
12 Reviews
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Timbuktu (2014)
Discover unknown insights from the open desert
19 April 2021
For me this movie opened a new dimension for understanding a part of the world that only reached outside through news reports or documentaries.
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Rumsfeld couldn't answer my calls because he became a first responder - G.W.Bush
30 March 2021
High and lows. This documentary gives you the national goosebumps dealing with the tragic dimension of the events altogether with consternation in the face of the explanations some of the interviewed people gave for their actions.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Watch it for Helena
1 June 2020
She eclipses the rest of the movie. I actually don't remember much else from the movie.

"Off with his head!" Oh, what a delivery, forever implanted ever since.
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Writing after 20 years since first and last time that i saw it
1 June 2020
All I remember is that I liked the characters and came to care for those actors. The inventions and gradual discovery of the future keep it interesting. The evolution in time of the people and situations it's well glued also. Gotta love time travel done right.
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Das Boot (1981)
Maybe at it's time was something
1 June 2020
Even now, looking at it's length, you can feel that it was once something. Yes, there is a claustrophobic nightmare in a submarine. Like rats in a psycho laboratory. But it's too old looking, snail rhythm, sleepy. I died on that Boot long before the ending.
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Huge Alien fan right here...
1 June 2020
The worst title in one of the best series ever... I loved it and gave it a seven. Hehe, better with the Covenant than without it.

Ah, and Giger is a great artist. Thankful for his work in any form.
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Immortals (2011)
Well, it looks good...
1 June 2020
...and has some wonderful scenes. Dreamy atmosphere suitable for the mythological developments. Colors are nice, you can switch through different settings of your screen to enjoy the painting like shots.

All else... sorry, very bad. Ah, some mortal kombat Matrix fighting it's worth mentioning. But then again, the ignorance feels sick. A movie of extremes.
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1917 (2019)
Did you ever took a tour of the front line?
1 June 2020
Well if you are interested you can go with those guy and witness history first hand. Of course the movie has minuses and the story drags along from time to time with implausibility and even sheer ignorance but the overall experience is as close as we'll get to what happened there, until at least the holospace will be invented.
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Brazil (1985)
Only the good acting helped me make it to the middle of the movie...
1 June 2020
... everything else is incomprehensible by today standards. The future imagined is way off, childish, even pathetic. So much paper, so little vision. The fashion is hilarious. The gadgets, the computers are flawed and inefficient. And in this utter general non-sense the drama, the violence, the screams... Such a depressing atmosphere, bleah!
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Looper (2012)
Not bad
1 June 2020
Bruce delivers. Story is good and original. Nice ending also.

The contact lenses blew me off, just couldn't focus on the character as it looked freakish. Movie starts good, keeps getting interesting for a while and after succumbs to planity with some spices here and there for a final twitch.

The guy from Dumb and Dumber is worth mentioning. The other characters are average with the antagonist actually bad.

Anyway, the first part of the movie is really worth a watch as the main idea is interesting and after you can fast forward for the denouement.
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Long, slow and barely average
17 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Surprisingly bad movie taking into account the cast. I watched it all, 4 parts of one hour each because i really enjoy historical films. The first part is the worst as the film making of 1985 strikes you in full force. Everything feels awkward in the beginning, the colors, the sound, even the long intro. Hard to believe that Hopkins, Hoskins and Sarandon were those average playing actors. And wait to see Hitler, he's appearance borders comedy. But if you allow the movie to set in and consume it's first hour and you lower you standards for the sake of curiosity, you will find some pretty interesting scenes which are worth. Ciano's suicide scene ranking as the best thing the movie can offer. Historically this movie is not accurate to the detail, but none are after all. Way too long to watch it, only if you are interested in the subject, and even then, more useful as an imaginative support for what you read in books and articles about the events pictured.
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Legend (1985)
A movie that I watched by mistake
25 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see the 2015 Legend and i bumped onto Scott's 1985 fairy tale. I am not very pretentious when it comes to movies and out of curiosity i can watch almost anything. But getting over Mia Sara beginning performance was pretty hard. Except for that the movie looks nice and Meg Mucklebones is the cherry on the cake from this regard. Pretty thin story line, with some interesting characters. That's all i had to say about this film, but now i have to fill space as the 10 line quota must be met. doing this i wonder what is wrong whit expressing short and concise? it's that it? no, not yet, a little more to go now. do i have to fill the entire 10th row also?
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