
47 Reviews
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19 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Never thought I'd say that about a Guy Ritchie effort. Where is the antic fun of Lock, Stock... or Rocknrolla? Or the more "sophicated" fun of The Gentlemen" (movie or series)? Not in this piece, in any measure. Come to think of it, after seen the equally disappointing Ruse de Guerre, perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised.

As a another review noted, there's certainly the complications of adapting - loosely - a true story. But even on that scale the casting decisions were questionable, and I don't think it's accurate to represent Admiral Sir Dudley Pound as an appeaser and opponent of Churchill?
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Popcorn viewing!
21 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Even as I'm still going through this one I'm sold. Of course although the Kurt Russell "Tombstone" is the epic fictional treatment, this "documentary" fills in the story, the surrounding events both here and abroad, and the fallout through years later.

Many of the minute details of what happened initially in Tombstone are either copied from the movie, or - if independently sourced (I don't know which) - confirm the movie's details. Specifically the gunfight as it was staged and how it unfolded. A nice ironic touch is that the actor who plays Wyatt bears a slight resemblance - around the eyes - to Michael Biehn, who was Johnny Ringo in the movie.
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Land of Bad (2024)
18 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this one was promoted ceaselessly before its release, and it actually lived up to its advanced billing. A few quibbles but nothing to keep you away:
  • Maximus Decimus Meridius has put on a lot of weight since he was in the arena.

  • By contrast, whenever Chris Hemsworth tires of playing Thor, his kid brother can step right in.

  • The picture of military discipline and relationships in the chain of command seems pretty loosey goosey but then again my service was a long time ago.

  • There are technical blips noted in other reviews, such as switching from an Apache to a Huey in one shot, positing perfect radio reception everywhere, and so on.
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Hit Man (2023)
11 June 2024
I'm used to taking professional movie reviews with more than a grain of salt (ahem, Barbie?), but I really don't understand all the applause for this one. Hollywood used to make pretty good "screwball comedies" with a touch of danger. I guess they've gotten lazy (no, you think?). The main problem is the casting. The lead is just too good looking for the part. He was perfect as the cocky flyboy in Top Gun Maverick. But it's a stretch for the range needed for this part. The girlfriend is pretty enough but as the saying goes a dozen more pretty get off the bus in Hollywood every day, and they're all waiting tables.
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What utter freaking nonsense
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What DERIVATIVE nonsense, even. I can't begin to list the bits from other sci-fi movies/ series both good and bad which are simply lifted verbatim and then patched together willy-nilly in no discernable pattern. Lots of special effects - not so special, really - and lots of extras meeting the fate of the incompetent storm troopers in the Star wars movies. I guess I'm supposed to care about the cast of good guys with the random backstories but...meh. And what's with the mysteriously independent robot? And does Anthony Hopkins really need the work so badly as to sign on for the robot's voice and the narration?

Sheesh. I feel dumber already.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
What's not to like
8 March 2024
Adjust your expectations people! Many of the reviews here and elsewhere bemoan a lack of consistent pace, or uneven character development and presence, or dead ends... just sit back and enjoy. There's enough connection to the concept from the original (and excellent) movie, along with specific shout-outs to specific characters and scenes, to satisfy the cinema nerds.

I'm just a sucker for any sort of British accent, from posh to unintelligible East London cockney. Add in some truly beautiful settings and a - shall we say - varied cast (knowns and lesser knowns), snd you've got a winner. Enjoy!
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You have GOT to be joking
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What an astounding waste of time, efforts, CGI, otherwise good actors... well, you get the idea. It's derivative of Star Wars in every unfortunate way. And honestly the plot is so overstuffed with barely explained backstory that it would be hard to follow even were one favorably inclined.

I was hoping Charlie Hunam would turn out to be a good guy, given his accent and demeanor - you know, The Gentlemen character in outer space. No such luck. The proto-goth rebels make no sense, being as there's no backstory. And is Sir Anthony Hopkins really this hard up for work?

Save your time and rewatch the first four episodes of Reacher instead.
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Thoroughly enjoyable hooey
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Given all the flamboyant drama and stunt work in all the previous episodes, it must have been a challenge to take it up another notch. And how do they top all this for Part Two? That's what will bring us back in a year I guess.

I've lost track of who's betraying who, who's the good guy and who the bad guy, but the set pieces and worldwide locations make it sort of irrelevant.

Having Steve Rogers' best girl as the new female lead is acceptable but...BIG but... killing off Ilsa to do that is so not cool. Of course in this parallel universe they may find a way to bring her back.

I'm old enough to remember the original TV Mission Impossible. How far we've come!
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Worth the Covid wait
23 August 2022
Nutpick all you want. From the classic theme song in the opening shots aboard the carrier Lincoln to the callbacks at every turn, this is a Hollywood movie. And sometimes that's a good thing.
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
Hopeful but dubious
1 August 2022
The first season was great (even if a lot of it was filmed in New York!) but #2 and the first of #3 became increasingly formulaic. I'll keep watching but... Good to see Corbin Berenson all these years after LA Law.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Adjust your expectations
23 July 2022
For what it is - a comic book movie - it's perfectly acceptable. Any pretense to more would be a mistake.

A line from Captain America Civil War comes to mind - "I don't know how many fights you've been in, kid, but there's usually not this much talking"
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Ok I'm a philistine
6 July 2022
I didn't finish this. I don't understand all the adulation. What a mess. I'll grant that sticking with it might have changed my mind but the odds were small.
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Good enough
4 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the scorn in a lot of these reviews. It's a lot better than a great deal of the filler content on the various streaming platforms. Certainly a formulaic story line with real continuity/credibility issues in places (just how is his knee alternately serviceable and crippling?) - but as if Bourne wasn't more so in every iteration.
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23 June 2022
Honestly I already believe that you can do great things with CGI. And I do appreciate Benedict C - elsewhere! A huge waste of time imho. Maybe I need to read more comics again for all the twists and turns to make sense.
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The Old Man (2022– )
18 June 2022
What's not to like: two great leads, solid supporting cast. Forget the quibbles over pacing, plot holes, lighting, and listen to two pros at work.

And the rotties! Icing on the cake (even get the commands correct: "aus" (off/out) for release, etc.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Really good start
14 June 2022
Loving it already after one episode. No familiarity with the book(s) so nothing is "spoiled" for me. I thought Zahn was a standout in Longmire and I'm glad to see a reprise of sorts here.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Good enough
16 May 2022
Haven't read the books so it was a tad difficult to follow. Lacks the panache of the MMcC movie version but still serviceable. I also wonder if his house is the famous Bosch cliffside structure?
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Works for me
9 May 2022
I'm delighted to have more Bosch to watch. Starting out this new season I realized I had somehow missed the last season in 2021, so I had to go back and binge through that for everything to make sense. Can't say I understand all the carping in the reviews but these days everyone's a critic.
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Tokyo Vice (2022–2024)
Wanted to like it more
28 April 2022
I don't know what I expected but I was left feeling, "finish the story/stories". An awful lot of soap opera filler, and following everything in subtitles is distracting.

Incidentally how does anyone there live to old age with that much smoking?!
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Greyhound (2020)
Grim and focused
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't going to subscribe to Apple TV for this one movie but a free trial period came along. In the interim I reread The Good Shepherd. The movie condenses the deadly dance with the U-boats, which as narrated in the book is confusing in its exquisite detail. On the other hand the book better established the backstory, i.e. The Captain's romantic loss, his inexperience, his faith. And of course the necessary extensive use of CGI detracts if you let it.
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12 March 2022
Normally I find a little Ryan Reynolds goes a long way and I'm not a fan of precocious child characters, but here I'll make an exception. This is just delightful.
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Reacher (2022– )
Not bad at all
4 February 2022
I've only made it to episode 4 - and have never read the books - but so far this an entirely acceptable pass time.

Bruce McGill - he's been in so much but he sticks in my head from the Miami Vice episode "Where the buses don't run"
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Enjoyable enough
8 January 2022
So essentially this is a vehicle for Ben Affleck: same character as in The Town but without the *sshole edge. Though a side shout-out to Christopher Lloyd. Also loved the period cars and the Boston locations standing in for NY.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first it plays half seriously, half "Mars Attacks". Never does settle on a tone. Then I read breathless reviews about how it's such a timely treatment of the "climate crisis" and... I'm out.

Kudos for not mocking Yule's praying, though.
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13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert: Jeff Gordon does not have the most NASCAR wins, that's Richard Petty.

Anyway...cut through all the mumbojumbo and this is pretty enjoyable, with just enough tie-in to the MCU at the end.
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