
2 Reviews
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Guiding Emily (2023 TV Movie)
6 January 2024
I knew with Sarah Drew, this movie would not disappoint.

This was such a lovely movie and done so, so well.

The chemistry between Sarah and her male counterparts was fabulous all around.

Outstanding performances by all - truly.

It felt well developed and wasn't corny like many tv movies. This definitely felt levelled up.

I'm keeping this one on my PVR as I'll definitely be watching again.

(Keep the Kleenex close... I needed it multiple times.)

Having a family member losing their sight, this movie was definitely a tear jerker but also showed me how much those with sight limitations can do.
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Learning to Love Again (2020 TV Movie)
Childish main character, reused plot, horrible overacting by most
26 October 2020
Adult main character has temper tantrums... seriously?! The brother and sister in law had horrible acting, the mother wasn't much better. The only 2 actors that really didn't over act would be the father and Chris.

As for the plot, all that's happened here is combining other hallmark movies. Baking competition, done Fake relationship, done Returning home, done

What a waste of time.
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