
23 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
Superb - Once you know what's happening!
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I never read the books or played the games so I didn't get what it was about, but my god was it a great series. I enjoyed every episode even the time skips back and forth that I questioned 'hang on I thought they died?' several times until I got used to them. Cavill is superb showing that given a script that can be worked with he is a top actor.

100% recommend this if you're into things like Lord Of The Rings etc.
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The Watcher (I) (2000)
Easy Watching
6 January 2020
It is fairly predictable due to the fact the plot is basically laid out for you early on. The jerky camera when people were being watched was a tad irritating, but all in all its an ok movie - not great, not terrible
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Black Summer: The Stadium (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Reality of frustration
11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was again a very real reaction type episode, people moaning about the fact so many survivors appeared at the same time ... Maybe because they like the main group had been told several times what the stadiums final supposed evacs were happening and had been making there way as well? Yes it was odd how so many people had weapons but alot of army folks died and dropped guns so not totally unrealistic! I enjoyed the chaos of people shooting their way around to reach the stadium it was real! Everyone moans (and I agree in some cases) about the inability to hit them in the head but in a panicked real life situation with kickback not game controllers it's not so easy so the chaos and failure was so real and that's the best part of this series the realness of a ridiculous story in dead people being alive. The lack of continuity is real as life isn't smooth is it?
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Black Summer: The Tunnel (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Bit off a filler episode
11 June 2019
This one had good points and bad points, but on the main felt like a bit of filler where they move a couple of things on but nothing to much just decide the season finale.
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Black Summer: Heist (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
So Many Questions
9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the usual suspense of this episode, however I have no idea why there was a damn rave in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, how did they get there? Was it the outpost the guy from the diner spoke of? Did he tell the couple how to get there? How did they know the layout as well as they seemed to? And what was the point of the guards on the roof (assuming they don't appear in the next episode) as they did nothing!
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Black Summer: Diner (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Back On Track
9 June 2019
This was more like the first few episodes great tension building up throughout the episode and real reactions to what's happening. Still huge frustration with the whole taking zombies out thing but was solid story wise for the most part.
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Black Summer: Alone (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Frustrating suspense
9 June 2019
This was an odd one, full of suspense and one hell of a stupid character, you will get very frustrated by his actions and stressed by the suspense!
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Black Summer: Summer School (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
8 June 2019
This episode is the week link so far and I hope it's not a sign of things to come, the fact the survivors still struggle with the obviousness of taking out the head kills the zombies is daft by this point and the situation at the school is very unrealistic for a series that's been very on point with the way things would probably play out.
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Black Summer: Drive (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Frustratingly Real
8 June 2019
This episode drove me insane to degree but in the circumstances it's very on point. The characters can get annoying in the way they react (especially Barbara) but it's a very real depiction of how may would react.
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Black Summer: Human Flow (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
A solid start
8 June 2019
I found this to be a solid start, well paced and introduced the main characters in a different way to most programs. There werea few things that irked me such as the army coming across as powerhungry idiots from the start and they all seemed to be the same age no signs of seniority but that's a small thing that doesn't really detract from the solidity of the premiere.
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It is what it should be!
31 May 2019
If you want character development this isn't for you! There is some of it to help care about the people a bit but let's be honest we all came to see a giant monster whoop other giant monsters all over the world and that was delivered with stunning fight scenes. The amount of spectacular booms was well appreciated by me! I've seen so many people moan because it's just a monster fight film, these people are the sort who moan about Rocky films all being about a boxing match at the end or Jurassic World being about Dino's escaping and killing people don't be like them just take it as it is and you'll enjoy it alot more.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Chillingly Brilliant
28 May 2019
I can't recommend this enough, the casting is brilliant and compliments the superb writing and pacing of each episode. They have remained amazingly faithful to the true events besides condensing hundreds of scientists into one character which for the sake of the story is perfectly done also.

You will find yourself in awe of the story, shocked by the way things unfolded and slightly guilty for enjoying something so chilling and devastating.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Predictable But Enjoyable
20 April 2019
The Rock as ever is solid in his role and Neve Campbell plays a good role as his wife. But when it comes to the plot it's very predictable as is any 'twist' that comes up it's very much Die Hard and The Towering Inferno combined and re hashed but I enjoyed it all the same. If you like good old fashioned terrorists v one man then this is your thing.
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Shazam! (2019)
Pretty Damn Good!
6 April 2019
I have to say I felt they did a perfect job for the most part on Shazam, the casting was superb and the characters well written. A couple of issues I had was one with certain CGI moments that looked odd (a trend in DC movies) abd then the character of Shazam himself frustrated the life out of me at times! I get why he was the way he was and I totally get it and the reasons for the way it played out, but on a personal note I really wanted him to step up more and for me he just didn't. But as I said I get why and his growth will come in future movies I'm sure! This is bar far the most balanced DC film yet in terms of humour and seriousness and they nailed it imo defo suggest checking it out!
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Not The Best Marvel Movie Yet But A Good One
13 March 2019
Is this the best Marvel movie yet like all the snippets from magazines say? Sadly not and it had the unfortunate honour of following Infinity War which was always going to be tough no matter if you liked that or not. There are the usual humourous moments as always in this universe and I laughed aloud a few times, but some of the main character humour seemed forced sometimes lines placed where they weren't needed etc. Brie was superb though when you take away un-needed dialog, the characters all worked well together and the story went along nicely. It left me feeling similar to the origin stories of Captain America and Iron Man I enjoyed it some of the action was superb but I wasn't wanting to buy another ticket and watch it again.
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After Life (2019–2022)
9 March 2019
We sat and watched this whole series in a day! The way Gervais told the story along with the rest of the cast was sublime. I laughed a lot but also had teary eyes at times, his ability to tell a dark story with genuine humour and empathy in the perfect mixture makes this his best work yet.
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Another PG Horror
1 March 2019
Also known as Deadly Scholars, #SquadGoals was a very tame addition to the horror genre. If you like totally scare free 'who done it' movies then this will be ok for you.
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It Follows (2014)
A Great Watch
25 February 2019
I really enjoyed the film and it's plot, the characters were superbly acted and it flowed well bar some predictable moments which most horrors have these days. I also loved that you couldn't tell exactly when it was set due to items and looks from various time periods scattered throughout its a very decent film well worth checking out.
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A Horrorless Horror?! MILD SPOILERS
25 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so first of all there are some humourous moments scattered throughout the film which helped with the poor direction. The cast was ok but Alex Frnka was the standout for me as she nailed her role as the rather care free hot chick. But the oddest thing was there was hardly any horror a few bits of blood which resembled jam more that anything and hints of what happened but no actually slasher moments. And at the end something is revealed that makes it all pretty pointless! The killer was obvious to die hard horror fans from the get go but it's worth sticking for the satisfaction of saying 'see told you it was him/her' oh and one last thing, then a nutter is hunting you down to kill you is having sex .... Twice really the best idea? I mean sure Alex Frnka is hot as fire but I'd be a tad worried about being flayed than layed!
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Aquaman (2018)
What's with Dolf's hair??!
24 February 2019
Did I enjoy the film? Yes it was a very enjoyable one maybe just behind Wonder Woman. The action was enjoyable, the story was decent though some bits could of been done without. The main issue I had was with Dolf's CGI hair under the water it just seemed odd compared to others like Supermans cover tash! You will see what I mean when you watch the film! Amber Heard was fantastic as was Jason Mamoa, the supporting cast also did a Stella job bar the main villain who I thought lacked something though he tried to be menacing and cold I just didn't fear him as the big bad.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
18 February 2019
Now I only rated 9 instead of 10 because of the ridiculous amount of smoking haha. But I loved the series overall a great play on the Groundhog Day/Happy Death Day idea with a fantastic story and growth throughout with a superb cast leading you through it.
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Scream: The TV Series (2015–2019)
Superb Journey I Didn't Want To End
18 February 2019
Scream in a series? That will never work! Or so I thought but I was wrong! I found myself almost feeling apart of the main group they were portrayed superbly and I started to genuinely care about them which isn't usually the case for me!

It's not the film's and the story while slightly familiar is new with many twists and turns. The announcement that Series 3 will be a different cast has me gutted but I will watch and hope it lives up to the first two, if not 'I'll be right back....'
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
A Frustrating But Important Story
18 February 2019
I both enjoyed and disliked the series, I found the daughters as characters very irritating in fact for the most part I disliked pretty much the whole cast character wise. But by the ending I warned to them a little more, you will find yourself pulling your hair out with Debra throughout the episodes 'how is she so stupid' came up alot in our house and I dare say in the end she wondered that herself.

It's an important story to tell though and brave of Debra to allow it to be told because if reactions like mine towards her choices.
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