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Based On Ronnie's Fake Theories
18 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ronnie Defeo is sort of a pathetic figure. He shot his entire family including young kids and will never be free again. He is going to die in prison.

In a desperate attempt to try to be released from prison he has come up with bizarre theories about how his sister Dawn participated in the massacre.

This TV show is disrespectful to the memories of the family, especially Dawn Defeo.

For one thing even if this was true, which it isn't, he won't be let out of prison anyway.

The evidence doesn't support his claims. Dawn was killed just like all the other victims, laying on her stomach in bed. That's exactly how the Native American tribe killed their enemies in that same area I think.

This loser Jackie Barrett who calls herself a psychic medium buys into Ronnie's theory. Why she does that who knows. Perhaps to gain a few moments of notoriety and appear on TV.

But the voices told Jackie that Ronnie is telling the truth and she says this was confirmed by her psychic vision inside the murder house.

I don't doubt that demonic forces were involved with this event. The door they entered through was the anger and hate that existed within the family. Drug addiction is I guess like a form of demonic possession.

After the Biography Channel aired this half baked TV show they then aired a show called 'First Person Killers: Ronnie Defeo' where Ronnie talks to a psychiatrist. That show gives a more balanced presentation of Ronnie's crazy ideas.

Jeff Marzano
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A Very Sad Case
27 February 2010
I'm not sure Ronnie DeFeo truly understands even now what drove him to massacre his entire family. But this interview shows that he feels some remorse about it.

To kill an abusive father is one thing.

But to kill a mother is something that can begin to torment even the most vicious criminal.

I totally believe in the supernatural aspects of this tragedy. The anger within the family was the door that allowed those dark forces to enter.

The experiences of the Lutz family who moved into the house after the massacre confirm that the house was haunted at that time.

After watching this episode of First Person Killers I had recorded it on my DVR box and was going to copy it to DVD.

But that night it was like I could see the DeFeo family standing in front of the TV set so I deleted it.

Jeff Marzano
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Irreversible (2002)
Not For The Faint Hearted
20 December 2008
At the beginning (or is it really the end ?) of this movie a homosexual gets his head smashed in with a fire extinguisher for trying to sexually attack this guy's friend. These events transpire in the squalid, dungeon like atmosphere of an establishment called 'The Rectum'. (Reminds me of real establishments I have heard about like 'The Mine Shaft'.)

This should give you a general idea about the feel of this movie. It touches on many of the more exotic aspects of human sexuality. 'Touches' is probably not the right word here.

The story is told in reverse with the end of the story appearing at the beginning of the movie. This just makes what is already a very backwards oriented movie even more bizarre. It reminds me that when people become possessed by demons they start talking backwards.

Monica Bellucci treads into uncharted territory in this horrific movie. What a woman.

A guy on wrote a review for this movie and said he wishes time was reversible so he could go back and not watch it. But alas I guess time is not reversible.

Not me though. It's one of my all time favorites.

Also interesting for me was I found a poster I was looking for with Captain Marvel. It's on the wall in the guy's bedroom. I couldn't remember the name of this poster that I had many years ago but now I have found it.

I guess only the French could come out with a movie like this.

Jeff Marzano
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Fatal Desire (2006 TV Movie)
Based On A True Story
20 December 2008
I caught this movie on the LMN TV channel.

Eventually I realized it is based on a true story. There's also an episode of the TV show 'Forensic Files' about this case called 'Web Of Seduction'.

In the real story these people met in the chat rooms on AOL which I used to go into quite often. However I didn't hang out in the types of chat rooms they met in.

People have to be careful when meeting people anonymously on the internet and then getting involved with them.

It's a good movie, especially by LMN standards, and is relevant for today's world where people meet on the internet. It starts out quite romantically.

Jeff Marzano
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In Her Mother's Footsteps (2006 TV Movie)
Pretty Good Ghost Story
6 January 2008
I watched this movie on the Lifetime Movie Network (LMN). This appears to be ghost / psychic movie weekend on LMN.

It contains ideas that are consistent with real hauntings such as people seeing images of things that have happened in the past. Sometimes the things that are happening in that other dimension can reach across into this physical dimension.

Also the main character has certain psycho kinetic powers such as when she gets upset light bulbs explode, things start shaking, etc..

The star of the movie is nice looking and she dresses in really interesting outfits all through the movie.

However the ending was not exactly what I expected.

It's one of those movies where there isn't really too many characters and as people get bumped off you don't have too many choices left about who the villain should be I guess.

But in this case they really stretched the limits of plausibility.

Jeff Marzano
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Crowhaven Farm (1970 TV Movie)
Hard To Understand
30 April 2006
This movie is based on witchcraft and satanism I guess but it presents it in a way that is hard to understand at times.

Somehow the main character betrayed the other witches although I'm not exactly sure how and it's not clear that she herself really was a witch. In fact she says she doesn't want to get involved with any 'traffic' involving the evil one but then she changes her mind.

But what they fail to mention is that she makes those decisions while being tortured.

Also some people get killed but I thought they were also part of the conspiracy against this lady. I guess they got double crossed also.

There's also a cute little girl who is main villain which doesn't really work too well at times. I just can't picture this kid forcing people to sell their souls.

Still it is thought provoking as far as making people think about good and evil, reincarnation, making a pact with the devil, etc..

It is true that those satanic creatures exist in another dimension. They can cause people to see and experience things that other people aren't aware of.

Yes it is possible to sell your soul and do other things involving satanism. This activity has implications across future and even past lifetimes since it exists outside of time. There is no time in that other dimension.

Jeff Marzano

Recommended further viewing:

Brides Of Blood / Beast Of Blood Horror Hotel IT ! (The Terror FromBeyond Space) Invasion Of The Saucer Men Not Of This Earth (original) Phantasm The Blob (with Steve McQueen) The Brain That Wouldn't Die The Flesh Eaters The Fly / The Return Of The Fly / The Curse Of The Fly The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake The Hideous Sun Demon The Hypnotic Eye The Incredible Shrinking Man The Indestructible Man The Manster The Thing (from another world) The Thing That Couldn't Die The Twilight Zone Collections
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Eerie Atmosphere
2 April 2006
This is an eerie movie about someone who comes back from the dead to take over the body of someone else.

This was accomplished by practitioners of the black arts who wanted to bring the original person back to life.

The entire movie has a rather strange atmosphere due to the subject matter.

This is an interesting subject because it is probably possible. Usually the cases I've heard about was where someone becomes possessed by non human entities (The Exorcist, The Amityville Horror, etc.).

Possibly more likely is the theory presented in the the movie 'Horror Hotel' where the satanic creatures are given many lifetimes by Satan.

Ultimately this is probably what satanism comes down to. A certain number of evil lifetimes in exchange for a soul.

It is thought provoking.

Jeff Marzano

Recommended further viewing:

Horror Hotel IT ! (The Terror From Beyond Space) Invasion Of The Saucer Men Not Of This Earth (original) The Blob (with Steve McQueen) The Brain That Wouldn't Die The Flesh Eaters The Fly / The Return Of The Fly / The Curse Of The Fly The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake The Hideous Sun Demon The Hypnotic Eye The Incredible Shrinking Man The Indestructible Man The Manster The Thing (from another world) The Thing That Couldn't Die The Twilight Zone Collections
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Great Movie
24 March 2006
'Moonlight Sword And Jade Lion' is one of my all time favorite movies.

I think I like it because the main idea is Angela goes out on her own to find a friend of her father's and find out the truth about her parents' murder.

A sub plot is this guy has one of a pair of jade lions and if he gets the other one he will become 'master of the Kung Fu world'. However it's not clear to me why.

The sound on 'Moonlight Sword' is bad and it's in the wide screen format. On my TV this only uses about 50 percent of the available screen. I don't understand why people like this format.

This was a different time in history where there was no mass communications. This guy wants to have a meeting with someone so he throws a knife at the guy's face and shouts "Get in touch with me.".

There's also two guys who I think are twins (one the good guy and one the villain) and they kill people by throwing big knives into the back of their heads just when they are going to say something important.

"You don't understand. It wasn't our fault. We were under orders from .......UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !" To me the greatest scene is Angela gets surrounded by these gals who are carrying explosive flowers. She takes them all out with her telescopic spear.

Then she goes into the 'temple of doom' that has various hazards such as flying saw blades.

Jeff Marzano
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