different elements !! I will say that it lives up to the title Ghosts in a big way. Drawing from more than one culture, which is explained during the movie. I will say that those whom gave it a low rating may be, because they weren't intelligent enough to grasp what was going on. Instead picking on details like one I read about the time of year, and the march through Stuttgart ๐Ÿ™„ It's a ghost movie afterall, and how many actual real ghosts have you met ?? Don't focus on the wrong part of the story, as Joe Dirt might tell these bozos being supercritical of a fictional ghost story. Good grief !! With all of these Nuns, and spin-off movie's of Annabelle; give me a break !! Start it up, have your ๐Ÿฟ ready, and enjoy a good show. Are there better ?? Naturally as there always will be. Can you name one fictional movie, and say with no dissension: This is the best movie ever made !! Of course not: so watch it, and post your own review ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐ŸŽฅ ๐Ÿ’€ ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ’‚๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿ‘€
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Corruption, Ghosts, and Violence
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, although I've seen better movie's, all the ingredients for a good story are here !! You have the Warden posturing to a new kid he believes he can browbeat, because the kid needs a good reference. Using nepotism as one of his posturing points, You have the cruel guards getting rid of inmates for outside paying customers, and then you have the history of "The Rock" !! Once a dumping place for native American mentally infirm, added to by the unnatural, and untimely (also unlawful) deaths of 5 year's worth of unfortunate immates all wrapped up in D Block. The block that in real life drove many men mad !! Add to this a young kid, innocent, educated, but also innocent enough to see/hear, and investigate all of the visions he was seeing !! I saw that this revealed a low rating by other's, and it did lack the gore, or outlandish FX, some feel compelled a prerequisite to give a good rating I'm not one. Sometimes less is more, and I feel the analogies used from William Shakespeare more than compensated for the above mentioned lack of gore/or high dollar FX. There are some truly disturbing moments that you use your imagination to fill in, and that's what makes it special !! Along with the propensity to use the analogies used from W. Shakespeare, and apply them to the Warden, and the guard's of D Block before Charlie's arrival. Because with one exception, everyone gets their just desserts, except for one. I'm not saying whom, or why else why even watch it ?? I will say I plan on watching it again at some point, and look forward to doing so !! Feel free to tell me what you think !!
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