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The proposal 😭
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Connor's proposal to Oliver was quite literally one of the best proposals I've seen on TV in my opinion.

Connor's been going through a lot mentally with the past gruesome events he's been apart of, plus with him trying to contemplate what he wants in life with his dad on his case, saying Oliver wasn't right for him.

But in the end, he pulled through with a great response to Oliver's initial proposal.

Setting up the little hut in the apartment was literally so adorable first of all.

Connor truly was so happy in this moment he had me smiling ear to ear. Oliver, overall, has been the person to change Connor's life in ways that he could've never imagined, and it's really a sight to see his growth thus far.

The twisty tie from the loaf of bread he used to propose to Oliver with was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen 😭

Of course, the scene ended the happiness i fear so I try not to think of that too much, cause the scene itself before that was perfection in my book 😭
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Beautiful wedding
11 February 2023
Wanted to express how beautiful Connor and Oliver's wedding vows were as I don't think the reviews at the moment speak on the actual wedding itself.

Oliver's vows were definitely cute as we came to know that his wedding day was always dreamed up in his journal, and even though it wasn't exactly as he planned, he was still so happy cause he was marrying the handsome man of his dreams 😭!

Connor's vows really stood out to me the most (im definitely a sucker for lengthier vows).

Connor really went from a guy who slept around with a lot of people and never wanted to settle down, let alone be in a relationship, to someone who wanted nothing more than to settle down with a husband, house, family, a dog etc., like the growth on this man !!

And it really got me with how much he expressed how Oliver truly changed him. That he wants to be faithful and jealous if another guy smiles at him, to get in fights and then make up with him.

And the last line "Oliver, I want a long, boring, normal life because it's with you. You're everything to me." with great delivery by Jack.

Such a heartwarming scene, I'll never get over it. I mean, who would've thought their hookup would lead to their marriage 😭

Coliver is truly what got me to start the show, and I've only ever wished for their happiness, almost makes me want to block out my memory of the grief they face in S6 but for now, I'm so appreciative of this cause they deserve a happy life together.

I just wish the rest of the show gave us more domestic scenes of their married life 😭
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A show like no other
2 February 2023
How to Get Away with Murder was truly such an amazing experience for me. I always regret not getting into it back then as murder isn't exactly a genre I watch a lot of, but I'm glad I did it now.

I truly treasure the experiences of every plot twist and thrilling part of each season and I highly encourage anyone to try it out.

One of the strongest parts of the show is of course the queen Viola Davis. She has delivered countless numbers of chilling scenes and is really just a wonderful actress to watch.

Another factor of the show that I really enjoyed was Connor and his husband Oliver.

I have to be honest, Connor and Oliver is what enticed me to start the show in the first place, but I'm glad to have experienced their entire love story.

Connor himself grew so much from the beginning to the end as a person and I've become so attached to him, he really is one of the best of the Keating 5 I have to say.

And seeing Oliver get more and more enticed into the realm of the Keating 5 was cool to see as well.

Not really a spoiler, but their last moments of the final season really had me destroyed 😭, but I'm glad they were endgame regardless and I'll miss them so so much.

Overall, the show is absolutely worth watching because the twists and turns this show takes are truly a sight to be seen!
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As the World Turns (1956–2010)
Very solid
19 August 2022
I'm sure many have common stereotypes formed in their kind once they hear the words, "Soap Opera".

And I can't blame most as for some storylines, the drama was definitely prominent. But regardless, I still found a lot of joy watching this as I have never seen a soap until now.

I won't speak on the majority of the show as I haven't seen it, but I wanted to give my two cents towards Noah and Luke's relationship on the show. I'm pleasantly surprised to see how the couple was explored so much in a show during such a conservative time period (like the kissing ban that took place).

I wish I found them sooner cause seeing all the classic and cliché tropes from the 2000's era and embedded in a gay relationship was so fun to experience again, especially with such a fun couple to watch on screen.

Hats off to Jake and Van for giving life to Noah and Luke, I've never been so invested in a ship like this in a while and I loved every moment of it, from the hurt I felt as if it were my own, to all the sweet moments and kisses Noah and Luke shared. Pure excellence I'd say.
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Shameless: Lazarus (2014)
Season 4, Episode 12
Absolutely amazing
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This finale was such an amazing thing to experience, especially the ending scene ! Notable mention was Debbie's reaction to Fiona returning home, definitely made me cry 😭

Just wanted to really address how incredible Season 4 of Shameless has been. What really strikes me the most of how huge of a turning point Season 4 was in comparison to the previous seasons. Now don't get me wrong, S1-S3 of Shameless were all really amazing, but S4 to me was the biggest change for the series. The show took a much darker turn in S4, with the disruption of the family dynamic with Fiona going to jail, Frank's liver failure, Ian going AWOL and his diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, and all of it truly made for a great experience to watch.

Just as it's Emmy's favorite season of the show, it's definitely one of my favorites and I'll never stop talking about it.
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9-1-1: Peer Pressure (2021)
Season 5, Episode 5
Not that great
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The overall dynamic of exploring the 118 with mixed roles due to Chimney's temporary departure was always going to be interesting. Seeing some tension due to this was cool can't lie. And the first third or so of the episode was pretty decent.

But for some reason, the episode just felt like it was getting more and more "random" so to speak, mostly due to bad pacing I think. The episode from then on just felt underwhelming in terms of writing, and overwhelming due to the random pacing of plots.

I think this episode was mainly bad because the 118 we all know and love was disrupted with Chimney gone, and no offense to Ravi, but I personally don't care much for him tbh. Something about his character isn't giving what it could give. Maybe it's just a new face I'm not used to. Really wish that this role as probie was filled by Albert, would've made so much more sense and could've introduced cooler storylines as well.

Taylor's inclusion was so bad. How are the writers going to go from her telling Buck that not everything's about him to the end where she flips the script and makes everything about him. Who wrote that actually because it made zero sense. Not to mention that Taylor's role is just so plain and annoying but we been knew.

Anyways, not only did Eddie carry the episode as always, simply hearing Maddie's voice saved me from not giving this episode a 1 star rating. It's just so evident that without her, 911 just feels almost dull. Can't wait to continue exploring her character and hope that Maddie and Chimney can reunite again.

Hoping that the next episodes aren't bad quality, but 5x06 is already beginning to sound bad like this one, but hopefully I'm wrong, but we'll see.
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9-1-1: Panic (2021)
Season 5, Episode 1
Very good
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have been very critical of 911 in my own mind, especially on Season 4 because overall, that season was probably the definition of average. Hard not to be critical when shows of this kind of popularity and caliber exist.

But compared to S4, Season 5 is really looking to be great. This premiere overall was really well done, best parts I feel as most would agree, would be Athena's storyline with her attacker on trial and his escape. Really made my heart racing seeing Athena scanning the city outside the court room amidst all the chaos. Something the show hasn't done for me in a while!

Despite these intense scenes, I can't help but wonder and be excited for what's to come with Maddie and her PPD. We got a few scenes of her and it'll probably continue to be like that for a while with Jennifer's pregnancy. But the general route the writers are taking to portray mental health is what's really going to make this first half of the season really shine and I can't wait to see what they can do.

Hoping they continue to deliver with good writing cause god knows S4 could've used it.
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9-1-1: Breaking Point (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Very poor
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For a mid season finale, this was one of the worst out of the whole show. The mid season finale for Season 2 of 9-1-1: Lone Star was so excellent compared to this one it's laughable.

Personally I love 9-1-1 more than the spin-off but they dropped the ball with this episode.

I personally place most, if not all, of the blame on the new writer for this episode, Bob Goodman.

The emergencies were weak, first of all and weren't entirely exciting. Constant time jumps throughout the episode was mind numbing, but even that wasn't the biggest of problems.

Also, I don't really need to explain how boring Eddie and Ana's relationship is because even an average viewer can see that they were forced together for the sake of Eddie having a love interest. Not to mention they're lack of chemistry.

My main problem was Taylor's reintroduction to the show. Her last appearance was a negative one as she tried to ruin the image of the 118. Though Buck was hooking up with her at the time, he stopped immediately knowing that she tried to ruin the 118, who is one of the most important things to him I'll add. The writers bringing her back without addressing this key fact of Taylor being a snake is simply bad writing. Which is my prime problem with Taylor's character from a writing perspective.

In addition, Taylor overall is just not it. She doesn't have much flavor or personality to her character and all we see from her is that she's shady, and that she's a news reporter. And her news reports constantly being in the story is such an eye rolling moment. Like we really don't need a news report for an emergency that we literally see on screen when the 118 arrives, and when an emergency call comes in to the dispatch center. A news report is not only overkill, but gets dull very fast.

I sincerely hope that this writer never writes for the show ever again after this season because he dropped the ball for what was supposed to be a good mid season finale. And I'm glad that many can see that it was really plain and dull.
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9-1-1: Fight or Flight (2019)
Season 2, Episode 13
8 June 2021
This storyline was amazing and it is one of the best, if not THE best of the series. I wish I could get the feeling of watching it for the first time again.

I was filled with worry for Maddie and was kept on my toes the entire time and i loved it. The acting was great and I just really loved everything about it. Wish all the episodes was done this well ~
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9-1-1: Survivors (2021)
Season 4, Episode 14
Good but
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season finale was good, but it definitely lacked a little bit compared to how hyped up it was during the promotion of the episode.

Let me just say that ratings have been dipping more and more as the season continued, and managed to shoot right back up simply because people who have never watched 9-1-1 before, simply tuned in to see if Eddie, whom people have been referring to as "the gay firefighter", was going to survive or not. More on that in a bit.

The beginning was well done, Buck freaking out and yanking Eddie into the fire truck to get him to the hospital, Eddie waking up and immediately being worried of Buck was hurt. Buck's entire state of panic was greatly performed.

When the team and Athena were trying to prepare for safety in case of another shooting, I wish it wasn't done in such a "playful way". It was a montage with some corny music to it, which I feel took away from what should've been a much more scary and intense experience. One of their own got sniped, it should've at least warranted more fear and caution, and not some whack montage. It really affected the atmosphere the finale kicked off with.

Maddie finally expressing that she needs help and acknowledging that she needs help due to her postpartum was very heartbreaking, a very well done storyline this episode. Props to Jennifer!

Bobby and Athena working out their struggles and understanding that they need to work more as a married couple is also great.

And of course, Buck and Eddie's whole scenes together with Buck rushing into the hospital and breathing a sigh of relief to see that Eddie was okay was really awesome. Not to mention Eddie hiding the fact that he made Buck his son's legal guardian over a year ago! That was really unexpected, but so welcome! It really shows off how much Buck means to Eddie and Christopher. And Eddie calling Buck "Evan" was super sweet too. Very great scenes with the two of them which I feel we're also really needed this season.

The biggest gripe I have with the finale and this season is Taylor and Ana. Long story short, Ana is a very plain character who honestly has no chemistry with Eddie and by the writing of the story, especially with Carla being reintroduced to tell Eddie to not just do what's in Christopher's best interest, and to do what makes him happy. Here, Eddie questioned internally that maybe Ana isn't right for him after all. This will most likely lead into their breakup next season and I'm here for it.

However, Taylor I feel really shouldn't be here. I understand Buck is in his 3.0 phase, ready to settle down and not be like his previous personalities. But Taylor really isn't it. We haven't seen her since season 2, especially when he made a huge deal of Taylor intentionally trying to trash his 118 family, who he cares for immensely. Yet she's introduced again in season 4 and they're just suddenly friends. Make it make sense. To be honest, they were doing well as friends and would've totally been down to just have them remain as friends. But the writers have been trying to push Buck into this relationship with her and it just feels incredibly rushed and boring.

This episode was meant to be mainly about Eddie and his trauma after the gunshot (the writers acting like just because he's a veteran, he'll shrug off the gunshot, which is really dumb). However, they made the episode more about Buck and as much as I love Buck, it really wasn't the time for him and his personal relationship with Taylor. Their multiple kiss scenes were extremely unnecessary and once again, the relationship is just so dull, plain, and just not exciting.

The fact that the writers want to keep her on for the next season to show off a TV Reporter POV really isn't as good as they think it is. We've seen Taylor plenty of times and let me tell you, it's being incredibly played out. We already see the emergency when the 118 arrives on the scene, and hear of it when the call is taken at the dispatch center. A news report is really really unnecessary and really makes Taylor obsolete. The show runner Tim Minear already stated it's hard in his opinion to write storylines for partners that are not also first responders. This basically explains that Taylor really isn't gonna have any good storylines and her character is just going to be completely boring, along with Ana. Taylor really just doesn't bring any buzz and is just a really boring person to pair with Buck and it really should be considered to remove her ASAP from Season 5 because this constant hetero relationship is just not it (excluding Bobby and Athena, and Chimney and Maddie because they do it excellently, not to mention because they're first responders).

Just like many fans, Buck and Eddie's relationship should be pursued even more next season, especially after making Buck a legal guardian of Christopher. Buck and Eddie have had such great chemistry since Season 2 and have had their relationship showcased in really great ways. Buck hasn't had much besides his job, and ever since Eddie came into his life with Christopher, he has finally been apart of their family dynamic and belongs with them. Hell, Eddie made him a legal guardian man, you might as well just make them date already.

Having another LGBTQ+ relationship on the show would be 10x more interesting than the plain relationships with Ana and Taylor that are present, and the writers can do it because they already went this far with Buck and Eddie and acknowledge the great chemistry they have together.

Tim Minear, if you're reading, just take your shot with Buck and Eddie as a couple. We can tell you're lacking on stories for 9-1-1 now that it's entering its 5th season and pursuing this relationship would be one of the best things you could possibly do. You're already on track with it after all.

Overall, the finale was good. But making Eddie's trauma all about Buck instead of Eddie, and shoving Taylor into the episode with random kisses really shouldn't haven't been done as it took away from the ambience of the episode. Great job with the other characters though.

Just hoping that Season 5 can bring forth good examples of writing like it did in Season 2 and 3.
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9-1-1: Suspicion (2021)
Season 4, Episode 13
Well Done
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I feel that Season 4 has been underwhelming compared to previous seasons. Much of which I feel is because of some of the new writers for the season. They haven't been writing to a good standard as a top-rated show like 9-1-1 deserves. Maybe it's also because COVID was introduced, or just a combination of things.

But after several plain filler episodes, this episode, along with the finale, really brought a lot of great things and really made me regain the hype for the show I used to have.

We have a really interesting story of a mother purposely making her son sick to receive many donations through several Go Fund Me pages, which I feel was very unique. We get drama between Bobby and Athena, finally addressing Athena's consistent independence and her leaving Bobby out of the discussion, which really needed to be addressed.

One storyline I always wished was shown more was Hen in medical school, and I was glad to see some of that as her med school classmates were banded together to figure out Hen's mothers' unknown illness. And Hen's scene calling out the ignorant doctor in the ER who didn't listen to the patients needs was amazing, a testament to how BIPOC in this world aren't treated well and extensively enough when it comes to health care.

I didn't expect for the writers to go towards a postpartum depression storyline for Maddie, but even so, I think it's been done really well. Not just the writing and direction, but Jennifer Love Hewitts' display of Maddie's emotions, especially here, have been depicted so nicely. Definitely made me shed tears for Maddie.

And of course, we can't forget the breathtaking scene at the end of the episode of Eddie getting shot. Unexpected, but the direction and acting was really excellent. The blood splatter of his soulmate Eddie all over his face, the life leaving Eddie through his eyes, Buck being in complete shock the whole time, never blinking until Eddie finally closes his eyes. Them never breaking eye contact and Eddie reaching his hand towards Buck was incredible.

Overall, the episode was really great and I'm glad it was done the way it was due to some other episodes in the season being really dull and poorly written (@Bob Goodman for writing a really poor mid season finale). I hope we keep getting great episodes next season as well.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Overall very good
10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the show has a total of 4 seasons and to be honest, I wouldn't have minded if the show only had one season because that and season 2 I guess were the only ones relevant to the book.

Season 1 was great, it really illustrated how the effects of peoples words and actions can really take a toll on others. People never really know what is going on with others. Many are suffering in silence, just like Hannah. The execution of Hannah and Clay's character by Katherine and Dylan respectively were great. As well as the rest of the cast. They collectively flesh out their roles well. Even though there is disturbing content, for me, it really just opened my eyes and to think even more than I already do about how people are feeling and how people bottle their emotions. Season 1 was pretty great.

Season 2 was kind of not needed. I appreciate that the Basie was to shed light that Hannah wasn't the only victim and that there had to be justice for Hannah, but overall the season kind of dragged along. But it was still pretty decent.

Come Season 3, the introduction of Ani was negative as to be expected. This is where the series deviates farther from the book. And turned the show into a murder mystery. I wish the writers stuck to the show more, but I understand that they didn't because Netflix pushed them to make more seasons even though Hannah's story was completed after Season 2. It was an unnecessary season, but overall it was fun to watch in my opinion.

Season 4 I feel was a good way to wrap up the show. I felt that the show would center on finding out who framed Monty, but it didn't exactly. It did, but not completely. Instead it delved more into Clay's feelings. Throughout the season, Clay can never catch a break. He's cracking under pressure and being haunted by the shadows of Bryce and Monty. He's really carrying a lot of baggage. Besides Clay, the show goes into each character and makes storylines for them. For example, the show really did something sweet with Alex's character. Having him question his sexuality and ultimately dating Charlie ~. It was really sweet.

Ok I'm going off topic now, but just in the end, 13 Reasosn Why I feel stayed true to the book for its first season and was good at showcasing issues teens go through. Yes there's a lot of controversy but that's to be expected. Most say it's negative, but in the end, people have said numerously that the show has helped them in some shape or form, and that can't be ignored. The cast did wonderfully with their characters and makes this show something worth to watch.

Watch at your own discretion, as it can be triggering. Don't listen to what others say. Watch for yourself. Form your own opinion, and heed to the warnings before each episode.
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9-1-1: Athena Begins (2019)
Season 3, Episode 7
26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just rewatched this episode and got hit with all of the emotions it had to offer.

You have this amazing character like Athena, bold and confident. A badass women. Facing an issue in her past where there's been a new lead in the case of who killed her first fiancé.

Athena confronting all of this head on and reliving the times she spent with her old fiancé, and doing so much work to find the killer was amazing to watch. And so were the flashbacks to how she first got into the police force.

All tied together with seeing such a strong character break down at the end of the episode in Bobby's arms.

(I cried very much too oof)

One of the best episodes I've seen of the show!
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9-1-1 (2018– )
26 April 2020
Never would I have thought to be even remotely interested in a show like this. From first glance, I just assumed that it's just people fighting fires and that was it.

But boy, did this show get me hooked immediately. People I've seen on Twitter were very hyped for it so I finally decided to try it for myself and I fell in love. The characters, their backstory tied together with the intensity of the work of first responders. It's all done so well and I am so glad I made the decision to start watching this show.

And now, the show has gotten renewed for Season 4 and I couldn't be more happy!
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No Good Nick (2019)
11 April 2020
I watched the show for Kalama Epstein. And he did good as an actor here. But overall this show isn't as good as it could've been.

Overall the acting was plain and just felt fake. Obviously acting isn't real but good actors make scenes look genuine. And this show didn't do that very well.

My main issue was Nick. She wasn't that interesting. Maybe her actress didn't play her role very well. But the writers gave her the same storyline over and over again. Try and steal something. If someone wronged her, she just whips out her phone and changes her mind from not stealing to stealing. It's played out and was pretty tiring to watch. Overall the show just felt weak.
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Texas Proud (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
The feels
11 February 2020
That police station scene between TK and Carlos brought on all the feels, we love that!
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Yee-Haw (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Love it
8 February 2020
This episode y'all, I love it. And the Tarlos content we got was iconic
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020–2025)
I'm obsessed
8 February 2020
Look, I just started watching after episode 3 aired and it's safe for me to say that I am obsessed and in love. I didn't watch the original 9-1-1, but as a new viewer of Lone Star, I'm having an open mind about the series without having to compare it to the original. And I can say that I really love these characters and cast. The representation is great, from having racial diversity Muslim, Hispanic and African American characters, as well as two characters and a trans character. Not to mention that this cast has so much love for the series. This rating that has for the show right now is pretty biased. Again, I'm a new viewer, and I find that the series is like a mixed bag so far. Exhilarating, romantic, comedic, heartbreaking etc. Everyone has their own opinion, but there's a reason why the show is doing so well in terms of ratings, why it's considered the number one new show right now, and I agree with that wholeheartedly. Also, stan Tarlos because their relationship is so great and it's gonna get even better!
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Andi Mack: Mount Rushmore or Less (2019)
Season 3, Episode 13
This episode hurt in more ways than one
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode honestly hurt many of the characters. First, there's Andi. Not only are her parents choosing not to get married (pretty sure they will eventually though), but Jonah bailed on her costume last minute. Speaking of bailing let's address TJ and Cyrus. This episode had a lot of cute moments between them watch was amazing 😍. But unfortunately the fun was short lived when Kira came into the picture. Manipulating TJ into feeling that it was wrong to do a costume with Cyrus instead of her. Which then led to TJ being afraid and ditching Cyrus' costume. I just couldn't bear to see Cyrus so heartbroken. I wouldn't blame TJ either because it was all Kira's doing. But I know that they will move past this and we can expect a really nice heartfelt moment between TJ and Cyrus, like expressing there feelings. And Marty and Buffy, well, he might have a girlfriend and all but they're acting pretty much how they always have which is nice. Overall, this episode hurt for many of the ships, but I'm sure they will thrive in the end.
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