
2 Reviews
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Open Season (1974)
Quirky, original and underrated film
24 April 2006
This film was "big" news in 1974 when first released and got some bad press ostensibly because of the supposed excessive violence ,which is not the case. The real reason this film was "bagged" by the critics is the same reason Clint Eastwood (for his Dirty Harry movies) and Charles Bronson (for the Death Wish movies)were rubbished. That is because film critics tend to be left wing, bleeding heart liberals who have for decades put down any film that tends to support a person taking law and order into their own hands, irrespective of the provocation and the circumstances. "Open Season" is not overly violent but the violence is cleverly constructed and has real impact. The characters in the film are well drawn and believable (except perhaps the male victim who is abducted and held captive)particularly Peter Fonda who, like his Dad, can really come across as sleazy on-screen. The film is gripping and builds consistently towards the end and it really packs a punch in the final 30 minutes. I bought the VHS video many years ago and it is still worth watching.Try and see it.
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Open Range (2003)
Classic Western
24 March 2006
This is the only movie that I have ever rented then went out and bought it so that I could watch repeats. Costner and Duvall have tremendous chemistry and there is a real bond between them that is believable. Superb performances all round. Usually the love interest in Westerns detracts from the film but the mature attraction of two lonely people and growing affection between Charley Waite(Costner)and Sue(Annette Bening)is totally credible and enhances the movie. The cinematography is beautiful,the scenery is green and quite lush - this is not arid country. Also the script is first class in particular the interpolation of the ordinary 'chocolates and cigars and fancy crockery' with the imminent possibility of sudden and violent death in the main street. The suspense and tension builds to a memorable shoot-out and quite simply it's a better film than Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven".
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