
23 Reviews
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I Am Georgina (2022–2023)
Not sure what to make of this... or Georgina
8 February 2022
It's a strange show, really. Everything we get to 'know' about Georgina is on a very superficial basis. Her friends are complete yes people and just crowd around her applauding and saying how wonderful she is, yet we see very little of why. Is it just because she takes them off on yachts and private planes? It made me feel a bit sad. They then 'thanked' her for her generosity with yet another expensive piece of jewellery. There was no substance, it felt like her life was just one glossy sheen. She also gets to spend basically zero time with her partner and raises the kids essentially alone. Money really can't buy everything!
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Completely bonkers, totally brilliant
11 September 2021
Absolutely loved this. Quirky, original, perceptive and real. A character study of small lives and the utter banality and boredom bred by privilege. These characters are the centre of their universe and have little regard for anyone or anything else. Some moments were hilarious, others touching, heartbreaking and thought provoking. It's so utterly of our time but the questions it raises are timeless. A masterpiece!
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Midsommar (2019)
13 July 2021
I don't know how to feel about Midsommar. Florence Pugh is absolutely incredible, the characters and dialogue are very real and keep the whole thing grounded in a way that makes the shocking events even more gruesome. The scenery is beyond stunning and the use of colour is genius when the subject matter is so dark. In a way, it's a shame this even attempted to become a 'horror'. The gore felt completely gratuitous and made me look away from scenes that would have been so much more powerful without. I think it may have alienated psychological thriller fans like me and misled diehard slasher fans, who are rating this so low because it's 'too slow'. To reiterate, Florence is AMAZING.
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Great acting, predictable plot
26 May 2021
I enjoyed the performances, I felt for every character and the understated acting made even the implausible parts feel realistic. Ultimately though, the plot was predictable and clunky, especially the ending. Feel they could have taken this somewhere interesting but chickened out.
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Terrible people doing terrible things to each other
30 April 2021
Nothing else to add tbh! But seeing as IMDb insists, I will say that it gets a few points for being watchable. It's a low bar though.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Sweet, hilarious, original
25 April 2021
Had a great time watching this. Seeing people say the Groundhog Day concept has all been done before is, well, like Groundhog Day. Of course you have to go into it knowing it's based on a well-known premise, but the story is fresh and entirely original. The dialogue is smart and realistic, the characters are extremely likeable, it's hilarious and moving all in one go. Suspend reality and put any preconceptions aside and there's no chance you'll get bored watching this.
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Tale as old as time
16 April 2021
I had so much anticipation going into PYW. I'd watched the trailer what felt like years ago and heard so many great reviews - I was ready to be blown away. The short version: I wasn't. The long version: let me start with what I liked. The soundtrack was genius, iconic female pop layered over some seriously dark subject matters. I also loved the hair and wardrobe choices and the pastel palette that dominated the whole movie, the way it clashed with the ugly behaviours on screen was powerful. Carey pulled the role off perfectly in an understated but memorable performance. Yet somehow I was underwhelmed. Everything was so familiar, the lewd college jocks, the leering builders, the 'nice guys'... I think I was expecting something revolutionary. But maybe that's the point; these issues are still at play, time and time again. It's a predictable story because every woman has lived her version of it and keeps on living it. Where we go from here, who knows? But making movies like PYW that force people to take notice are probably a good place to start.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
I did not expect this to move me like it did
2 April 2021
Wow! The trailer did not do this film justice. I remember seeing it at the cinema and thinking 'that looks ridiculous'. This is a tale of humanity, terror, love, war and everything in between. By reminding us that actual children - filled with imagination, first crushes and innocence - lived through this, it humanises the war and the 'enemy'. Equal parts heart wrenching and heartwarming, this made me laugh and cry. Incredible acting, fantastic script and the most original film I've seen in a long time. Beautiful.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
28 March 2021
A quirky watch, great way to mix up the endless tv we're all watching in lockdown! Enjoyed the flashbacks, it was well done and put together the pieces of the puzzle effectively. Cassie's descent into alcohol-fuelled mayhem was very well portrayed by Cuoco, would say the show maybe glossed over how hard a habit like that would be to kick though (also, she was surprisingly switched on when she needed to be and never hungover...). Not perfect, definitely totally far fetched but very entertaining.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Seriously underrated
12 March 2021
Comparing the overall score to other comedies such as Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99, I'm seriously confused as to why this scores comparatively low (Disclaimer: I love the former two, I'm not saying they don't deserve their 8.somethings). I get that Jess' kookiness can grate, but so do most comedic characters in their own ways. The show more than makes up for it in warmth, clever jokes and genuine character development. New Girl is full of surprises, it often seems headed towards a cheap laugh and then veers into something completely unexpected and hilariously left-field. It's not perfect, I did the occasional eye-roll at Jess and didn't rate Coach, plus I'd say the last series wasn't really necessary. But Schmidt, Nick and Winston have got to be three of the best characters out there and have provided me with some of the biggest TV laughs to date. True American forever!
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Solid action thriller
12 March 2021
This is how it's done! Solid acting, unique plot, genuinely shocking moments and a decent pace to the story. Action thrillers with traumatised protagonists seeking revenge are churned out all the time but none come close to this.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
I am so confused by these reviews...
6 March 2021
What has made people so angry about this movie? Of course the lead character is abysmal. Her actions are inexcusable. But so are, for example, the actions of Hannibal Lecter. It's fiction. It's a movie. She is not billed as the 'hero' here, so the reviewers saying they were 'rooting for the bad guys' don't make any sense. They were all 'bad guys'. We aren't supposed to side with Marla or endorse her actions. It's a commentary on the exploitation of the elderly (which is awful but undeniably a truth of life) and an entertaining action thriller. The ending very clearly shows we are not supposed to be on Marla's side. As for those who are upset she's not a straight woman with only good things to say about men... your cries of outrage are at best tiresome and at worst pathetic. It's truly bemusing to watch people up in arms because they're faced with the reality that not all women are docile caretakers. Yes, Marla is an extreme, but she's a movie character. No need to cry about it, boys.
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Normal People (2020)
Beautiful but boring
23 February 2021
I was really invested in the first couple of episodes but it went downhill from there. The lack of communication between the two leads made me want to rip my hair out. I also found it hard to believe they were meant to be so unusually intelligent when they could barely string a sentence together to express themselves. It was, however, well acted and beautifully shot with some poignant reminders about the importance of mental health support. Could have worked better condensed into 5 episodes or so.
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Jungle (I) (2017)
Negative reviews are way too harsh
19 February 2021
Between the stunning scenery and tense survival scenes, this makes a solidly entertaining movie. Radcliffe's acting was great, the rest were mediocre but not terrible. The script was a bit dodgy in places but no one watches a survival movie for the dialogue. The ending was a kicker and the fact it's based on a true story is remarkable. Great way to spend a Friday evening at home.
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Strong start, slow middle, redeemed by its ending
18 February 2021
I absolutely loved HTGAWM when it first started. The characters were strong and sassy, it was a truly diverse cast and Viola Davis is incredible. It's always been very American and a bit cheesy, but that all added to the fun and drama. As time went on, I grew a bit disenchanted with it all. The characters became less and less likeable and it all felt a bit samey. I wasn't particularly engaged in the last season but I did love the ending. I won't give anything away, but it was shocking and quirky, just like the best parts of the show. If it hadn't been for Tegan (my favourite character towards the end) I may well have stopped watching. But an overall 7, because the bits I enjoyed, I LOVED.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Total tripe
18 February 2021
I'd heard so much about Bridgerton that, despite my lack of enthusiasm for period drama, I decided to give it a go. Diversity, current music, *whispers* sex: I was expecting something groundbreaking and exciting! Alas, it was a complete snooze fest. Same old rubbish; women desperately seeking men to feel validated, some swooning and fainting for good measure, falling for the 'bad boy' and... not much else. I understand that marriage would have been important at that time but when they've clearly tried hard to add a modern twist to the period genre, why not use it to actually say something? All attention-seeking, surface-level rubbish with no substance - abandoned after a couple of eps.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Poignant, warm, funny, heartbreaking
30 January 2021
A moving portrayal of AIDS in the 80s. Done with so much heart and humanity, you can't help but fall in love with the central characters in 5 short episodes. Laughed, cried and learned a lot. Thank you, for this masterpiece!
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Unforgotten (2015– )
Fantastic acting
28 December 2020
I've just finished season 2 and enjoyed it even more than the first. The plot is clever, the writing believable and the characters extremely well acted. Particularly the two lead detectives are fantastic and very likeable. Just enough of their personal lives is shown to help us empathise with them but not so much that it becomes a soap opera. My one gripe is they tend to over-explain certain points and dumb them down. I want to be the one asking myself the very valid and poignant questions this show raises, rather than having the characters spell them out for me. But that's a minor point and definitely not a reason not to watch.
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A clever slow burn
25 December 2020
I really enjoyed this. A slow burn of a story, simmering away just enough to keep you hooked. A portrayal of the isolation and desperation of people wanting to escape their own lives (for all reasons from mundanity to poverty). Some are even so desperate they are happy to lie to themselves if it means they can live in a fantasy world rather than their own. Sad, clever, human, understated. A rare gem.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
Clever character development, utterly heartwarming
20 September 2020
I can't remember the last time I felt genuinely upset to have finished a show. I cried my eyes out during the last episode of Schitts Creek because it felt like saying goodbye to friends. Granted, watching it during Corona 2020 probably made it all the more impactful (lack of human contact, constantly a nervous wreck anyway etc etc). The beauty of Schitts Creek is in the character development, and seasons 1-2 start slow. It was probably only the final episode of season 2 that I started to feel warmly towards every single character. But the creators confidently take their time, they know the direction they're going in and have decided not to compromise realism for a quick win. The result is rewarding and you really feel as though you've watched these characters change as they navigate financial ruin, family dramas, heartbreak, love and life. It's a good natured show that highlights the best in humanity without making characters too perfect - they all have their quirks and annoyances. It also portrays one of the most realistic, non-stereotypical gay relationships I have ever seen on screen. It's definitely one I will rewatch so I can return to the home comforts of Schitts Creek.
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Swiped (I) (2018)
Misogynistic Trash
4 July 2019
This film is unbelievably shallow, misogynistic and embarrassing. The acting is awful, that characters are stereotypes and... I could go on but it doesn't deserve it.
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Wanderlust (2018)
At least stick around for episode 5...
30 December 2018
I have just finished episode 5 in tears and felt moved to write this review. That's not to say the episode made me change my mind much about the show - I already liked it a lot - but it was a complete game changer with regards to character depth and subject matter. People commenting on shallow characters or how portraying relationships in a negative reflection on marriage and today's society are either extremely closed minded, have never experienced much emotion or simply don't have the attention span to give this show the chance it deserves. The characters are some of the most complex I've seen on tv in a long time and Toni Collette is just incredible. As for 'uncomfortable' sex scenes and dialogue... it's simply true to life and hasn't been given a Hollywood makeover. Maybe the people who don't realise that need to switch off the TV and go live a little.
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Bird Box (2018)
28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let's get real about the premise. While 'monsters who make you want to commit suicide' may be a novel concept, this is basically a zombie move without the blood and gore. But that's not what bothered me about this film; I actually quite like a classic zombie, run from the evil, must survive scenario. And I enjoyed the bulk of the action, the characters were well portrayed. I'm ok with leaving realism at the door with these things too, although Bird Box maybe did take it a little far... I don't wanna drop spoilers but my ultimate snort was at Tom's impeccable abs and biceps after 5 years of starvation and running from evil. The ultimate shame here is the lack of explanation. There were hints at something deeper, cell phones seemed to set people off, people they loved came back to them, those with mental illnesses thought the monster was beautiful... however, we were just left with nothing. When it's a full-length feature film, that's just lazy. I've read a few reviews commenting it could have worked well as a short and I agree. Shorts are all about the power of suggestion and it could have been truly terrifying. Alas, it wasn't to be and instead we have a mediocre zombie rip off. Shame.
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