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Well worth watching if you get the chance
15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this as an ex-rental on VHS for 50p an thought i cant go wrong at that price its bound to be a load of rubbish,silly dialogue,silly clothes ridiculous script etc.Id never heard of the film before but had vaguely heard of Al Adamson the director so ill give it a try,you never know it may be good for a laugh at least. But how wrong i was,it turned out to be quite a good film and very watchable.The film is basically about a mean but sexy womens gang who live out on a ranch in the wilderness and the gang leader Grace has a drugs deal going on across the border in Mexico,which the girls frequently visit illegally indulging in drunken orgies and mayhem with the local men.But back on the ranch men are not aloud and as Russ Tamblyn finds out will be dealt with severely.The films main theme seems to be all about revenge,the women are taking revenge on men for being men and as the film moves along the men want revenge back and you have to see the ending to see what i mean,i don't want to give any more away as it would spoil the viewing.But if you get the chance to see this film you probably wont be disappointed by todays standards its pretty tame although when it was made in 1968 it must have been very shocking as there is quite a lot of nudity and some fairly graphic sex scenes which make it very ahead of its time,even today it would be strictly adult viewing.The only problem i have with this film is the character Scotti the Vegas singer who you see at the beginning of the film,his acting is well over the top and he is just awful,but his only in the film for a short while so you can forget him easily.The film was obviously made on a budget but that doesn't matter as there's no need for any special effects even though the plane chase across the desert is well directed.In all this is a very worth while film to watch and be entertained by if you get the chance as its unusualness makes it memorable. Try to get the VHS version released in the late 80's if you can as the DVD version whats been on sale has cut many of the interesting parts out,and the recording is really poor quality.What a shame.
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Hail my self
31 May 2006
I watched this film recently and thought id leave a brief comment,i found this original version better than the remake although the one with Mel Brooks is good as well.What i like about this Jack Benny version is that the humour is never forced,you can see the sincerity in the actors as although they are playing for laughs they are also saddened by the dark humour in their scripts,this film was probably Ernst Lubritsch's way of drawing the publics attention to what was really going on during that period in Warsaw,Chaplin did the same thing when he made the Great Dictator.Sometimes the best way to get your point across to people is through comedy as the horrors that were really going on during this time were being very played down by the press and the government and yet the public had to be made aware in some way.I found this a very intelligent comedy,in that its funny when it wants to be and yet makes sure you see its serious nature.And on the other hand making fun of your enemy is a great way of getting back at them.Great film a real pity that it was Carole Lombards last.
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Carry on Cleo (1964)
Whose got the skinniest legs Romans or Britains
30 May 2006
I do love the Carry Ons,this is one of my favourites especially as it has Amanda Barrie playing Cleo,didn't she have such big eyes?i particularly like the way she portrays Cleo as a sort of hippie Groovy Chic,rather than a big boobed no personality bimbo as was portrayed in the Up Pompai series with Frankie Howard,which was about the same era.Warren Mitchell is particularly funny as Marcus & Spencius it makes you wonder why he was never part of the team,this is the only time you see him in a carry on and his time on set is memorable.For me the funniest thing about this film now is how skinny most of the stars legs are,whose are the skinniest would you say?Charles Hawtrys,Jim Dales,Kenneth Williams,Cleos even Sid James had thin legs,i think they should have all gone down the gym first.But then the Carry on team were always different,they could always raise a laugh in one way or another.
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When evil came to the southeast
24 May 2006
I have only ever seen the cut version of this film,so i cant comment on it being gory or frightening.Its a very interesting story nonetheless and a very true one.No one actually knows what really happened to Matthew Hopkins,we would love to believe he was murdered as he really was such an evil man,he terrorised all of Essex and all of East Anglia.He just walked into villages and towns promising to rid them of their witches for large amounts of money,which he was paid.Money was his real motive.He also had some old hag as his helper,i cant remember her name,but she was just as evil.Between them they made trumped up charges against hundreds of people,men as well as women,although usually the old and vulnerable,any old woman who lived on her own and owned a black cat,would be a target.The worst place Matthew Hopkins left his legacy was in Manningtree a pretty little town,just outside of Colchester in Essex.Many locals claim Manningtree to be haunted by the spirits of his victims,they often hold ghost walks there, some even claim he is there in spirit.The witchfinder General has always been common folklore in East Anglia and Essex and i believe now hes known all over Britain,even though he never worked out of the South East of England.Because this is a true story you could never call this a horror film,it is more of a history film,but then i saw the cut version.Its a shame Britain doesn't still make films like this,instead of the countless nitty gritty depressing kitchen sink dramas,about prostitution and drugs and bad housing and abortions,and teenage pregnancies,i could go on but I'm already feeling depressed.
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Better than average thriller
24 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Haven't seen this film for years,its probably one of the most underrated British thrillers of all time given the date it was made 1970,it was of a new kind,it was tense,atmospheric and had lots of suspense,and towards the end the jumpy bit where Michelle Dotrice falls out of the cupboard was shocking.And the story is very believable,this was the era when hitchhiking and travelling alone was becoming more dangerous and not such a good option.When you think this was made in the height of the Hammer Horror era,when nowadays Hammer films would come across as silly,this film is much better,it just uses suspense and atmosphere,and there's hardly any script involved because the story is so basic and simple,you can see what Pamela Franklin is going through. Pamela Franklin and Sandor Eles starred in a few British horror films in the 1970s,both had worked for Hammer,and at one time they were well known faces in Britsh horror films.I have never seen this film on DVD,but i have heard you can buy it on region 1,luckily i have a multi region player.This is a great film if you ever get the chance to see it,sadly its almost forgotten now.
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Good war film but...................
24 May 2006
I'm usually a big fan of Spielberg,but in this film he comes across as a bit to anti-German,he may have his reasons and i think he has made them clear in Schindlers List,and i understand his feelings.But i think for a big epic like this it would have been better to have an unbiased portrayal of Germans so the film would have been universally admired,instead its coming across as anti-German propaganda especially when there is so much American flag-waving.Being English i have the same problem with Braveheart,Scots=good English=bad,this is really one dimensional character study,which just teaches people to live in ignorance,we all need to learn to move on.Surely its better to make films every culture is going to relate to,flag waving just promotes arrogance which leads to looking down on others.The other big problem i have with this film is that the Brits are not mentioned,or if we are i must have missed it,i must have blinked.This was a decisive battle and i know like thousands of other Brits we were involved,so whats the big idea?It would be like us making a film about the Somme or Ypes and not bothering to mention the Canadian and Australian involvement,that would be unforgivable.
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worth watching,forget the musical element
23 May 2006
Dennis Potter never made a drama that never had a point,its just that his work was so deep the point of his dramas wasn't always obvious,in fact you felt you needed a high IQ level to get your head around his work.The important message of this film is that we shouldn't always be so trusting towards strangers,especially ones who seem so angelic they may have ulterior motives and in this case he did.How many cases have there been where the mentally handicapped have been abused by their carers,its not that often but its enough.Plus cases of the elderly go into nursing homes and end up being shoved about,i think he was making a very strong point.Stings character was a wolf in sheep's clothing,i think in the original version he was played by Micheal Kitchen,who i feel played the part better,the original version has only been on TV once as it had been banned,and may still be.The original version does put the point across better,i feel the remake lacks this, probably because Sting whose much more well known as a singer wasn't a good choice,it just made the film seem bizarre,people went to see this film purely to see what his acting was going to be like,so the point of the story sort of got lost.Dennis Potter was quiet ingenious, he never made a controversial film for the sake of being controversial,there was much more to him than that.Although i must admit its a pretty disturbing film,not one you would easily forget.
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unusual war film
22 May 2006
This really is a different kind of war film,and probably one of the best for family viewing,as a kid i watched this film every time it was on TV its memorable because it is so different.It is also one of the first films that was made that got us to support elephants against the unnecessary tusk trade as the terrible slaughter was at its height.In reality Ollie Reed was a bit frightened of the elephant as it wasn't a particularly friendly one he didn't like turning his back on her,i take it he was sober?Another good point about this film is that it doesn't portray the Germans as one dimensional characters,you have a mixture of good and bad, British films have always tried to do this its a shame that a lot of modern film makers from other parts of the world cant follow this example they should set out to entertain not offend.People shouldn't get off on seeing other races ridiculed,this shouldn't happen in modern cinema The Patriot is one example,and there's a lot more like that.Back to the film ,theres a lot to like about it, its entertaining well acted and has an exciting climax and eventually a happy ending.This was Ollies most likable role its a shame he didn't play more parts like this rather than the hardened villain types.But i think after this film his drinking got heavier,which ruined his looks his weight ballooned,and eventually his acting career went fastly down hill,he showed so much promise in the early part of his career.This is a good film to see him in his hey day when he was at the height of his popularity,wasted talent?Also Micheal J Pollard is really funny in this film.
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Se7en (1995)
Good but too many F.....words
17 May 2006
Really good thriller with lots of tension.The ending is shocking,not the sort of ending your hoping for,but one that is mind blowing,and makes you think.The acting is excellent,especially from Kevin Spacey in an earlier role,which proves he was destined to become a star.Morgan Freeman and Gwyneth Paltrow are always good to watch and Brad Pitt is much better suited in these type of roles,his acting is very convincing as the young married cop.The only problem i have with this film is the amount of time the F...word is used,it seems a bit unnecessary,i know in reality you hear it all the time,but you can get sick of watching films where its used more than any other word,after all you watch films to escape the real world.But instead you watch a two hour film and hear more swearing in a couple of hours than what i hear all day in work.Other than this its an excellent film.
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Good film if you get the chance to see it
14 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this film the other day expecting the worst from a 1930s film but was surprised it was really quite good.Its a story of two people from different cultural backgrounds who fall in love,the biggest problem is he is married,so the relationship is doomed to failure.I must admit i didn't care for the wife at all,as looking at this film from a 1930s aspect a woman always stood by her husband no matter what.This one deserts him purely because she misses her socialite lifestyle in New York,if she really loved him she would have stayed with him.I found her totally selfish,and a 1930s audience probably would have felt the same.When you watch these old films you have to forget your 21st century attitudes,as what seems acceptable now wasn't back then, she should have stayed with him.I hated Frederick and the father he was a pig and a bully who didn't care for his daughters happiness,which leads to a tragic conclusion i wont say why.I was really hoping that Gary cooper would ditch the wife then tell Frederick and her father where to get off and run away with the Polish girl for the perfect happy ending,but alas it wasn't to be.I don't understand why this film is forgotten because it is quite outstanding for its day.
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Important truths
4 May 2006
I was surprised how any one could criticise this film,I've always believed this to be one of the greatest anti war films ever made,it is so powerful.It was first shown on British TV in the early 80s,and before it was shown it had been announced that it was banned in France,i don't know if it still is,but they were not happy about this film,this maby why it was late being shown on British TV,after all our British Generals had our soldiers executed on ridiculous charges,so we cant be hypercritical.About 300 British soldiers were executed, the French about twice the amount,so this film is really important,and Stanley Kubrick was probably the first director to pick up on these terrible injustices.In Britain we have had campaigners trying to pardon our men,because the sad thing is their families at the time or their descendant's at the moment can not march pass at the centopath on Remembrance Sunday as where the soldiers were executed this is not allowed,and yet the majority of these men were executed for falling a sleep while on duty,one example that springs to mind was of a soldier who was executed for refusing to put on a wet cap,he was executed for insubordination.Paths of Glory really does open peoples eyes to what these poor soldiers were up against during WW1 as there are a lot of people out there who still don't realize what went on .For a 1957 film this is very harrowing stuff,you know that once the three men are going on trial their fate is already sealed they haven't a chance in hell.And the worst part about it all is that the French Generals actually believe the men had a fair trial,its all ludicrous but sadly true.I believe this film did get people more interested in learning more about WW1 as there were many cover ups and many untold truths like the amount of British soldiers bodies that keep being unearthed in France and Belgium at the rate of about 7 a year and sometimes as many as 20-30,our government kept this quiet for years,so it seems that WW1 is destined not to be forgotten.
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Brilliant travel movie
26 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can i say about this film,its almost 20 years old now,hard to believe isn't it,The funniest film ever made about travelling.Probably Steve Martins funniest film role but John Candy is even funnier and for me he steals the film.Every travelling nightmare is included in this film,from delayed planes,theft in a hotel,cars getting wrecked,freezing cold weather and plenty more.One of the funniest scenes is when Steve Martin tries to book a plane and says to the receptionist "I want a f......plane,i want it right"i cant remember how many times he uses the f word in this scene but it must be at least 10 times,and it ends with the receptionist getting annoyed with him saying "oh your f....d" its brilliant.Other funny scenes are when they are on the motorway driving the wrong way,when they are sharing a bed together and John Candy is clearing his sinuses.These are just some of the funny moments from this brilliant comedy,one of the best comedies from the 80s.
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Deathwatch (2002)
Rain,mud,and lots of rats
24 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I found this a really good film about WW1,and its not a bad horror film either.Never before has a film depicting the WW1 trenches been so realistic,every aspect has been covered.The rat problem,the excessive mud,decaying and rotting bodies and endless rain which seems to last through the whole film.This was how WW1 trenches were,other films tend to leave out the obvious appalling conditions the soldiers were faced with day after day.So if you don't think much of Deathwatch as a horror film,at least appreciate it as an accurate portrayal of trench life,as it has a lot of value there.Watching them stepping on bodies and living amongst the rats,really made you feel uncomfortable for them.As a horror film i found it totally original and like the Bunker i feel will become a British cult horror in the future.The ending is mind boggling.The film does seem to suggest that those who have compassion and humanity towards there fellow man,will not be harmed and will go in peace.The evil is the war its self and how it can change a man.There is a strong religious aspect to this film,i don't want to give too much of the plot away but i highly recommend this film.Its not to be missed,thats why i give it 10/10.
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Straw Dogs (1971)
Great Film
21 April 2006
I first see this film in the early 80s,as you could hire it out on video in the UK,although it was hard to get hold of,but back then the second rape scene was cut out,so in a way it didn't make a lot of sense,when she was having flashbacks at the church fate and you were seeing a second darker haired man in her memory,you thought who the hell was he,whats he got to do with it.The film was only hired out in video shops for a short time ,a year or two at the most,because i tried to get it out again and you just couldn't find it anywhere.Then about four years ago they released it in its original format on DVD,so i had to buy it.When seeing the film the second time,you see the second rape scene and it all made more sense,it made the film even more controversial,even though it was controversial the first time id seen it.The problem is although a great film,it does sort of imply to the wrong sort of man {and i mean wrong}that women may not take rape as seriously as they say they do,and that they may not mind being raped by someone they do fancy,as in the film Susan George does begin to enjoy the rape.And don't forget genuine rape victims ,would not want to see this kind of portrayal it would be very disturbing to them.In the 70s UK rape was well on the increase,and a lot of cases were going unreported,purely because women didn't want further humiliation of talking about their ordeal.The womens lib movement and other government bodies were trying hard to change this,urging women to come forward and give evidence against attackers.So what it all boils down to is that this film was considered a bit dangerous and would have hindered the new campaigns at the time.And don't forget the womens lib movement which was very anti this film were very powerful.Well they got their own way as always ha ha.But by todays standards this film is nowhere near as violent and disturbing as a lot of films made now.It still has a certain amount of shock value,which you wont easily forget,and it does have a good ending,all the bad guys lose.I highly recommend this film,i don't believe it could do much damage nowadays.
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The Bunker (2001)
Good chiller
10 April 2006
I have seen this film a few times now,and find it very intriguing,i keep watching it trying to work out the plot,is it what you think?is there something missing?is there something I'm not getting?tell me.Its great at getting your mind focused,and yet you still think your missing the plot.Great phychological film,and totally original,i think this could easily become a British cult horror,although i don't think it was ever intended to be.It was made on a very tight budget,with no special effects and shows to make a good horror film you don't need to spend millions.I don't know why people have a problem with the English accents,as there plain ordinary accents with no strong dialects,if they had my English accent the film definitely wouldn't work,well not unless it was a comedy.The reason the director hasn't used the actors talking with a German accent is probably because his not trying to stereotype Germans like in other war films,this is what makes this war film very different.The director has used his imagination rather than not used it.He hasn't based the story on British soldiers,simply because its been done before,such as Deathwatch which came out about the same time,and thats a horror based on British soldiers in a trench.This film had to experiment with something different,so they have used German soldiers.And Germans like Brits believe in the supernatural so it works in that aspect. I don't know why the Germans have never made a film about their haunted u boat of WW1,which is a famous ghost legend,i cant remember what the Uboat was called,but its a scary story,a must for ghost enthusiasts.It would make a great film,maby someone will take it on.
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Task Force (1949)
Beam me up Scottie
10 April 2006
I have just watched this on TCM,and thought it was a very good film.It was a lot more realistic than most 1940s war films,and i was convinced that they were using real archive footage,which was the reason why the film suddenly changes to colour.I thought this was a great idea as special effects back then couldn't have shown the effects of mass destruction that was caused on US Naval ships.And this being a very important film needs to put its point across,so real archive footage does engross the viewer more.Gary Cooper was a fine actor of his generation,very convincing in his portrayal of Scott,the captain.Although i did have a chuckle when they said Scottie is on the Enterprise,i kept expecting someone to say beam him up.In all a very well made film shame its not on sale in the UK.
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Brits abroad
3 April 2006
I watched this film the other day,hoping to cheer my self up after paying a lot of money on getting my car repaired.And as usual it did the trick,well it did for a couple of hours.The film is fun from start to finnish,it has most of the regular cast,playing their usual parts.In this one Peter Butterworth gets to use a different accent,which he does to great comic effect.The only problem i found was that the version I've bought seems to have a scene missing,my wife thought the same thing.I do specifically remember a scene when they all go down the monks cave,and i think Sid James puts a monks robe on,and hands out wine.I cant remember exactly what happens,as i hadn't seen it for a few years,but i had seen it a few times before,and do definitely remember a scene like that.My wife and i were trying to remember what happens in that part and why it has suddenly been dropped in the new DVD release .We thought it may have something to do with upsetting the church.Maby there was complaints about it so its now been cut out.But in all this is a fine comedy dealing with the Brits Abroad,when in the 70s this was a great adventure for any Brit,as it was expensive then.The film also deals with all the holiday nightmares,the ones that ruin your holiday,such as drilling,no water,windows that don't open etc.But this hotel had everything wrong with it,for a start it was only half finished.So i recommend if your feeling in low spirits,watch a carry on film,as their bound to cheer you up.
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Desire (1936)
great for a seventy year old film
29 March 2006
My wife got me to watch this film the other day and i was expecting a really corny old film,but instead i found it really entertaining and i would have watched it just for the lovely vintage cars that you see so much of in this film.They don't make cars like that anymore.The plot of the film was very simple,although the robbery was very clever,in other words the film never becomes complicated,you never get lost,which is just right for a light comedy.Marlene is very seductive and very convincing as the shady lady who fools Gary Cooper,the pair are excellent together,the chemistry between them is electric.I don't know why this isn't a classic as it hasn't really dated,I think a modern audience would still enjoy this film, as i did.I think in future ill always give these 1930s romances the benefit of the doubt,as there may be others like this one that are total gems.
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The Patriot (2000)
29 March 2006
I have only ever seen bits of this movie and this was enough for me to never bother to watch a Mel Gibson film again.I thought Braveheart was bad enough,but here he sinks even lower,the villains are now portrayed like a Nazi regime,is he trying to say something?Of coarse he is not very popular in England any more,people are now beginning to wake up and see the way he is persecuting us in films,he has done it to many times now,its so obvious..If Hollywood wants to make a film about American Independence thats fine with me,its history,but what Hollywood shouldn't do is pass trash like this,thats totally inaccurate,insults peoples intelligence,and portrays the enemy as an evil regime,rather than soldiers in the line of duty,after all they all died fighting the cause,so to suggest they were all as evil as can be is rather evil in its self.Hollywood should know better than this.As for Mel Gibson as the patriot,what sort of patriot is he first his American,then Australian,then American again,then suddenly becomes Scottish what next? Eurotrash.I know we are not supposed to be spiteful on this website,but then how can you help it,besides I'm English,and were supposed to be evil.If the film had told the true story of American Independence,i would have found it really interesting not offensive,to us its almost a forgotten piece of history,but we were badly underestimated in that the film makers thought we were going to believe this s..t we know what our fellow ancestors were capable of and what they weren't,all those who love this film are welcome to live in ignorance, its not teaching anyone anything only how to do Brit bashing in the 21st century.The film was selfishly made for an American audience it was meant for Brits to hate it why?its a shame Hollywood cant move on from its obvious racist tendencies,and make films that will be universally liked,instead of rooting for some sort of propaganda or other no wonder the worlds in such a mess just look at Hollywood .
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Still great
28 March 2006
Have watched this film so many times,and still love it.I think the dogs name is a bit unfortunate,the fact is Guy Gibson owned a black dog and that was the dogs name,so the film is only trying to be accurate.In those days there were very few ethnic people in the country,so the film is not guilty of how people view it today of being racist,as none was ever intended.I wont comment on the special effects,as it was made in post war Britain on a very tight budget,we get the point of what the bombs were doing,so you don't need brilliant special effects to convince us.The acting is good and not overstated.The film is dedicated to the courage of the brave men who flew this near impossible mission.I hope they will never do a remake of this film,as i think this should be the only version.
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Zulu Dawn (1979)
worth a look
27 March 2006
As a big fan of Zulu 1964,i had to watch the sequel Zulu Dawn.I must admit i was not disappointed,as this film does not try to out do or better the first,as there both about different battles of the same conflict.The good thing about this version is that it shows both points of view from both sides so you can make your own mind up.Another good point is that it shows the different classes that make up the British army,from the cockney Sgt to the stiff upper lip generals to the northern privates,this is just how the British army was and still is,this was the last time the British army wore red in battle.The only thing i thought was wrong with the film was when Burt Lancaster gets shot,and the music becomes very dramatic,its seems the bigger the star you are the more dramatic the death scene,after all when the boy soldier gets shot by our own rifles he doesn't get any music ,he just gets trampled over by thousands of Zulus.I'm surprised know one else commented on this,you rotten lot.
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Braveheart (1995)
21 March 2006
The scenery is nice,costumes are good, acting not bad,but that is about it.What is it with Mel Gibson and his anti English feelings.I find him dangerous in modern day film making,he takes a story and twists it around with out knowing anything about our history and comes up with these very offensive anti English films,almost like Hitler and his anti semitic propaganda.According to him English men are either gay,rapists,murderers,torturers,we are yet to see how he wants to portray English women,ma by he thinks their lesbian prostitutes who go around murdering small boys, please don't give him ideas.The worst thing of all is that the film is set many centuries ago when every one was barbaric to one another,he makes it look like it was last week.I'm an Englisman who has Scots and Irish friends,and all actor /directors, if you can call him that do is just stir up trouble.He knows nothing about our history so he should stay out of it,leave it to the professionals,like Richard Attenborough.
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Gallipoli (1981)
21 March 2006
I thought this film could have been good,if it wasn't so Anzac self absorbed.Don't get me wrong i have lots of respect to all those poor men who fought there or on any other ww1 ww2 campaign,but i find it disappointing that there is no mention of the Lancashire fusiliers,the Royal Munsters,the Dublin fusiliers all killed in their thousands at the disastrous W and V beach landings,which set the whole campaign up in the first place.The Lancashire Fusiliers were cut to pieces by the barbed wire placed in the sea,they didn't stand a chance,the Royal Munsters and Dublin fusiliers were picked off one by one as soon as they came off the ship.In all Britain lost more than 21000 men in this campaign,the amount we lost on the first day of the Somme,which has always been our biggest military disaster.We didn't take our losses lightly then,and we certainly don't take them lightly now,going by Peter Weirs film he obviously thinks we do.And now new evidence has shown that the actual attack was ordered by the Anzacs own brigadier,and not by British officers,who seem to be the obvious scapegoats.I wished history was better researched before they made these films.
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Jane can protect me any day
15 March 2006
Haven't seen this film for years,unfortunately its not on sale in the UK,so i decided to buy a copy of it on ebay which was region 1.I had to change the region on my computer in order to play it,but it was well worth it.Its just as funny as i remember it.Bob hope was as funny as ever as the Harvard hopeful,he never lost his touch as the brave coward.Jane was as sexy as ever,and so tough the ultimate sex goddess,she really suited these films,together they were brilliant.Roy Rogers and Trigger fit in well to the films fun adding a bit extra,which was not in the first paleface.A very funny film which we don't make anymore,so please no remakes of this fine comedy.
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Haunting film
14 March 2006
I thought this film was very unusual for the mid 1930s,it probably flopped then because it seemed a little weird for the time,films like these were usually made decades later,that for me made this film rather special.The cold atmosphere of the film made the love story aspect come through very strongly,making it very haunting and sad.Its the sort of film that could be brilliant remade with added special effects,more passion because we are now in 2006 and can ,although it would probably lack something the original had,but it would be worth a try,and then maby this original forgotten classic will be given its long overdue second chance of being a lot more recognised which it truly deserves.
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