
5 Reviews
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Foreman Scotty Show (1956–1971)
One of the best kids TV shows of the era!!!
18 October 2021
OMG ! I can hardly believe that I found "The Forman Scotty Show" on the IMDb website! This was one of my favorite TV shows that came on every weekday at 5pm. I could hardly wait until it came on. Just about every kid I knew watched this show.

It was a locally produced (OKlahoma City) show for kids to watch after school and before the adult shows came on in prime-time. Foreman Scotty (Steve Powell) was the host, wearing light tan jeans and jean jacket with a white cowboy hat. In addition to a studio audience, there was a "gallery" of about 30-40 (?) kids sitting on bleachers on stage that he would talk to and interview several throughout the show. They were made up of chosen applicants sent in by their parents, making this an extremely popular TV show. Every kid in the TV viewing area wanted to be on this show.

One of the two special highlights of the of the show was a wooden horse made out of lumber, a barrel, and a saddle for two kids to sit on. The horse's name was, of course, "Woody". This special treat was reserved for two kids who were having a birthday either that day or within days, and the two kids were given "golden horseshoes" to take home. I pleaded constantly for my parents to let me be on this show for my birthday. But with both parents working, we were never able to arrange it.

The other special treat was that at some point during the show all of the kids were asked to shout out the Magic Words: Nixo-Villy! At which time there would be a "Magic Lasso" appear in the middle of the TV screen, and the camera would randomly zig-zag over the kids in all directions for several seconds and then finally settle on the face of one kid. That kid would also win a special treat.

At another point in the show they would play a pre-recorded tape of Foreman Scotty and various friends of his , at various places, solving some kind of mystery or problem either on the ranch or around the city. This often turned out to be a serial episode continued for several days. Then at another point in the show there would be another pre-recorded tape of another one of Scotty's best friends, "3-D Danny", (Danny Williams) who was a "Space Ranger" and had a robot named "Bazark" and other friends, would get into all kinds of other dilemmas having to do with space, rocket ships and space bad guys.

So you can see why this show was so popular with us kids for so long. Ohhh, the good o'l-days!
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Andy's Gang (1955–1960)
Hello ron10023.....
16 September 2021
This was one of my favorite Sat. Morning TV shows. I always liked Andy Devine in his movies. I was so young that some of the things in this show scared me a little. Especially the movies he showed involving mysterious people in India. I do remember Froggy and the cat, but I never would have remembered the magic words. I hoe you are still out there "ron 1003". It;s nice tosee your review entry. Those were the good'ol days!!!
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Gunsmoke (1955–1975)
Listen Up! Reviews Are Nothing More Than A Persons Own Preferences!
10 July 2021
After reading some of the other reviews I just had to input a little more since writing my first one (31 August 2020). Yes, we are all entitled to our own opinions, be they positive or be they negative.....about anything. But just because someone writes a bad review, saying Gunsmoke is not a good show (and I'm putting that politely), it doesn't mean that Gunsmoke is not a good show. It just means that that person has different tastes than those of us who like the show. We don't all have the same likes and dislikes, do we?

If I had decided not to watch a lot of the shows I've seen over the last 70 plus years just because of what someone said about it, I would have missed out on a heck of a lot of good shows. Don't let negative remarks, about anything, cause you to miss out on something you might have enjoyed. If something appeals to you, experience it for yourself and be your own judge. Read my first Gunsmoke review for a different perspective of a show. (31 August 2020, jlynnsail). And I'm STILL watching every Gunsmoke rerun I can find! Enjoy!!
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Gunsmoke (1955–1975)
A 10 Star Review From a Completely Different Perspective !
31 August 2020
First, I want to agree to every positive word said about Gunsmoke and ALL of the actors throughout the series. I grew up watching every episode of Gunsmoke that I could. More than entertaining TV, you actually learned 'Life Lessons' from the stories. They were all top of the line. But, more than that.....

In 1955, I was only SEVEN YEARS OLD when Gunsmoke started. By the time I turned 18 years old, I was still glued to the TV every time it came on. In 1967, just as the new Fall series was getting started, I had the rug pulled out from under my feet when I was drafted into the U. S. Army. No more TV and no more Gunsmoke for me. Then I was sent to Vietnam, where I spent 13 months of my two year tour of duty.

When I returned to my civilian life back in Oklahoma in 1969, I had no interest in watching ANY TV . I had no idea, and would never have expected that Gunsmoke was still on the air. Time went by ever so slowly as I had to deal with a devastating condition, unknown to me at the time, as PTSD. Eventually there came a time when I ran out of booze, money and none of my friends were available to run around with to get my mind off of all of the things I didn't want to think about.

So I turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels. Good God Almighty!!! There before my eyes was an episode of Gunsmoke. I couldn't believe it! I settled back in my chair and started watching, getting drawn into the story, loving the characters, and escaping from the life I wanted to get away from. From then on I could barely stand it until the next week when it would come on again.

Now this story may sound a little fantastic to some of you. But I honestly believe that all of those characters and stories on Gunsmoke helped to save my life. They gave me something to look forward to, something to really enjoy once again. And as time went by, other things developed in my life, for the better, and better and better. Thank you Matt and Kitty, Chester and Festus, Doc, Sam, Newley and all the others. Thank you Gunsmoke for all of those wonderful shows!!!

AND, Yes, of course, I am watching all of the reruns on the various cable channels I can find. Yeeeeehaaaaa!
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Concussion (2015)
My God, where is everybody on this???
19 January 2019
First, I AM a Will Smith and football fan! But besides that, I agree whole heartedly with the 28 Dec. 2015 reviewer's statements about how good this movie and true story is. I am shocked that there has not been many more positive reviews by many more people, especially with as many football fans as there are out there. I didn't know about this movie when it came out. but I saw it on tv last night, and was blown away by both the true story (which I also didn't know about), and the movie. Now I know how the new rule on targeting and helmet to helmet rule came about. I am now researching to learn more about Dr. Bennet Omalu and his story.
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