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The Passage: Pilot (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
total let-down
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love MPG. But he could not keep a sinking ship from sinking. I don't know anything about the book. So I have no bias. I had open mind for this show as just a fan of MPG. Unfortunately, this pilot had sooo many holes. 1- We were introduced to too many characters. Not enough building for the main ones. 2- Brad has been ignoring his ex-wife for awhile and has no plans of getting back to her. Not too far from saying that he answers her next call and shes on the phone saying I know you lost a daughter but I want to have another one and the guy asked me to marry him. But at the same time she gives Brad an ultimatum, come home and I'll forget about the guy I literally just said I was going to marry a second ago. Are you kidding me with this crap? 3- Brad gets too attached too quickly to a strange 10-yr old kid who lost her mother not 3-days before him showing up. This would've been believable if they had done correctly with the writing and the directing. This is big part of the show is Brad taking this girl under his wing. But they did little to nothing to justify his actions. 4- Brad then decides he is going to go rogue and keep this one little 10-yr old safe. But, um, Brad you know they can just find another little 10-yr old right, The show has told us nothing that this one particular kid is special. The info I gathered is they need to test her for stuff or inject her with something. It all moved to fast to comprehend just what the hell is happening. I heard the word Vampire numerous times though. 5- Brad, while on the run, decides then you know what I don't wanna run anymore. Let's turn ourselves in. He tells her this option will keep her safe. Um, Brad are you stupid? He walks up to a cop and then next scene is him and her at the police station. He says "How's the paper work coming" ...wait a minute Brad, you thought that by turning yourself in that the kid will be put into the system that quickly? I can only imagine that was your plan was to get her name in the system. But, hey, shocking plot twist the department of defense called they want their kid back. What did you think was going to happen Brad? The writing is just horrible. 6- BOOM, Brad gets shot. Brad escapes with kid into a police cruiser. Um, was there no bad guys covering the front of the building? Geez people you gotta make crap more logical. Show ends with some talk in the cop car and the countless rear-view mirror checking. What happens next is not a mystery because the previews for the next episode(s) were on display with some crappy music that doesnt go with whatever this show is. And based on the previews they get captured apparently but would have been a good idea to end the pilot with them getting I dont find out on the previews. They all seem to be getting along too in the previews like he never went rogue or is not scared of what this place will do to the kid since thats the reason you went rogue. Just a horrible Pilot episode if i ever saw one. just horrible. But i am intrigued enough to tune into the second to see what happens.
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