
18 Reviews
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Exposed (III) (2016)
Please, Keanu! Tell me it ain't so! Not recommended.
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Promising for first few minutes. Then screen downsized and solitaire in full play by the time of the typical canine demise. A few geniune head-turning visuals that petered off back to a snooze pace ... those same genuine head-turning visuals never explained. In fact, I still have no clue exactly what da heck all that was about.

Singularly worth it for falling in love with a (dark haired) Ms. Arma. Keanu sports a good haircut but appears to have just returned from an extended vacation featuring extended banquets. Perhaps good for low-key background noise.

Not recommended.
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IO (2019)
Cinematic Anesthesia. Not recommended except for soothing background noise.
21 January 2019
Actually an intriquing short-story concept dragged out to movie length. Just enough (false) hints things might get interesting to risk sticking through without any payoffs.

TOO MUCH DREARY YAMMERING! Less Yack, More Act, please.

Never get closer to title Io than the foothills above Burbank? WTF?

Strangest parts were no zombies running around the ruined city. Really felt weird even though we've had our fill of zombies running around ruined cities. In fact, I've been quite tired of zombies running around ruined cities for years... until watching this and realizing the best thing to happen to this plot would be some zombies running around. Alas... no zombies.

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Bushwick (2017)
Well, THAT was cheerful. Not recommended.
6 January 2019
Now I'm bummed. Thanks, "Bushwick."

Some interesting scenes overwhelmed by inconsequential yammer. Reward for sticking it through is a bad aftertaste. Then again, I may be wrong. If there was some intent/hidden agenda to punish viewers then high-five.

Not recommended.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
Outstanding. Highly Recommended.
3 January 2019
Period. In all elements possible: realistic portrayals, gritty truths, every single character, production values, etc.

Only problem will be little rest until I find a hat like Cullen Bohannan.
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Tank 432 (2015)
Someone please explain... naw, never mind.
28 December 2018
Lots of questions after this one (foremost why I let it run to the end) and frankly don't really care. Enough brain metabolism already wasted.

Let's just let it fade out with a little lingering self-abuse: 1. "Armored Personnel Carrier #432" just doesn't sound as snappy, so let's just go with "tank." Special effects crew forgot the cardboard cannon anyway.

2. Ok, troops! If you ever find yourself on the run (by what or whom exactly?), be sure to ignore tactical retreat or defensive position by trapping yourselves in the worst strategic position since Little Big Horn.

3. Stay trapped there because....?

4. And the overall point of any of it?
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Middle Man (2016)
Unusual. Well Worth The Watch. Recommended
24 December 2018
Sometimes what you (think) you see is NOT what you get. Entertaining; well-worth the watch. Only 2 or 3 stretches of believablity that won't ruin anything, esp once you get into this and see where it's going. Stand by for some unexpected Bonus Points.

Recommended. VM
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Standoff (I) (2016)
Exactly As Ordered. Satisfies.
15 December 2018
"Not in the mood for documentaries, history, deep thinking or subtitles, honey. Just grab the popcorn and dial up a good action flick." Here y'go.

No Cecil B DeMille spectacular, high-budget blockbuster or attempt of cinematic landmark such as "Scarface" or "In Cold Blood." But that wasn't what you ordered, was it? Just. A. Good. Action. Flick. One that satisfies.

Fishburne and Jane alone have never disappointed and have again maintained that status, elevating this piece above the standard expectations/delivery.
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Black Butterfly (II) (2017)
Highly Recommended
15 December 2018
Menancing stranger in remote house of host. Check. Known formula but Antonio looks on his game, never disappointed so we'll go with the familiar menu items, expecting no real change besides maybe a unique spice or two... WRONG!

"Hey, I didn't order..." Whoa, this is GREAT!

Did NOT see THAT coming... or THAT! Or...

Final metaphor: no, that's not the garden hose you grabbed but a viper that can suddenly twist like... like... well, like this movie. Newly defines the concept for me... who tot he wuz sooo cinema smarty!

Belt in, folks.
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Apostle (2018)
Deliciously Bizarre. Miss Miracle Grow of 1910? Provisionally Recommended.
15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A Netflix impulse watch here... NOT disappointed. Up-front note: playing in background during other activities but listening/watching throughout so I may have missed a point or two.

Provisional recommendation due to: don't try to figure out a few questions that may arise. Go with the flow and it'll take you to the edge of that seat many times. Quick check of storyline blurb "oh, guy goes after his missing daughter in 1910 (or so) that joined a cult" will NOT do justice. I still don't know for sure what I just saw but don't care; good ride! For those liking this genre and mostly knowing what you're getting, then it's HIGHLY recommended. Frankly too bizarre to pass up no matter what your tastes. Helps with outstanding cast and top-notch production values throughout.

Can't help think too much on THIS unique... um, gem I guess. These won't spoil the fun buuuuut:

Some Questions & Observations. Hero sneaks onto the remote island cult village with group of new recruits. Not too bad a place (for 1910 farming village). Modest attempt at a "utopia" without government meddling. Even gotta like the intense leader. So WTF with all the rest? Namely (in no order; no notes till last half):

#1: Why the Dark Ages punishments for transgressions? That just a necessary part of the cult thing? Nobody would risk it, esp with a justice system that seemed to consist of simply pointing your finger.

#2: Speaking of, with the expressed difficulty getting to the location, impossibility (for some reason) of mainland resupply and all that frontier logistic nightmares, WHY waste cargo space hauling in several large items from the ACME Heavy Metal (TM) torture catalog? (Admittedly the head vice/drill combo was clearly DYI yet what lunatic used key tools for THAT?)

#3: Miss Miracle Grow of 1910: um, ah... what... who was that now? Witch of some kind? Part of a really bad invasive tree root infestation nourished through her drinking of human blood? Where's that biology text? Oh, forget it. But they just find her there? And "worshipping" here is beneficial in what way exactly?

#4: Barechested care worker with head wrapped in mummy cords. Nice beehive. Breath okay in there? Show up for the job interview in THAT getup? Just wander over to the cafe for meals? "Well, break time over. Gotta get over for Miss Grow's four o'clock feeding. Glad that wasn't in the brochure as a lot comes from recruits!" Anybody notice your style?

#5: All security goons need matching black dusters.

#6: No real excuse needed for 90% of civil townsfolk to simulataneously flip lids.

#7: Easy group suicide? Levitate 80 feet up 100-foot tall trees and impale selves on thick branches somehow retaining smaller branches that would have broken off if... sigh. Good shot, of course. Just move on... nothing to see here, folks...

#8: Every task deserves flair and teamwork is essential when dispatching bad guys.

#9: Basement fires easily spread to entire villages of seperated structures as well as the crowns of 100-foot trees at far edges.

Finally: despite years in trauma centers, ambulance duty and ERs, still impressed with the heartfelt final speeches by mortally-wounded individuals. Generally in my experience and all due respect, it's not flowery oration but "Ouch! Ouch! I've got a spear/knife/driveshaft in my belly!"

But don't mind me.
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Cargo (I) (2017)
Finally A Truly Unique Twist On A Tiring Genre
13 December 2018
Zombie movies (excepting the geniunely-chilling World War Z) were starting to get old years ago. I say that from the start. However, the draw to see how apocalypse is played out had me check out most anyway. Generally same fare, different faces and varying degrees of gore. This ain't no Mary Poppins but the focus is on a storyline that had me cringing rather than the typical sensational slash/smash/dispatch.

No yawning set-ups; right into it... as well as the spear that will pierce your heart from Andy's plight. Gorgeous Down Under scenery.

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The Titan (2018)
But... but why... ? Sigh...
13 December 2018
At least until THIS piece, Sam Worthington was on the "oh, gotta be good whatever the story" list. Still is but now at on those lower rungs tied with red flags. Speaking of...

Cast did a good job and production was fine. The fault here is with the essential premise of the plot. Boil down the (no-spoiler) storyline to a wife concerned with her husband's changes for a radical space program. Which, um, they all signed on to. Changes of which were, er, ah, the WHOLE POINT and daily-working-towards GOAL of the whole thing from Day One. "Honey, I thought you told me you read the brochure..."

Another note to concerned spouses and parents: Maybe it might not be a good idea to sign up for radical space programs with concerning physical changes as item Number One in the job description. But I dunno; that's just me. And was enough to shrug it all off by halftime YET bravely hung around to the end (was in metro detention and movie was playing on the booking officer's laptop. At least that's what it felt like.)

Final "suckers!" snub to moviegoing public in form of ending; although that may not be deliberate malfeasance. I have the sense the scriptwriter either ran out of printer paper or was forced into an early bedtime by stern parents. And holey moley! This was to save the planet, right? Looks to me a lot of Terran taxpaper money was wasted to make space fairies too busy danc'n around to pick up an Earth-saving shovelful of methane much less trousers. (Then again, maybe there was no need for the latter because of those aforementioned "changes"... that wasn't too clear. Don't think that's a spoiler).
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Wow. I'm Speechless (almost). Highly Recommended.
13 December 2018
Yeah, yeah, Neflix, I see the banners... but living in a high Rockies near-ghost town (Marysville, Montana) with touchy internet and an old computer that still runs on vacuum tubes and pageloads are slow. Looks interesting but (despite the address) don't much cater to sing'n cowboys or mountain musicals or... ... waitasecond.

An anthology. An anthology by the Coen brothers? Reckon it ain't what I might expect.

24 hours later and I'm still stunned. Had fun and still awed, touched and deliciously disturbed as only the best storytelling AND best talent can deliver. Each tale... um, er... let's say you will NOT be disappointed. Excellent variety in tone as well. A weak comparison would be picking favorites on Led Zepplin's Physical Grafitti album BUT most haunted by "Meal Ticket" which is short, powerful and should be standard teaching fare in every creative writing/filmaking class on Earth. So authentic in visuals alone that I'd suspect the Coen Brothers had access to a time machine.

The breathtaking Western world of the other stories... where is this wonderland... oh, waitagain. I'm in the middle of it. Oh so I thought. Bravo, guys. And Netflix? Keep the banners--and masterworks--coming.
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What You See Is What You Get
13 December 2018
Typical fare. Absolutely nothing unexpected; however moderately entertaining despite an over-abundance of lazy-writer "bathroom humor." Almost worth it for "Mark Twain"'s cameo alone. Sandler's deadpan character admittedly well-done (though he has writing credits most of the dumber gags left to others). Solid production values.

An obvious assumption (on my part at least) was expecting a loose parody of "The Hateful Eight" but only had 6 seconds when I THOUGHT it might resemble Quentin's ?masterpiece? (still unsure) Western. No attempt to do so besides the clear exploitation of the previous' title.

About 30 minutes too long but most will see it through.
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A Perfect Day (I) (2015)
A Perfect Cast as well. Recommended.
13 December 2018
Um, I'm not sure what just happened but it was eminently entertaining throughout. REFRESHING change.

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Wind River (2017)
Well Done & Recommended
8 December 2018
As above. As in "period." As in "rates checking out." Questions? I see no raised hands. So sit back and enjoy.
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Bright (I) (2017)
Entertaining Throughout
8 December 2018
Entertaining all the way through without a lot of set-up baggage; jumps right in and delivers. Nothing groundbreaking but sometimes just a good show (stolen here by Joel Edgerton) is all you ask for.
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Spectral (2016)
Above Average
28 November 2018
Entertaining; above average on all counts. A couple non-invasive character cliches; some familiar elements from other popular movies may arise but are handled in a fresh manner. Everybody was on point for this one from writing to acting to set design.
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Extinction (2018)
25 November 2018
May have stuck with it had certain super-annoying kids (read: "all of 'em) had been spectacularly killed-off as they so spectacularly deserved.But alas...

Title of this review sums up the rest.
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