
3 Reviews
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17 July 2023
I am spechless. It's amazing how this franchise just gets better and better with every movie they release. I can't only but admire and deeply thank the insane work all of the actors, writers, producers and every single human being involved in the creation of this absolute genius masterpiece, there was not a second where I couldn't be at the edge of my seat trying to figure out what happened next. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest action movies of all time and plain and simple the best one so far in the whole Mission Impossible franchise. I simply can't see how this can get any better, but oh boy the next part will be out of this world. Thanks again for giving us this outstanding Oscar deserving movie!
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7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In general I loved it. The ONLY thing I did not like at all is how much of a joke they've made Thor look like in the last movies/TV Shows. He's an entire different thing in the comics, not only he's a very serious character but he's also unmeasurably more powerful. But besides this the episode was good.
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The Wire: Clarifications (2008)
Season 5, Episode 8
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I swear to god that when I wrote this I'm keeping in mind that this show does not give you happy endings and that Omar was no hero, and it was predictable that he died sooner or earlier he was in the Game and he was rash in these last episodes. I'm not mad at Omar's death, I'm not mad at the fact that he couldn't take down Marlo as he wanted, it makes sense he would lose seeing how he was. I am mad at the fact that it's the most loved character in the entire TV Show, the most original, the most savage, the most daring, the most feared, and his death was like those deaths we saw in the 3rd season where some random drug dealer got killed by practically no reason by some other random dealer and that's it, end of the scene, writers move on and we act like it didn't happen, who is the killer? We don't even know, just some kid that probably that same day he learned how to use a Glock. You guys remember Brandon when he died in the first season? We only saw him like 5 minutes in total and his death had easily 3 times more impact on the show and on the characters like Omar or Wallace, enough to make Omar help the police to take down the Barksdales back then. It was all around the show when he died, everyone knew what happened and they were all talking about it, when Prop Joe, D' Angelo and Stringer died, they died at the end of the episode, and here? Omar didn't even get that, he died in the middle of it and the show kept running like it didn't happen. I'm not asking for a fancy, stylish or dramatic death, I'm really not, if Omar is gonna die, Ok, what can we do? Marlo is on his Van and he sees Omar getting in a store, he gets off the Van, goes to the store, Omar walks out but before that Marlo gets in with a gun pointing at him they exchange some words, Marlo tells him something like, good try, but I win or something and Marlo shoots him in the head and kills him, and The Wire's credits theme starts playing, somebody tell me, I'm I really asking for something dramatic, fency or stylish death? The best character from the Show and he dies just like that? As I said, his death makes 100% sense, that's not the problem, the problem is that writers got rid of the best character from The Wire by far, and he died like he was just another random drug dealer like those who were dying in the 3rd season. I know this is not Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul to give a priority to characters, but this is too much, I'm sorry, this is waytoo much, him dying is Ok, completely Ok, not the way he left, not at all the way he left. I'm really sorry for those who can't see it like that.
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